223120 �' Y ' � � - 2�3��0 � ORIGINAL TO CITY�LERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE,OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED QY COMMISSIONE ' a�'� DA� ' WH�REAS� Northwestern. Bell Telephone Company� a duly � constituted public utility aomp any under and pursuant to the I laws of th e State of Minnesota� has filed several applications ' with the Commissioner of Public Works for the installation and . maintenance of public outdoor coin telephone booths in accordanee" , with the provisions of Chapter 51� of the Saint Paul Legislative � Code, as amended by Ordinance No. 12724� approved May 19, 1964; a.nd said Commissioner of Public 1�Torks has duly investi�.ated said applications and made his report recommending the granting of ' each; now� therefore� be it RESOLVED� By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that said Council hereby finds that the subject installations will serve public convenienee and necessity and will not constitute a substantial hindrance or hazard to public traffic; and said Coun.cil hereby grante each of said applica- tions and authorizes the Gommissioner of Public Works� to issue to the applicant comp any a City of Saint Paul Permit� sub�ect �, to and in complia.nce with the terms and conditions of said � Chapter 51 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as so amended� � such installation to be at the following specified sites: c� . � 1. On the �idewalk 13 feet east of the curb line on Robert Street and 10 feet south of the ctarb ° , � line on Eleventh Street; � � 2. On the boulevard area approximately 72 feet south � of the sidewalk line on Lafond A,venue and 13 feet ,� east of the curb line on Snelling Avenue; � 3. On the sidewalk 2 feet north of the curb on East Seventh Street and l4 feet west of the curb on Lafayette Road; � 4. On the boulevard area 12 feet west of the curb ' line of 'West Seventh Street and 19 feet north of the curb line of Jefferson; ' COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— � Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MAyOr Rosen ASa�t Mr. President, Vavoulis �16LlSHED N1AY 1 1965 iont e-as i � � 23�20 � �ORIGINAL TO CIT�CLHRK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTED SY COMMISSIONE� DA� � � Page 2. � ' ��� . . , 5. On the boulevard area 3� feet south of the curb , on University Avenue and 10 feet east of the ' curb on Idorth Dunlap; , 6. 26 feet east of the curb line o�i Edgecumbe and � 14 feet north of the curb line of sMontreal Avenue ; , , F 7. �pproximately 17 feet soutl� of th� curb line r on ,�rlington .�.venue and 12� feet west of .the curb line on Dale Street.' : �� f , . �, . i. s x ; . � 4 ! , �. b I F . � �w� ti y�� a"�'y ' - Va • . .�n� �4Y � � � 1 � COiJNCILII�N Adopted by the CounciL�PR 2� � 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish APR �� � Holland � Approv � 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith � � Peterson V � MAYOr ' �� A$SlIISt j - ,��1BLISHED MAY � 19� , Mr. President, Vavoulis _ lons e-as � �:�►LICAT6 TO►R19lT6R �����0 - � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESENTED�lf COMMISSIONE� DATF WHF,REAS� NorthW�s�ern Bell Telephone Coffip�ny a duly cons�ituted public utilit�r Qoapany under and pursuant �o the lawa of the St�.te of Minneaota� haa fil�d several ap 13.cationm xith the Commis�ioner of Public Works for �he instdl�stion ancl main�enance of publiQ outdoor Qoin telephone booths in accordanoe xith the provisions of Chapt�r 51, o� �he Saint Paul Legislativ� � Code� as amer�ded by Ordin�n�e No. 12�2�+� approved May 19, 1964 and said Commissioner of Public Works h�$ duYy investig�.ted sa��d �pplications anci made hi� report reQamm�nding the grsnting of each; now� theret'ore� be it RESOLYED� By the Counail of the City of Saint Paul� th�t said Counoil hereby find� �ha� the sub�eQt install�tion� Will aerve public eonveniena� anad neQe�aity and �ill no� constitute a aubatun�ial hindranee or ha�z�rd to public traffia; ancl ss�id Counc3l hereby �rant� caeh of said �pplica- tions and suthvriy�� the Co�mSsaioner of Publie Works� to isau�e to the applicant company a City of Saint Peul Permit� sub��ct to and in aomplisnce with th� term� and condi�ions of' ssid Chs�pter 51 of the Saint Paul Legi�lat3.v�e Code as �o amended� �uah installation to be at th� t'olloWing specit'ied sit�ss 1. On the sidexalk 13 t'eet eaat oi the curb line on Robert S�reat and 10 feet aouth of the eurb line on Eleventh StrAet; 2. On the boulevard area a�pproxima���ly ?2 f�et �oufih o�' �he sidewalk lin• on La!'ond Av�nue and 13 f eet east of the aurb line vn Snelling Avenue; 3. On the sidewalk 2 fe�t r�orth of the aurb on East S�verith Str�et �nd 14 f'eet wes� of the aurb on Lafayette Road; 4. On the boulevard area 12 feet �rest of the ourb lin� of West S�venth 3treet �ad 19 feet north of the Qurb line of �'efferson; COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— . Loss Tn F'SVOP Meredith Pete rs on �y°r Rosen a g�st Mr. President, Vavoulis lons aas ,�UrLICATC TO►RImT[R ������ - ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n�ES�r,rEn.r COMMISSIONE� DA� P�ge 2. 5. On the boulevard �rea 3� feet south of' the csurb on IIniveraity Avenue and 10 fe�t east ot' �he . ourb on North Dunlap; 6. 26 i"eat eas� of the aurb line ori Edgeetmibe and � 14 feet north of tY�e curb line of Montreal Avent� ; � 7. Approximately 17 feet aouth of the eurb line on Arlington Avenue a�nd 12 feet west of the curb lin� on Da1� Street� AP R 2'� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays APR �? '� Dalglish Holland Appx'ovP� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on � MAyOt A►g81I1St �s� � Mr. President, Vavoulis ions �s