223127 � A ' ,v ' - ti . �-�.+ ' � i ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLHRK ~ ` � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �,� ' FILE NO ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,'� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - �RFSENTED CY Mi.l,ton Rosen� Ptzbli 1rlorks il� 1965 COMMISSIONE DA � ' l ; WAFRFAS� g�:authority of the La.�as of Mi.nnesotg for the year 1959, Chapter 300� H.F. 217 a.nd ratified by C.F. ATo. 192216, approved Ma.y 2� 1959, the City of Sain.t Pauls ma.y pay a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction� when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner� WHEREAS� It ha.s �een determined that the follotain.g described parcels of property lie relieved of the following amounts: � � Description � ' Amount r Lot 1� Block 7� Wa.rrendale � � 175.15 � 2/3 of Lots 23 and 24� Block 3, J. F. Eisenmenger�s Add. 110.00 Lot 13� Block /�, J. F. Eisenmenger�s 9ddition 16/�.99 So. � of Lot 11�� Block !�, J. F. Eisenmenger's Ad.dition 183.57 Lot 1� Orchard Place 135.54. Lot 18� Orchard Place ' 135.55 Sub�ect to Driveway easement; So. 39t of Lots 15 through l�� • Clark's Subd. of Lot 50 of Lake Como Villas 137.30. " • No. 22' of E, 4.5� of W. 17.4ttof Lot 11� also egcept the W. 17.1�'; Lot 11 and a11 of Lot 12� Clark'�s Subd, of Lot 50.=of� La.ke Como Villas ' �' gg�52, ,f' W. 17.4' of Lot 11� egcept the No. 22' of the E. 4.5 t thereof a.nd all �`�-- of Lot 10� Clark's Snbd.. of Lot 50 of Lake Como Villas �._ �•. 39.2'� '>;� Lot l, Wolter!s Sub. of Lot 51� Lake Como Villa.s 1l+1,.,/.�,.• ' Lots 18 a.nd 19� Niaxfield Subd. of Lot 52 of Lake Como Villas 126.32. �cept �So. 12.51� �t 15 and a.11 of Lots 16 and 17, r7ax.field Subd. - of Lot 52 of Lako Como Villas 111.I�9 I,ot 10� Block �.g� �Thompson�s Addition . 34.65� Lot 17� Ma.�f'ield t s Subd. of Lot 53 of Lake Como Villas , 126.32.,t, Lo� 18 and No. 20' of Lot 19� Maxfield�a Subd. of Lot 53 ' of Lake Como Villas 126.32� �cept No. 5$.51; Lots 5 a.nd 6, Frank Crowell Addition � ' 20.22 Zot 2, Block 9, Royal Daks ' 63.53� Lot 9, Block lo: Royal oaks 75.94 Lots 8 a.nd 9� �Block 2, Lockey's gddition - 176.6� Lot 21� Block 4, L�on's gddition 11,2.77� � � ;. Lot 31� Block 3� Lyton's gddition 13.L,3' Lot �.� Block 3� Lyton's Addition 1.25' �'�� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish " Holland Approve� 19— , p� " _ �' Loss . � Tn FavOr Meredith � Peterson ` MAyOr , � gainst � Rosen PUBLfSHED MAY 1 1965 Mr. President, Vavoulis '• ' ' ion� e-as � � t n . .yn r �� , � � 'ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ������ .��" • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM co�ss°iorYie� �'�n Rosen� Public Works p�� April� 1965 , Description ( 2 ) � 6mount (Except Ido. 5' ) Lo152 and l� Block 2� Lyton's �ddition � � .66. Lots 1 and 2� Block 3, Lockey's gddition . 211.19 , Lot 14, Block 3, Lockey�s Addition 54.g6� �Lots 15 and 16,� Block 5, Lewis� Addition . 95.7b. Lot 1, Block 6, Lewis' gddition 156.83• Lot 25, Bloek 6 Lewist Addition 136.201 � (Except So. 50�j Zot 1� Block 3, Lerris 1 Addition 92.82••, Lot 25� Block 3, Lewis' 9ddition 124.91 No. � of Lot 14� Block 4� Lewis' gddition ' 83.�7• No. /a.0' of Lot 15� Block /�, Lew3.s' gddition 63.53' So. 81�' of Lot 15� Block 4, Letaist gddition 100.2.�. Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Lewis' Addition . 165.22� Lot g� Block 1� Bergholtz Subd.. of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, I0� ]1, 1/� - ` and 15� Bazille's gcre Lots 163.6g• So. 76' of Lot 19� Block l, Bergholtz Subd. of Lots 2� 3, 4� 5� 6� " 10� ]1, ]l,. and 15� Bazille t s �1cre Lots 101�.90 ' (F�cept Park Ave.) Lot 10� Block 1� Bergholtz Subd. of Lots 2, 3, 4� 5� ' 6, 10� 11, ]./, a.nd 15, Bazille's gcre Lots 11�.63 (E`gcept No. 7') the follo�ring: W. 20 t of Lot 13 and all of Lot 11�� � Block 1� Lew3.s' Addition 161.10 Lots l, 16 and 17 in Block 2� Bergholtz's Rear. "g" a.nd alley 4a;cated . � - between sa3.d Lots; also No. 11,.0� ,of Lot•1� �uditor's �ubd. No. 16 � 205.81 Lot 17� Block 1� Bergholtz subd. of Lots 2� 3� 1�� 5, 6� 10� 11, ]./, a.nd 15� Bazillets Acre Lots 183.55 , -X TOTAL �4s 587..43 -�»x., - ����The total amount of assessable costs the City may pa,y is ��4,5�7.L�3r now ��.;-.-= therefore be it� � RESOLVID� That the Commissioner of Public Works be a.nd he is hereby authorized to pay from tlie Permanent Im.provement R.evolvi.ng �4,ind� Gode 6000� the amount of �4,5g7./.�3� a portion of the assessable costs �bf Sidewalk Construction Under the 1963 sidewalk Con- tract� 63-M-276, Levy No. 6, District No. 1� I�-6542, said Permanent Improvement Revolving F4u1d to be reimbursed from the Cityts Share of Loca.l Improvement A3.d F'und, 0920-701,� (1965). ' ? . � �- APR 2'� 1965 , '' ' COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19{ Yeas Nays 2�,y q�� , Dalglish �PR � f� Holland Approved 19-. j Loss ` , i Favor Meredith _ Mayor � Peterson V � �Reac�____� A S�lnst � � Mr. President, Vavoulis ' �UBLISHED MAY 1 19� �o� �� .� 4 . .._r .�� � DUrLICAT[TO rRINTtR ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • CO�M�MIS9�IONE� �"�3.].� �oa�� Pb�b1#,a Wor3ea � o,�M Ap�1:i 196� _ WE�'AEA3, Bg au�orit� of � Lawe o�' Minneso� �os th� � 1'959, Cl�pter 30Q� H.F. 217 �d ratii'�:ed b3r �.F. Ro. �.9221�� �.�Proverl I+�,Y 2, �.959.t �e C3ty of 8�,3.n'� P�z1� �'' p�.g �, port�.on of t1� aes�e�a�bl.e oo�ts o�' S�dew�7.k Cor��aa�� when snah oo�t� ezceecY the be�ef�ta to t1� P�opert�9 ot�ner� �Ed3, It hm.a b� deter�Sned �.t tY� follnw�ag c�e�ari'bed paroe].e oF p�rol�ert� be reli�ed o� the fallaw3�g �tsr De�or�p�.toa� �wvat , . . .:.._...�. I,ot 1, a'toolc 7, w�rc►n�.te� � 175.1� 8 ?./3 cf I�c��Gs 23 an�i. 2�,, B1oak �! �'� �'� �.�r�� Addi 310.00 Lo� �.9.,� Bloc� ��: �. F�,: �.eet�esng�r�s Addz'�idn � �b1�99 Soi � ot' Lo� ]J,�. Bi�k 4y �'�, F, &iaen�enger�s Ac2ditiaa 383.5? Lot l, Orcrierd �'ia�e �.35 i 3�. I,o� 1S, f�c�a.� P1e►ce � ' �.35.5� Sub�ea-� ta Dri��► ease�en�; 5�:. 39' oF Lqte �.5 �hrogzgh ig� � C]ark�� g+�bd. c�f Lc�t 5(? o�' I,ake Co�o V9,17.aes 137.�0 �o,► 22� o�' $ 4.5' o�' 6T. 1T.4' of I� Zl� e�].so �ep$ th� W. S7.I��; �ot �l and a17. of Lot ]H2� Clark�� �nbd. of �,c,t �0 of� �ks Gaoo �'i11.o.ra g9.52 W. 17.�'' of Lot �i e3caep�L � Fn. 22'� o� the g, 4j 5� th�reo� and aL1. ot' I,ot 1,Oy C1erk�� 9�bd. of Lot 54 0� Ie]o� Co�rp Yx1.3.�,s 39.27 Lot �.s Wolf,er�� �ab. of I4t ;1� I� Caso �13.1�� 11�lw�br �t� 18 �ad. 19� t�Zt'ie].d 9�tbd.. of � 52 aY � Ooaio v�1.1a.� 126�32 �c�ept 50. �2.��� Lot 1� �ud ea]. c� Iot� 16 axx3 �.7� Maxf'�.e1d S�,bd, ' o�' Lc�t 52 at' Lalce Ca� q323a� ].11.i4�9 Lot 1D, a1oc�C l,.8� Tb�pson's Ad,dit�an 34.65 a�t 17�; �s�.a�$ �abd. o� �at 53 ot �ce co�o v� ��,�z �cat �.$ �d �a. 20+ at' T.ot� 19� �cf�.eld�s 5u�d. of' T�o� 5� af I,�� Coo�o v{14 r�� �26.32 �ept fto. �..5�� Lota 5 �d 6� Fr�nY Crat�11, Adcl�.tioa 20.?�.2 �dt 2� �i.oc3c 9i �]- Oak� 63.53 I,�t 9� Blot� lt�,. R�s1 (?�cs � ?5.9� I�t� 8 and q� Bloolc 2s �y�� �dd3� 376.67 �ot 21,� Ai.oak 4, ��.'e Addi��t 3.�.T7 Lot 31, a1.oalc 3; �'s Additicra �,3�43 I�ot� 4� BJ.ot�c 3, �y'to�F s Adc�itiaa '1�25 COUNCILMEN ' ` Adopted by the Counci 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn FsvOr , Meredith Peterson MByOr Rosen Aga�t Mc. President, Vavoulis iou �-Aa 'OU►LICAT[TO MINTSR �� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F10ENCIL N� ��,',����.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM . COM�MIS�SDIONFR �."�°� �O�n� �a' Wo3'ke p�.� Ap�;,7,,, 19�3 Das�rip�i�a � 2 � �mrnm� , . .r..�.r...�,.. � ��ce�pt No. ��) Lot 2 �nd l� B�.oCk .2� I�ytcan�s Addit3on. � �� .ESb I�ote 1 end 2,. Blook 3= I�e��s Addi�io� � �..�.9 �t 34: �l.aak 3� �'e Ad�3t3.on� �4.�6 Lota 15 anc� 16� Bloct]� 5i Lpx�.�� Ac�dit9.o�. 95.76 t,ot 1� �1aok. b� ��� Add3.t�.on �.56�83 � .z5, B�.oc�k 6 I�e�.e� �it�.r-�. 136:20 t�o�pt so� �o�� r.�t 1 B�.oc�C s,� r.��� .A�a�.fi� sz'sz Lot 25� Blocs� Js �t�r}.�s� !l��� 1?1�.91 l�c. � of Eo�C �y Bloak 4� Les�r�.�� Adcl�.�.i.aa� 83.Z7 � �i. /�0' of I�,t•Y�.;. B].o.c�3c 4� Le�wia��+ �iddi�io�s 6�.53 So. �'].� af Lot �.5.�. B�.oa]� !r� T,��� 11dd�t.3.oa � • 100.2� Iote x-aad 2� B3.oQk 2;. �ewl��' �Ad.dit3�n 16�.22 �t 8t B3oc1� 1�-Berg�ao�.� snbd� o� �ot� 2�, 3r 4s 5�. 6#� 1�� 11�, 1�. . • ancl �5�. B�.as�7.e�a A�re Tyot� 36g..68 So: `76� of' �,ot lq� BZoa� �, B�rghoi�L� �. bf �ot� 2� 3� 4,�. 5y 6� . 1a� Y.1, �. a.n� �5� �`si3,�e�g � Lot►� 10�,..90 ��coep� P�rk�lwe�� Iot 10� B�oak �.� B�rghc��.� �abd. o� Lote 2� 3. �r, �� . � 6, 10; 33..f. �:4 �e7. �.5� B�.a�3.i��e Ac�e I�si� � 7.4�$.6� (�cc:ep�t 80. 7') th� fo3l4�ings, -W: 20� of Yra�•13 �d a�.7. of T�t ?1�� B].oak �� �e� �Addit9.c� 1.6�:�10 �ota 3� 1b ar�d l'� �h Bloc�lc 2� �rg�03fi,�'��e Re�r.-"!�� atid �.1e� Ts�e.t�d be�w�een �.c1 Lot� . a18o No� 1�.0' ot $ �� gud3.tor�� 9nbd. 1�p. 16 �03.81. Y�ot Z�s B1ae]c'1, Bex�hol� �ubd. of ia�a 2�,�¢ �.y. 5;� 6� 3.0� �.i., �.4 �d 15: . Ae��j.]�.e�et 11are Lot� - 1$�:�� . . . . ..�.........r.. TO�� #�;58�.�3 . ' . . fi,h.ereEa,���,� �'ta7.,�'t of a,�a�ae�.b�.e Qost� �.e C3t�r ",:�y pe� i� �4s587.1�3�, � � R�SJLVET3; +,�,t the Co�d.asiem.� of Pt�1�a Wc�rks b� �d he i� h�r�b�r au�ori�ed.�o p�,y f=�ad t�a �pr�anert� �`e�lt Re��l�ng �d� Gode 60D0� the e�a�t �f�1h5g7.�3,� e. pc�rt3.oa df �,a�a��$s�bie ooe� �t S�.de�.k Caz�atrnat3oa ��r � 19�3 �ide� Gcxi�« trsa�.� 6�-�76� L�evg�.Ara.. 6, �istria� l�o,� 1., L,•654�� sa�d Pes�a�ent T�pa�v�n�n� Rev�o3ving �a,d to be r�i�bar�ed frc■� �e C�'L��� Shar� oP Lo�,1. I�p�bv+�m� A�,d �nd,,. 09�(3�707.y �1965). , ' �` � RPR 27 1965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Counci 19- Y�as NaYs 27 �965 Dalglish p�R Holland Approv�l 19- Loss / Tn FAVOr Meredith Petersoa /� MAyor A g81IISt .�cg-_ Mr. President, Vavoulis io�c s�