223140 2��140 OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONE `� - � DAT� i �RE'AS� Ordinance Na. �2�0 czuthorizes cznd provides foT paz�nent for overtime .work� cznd _ ! �E'AS, the Commissioner of ,Librczries, Auditorium, � ¢nd Civic BuiZdings has authorized overtime work in his department during the period from Apri1 10, ,�96� to Ap r i 1 23, 1965': the re,�`o re, be i t , .RE'SOZVED, t�at the proper City officers are hereby ; ,s , authorized to pay the empZoz�ees who performed such overtime work in accord¢nce with the provisions of Ordinances No. 6446 -and No. �3250. courrciL�N Adopted by the Council a�R 2� 1� 19— Yeas Nays ��K � � ���, r Dalglish APR 2 7 196� ' Holland � � roved 19_ � Loss Tn Favor ` Meredith ; Peterson b �y0r � �t-osr8-� A gaiIISt Mr. President, Vavoulis �BUSHED N1AY 1 �9� 1oM E-64