223197 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK �/'��g� , CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �¢��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO C U SOLUT ON—GENERAL FORM �R�re� er � COMM ISSI ON E DATF SOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in the Award of the City Purchasing Agent of the contract for material� d�.smantling debris removal� clean-up� and dike shaping of the St. �'aul flood control protective system� to Palda & Sons� Inc. � in accorda.nee with speeifications and plans therefor hereto attached and the Inflormal Bid No. 8240 made pursuant to Council File No. 223163, for the contract price of �34,?±93, less items 5� 8� and 9, deleted� from the items listed in the Inf}� rmal Bid specifications � which aggregate in amount $9,387, for a low - net bid of �25�106� such bid being the lowest� and said Palda � - & Sons� Inc. being a reasonable and reliable bidder� and the Corporation Counsel hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor� and the proper City officers hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul� and payments under such contract shall be made from and charged to Emergency Mississippi Flood Fun.d� Activity Code 0286. I ` F VE r` Asst. Corporation Counsel � APR 3 a 19�� � COiJNCILIV�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 3 0�1965 Holland ; Approve 19— Loss V Tn Favor � ' '- Meredith v - Mayor Peterson .�esee A gain3t � .. � NdAY 1 1965 Mr. President,'Vavoulis ' � ' .,. lons a� - " y 1