223117 ORI�NW�t�CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ������� = OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE ' DATF r 'i�R�,�S� the City of Saint Paul, during the current . , flood emergency, placed large quantities of sand and fill material on various dikes and flood walls� which material was City property and put in place for the protection of the , general public; and ' � WHEREAS� the receding waters now make it possible to remove the precautionary material� much of whieh is on public thoroughfares and must be removed immediately; and WH�REAS, this Council finds that the cost of removal of the sa.n.d and fill material will far exceed the value of said material; and t � WHERE�S, various private parties have requested permission to remove said material at their own cost and expense, at no cost and expense to the Gity; now� therefore� . be it RESOLVED, That the Department of Public �torks hereby � is authorized and directed to abandon various fill material and sand; to determine� as each specific case arises� what sand and fill material is to be aba.ndoned; and to arrange with responsible private individuals for the immediate removal and cleanup of the specific areas involved. _ VED Asst. ' rporat(on Counsel � • COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Counc�PR �7 1965 19— Yeas Nays 0 ; Dalglish . Holland � p/OVe APR 2 7 1965 19— � Loss � Tn FavOr � Meredith , Peterson � �IByOr A gainst , �esee— Mr. President, Vavoulis R�AY 1 �9 `�J - pUBLISHED ���� ion� e.ea . � DUrLIWTE TO.t111NT[R r�����yi _��' = CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL N�_ �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM fRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATF — WH�AS� the �ity oi' 8aint Paul� during the current flood �er�enay placefl large qua�ntities of �and and fill material on var�oua dikea nnd flood �ralla� whiah a�terial was �ity property anct put in pl�ae for the protea�ion oP the gensr�l publia; end WHEREA3� the receding �ratera no�r aake it pos�ible to remove tho pFeoautionary material� much of whi.ch is on public thoroughfareffi and �ust be r�oved i�ediately; and WHEREA3 tMis CoianeiZ tind� tha� the eoa� of reffioval of th� aand �.nc1 f�ll mater�.�l Wi11 t'�r exceed the valu� of sni� mnterial; and WFiERE�S� variou� privat• parti�a havs requeated p�rniiasion �o remove said materia�l at their own cost and �zpense� at no aos� and e�pense to the City; nox� �herefore� be it RESOI,VED Thdt the Department of Ft�blie Works h�reby ig suthorized and �directed to abandon ve,riou� fill mater3al and sancl; �o determin�� a�s each apeQifia caae �risea� xhat sand end �'ill materinl i� to b� ab�ndoned; and to arrange with responsible private individaals for �he i�med�.�te r�moval and aleanup of the apecific areas involved. �i�� 2�' ��:�,� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��R �� ���:,�' Holland Approl►� 19— Loss Tn FavOr ° Meredit6 Peterson C' MByor A g83I19t �ose9--- Mr. President, Vavoulis iosi e-a