223194 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , ��l ■� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �' I,ICENSE C�IITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GEN RAL FORM ►RESENTED dY �Y'll. 29� 19d5 COMMISSIONE � RESOLVID;' That Application J-9l�1 for Restaurant License, applied for by Mrs. Arlene Tauer at 1321-31 Arcade Street, be and the sarae is hereby granted, sub�ect , to the compl3.ance with the provisions of al]. ordinances governi.ng the operation of parking lots, and subject to the �rther eonclitions, as follows: �. That the driveways on ivy Avenue be closed and d3.scontinued. , 2� That there shall b e no access to the alley on the West or Ivy Avenue. 3. That a buffer area be provided on the West and North of the premi.ses� to be planted with poplar trees, and that a bumper fence be installed at the alley. !�. That off-duty police officers be provided during the peak hours. 5. That there shall be daily pickup of litter on said premises, as sell as litter that may accuir�fulate therefrom on nearby property, � and that incineration methods sha11 be improved. - • 6. That lighting of the premises be so controlled as not to throw light beyon� applicant�s premi.ses. _ and f�ee 7. That sidewalks abutting said premi.ses be kept, clean/of ice and snow at all times. • RENE�7AL - Drive-In Restrictions. Special Stipuiatmons EFF 1958s C.F. 186978, 4-15-�.8� . APR 2 g 1965 COLTNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 2 g 1965 Dalglish APR Holland Approved 19— ��' Loss Tn FSVOr � Meredith ��� � Mayor A gainst .-.R�esra— Mr. Pr�ent, ����° �L pUBLISHED MAY 1 196J � - iont e-as ,