223517 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �2��1►� ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTED EY � � � COMMISSIONE pA� ��X 18� 1965 RESOLVED� That the Council herebq concurs in the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and herebq awards contract for furnishing and delivering Tabulating Cards � r for various Departments of the City of St4 Paul and County of Ramseq ta A4ID?�CONTINENT TP,B C,ARD Cp149p�lIdY in accordance with City specifications therefor and the Formal Bid �#1152 of said bZid Continent Tab Card Company for twelve-month period beginning on first o� the month following City �omptroller*s countersi�natt�ee on contract for thQ contract price of approximately $9�200.00 (at unit prices bid)� such bid being the lowest and said Mid �ont�nent Tab Card Company being a reasonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation Co�sel be and hereby is directed to draw up the praper �orm of contract therefor ar�d` the proper-officials hereby are authorized ta execute said contract. ' . Formal Bid �#1152! . � •� MAY181� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �AY 1 g 196� Dalglish � Holland pproved 19— Loss � Tn Fav r - O 4 Meredith Peters on V , M�yOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis - lo� e.aa .P.�IBLISHED MAY 2 2 1965 DUILICAT[TO NtINT[R ���- y�� CtTY OF ST. PAUL couHCa �� `� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO '- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO�M�MI5�.5�1 NF� DAT� M�� �,5� ],(�.�� - R16BOLVgD� TI�t th�, Cottnoil her�bq coacurs in th� saerd o! the Puroha�it�g Cowtittee �her�lor snd h�x�by a�ards aontr�ct !o� lurnithing end d�liv�ring T�bul�tir� Ca�rde !or �riot�s Dsp�r�nts o! tho Cit� ot 8t. Pau1 and Ccxmty oi 1Rmw��y to YI�CO�NI'� TA� CA�D C�01�� �,n aaoardsna� �r1,tb Cit�r rpeci�ioatioas �her�for aad ths P"orrsl 81d A�115Z oi smid liid Contin�nt T�b Ca�+d Co�ay #q� t�lp�-aontg p�xiod beginnir�g on tirst oi the nonth lol�ow�ng Cit� Co�aptroller'�s count�ign�t[�• os contract �or th� eontract price o! appro�ia�tel�► ;9�200,,00 (at unit pricea b�d), eueh bid bein� t�to lo�ts� and aaic� �id �eatdnrnt T�b C�rd Co�paq�r bsi�g � re�sonab�.e and re�iaible bidd�r uid the Cot�pa�ticn Counsel be a�ad h�reby ie directed to draw up th� propsr �or� o! aontract th�rator and tlu prop�r ol�iaials lter�bq sr� �nthori�d tio �oecut• said oontract. �'orn�i Hid �11Sa. MAY 18 � COUNCILb�N Adopted by the Council 19— Y°as Nays I�AY 18 1965 Dalglish Hollaad Approved 19— Loss Tn FAVOP Meredith Petersoa � MAyor Rosen Ag��t Mr. President, Vavoulis io�c ses