223573 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK 22�5�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESO TION-GENERAL FORM co�iss�orYie p�,F W�q 21, 1965 xffiOLVED� That the Conncil hereby coacurs in the award o! the Purcheain6 Committee therePor and herebq arvarde contract tor furnishing and deliv�ering to th� City of 8t. Faql, Dept• ot p�nblic Safety, Burean oP Hsalth� 55S Cedar Street, St.Patnl� Yinn� �pprox. 25�00� ta 40�000 doaes Trivalent �ral Folio Vaccine during 12-�oonth p�riod to �IN CiTY WSOLFS,AI�S 13aE1(i C��NY in accordancs �ith Cbt� specifica�ione therefor and the Fornal Bid �l?AO of eaid �rin City �holeeale Drng Com�any for the.price o� 54,87 per 10 Doae Vial� naking aeiount of contract. epproximately $18,680,00� sach bid, being the lo�est ■eeting City apecifications n nd ssid Twin City �iholesaie Drag Cc�m�any being a reaeo�ble and re2iab].e bidder and the Corportttion Counse]. be and h erebq is directed to dr�w up the proper forn of contract theretor� and the praper Citp otficials hereby eee aathorized tio e�ecute said contract on bohalT of the City of Sai.n� paul. For�al Bid �1?A0. dIAY 211965 COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays MAY 211965 Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Favor Meredith J Peters on �8yor A►g81IlSt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED MpY 2 2 196� ions e-as CUrLICAt6 TO rlllNT[R 22�5'�3 , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED tY COMMISSIONEe pAr� �x 2�.f 1��S R�aLVED, 3'ha�C the Cc�una31 ]�raby eancuxs fn �hQ �rd Q! th� Purchnr�ing Com�3tt� theretar �nd herobq �w�rds caatract for furn�.shing �nsi delit+�ring tg th� Citq ot �t. P�ul, Dept: oY Fubl�.a �i�tet�r, Bureau p� IIea�.th, 555 Ced�r 8tr8et, �t.Pau1, Mina, r�ppraac. 25t040 to 4��000 dos�s Tr3valent Ora1 I�o�.3o i�nccine dux3ng 12-ac�ttth peri�d to Tl1II� C3TX �VH�LffiALB �3RU6 C`U3�I�NY 3n mcctuclanc� tvith L'�ty apeci.�ic�ti,one Lh�r�tor �nd the �'or�nsl Bid �#12�0 a� aaid Tw3.n eity �Jho2e�ale Drug C�mp�np �or the price s� �4.67 pe� 10 Dos� Viel� mr�king amotu►`� af �ontract �ppraa�.�atqly �I8�680�OQ� such bid bQ3ng the lo�'est waeting City specitica�iflns and said Zarin C3tq �tholesal,e Drug Co�panq being a r�so�ble �nd re�.i�bla b3dder and the Carpora�tfc�n Counss3 be and herebq is direCtsd ta dra�r up ths proper far�a af contract th�rofdr� and �i� prnper C�ty of�ioi��s hereby aso �uthori�d to e�oea�xte siaia cc�ztr�ct on behslf of �w Citq o� 8aint paul. �'��1 Bid �12�4. I�AY 211965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the CounciL 19— Yeas Nays �av 21 Dalglish Holland Approl/� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � ���r A$'8iII8t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ioM e�s ' .