223574 � ' � 2235'�4 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK -' • CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM �RESENTED CY �� 21 1965 COMMISSIONE p,,� : RESO�VFD� That tlbe Council hereby cancura in the aarard oF the Furahasing Co�mi.ttee therelor and hereby awards contract tor lnrnishiag and delivering to the City o! St,�aal� Dept„ ot I�ublic S�fetqf Repair Shop, 1441 Rice Street, St� Panl� 1lina. thr4e 1965 Foxd Castom. Sedan� �or police service to T� �AY COIV�ANY in accordance with City . _�_ - specifica�iona therelor hertto attached aad th� For�eil Bid �1248 of said MidwaY Company at a cost of 56�228.00� 7.e�a;;, allowance of 51850.00 for one 1962 Plqmouth� one 1983 Ford and one 1884 Dodge."l//agon, ta be talaen in trade; n�king net a�nnt of contract 54,395.00, such bid bein6 the lare�t and eaid �6ldwaq Co�npany being a reasanable and reliabl�, bidder and the Corporation Counael be and hereby fs directad to draw up the prop� form o ! contract ther�tor� and the proper City o!liciele herebp are authori�ed to e�cute said contract on behalt of the City oP SSint Fanl. Foraal Bid A�1248� , . t MAY 21 � COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish MAY 211965 Holland Approve�l 19_ Loss � Favor Meredith Peterson J Mayor Rosen ASa�t Mr. President, Vavoulis - PUBLISHED MAY 2 2 �8 ions e-as `DU►LICATC TO MINTSR 2235`74 " CITY OF ST. PAUL F�H��� NO ., OFFICE OF THE CI'�Y CLERK COUNCiI. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM nt�r�u ir Y�► �1, �.985 COMMISSIONE� DATE R�80[.V�� That tl� Coancil her�by aancurs in ths aw�rd o! tb� Pnrcha�ing Co�ittee th�r�tor and hor�by awsrde contra�t !or lnrn�hing �nd deliv�ring to the City o! St,Patt]., D�pt• nd PubYie 8�f�ty� Repaiir 8hop, 1447c i�iee Strset, St. P�nl� 1[inn, thret ig85 !'ord Cuatol� iBedans 4or polic� servfc� to THE 11ID1/A? C(�i@�diY �n a000rdanoo Mith City sp�c3�ica�ions tl�re�ar hmroto attaeh�d and tho l�ot�+sl Hid N1248 ot �id Yid�wy Coae�n�y +�t a ooet oi ;g,Z�6.00e �ora� •1lowence o! #I850�00 �o� oaa 1962 Pl�ath� on� 1985 l�ord and ono 1964 Dodgr ltagon� to be 4,aic�n in trade= nakirig n�� anaqat ot eahtrsat ;4,375.00, st�ch bid being the lo�re�t and �aid Yid�uey Compmny b�ing'a r�asonable �nd r�liable biddor and th� Corp�tion Cau�eel b� �nd horeby is directed to draw up the �roper ior�e o t contraict thoroSor, end the proper Cit�r o��ioials herqby �re �uthoris�d to m�acute said contract on bahal! of the City ot Sa�int t�aai. For�l Hid �1248. MpY 211965 . COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council I9_ Yeas Nays �isliSh � MAY 21 � Holland Approv� 19— Loss ' Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on � MByOr A g81n8t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-e: