223191 - / ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ������� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO TsICENSE CON�ffTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM �RESENTED EY April 29, �.965 COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED; That application J-577 for Confectionery License, applied for by Millard � Jorgenson at 1233 Payr�e Avenue, be and the s ame is hereby granted, sub j�c�G to the follotaing conditions, that the grounds be prepared and maintained so as to be dustless, that the debris be picked up and removed daily from the premises and. that the sidewalks around the property be cleaxed of snow and ice during the winter. � ,i�r RENEWAL �SDrive-In Restrict3.ons� APR �z 9 �965 COUNCILh1EN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas � Nays ApR 2 g 196� Dalglish • Holland proved 19— . Loss �Tn Favor L 'f• � Meredith ` /-� Mayor �� erson CJ �� ��� ASaiII9t � Mr. President, ��"�� � �� � � n �o� �z