223572 � ORIG'IHAL TO CITY CLERK �235�72 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM - co�iss°oriE v ' �'�-� p�,� I�3► 21� 1968 RESOLVBB� That the Gbaaci.l herebp concnrs in the aw�rd ot ths Paraha�ing Coa�aittee � therefor and her�by awarda contract !or fnrnie�hing and delivering c�rtain Buildfng Naterials to var3ous departr�ents of the City ot St. Paal to J. L. HU(iHEB COI�ANY in accordance Mth Cit� apecif ications theretor and t he For�l Bid �1213 oY eaid J. L. Hughes Company �or the contract price of approxiretely 55,813•70 (�nre or less according to requiret�ents 1 Cat unit prices bid�, auch bid being thQ lo�rest and said / J. L. Enghes Coe�pany being a resaoni�ble snd reliable b3dder and t he Corporation Coansel b� and hereby is directed to draw np the proper forn af contract theroiar and the proper City oificiala hereby are autho�3�ed to eaoecate aaid contract on behalY ot the Citq ot 3t. F�aul• Fore�al Bid �1213• . . . .,._ ~= , _ ^ -.- � MAY 211965 COIINCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' I9— Yeas Nays , _ �Y 2i 1 �7�� Dalglish Holland . A proved 19— Loss � �In Favor � . Meredith . Peterson � ' MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis p�AY 22 '� F��1� �n ions e-as - � DUrLl�l1T[TO MINTLR �2�5�2 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' ►RESENTED tY COMMISSIONER DATF 1�0 �i� lAl� R�SOLV�Us Thet th� Council h�reby coacurs in th� �Merd ot the Ptsrchasing Coerai#tee ther�tor and her�bg► �werde contract !or farni�hing and clal�.veri.ng certain Building Yateri�].� to v�rioue departr�nts oi` the City of 8t. ��ul to J. L. �3 G01�p�N? in �ccos�d�nce rr3.th City speci�ic�'�3ox�s ther�tor and th� �'ora�al B3d a!�].21� oi said J. L. Hughes Co�nq for tho Contra�ct pri�e ot' Approx�.nmtolq �5�8�8•70 (mo,t'e or l�as Acoord3ng to require�nte�f �at un3t pr�ces bid), suCh bid bein� �t� lo�r�et and w�id J. L. H�.ighss �mpe�ny being rl rea�or�ble a�nd rel3r�ble bfdd�n �ad tha Corporation CounmQl 'bo and her�hy is direct�d to drE1w e�p the praper fbrm of cdntraa� therefar aad the proper �itiy flfPicia�.s hereby are an�hor3ted to earecut� eaid contrae� on bphalt t�� the City oi' St. Faul. Pb��fael Bid 9ft2.219. COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Councit*��� 21 ���� 19— Yeas NSYS � �� Dalglish • °..'�� 2�. ���� Holland Appro�� 19— Loss Tn FSV02' Meredith � Peterson I I M8y0Y � AgAlIIBt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis io�+s eas