223189 r OK!GIHAL TO CITY CLEHK " ���� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ��- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE - DAT In tl�e matter of improving UNIVERSITY AVENUE from Mississippi Street to Lafayette Road by grading, paving and curbing; by constructing and reconstructing street, alley and driveway returns; by constructing and reconstructing sidewalks where necessary; by constructing traffic control systems where necessary; by constructing and reconstructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connec- tions where necessary; and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C.F. 219674, approved August 18, 1964 and Final Order C.F. No. 222998, approved April 20, 1965. Resolved, That the plans and specif ications for the above named im- provement, as submitted by the Commissioner of �ublic �,Torks, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further , Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. �! ��"" APR 2 91965 - .. COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays 1965 Dalglish APR �9 Holland �– Ap e 19— Loss `� Tn F8VOP Meredith � �r�,�,� yor -�------- A gainst ��)) 4� �Ce�B-- . . Mr� President, �l-�a-a�—P�"eYSOIj 10� �� pUBLISHED MAY i � / ��GUrLICAT[TO HIINT[R ��'l�/1� U /, CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCU �' y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLIITION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED �Y + ' � COMMISSIONE� � M�ZCOL1 AO��it DAT� �� Ia t�s �attsr of iwprovi� �IIV�SITY A,��� fro� �i�sis�ippi �.treet to �.afay»tt� Aoad bq �r�rdiug, pa�in� and warbia�; by «�a�trt�cti�g and riGOA�tY13QC�A�j straat, allay`�nd drivaway r�tnrnaz b�► construatiag a�d racoaatrricting aidaw�itcs wl�re nacsaa�trq� by construating traffic tbntrol sqst�as whera nac�ssary; by co�structi.iag and rsco�struGting storw �vater drains�a faciliEies; by coAStructi�� s4war� vatar uzd �,as sarvic� conn�c- tio�s �lusy t�acess,ary; a�icl bq doing all o�r work Whieh is u��aary and incid�tai to co�pleCe �aid i�prorNent� uAd1�r �rali�iAas-�r f)r@rr C.�. 2196'�4, �pprovad ,�gt�4C 18, 1964 and �in�i Ord�r C.1�. Iro. 222l98. appro�sd Ilpril 20, 1965.. t�eaol��d� Th�t �h� Qlans �and sp��ifieations £or the ab�s auad ix- prowu�aat, a� �ub�tttad bq �aa Corissior�sr of P�bii,c i�iorl�s, be and tha �a�e ara her�b�r apProv�d� and b� it furth�r �solved� That the� �urcha.ctng Agaat bo an,d � ia lknby directed tio �d�rertise fox bida on this, iwprov�*snt. _ `� � � �� � � � �� ��� .� - APR `� ° 1��� CiTY �•.x c�.. . .��,�+- ;��„•T. � ,//v, RPR 29 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR 2 91965 Holland Approv� 19— Loss � Tn FavOr Meredith Peterson � �AyOr A gainat Ii�o� Mr. P�denr,-Vavts►YYYs---- iont e�