223196 . � ���� �2��.9� �ORIGIHAL TO CITY GLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM rR�reo er � � COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREL�S Joseph J. Mitchell, Civil Service Commissioner, through Herbert A. Lyon, Chief Exasni.ner, Civi.l Service Bureau, has requested by letter that the City Council select a member of a � Soard of R.eview to hear the case of a city exnployee against whom char�es have been filed; now therefore be it _ RESOLVED that the City Council hereby names Robert B. Gerber; Jr.a ,,, as its appointee to serve on the Board of Review for the required legal period of one year. , APR 2 9 �66 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish aPR��°9 �� Holland � App ve 19� Loss Tn Favor Meredith l� Mayor Peterson A gsinst ��en, �Y � � Mr. President, Vavoulis ��f�� 1on� e.as , r s , `J06EPH J. MITCHELL � � , � H. LYON COMPTROLLHR AND � • � CXI[/[%AYINlR AND CIVIL tRRVIC[COMMI�aIONiR SAt �INT PAUL D111QCT011 OF�[R/ONNQL r�'����.r1�.1� CIVIL SERVI'CE BUREAU . . . 265�CITY HAL=L°� ' � . . . . . ..�.� �,���� 1 ST. PAUL 2 _ MINNESOTA p �� � Apri.128, 1965 � TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Gentlemen: Our Civi.l Service law provides for a hearing i.n the case of employees reco.mmended for d.ischarge. Procedures have been started to prefer charges against one of our city employees and it will be necessary to hold a hearing. The law provides that the xne.mbers who make up this Board of Review shall consist of the President of tlze St. Paul Chamber of Co.mmerce, the President of the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, and one person to be selected by tlie Council of the City of Saint Paul. The last person to serve as a representative of the Council was Eltor Dehn who was appoi.nted in 1961. The law provides, however, that such appointee of the Council shall serve for one year. It will, therefore, be necessary for the Council to make another appoi.ntment at this time. We have `prepared a resolution ' for the convenience of the Counci.l. - Very truly yours, JOSEPH J. MITCHELL Civil Service Commissioner r/V " ' BY Chief xa.mi.ner � MEMBER � p � Public fersonnel Assxiafion