223576 , �' . Y�LERK C/TY Of ST, PAUL �����s .,��ro CIT courvc�t �/ OFFICE OF lf-�E C/TY CLERK F�LE No. ' couNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY � Q� COMMISSIONE a�� DATF lV 1965 � • RESOLVID: That the Parchasing Agent be an.d is hereby aut,horized to purchase, s�3.th the consent of the Comptmller and the City Council, with- t� out adverti.sement or competitive bids 3.2 �eer and Soft dr3nks as may be requi.red for the operata.on of the various Park Refectories, for the 1965 season. � � The above items by reason of trade-marks and ezcZusive franchises of distribution are sold only at uniform prices and no adv�ntage could , be secured by com�etitive b3.ds�. K�� . Jo�:.Fk J. I�atclhell C'rt ����ok;� APPROVED AS TO FQItM: AppRpyID; 0 lei� ti� Com�*��roil�r / t ' �� -- CHASING AGENT �SSZST_ CO SEL MpY 211965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays - � 21 ��� DALGLISE�t Holland pproved 19— - Loss + Favor . �Ior�i�sva� 7 Peterson 0 Mayor Rosen A bainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ;FUBLISHED MAY 2 9 ��� SM 8.80 �Z � ���5�6 1�UPLICATE TO PRINTBR _ CITY OF ST. PAUL F OE NCIL NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . �j' �.5� 1965 � COMMISSIONER DAT� RFSO�Y.�D: 9.'hat the Purchaaing Agent be and is hereby au�hor3.zed to purchaes, �.�,h t2as c4n�ent of the Camptroller and �he City Council, wi.th- out advert�seiueAt or aompet3.t3�e bias 3.2 �3eer arid �at't drinka a$ mag be� required �or the operat.3.on of the var3.ous Park Refector�.e�, far the 1965 �eason. 7�e above items by reason of trade-m�rks �nd �x�lu�ive f�ran.chisss of diatY-3.bution are �qld on].y at uni�oim p�iaes arid no advantage covld be secured b�r compe�i�ive bids� 3: . �. : . .��:�:: .;;.�;� a.l- - .�_. ,_� APPftOVF:D AS TQ FC1�Ms APPROYED� r,., _ �._ . COI��lPT�RU _. ,, Lc . _,� _- �X1�� a%i�" Q� � AS� _� � 0 S �Y �11965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas I)ALGLIS'�i Nays I�pIY 2 � �� Holland Approved 19— � Loss ���,�/�� n Favor Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis aM a-eo �,2