223126 � e (-� J CITY CLERK ���• j� / - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� F � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � .ENTED EY ' ' �MMISSIONE DA� I / f, � ;� ; RESOLVED� That the proposed Utilit'ies ggreement % between the State of Minnesota� Department of Highways� therein i� � � referred to as the "State"� and the City of Saint Paul� acting � l by and through its City Council� therein referred to as the ; "City"� which agreement pertains to the installation and � maintenance of certain mercury vapor a.nd underpass lights within the right-of-way� o� 'Trunk Highway 35E at Maryland Avenue� , Pennsylvania Av�nue� Cayuga Street� East Tenth Street and � � Wacouta Street� and which agreement has been approved as to i � � form by the Corporation Counsel� be and the same hereby is in � , all things �pproved� and the proper City officers are hereby ; authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf ; of said City. . ,E . 0 ED i � ; 7�sst. Corp tian Couns�l �pR �� 1965 � COUNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Councii 19— � ' Yeas Nays Dalglish �PR '�'� �96� Holland p ove 19— � � . , Loss Tn FaVOr , � Meredith ,l Pete rs on " �yOr � Aga�st � ���tsttEO ��fIAY 1 196� , ��--_ Mr. President, Vavoulis ' - - - lons e-as � - - R DUrLIGAT[TO rRINT[R ����2�' � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�uNCU NO�. OFFICE OF THE CITI( CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�reo �r COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLVED� That the proposed IItilities Agreemen� b�tween the State of Minnesota� Dep�rtment of Highwaya� therein ref�rred to a� the "State", and the City of Sain� Paul, aating by and through its City Couriail� therein referred to as the "City"� which agreement per�ains �o the installation �nd ��intenanQ• of certsin mercury vapor and underpass lights �rith�.n � the right-of'-way of:'Trun.k Highwa�y 35E at Maryland Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue� Cayuga Street,� E�st Tenth Stre�t an3 Wacouta 3treet� and which agreement has been ap�roved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same hereby is in , . a►11 things approved� and the proper City ot'ficers are h�reby e�uthorized and direeted to execute ssid agreement on behaif of said City. ��� 2'� E��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays nalglish ���' r�"" "� Holland � Approl►ed 19— Loss Tn F'gV01' Meredith � Peterson MAyOr R�oseQ� A 8'aiIlst Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a�