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PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ;��r�'`''''��' ''`-t��. ���-�.��f�,���
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Theundersignedhereby propoaesthemalcingofthefollowingpublioimprqvement bythe City of 8sint Paul,vis.:
— ''°' :,,,. -,--. � , �- . - �---, ._.._.,� =��=--_=�==:--��--s�s'-�• -� - - -— —--- - �'•*• .•...�.�,,.,�
'', ,... .�........,_......,....,__., .;.. . . -:..s: ...,..__. . . .......... .. ...,.... . ' «,� - �.._• ,. . ..- _... - `. -f�':
'� `�,�r�=�.' �� Open, widen� and4 extendlJasks�n-St.reet to a' width of',.1,00 ,f�e� from. Ei ryhth -° a�� _ .
.�ri��r +•-........,. . � . . ..-- .�. ... • .i-� �+r ^s.� ..�..:,r.,.-..., ..a+..,p�.. �. 7. . . . .✓� -�
_:� -- '$f"�eet'"t`o Nin'tFiYS`t'r-e.et �ani1°"to 'o en' �and'�ex and� the ;3�n'�ersectton'o E' �- '
- �� �� P �P f- ighth=-`�"�:-�..:,t;�� �
.�_�--. .. - --- �.. .
��:�"" `--°�"-'- Street ar�d Jac s_ n�,Str..eet...�. �ond.emn,f.n an.d Y�tak�i:n `fo:r��s�tr-ee,t.-. ur oses-..the�-•-�•••-
"-'..'��,-:=•�'.;;:-..---.-._r.�..�..-....,.. �_.._k__4_ y... g,R , g..,, . , P P
following described parcel of land all in the City of, S�fi. Paul : �
. ��fThat,porCion�of.�o�tQl exce t�the, southerl �.26_,feet thereof �taken for widen�ng �
. t�'�ay�,-..- p._ .. y .�,.......R.., .., ...�.wi �
E�i�ghth �S'treef; and t�e soufh��one-ha if� of �Lot 2,V. D. Wa 1 sh,s��e�r..'range�ient
of Lots 1 and 2� Block 16, Robert �..Randa�lal.!s..,Add.i=tion"aanda:B.�l�ock�.,7;�ti`o,y,.t!�s��
Addition lying westerly of a line beginning at a point 69 feet east��of3�th'e� �
east line of Jackson Street on the north line of Eighth Street as now ,
�,�w i dened,_thence.n,pr t_hwes�ter_l y_.to,_a�..po.i.n t-_44_.fee-t,...eas,t--of--�the,eas t--�l�i�ne-of
Jackson Street and 25 feet north of the northaline of Eighth Street as now
widened; thence northerl;�i�a�l.ong,�a�lri�ie'�paral'lte�l�ato and 44 feet east of the
east line of Jackson Street.
��,�':�-t1', A �7ril4.ah �..r..�..� 1....tL....n��:.aec eg{#�rA�`I��J�'}�iR"�P.l�l�Yp-.�:�,�.��.: „ _ . �., �
- - , -.;r"*.`-er..'-C'.
-Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for the purpose of enabling
� • �-the City or its agents to ente� thereon to wreck the entire building � .
o�ccupy;fng?tthe;l�irem:i°s:es �lo�cated 5'tr464 'Jacks�on�S`treet�'�on <thetfo'l,low:in;g`��h
� 'des�cr:�;ibed �parc:els.o.f��:�n�d�al�l.tiin,�;,the�:C:jty,c,o.f.:iSt��:•Fau�jt:�rsectitrh of E��{tt�f .
- S�rw���;�..,�ac-k��n S��e.� �y rCr����:irs� .xn� _t��cing f�X �xre�t �:�rp���..t�:� .
. - Tha"t�'po�r:�tion:o.fi�Lot rlaexcep.t�,then�sou`ther:ly"'2b fee� Ethereof'ttaken for widening -
Eigh.th Street,; and the soufh one-half of Lot 2, V. D. Walsh's Rea��angement
, o`faLots+�'1'€rand�]�L,�:B!lock��l6�;c�Rob'e�rtC£�;�R"and`a111!�s Acld;it`ionr�an'kd B-1'ock �7;�Hdy'f!"s��� -
' ` Add:i't!ion�Ely:ing easte'r;ly,�of�t�a �lsih'e^6egi'nn�ing�art�aypo�Pnt��169�ifeet��ea�5:tab.f�":the�
�' �eas�t��l�3ne o.f�Jackson�'.�St'ree�'�onY�the�nor.�ttia��l�ine .ofdEjlgh,th��S'tree:t�}as�now�yt;s
� .w.i.d"ened:; 'tfience.�nor°.tliwes:te"r:lyttova�.po�i�n:t�44��fee�t �as:tfof�t�ie�ea's�t�`line of�
�` , �Jackson*�:St'ree�t��ah:d��255f�e_t�north�of;i-tfie`�_nor�th �tl`ine�af��EigFith�St<ree=.t�'as now
, , w.i�denezJ,; �t�hence norther.>l�al'ong�a�,l i�ne�paraltle'l�to'��and:�44��fee�t�east�'of rtfie
' eas't�'�1.inesof�=Jeckson�S��'treet:o��t� �i� C'�� t��sr�ht 3 �ite� of ��i ����r'Sttee� as �or�
_' W!�''!!£�' ±f;�:.'F��-,,,n';...�,�.�r�. •� � , i • � �y%?�i _==i r.1��i �t�_'�f:�'_$�.'����_ ti'18
Y ��— "1'r��'/T�LII�iI�I" �`O°�VII O-1 fl l�i 4�`v
-� � �� eas�t�l��nef;,ofi�Jackson,�aSt�eg;t���at i�.��ecf for on�f.���eti#�on tif three or more owntra:
S. T r�nni��� �,n_1�af tre lo�e�aing�a�t��rs t�the Comtnl��4n�r o��i��ac$.
Als`�o eonden�ning and taking a tempor.ary easement for the purpose of enabling
the City or its agents to;'enter'.thereon to wreck the entire building
AaA�£�'o'�ccupy`-ing�the��•prem°i�ses••`l�ca�t�d-•`a���46k-Ja�kson' Street on the following described
` Y,p�a�rcels of land all in the City of St. Paul :
1 r�
' Tha�t��po �t,ian�of��Lot�1 except the souther ly 26 fee�Ythe�rco�f taken for wi den i ng
Eighth Stree;t;��an,djthe south one-haf�fQpf�,�Lot..2,,�V,..D.._Wa.lsh's-�.Rear.rangement
. of Lots 1 and�2�, Block 16, Ro6ert b Randall '�Add{ition and Block 7, Hoyt's
Addition lyi;r�g�ea-st;erly of a 1 ine beginning{�at_��a'°�poin�t�69 feet e�st of the
east 1 ine ofp�Jackson Street on the north 1 inefof�Eigh�thf_Street� as now
, widened; the_n,cg�;porthwesterly to a poin,�_44...f.ee�t...��a's:'�of=F'tihe�as=t�d.-i�ne�•of»----�-�w--
° -�{,�Ja�I�son��S;tree�tya�di25 feet north of the nort�i 1 ine��f Eighth Street as�?'nowr.
widened; thence northerly along a line parallel to end 44 feet east of the
� �'� �east 1 ine of Jackson Street. • �'�
_ _. �
� � 1965