223592 ' .� . .r / � � �_ —.. �r_�s_.t — — ._ , , - r � � �: -� � _ ,� - � � � �23592 F,,��o�_�� �. �� � FINAL ORDER A � COUNG`IL FILE N0. �{ _ �; � ' By �� � � File No. s7�3� - ;� - :5 i � ;� � � In the Matter of r�co�ffitrUtc� i _ . in$. fEhe �id��lk on both side� oP F�mund Av�. ��a¢o !` � �3alti.er 8�� to E].f'elt Bt; $nd by do3ng �3.�.. ot,her. Xork �ah�.�h 3.� z[ec��8ax�y and :� _ in�iden'tal �o camp].��e ss�.d improsr�m�nt. , :� � � - 3 � ; . Ip :�. • - ,'� ,� . i� � ' i� ' � , • '�; � under Prelimina,ry Order ��k approved MEi�'�h 1b�9�i� �� Intermediary Order .ap�proved � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council � . having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, a,nd�having fully considered , the same; therefore, be it . ; RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ' �� provement ta be made by the said City is ' ° ; to r�canstruct the sidewalk a�. bo�h. �idea of �amund Ave. �'rom. Galtier St. tq Eifelt' � St. and by doi�g �1]„ othsr�_work wh�:ch �.s A�ce�,�ar�r artd �nc3den�al ta� comp�ete �.i,� '� ., . ' _.� :. ,e-.: _ .__ _ .. _T_._�:._ � =-. .�_._-- . �-_- , - - _ _ -_--__ '-- - �--� . ; . improv�ement,, excep�-Where'"good' �d �suf�'�:���,t e3d,ev$Ika. nqw- ex�s�. a i ' . ;�, , � ' � - � � �---.- _ , c � ' • - . � _ � � . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. . RESOLVED FURTHE�i,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and � F directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the praper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- . , ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. . . coUrrc�Err . � MAY 2 51965 Adopted by the Council � # Yeas , Nays � , ' �����5" � �Y 2 5 1965 � - ' Flolland , Approve ' L'oss � ,IMeredith - � � �eterson Tn Favor Rosen � � � 1Vlayor � . yavoulis � ' Against `�'�LISHED MAY 2 9 �9� i , � s-sa zn� s� x-i ' ' r . � � -. .. _� . . _ � . . . Dist. rr�. i � ���.ti B.S. Edmund Ave. - Elfelt St. to Galtier St. ���� , 223.�44 I . OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS � ��35�2 j REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE a . April 7th. 19 65 To the Commisaioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council known as Council File No, 222394 approved March lOth. 19 65 , i � relative to recanstruct the sidewalk oa both sides of Edmund Ave. from Galtier St. to 1 Elfelt St. and bv doin� all other work which is necessarv and incidental to comnlete , � said improvement. � - _ .. � ' and having invest�.gated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $3.25 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $3.80 pex lin. ft•. for standard sidewalk 6.ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a P art thereof. ��' � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works X � 4. Impro6� �� ,ked for upon petition - � �I � rh� QR1965 �� � � � � � �, �c��v t.� ; r � � R�'��' C�, V Commissioner of Public Works � 6'��� t�� ,,.�,u 1z915Z���`'"� _ � , N • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . { CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ' MINNESOTA . �� ` ,.��� I 13 Court House,55102 J�`j ; �� � JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner Phone:224-4612 ! ErF.343-344 THOMAS J.KELLEY, Deputy Commissioner i ' Ma.p 13, 1965 l � � To the Council � City of Saint Paul i Gentl.emen: On May 25, 1965, the council will hold a public hearing on the reconstruction of the sidewalk on both sides of Edmund Avenue from Galtier St, to Elfelt Street, our File No. 57634. . Father Matz, of St. Adalbert's Polish Catholic Church, telephoned and said that this sidewalk was in very poor condition, and that he was in favor of the reconstruction. ' Sincerely, } G�� , � J es J. Da ish ' � ' � °�22 . , .�