06-125Council File # �- �'� Green Sheet #3029491 RESOLUTION MINNESOTA C7 2 established at the rate set forth in Grade 03U, of Operating Engineers Local #70 Salary Schedule, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 4 following its passage and approval. ✓ Requested by Office of Human Resources: ✓ ✓ ,� By: ✓ I � w � V — � � � I Form Ap ve F' ' Servi s Adopted by Council: Date ��, �/p� By_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary (/ Form Appro� by Ci� ey B y' � � \ (/ Approv or: Date � (/ By' /L�� B Y' � � Fo prove by Ma r for b� sion ouncil RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classificafion of Park Security Officer Lead be .. � � G S% , DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCII.: DATE INITTATID . G1V�EN SL1L' E 1 no.: 3029491 Q(�. �Z�j Human Resources 1/24/06 ' CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: rv inirnATE mlTtnuuA'[v LeeAnn Turchin, 266-6517 , nErnnx�rrr nm � 5 b c� ��� � MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE� nSSIGNED z arr nrro�r � ��� NUMBERFOR ROVCING ;F[NANCVLSIIlVDIlt F[NANCIA[•SQtV/ACCCG ORDER V '! MAYOR(0&A551'.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIY ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) nc[zorr xEQuES'rEn: Approval o£the new classification of Park Security Officer Lead in Grade 03U of Operaring Engineers Local #70 Salary Schedule. RECOMMENDA7IONS: Appro�e (A) orReject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON'CRACTS MUST ANSli'ER TFiE FOLLO�VING QUEST[ONS: I. Has[hisperson/fumeverworked�mderawntrac[forthisdepartrcent? PLANNIlVG COMMISSION Yu No Cffi CObA411TEE z- Has 4us persod5cm ever bern a tity employee? CIVILSERVICECONQ.IISSION Yes Na — 3. Dces this persoNfirm possas a skill no[ no�mally possesud by any c�vrent city employee? — Yes No �� — 4. Is tfiis persoNf¢m a higeted vendof? — Yes No Explain all yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet "� INITIATING PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPORTUNTTY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): In the Fall of 2005, HR conducted a classificafion study within the Pazk and Recreafion — Pazk Security function. A - detemvnation was made by HR that the creation of a Park Security Officer Lead classification was appropriate. This position would serve as a lead worker for 6-7 Pazk Security Officers, who provide security for the entire Park system and all faciliries owned or operated by Parks and Recreation. Operating Engineers Local #70 was notified that the class of Park Security Officer Lead was created and they had no objecfions. nvvnxTacES iF arrxoven: The Pazks and Recreation organizational structure will be properly structured to manage the work being done in the Park Security Unit. An individual who has been perfornvng the duties and responsibilities of the lead worker will be appropriately compensated. DISADVAiYTAGES IF APPROVED: NOIIe vrsavvaN'rneES iF rroT arrxovEn: Duties and responsibilities currenUy being handled by an individual employee would need to be re-siructured to maintain the current classificarion, which means the supervisor who is now managing multiple functions in • Pazks and Recreation would need to take on park security access system issues and daily supervision. The result would be a ' lack of daily operational access for employees handling park security and delays in addressing problems related to the pazk , security access system. Torni.aMOUrrroFr�sncriox: $6,070/year COST/REVENiJEBUDGETED: Yes ". FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: 031�p,��� �zs��°v�' ^���'¢°P ,,., FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� �A(� � � 2�O�J Pazks and Recreation will cover the additional expenses for an ei��lary, approximately $6,070.00 per year within its existing adopted budget. � � � � � `J � Jfe� � � 2005 ''` �'�f'� :'�Qf�'�� s�,�� ; 5 z�t�s � G:�SharedVSYSTEMS.DEVELOPMEIVT.SECTION�Org.Design\ConsuttanhTurchin\C7assificafion.work�ParkSecurity0fficerI,ead\Gre �"�` r . _ ROiJTING ORDER: ' Below are coirect routings for the six mostfrequent types of documents: , CONPRACTS (assumes authorized budget e7asts) 1. Outside Agency ' 2. DegaztmentIIirector 3. City Attomey , 4. , Mayor/P,ssistant (for contracts over $25,006) 5_ HumsnRights (for contracts ov� $50,000) 6. Office of Financial Services - AcxbimtinS COUNCII. RESOLUTfON (smend budgets/accept grants) 1. DepartmentD'uector 2. O�ee ofFinencial Services Daector 3. Gitg?;ttorney, , 4. Mayorla<oer , , � � � 5. Cilg Co�mcfl � � � � 6. Office ofFinancial Services - Accoimting nD�iszRa� o�IIZS �a,���� eourrcu;�soLV�riorr (eu o� �a ota��) 1. AdivityMana@erorDepanmentAcco�mtant k. Dep'artmentDirector � � � 2. IJepaztm�tDirector 2. CityAttomeg 3. Office�ofEm�cial S'ecvicesDirector � 3„ IvlaporfAssi'stant ' , � � 4. City Clerk 4. Citp Cofficil 5. Office ofFinancial Secvices -Accounting ADMIPIISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others} 1. IJepactmentDirectos , 2. , City Attomey' ' 3. Office ofFinanc.-iai 5�viczs Director 4. �CifgClerk ' � �CUTIVE ORDER 1-'DeP�e�t'I�icectar, � � ,2. GuyAtto?ae% , � .,. � � � � 3. Mapoi/Assistant., ' , � � � � 4. G`ity�Gkrk � �� �� � � TOTAL NCIMBER OF SIGNATURE PA(�S Indicate'ffie # ofpages on wtuch sigiat�nes are,requ¢ed and Papeiclip or flag each otthese pages: ACTION R�QUESTED , , ' Descn'Ue what the pmjed/request seeks to accomplish ineitfies chconological okder or order of m�porFsnce, whichever is most apprapriete f�thei�e. Do not write complete seateaces. Begm each ifem in yo� ]ist with averb. RECOMIv1ENDAITONS � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Complete if tbe �ssue in question has been presentedbefore anY �7; Pnblic or private. PERSONAL SEftVICE COI3TRACTS: This iof�matiaawil! be used to detem�ine the city's tiabilityfoi warkeFS aompensation cIsims, ttfficces and piop� civil savicehirmgmles. , INiTtATINGPROBLEIvf,IS$UE>OPPORT[JI3ITY ' Explain the siNation or conditions thst cceated,aneedfor Yo� Prolect a ie4aest ADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annnat budget procediue recNued by Iaw/cLarter or whetha there are specific ways in which the City of SaintPaal and its citizens will benefit from this project/action.' ' DISADVANfACsES IE A�PROVED � � � � � � � � � � � � � What negetive effects � major chsuges to ebsEing,orpastpracesses migfit this projactti?4uest Produce ifit is passed ' (e,g.,ti�cdelays,noise,taxinccea.sesorassessments)7 Tovvhom7 When7For,liowlon�l , �DISADVANfE�GESIFNO�TAPPROVEb_ ' � � � � � ` � � � � � � Whatwlllbe8�,negafiveconseqnencesifthepromisedacti�is�not`aPPm�'ed? Inab�itgfodefiversetvice7 Continue • ,' Li�traffic,aoise,'accidentrate? Lossoftevenae7 FII3ANCIAL IlviPACT Although you must taitor the iufoimationyrnt pcovide liere to the issue you are addressing in, generai you mastanswer , twoqaestioos:Howmuchisitgoingtocost? Wfio�isgoingtopay2 �' �� � „ „ , x,; , ,J � � .- �. � � � .. � � � ' , The City of Saint Paul Class Specification �_ �� Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPTION OF WORK PARK SECURITY OFFICER LEAD CODE: 293B BU: 12 Effective: General Dutv Statement: Provides work direction as a leader of a unit performing enforcement, patrol, and security work at a variety of parks, and recreational facilities and Como Campus and performs other work as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises, within a unit, immediate technical supervision directly over workers as assigned. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an expert understanding of related laws, rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and practices for securing parks and recreational facilities. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding to a full range of work assignments. Demonstrates to others how to apply this understanding in their daily work. Demonstrates an understanding of the uniYs field and office equipment needs, and an ability to conduct appropriate analysis and make recommendations relative to equipment, tools, and resources needed. Demonstrates an understanding of the unit's computer software programs and applications and to effectively use them in the performance of their responsibilities. Demonstrates an abiliry to identify and minimize the full range of risks and liability implications and refer legal issues to a supervisor or the City Attorney's Office. Demonstrates an ability to follow established daily security procedures, safety practices, promote the most current and effective work methods, and instruct others in applying appropriate best practices. Demonstrates an ability and willingness to work at various times of the day, days of the week, on holidays, and in all types of environmenta] conditions. Demonstrates an expert understanding of the priorities, goals, and objectives of the department; demonstrates a good understanding of the departmental operations, and a common understanding of the departmental mission and vision. Demonstrates an ability to consistently and independently prioritize one's own work and the work of others, including scheduling, assigning staff, and securing resources. Demonstrates an ability to identify and use appropxiate materials, methods, and resources necesary to complete the most complex assignments associated with the uniYs work. Demonstrates an ability to initiate, plan, and coordinate multiple projects ranging from the routine to the complex. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding to resolve the full range of work related challenges associated with enforcement, patrols and routine tasks associated with security assignments and an ability to coach others in related problem solving and decision making. Demonstrates an ability to manage program priorities and work performance to achieve desired results. Demonstrates an ability to compile, manage, and report data that monitors performance. Demonstrates an ability to set expectations and provide training, development, coaching, and mentoring for employees. Demonstrates an ability to assist the supervisor in conducting consistent, fair, and equitable performance evaluations. PARK SECi]RITY OFFICER LEAD Page 1 Froposed Title of Class: PARK SECURITY OFFICER LEAD CODE: 293B BU: 12 Effective: ��,� Demonstrates an ability to identify and coordinate the effective completion of work; demonstrates an ability to effectively monitor the work of others; demonstrates an ability to identify and implement improvements in processes and procedures. Demonstrates support for the organization by managing the efforts, behavior, and quality of work produced within the unit. Demonstrates an ability to model the appropriate behavior and develop working relationships with co- workers. Demonstrates an ability to provide clear, sufficient, and timely information to the unit workers about plans, expectations, tasks, and activities. Demonstrates an ability to effectively listen, speak, write, and interact tactfully in a work group or with the public. Demonstrates verbal and written ability to work collaboratively with citizens, vendors, and departmental staff; demonstrates an ability to respond to a variety of complaints in verbal and written form. Demonstrates an ability to consistently follow complex oral and written instructions from supervisors or departmental staff. Demonstrates an ability to communicate with a diverse group of coworkers, supervisors, and the public in a cooperative, non-argumentative manner, using calm and moderate tones and appropriate language. Demonstrates an ability to foster two-way communication, to listen and be open to the views or suggestions from team members and upper-level management. Demonstrates an ability to coordinate and develop positive working relationships and an ability to influence internal and external contacts. Demonstrates an ability to diffuse a hostile situation and manage conflict appropriately. Demonstrates an expert understanding of the Parks and Recreation mission, vision, organizational structure, and associated customer service standards. Demonstrates an ability to provide a positive example by consistently working in accordance with the established standards, by suggesting improvements to the standazds, and by encouraging staff to meet and exceed the standards. Demonstrates an ability to promptly and appropriately respond to both routine and complex requests for service from internal and ea�ternal customers by resolving those issues as they arise and quickly responding to situations referred by less knowledgeable staff members. Demonstrates an ability to assist upper-level management in identifying customer service needs and establishing customer service standards by raising legitimate concerns received from team members or the public. Demonstrates an ability to promote customer service excellence by recognizing and implementing effective customer service delivery strategies suggested by co-workers and supervisors. Demonstrates a commitment to customer and qualiry service by communicating customer service philosophies and standards to the unit members, training and coaching others in effective customer seroice strategies, and encouraging others to continually improve customer service. REQUIREMENTS A candidate for Park Security Officer Lead may qualify in the following ways: 1) High School Diploma or GED and four yeazs of part-time or full-time experience, at least rivo of which must have been as a Park Security Officer, Parks Worker II, Recreation Leader, or equivalent level; 2) Sixty-semester credits or an associate's degree in law enforcement, criminal justice, recreation, education, social services, or a related field and two years of experience at the Park Security Officer, Pazk Worker II, Recreation Leader, or equivalent level; OR 3) A bachelor's degree in law enforcement, criminal justice, recreation, education, social services, or a related field and one year of experience at the Park Security Officer, Park Worker II, Recreation Leader, or equivalent level. Must have a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within a PARK SECURITY OFFICER LEAD Page 2 Fropos�ed Title of Class: PARK SECURITY OFFICER LEAD CODE: 293B BU: 12 Effective: �- tZ,S two-year period prior to the date of appointment. Suspension for parking-related offenses excluded. PARK SECURITY OFFICER LEAD Page 3