223112 �i y�` ry� s �OIINCIL FILE NU. '' _•�-^j, - -BY , � , ��,��.�,`� � FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS , � k } i E �In the matter of Openi ng,-�wi�deni:ng�end extendi ng JaCKS�N-=STREETito-, --width-�of_-'1-00-feet'fro`m"`Ni nth �� � , _ _ �, . . � Street to Tenth� Street`�E�=condemrii"ng__and-�taki=ng�for•:street purposes the� F ol Tow�ng _ , descri bed: parcel s,To.f 1 and i.n the' Ci ty of -St;"�Pa'�1 s:=�' The_��ldeste,rl y,44�feet�of Lot 1 , � ' ' i.n Hoyt's�subdi.vi�sion �of Morri:son's Block of Hoyt's'�Atidi tio�-"to,S.t.`�-Paul ;�;the Westerly ,,,,, �..,._ ,.,,,. _ .. ,�. _ ..4. _ . . _�- - �°., =�-_x �..�-� - 4!}��f`eet of. that„ part-wof�'L_ot-x2,�::i��,�Hoy_�:!s�`Subdivision-of="YMo�.r_i.son- s BlockYo_f_ Hoy,t s- -- , �--_��.,,,r.—.�... � --••—-•.�-,. _y .-,..., •-, _-�`,-�� -...---...., _ _ � r Addi ti on to S�:"'PauT='cfescri-bedtas�.fio.lJ.l.ows_::be_ .i nni•ng�a"t" the Southwes�ter<ly�;co.r..ner;,of°= j , - �-~_ � sai d Lot 2; thence Norther I; al ong Weste�rl y 1 i ne of sai d Lot, 1 _foot 3 3I4 i n�hes; +�' . �{ �� .��.i , , iN��i'Cii Tt . �`�r'� , thence� �a"s"'-fer�1=�7'Y1�0�<f'eet--to��Eas-ter-l-y-1 i.ne��of, se?irt!?�L'at.-2,--thence=-SoZtl�ec�l=y-a-1 ong.�y � � Ea*terl y 1 i ne�o� 'sai d Lot, l�r fo.o�t��-1�f�'��8 i nches to the South,e��lfy,� l��{e �o�� sai d Lot 2; � i � then�e�1?oiig �outherl-y-�l=i�ne--�of`sai-d-Lot�2-�lest�r�l�jit��'.-30-��fee-t--�.o�t`kae--So .t�hwester,.ly..�., ' corner of said Lot 2, the place of beginning being a pare�el of land adjoi.ning said �; A L� • ���e e �. z " � ., t�- .�01 .� �ti 3���e � . , �.� ,.,,. �• � ri � L`ot.. l ; �H� We'�=te��:U UT+ti�fee't o� t�ba�f part 6f L�b't' 1�- , Fkudi�tor-" s" �bubdtiTv��sa�onat�to:���,,-ng i St�FR�a�al�;l �Fi7nn'�sota;ctd"e"s�cribed��as�fb=1`-1`ows�;r�l;B�ecf-�n���F�g�,,a=t��a�po'-itr�tfi�i�jy t�h���Jes<teru13y3alti�ne ' " � of�sa�i-'d�°Lot��lr3s 83•93 feet Northerl y of Southwesterl y corner of sai d Lot 13.; thenc,e, N�ortherly alony Westerl� line of said Lot, 1 .56 feet; thence Easterly 76 feef to a �. � ' poi nt �5��32��feet N'ortlier7`'y^�of��S�outhe�l�y h=i'-fiero'f-�sa•i•clt'L'oflr��-3;= `G�henc,e�}S`e1a'ti�erl'-y��i�:ra!i�l•el ; � ' wi th'o�Wes�e�'rl�y kT'ifie��of�:'sei�d FL�ot�i3; L1 .33 feet, thence Westerl y 76 feet to pl ace of.. ' , �! be i nni r� bei,n a ar.ce.l, of.. .l and---ad oi ni n outh� 1zj,ne��,of�;Lo';t;;l ;of�.Hoyt,J_5 �Sutidi vi si on � � ,q 9;r , 9:�ti'� �� 9 . P � � ,�,• ]. 9"� i ca,.° .�; lt� ��.� ,s� ' �Spo�,��Mo'r,r:i•SOI�jtiS B1ock:ofiz,Hoy,t!s:.Ad�li tion to� St.�, Paul�.: r.�-; _' {,,,:r�a.�,��,::� ;►��• *�+ i;_..'_ ,. " - , � ;�:A14sos,condem�i,ng.�and �t.aki ng a ,temporar.y;°easement� for the ,p.urpose of �:enabl,i ng:.:the, �Ci ty or i ts� agents• to enter,• thereon....to_wreck the :enti re .bui 1 di ng .oecupyi':ng. the. prem'rsgs,�y �� - , � ui .<,`. . : u � . - - - ' � : " - � � � ;�located}atL�496-.502_ Jackson Street ,on, tne�f,o.11owing ,descr,ib�ed��Parcelsyof ,l;and;ln=Mthe ��it.y of St..�.Pau�l • .i c;cscriF�n� as fL`i �4r5: s� irrllnc� .:�'_ the ���'tr�.•�t����r, c1�r-:�.o�. � t]l �iuf, i,;J l�� rrSi b � Lot 1 i n royt'.s Subdt v�si o,n of.Morra son's Bl'ock of Ng.y�t';s;,Addi ti on�.to �St�:� Pau;l,��except + �� e. 1�9t�� �t���i e 7' at►4� ., �. . ,t:.r.N . - .,,; c�. � `-_• i- ' :' � ac1�4 # �.: �a . �! C � _ � ;��t�h. e�,eJesa,e,�t.,y��4� feet�,�the.M�of�;'tha�t�pa�`t�ofT.Lot�2 �.n4Hoyt��s,.Subd�vi s�i on; of�,Mo�;.�i so n's ' A �{i t,�qnt to St.. Pau.l descn bed as� fol'�1 ows.•��.beg�nnnmg at t,he�-Sout�westerl,y;co'r�perZ of � 1 .•� !Ei��f;�k�k-a}r i ��+C '�t 7�I� �iviy � Iv3,*°-i �� `. i:.'. �.•� �. 'r.. +� w � _ . � 'tE�a�is�d,Loy;�2; �hence�,Ngr�the;r,l_yralong �Jester�l,yStili,ne,,of�saiid,Lot,, 1 foot;,=n+3�3�!+�i;nches. � ( 1`�r��en`eQiEa�t�erl�y�:130, fe�et �to}the�Eas-ter9ty�;l.ang�o.fys,aid,,Lot; 2;rthet�ce_So.ut(ier„l,y�;'along. _. !` said Easterl 1 i ne 1 foot �+ r7� 8 i,nches- to the� Southe'rl l;i ne� o.f'sai,d Lo,t�2•.2�thence� �:� 7 e • r��: .' �,Y�_. . t� �,4 � ,:�:t"of .��,t � . �'. Lc.., i�, . Y; .�,__.� �_°. � �� �'Wester�y .a7ong said Southerl,,y line 130 feet�--to� the..Southwesterly corner, ofts?aid:Lot�2, ' r?!' 1'iai_#y �'{fr't" rit7'.'d� Ut=SL`�li.�� i:C iC?f � v..`-� �{i�.�. � • u'. u p.�.�r. G`;.'. �.. , ���" tfie pl ace_of.�be,g�nni n�,.,exce,p�t�Ethet WesFte��l.yi�4,��feett{ 'ther;;e,of,; �tha�,t�i p,�r4t�of� Lot�}13:3i.,Audi- �����tor�'s°Subdi vi si on� NA.. 24,� St. Paul� Mi nnesota� descri ed as }fol-1 ows s Be i nni n at e �� ; .�r� ti : .�.� � � s �, , 9.,_.,� 93 ' I ar. h'_!".IY � �.� ��.-S'Ct•�tl �Y'.: �� ;at�.' t�.. � r�._ �k.:.� i..:S�.r �c.:.�.., . �„ �oi nt on�the Wes.t r,l '1 i ne of�-sai d Lot �13 83:93 f e�t Northerl,y,-�of �SouthwesteGl:y�!1 e'f ' r lilT ��w r!'.1c:L IYS�[ SryP(f iV QI J��u�:sC.''s i;� � .(�f: �.. d��LS .�0. ir ! � p corner of said• Lot 13;,,�thence Norther.�y�al,ong Wes;terl,y;�l,i ne}of;;sai�dtCot z�3,;��1 ..56 feet; � �r*11 � .'.:,4'Pj^ik �1::? O� � �,. ..ti+. ��: � � 7 �s._�. �, S' fie�ce�Eas�e�l�y 761f�eet�'to�aRpo�.n.t���.5:32��f,eet..�l�r�herly{�ofoSouther;l,y,y:line�ofYtsa2d�Lot � tt '������en`e,Sou�herlyfpa�al,lelaG,l�t�h,�;Wes.t�r..�.y�l�i.ne�of said Lot 13, 1'033 feet; thence ' ; ' E �Jesterly 76 feet to place of kiegtnni.�g,, ex.cept .t. e weste,rl. ,r44 4eet�thereof;,�be,ip . n �.; �,�--'.,� tr t. 4 t -.. 4 � �.�-« ... Yv. `r. g� tt � aQ Cf.,, G ,. 1� . ! �1 .� �►`•t :f ���..-.!t rs• i3' .. [l' ►' fi a ptrcel'�o�Sl a�clAadj;o�L�ng�v�etwouktl��l�.i ne�o��lo,t�l5o.f�,Hoy,,t'��6Lbdi v3sion of�tMo;r,i,son's I L�j B1 ock�oa�;�i��rt's��F1c�c��ti on�t��S,t,,�P�ul :�„ ��� 1 owi Rc� descri��d narc�l s �� �1��.t+�' i:; :l�e he�"pa ,t of Lot 12��uditor's Subdi v�si on No. 24, St. Paul, �1i nnesota,' descri bed f � S��C�ty n� �t� N�'�� e . . . . ,l �� o ar i��ti°►w+,�ut'�Begi��,c�ir9�,avna•:p°.i.��s'O�At=f�� Wes�te�l�y �.�r�erof�tLottl2„ 83o99„feet�Nortlierly . 'from the Southwes erl y cor �r thereof•, thence Nort,he�r.1, �al on esterl� i ne of_s.aad �� :r t� �l ��� ,,- � �e; �. �, r�. � t� �� L�� �. ►.. � � Y 9�� Yc��'� _. .. �. ._. { N tLot� 12 . 1�33 feet`,'thenee:� steal 51 _feeti t.o•a.,noi.ntr85.1,9�fee�;Northe�ly�from �;� � I ' "C�Ti-� 1i� Z:U >�-r � 'L� F,tt'�a( F't��r� rr{� ��il .vl��: l? .lt.��r.it�. >_it �.. .ti��,�.� I ...t ' P S'outherl y 1 i, e of sai d' Lot vl ;a�_; en�e,�Sou he�lyy, paral.l�l����h;Wes�e,r,l,:Y31�i,ne�•of;�sai d Gt+��f , t �!'.. 1���:+: �• r�i: , 7 �• � � � �� �L'ot 12 a dis ance,.of 1'0.�� feet;-thence� Wgster'l,y, 51��f,eet`to;the�p�la.ce�o�•�,beg�;n�ir�g,J � j � ,.��..t� fii�!�,rrtr}"f. f �.k i C`*L F,�) ;,iia: �.c3�t�:i j/ � b, '6e�ng.��,�pa;�ce�1��.1'a�d�ad�J.�oi�n��ng,�t.h�e,SSo�therlyG��ne�.of� Lot�1 ,��Hoy�t�s�Sub�l?visi�onz.of' i r•s- I ° Morri'son's•.B1 ock of y�oyt's pdd ti o to,_S,a�nt, Paul F r��� i .-.r 7 � _�rt �� h, cai�f t u rt r'��!'a ��-. �f: r ;;n•w�P'{�:�5�Lr1 . �,'3��2,'�-•:�r-- :Z;;c�.v--.7T--1 � --i,.;..'rC ,.=�T'�l���?,'�U.tK'-�a�ri7�i�""�C'.���'lFdf`��tt7;:�:.��{1L rfJC ��f" 1)U►'•����' C7. P�'�h�'F"�t '� 1� � l� l i o-thelp'l,a,ce;�o,f�begi�n�Fn excep_t t�he Westerl,y,�4�4.,Ffr,ee p�tf�e ie�f��th�at iprar��of'�o�:(�3,5 Audi- i � g.t-��.► .:,.:� .���:�.K, ���_ � �bYor�;�s�-Subd#�v,ts�i�on�N�o.,s24,,$St,.,eP�a��l�, tM��n�e�ot�a�,i descr��bed��s�f�o�l�ows• f Beg7i�n�ring �a�t a �, �F p�i n.t on�thet,�lesterl y 1 i ne of sai d Lot 13, �3•93 f�eet Norther�y of �outhwesterl y . � . • h nce.-Northerl al.on Westerly, 1ine.of. said Lot 13,,� •56;^feet; � � � L�cornec� of,�saad Lo� �,�3�,au.e4� ��: Y. . � 9 ,_ �.r ,;.. � zr, r � � �x. �� , .�.� S �i -r>>• +� ., cC. '! �'j�..•s c� t � � � , • ,4, It+�,the,nce�_Ea�te����],6 feet��o;8t���l�ll�`$5.32` fert�NO�t"eY1Y�O�U$C4tUttS'Gy ��:ne O��Salyd"ylOt � 1 � q�,l_,33�-thene,e Soutl�erlY��par,al��e1 as��vlW��ter�,Y,�i��en°faiaxd^�,�ic'=�3�'•ps�e3t.�ee�'; nthenc,�e . , � � y,, �p�%t�ie wes,t�al 4 Ffeet thereof, berng � , ��les:ter-1y..7� feet to,.p,l��ce oa{be ,i nn�� . �yxie � sa u y ) �r � j•� i;c � + � t�a�parcel;�ofj�land�adj,o�n�r�g��the�Soutt��y�ne�,ofG�o�t���o���oy;'sF�Ql�ceiya�i�r�� ��an�son s� i s ,Block-:ofCHoyt!s Addi;ti.on .to;S�t.,;Paul .= . ,., � .. a ' - * __ ,- _; - ; � � _,� P - �- �• ,� ;,.. . That,part,�of Lot„12 qudi,tor's,Su6di`i s.i on fJo. 24; St; Paul,t �nnesota; descrf�bed _ Z ' nt on the Wes`terl � 1ine �of'Lo�`12; 83�99 feet_Nbrtherly , t as-follows:�- Beginning.,at. a pol. , ,,,, Y ;r . -. . , . -� - r t from.the,Southwes,terly�cor.ner thereof; therice NortFierl,y 'a'longSWe'sterly.1ine�o€rsai'd" Lot' .12,�1 .33�,feet; , thence�Easte�;l y��1;feet{to aa;poi rit';85:19:feet Northerl y fro'm p ...,k.: ,,. , �..,s o u t h.e r l y;. l i n e�o f, s a i d,.L o t ,1 2; th ence� Southerl y pa'ra11'el wi �h Westerlyi l i ne' of sai d. _ L-ot-.12 a distance<of=1 ..18,�feet.; thence Westerl,y 5,1 . feet '�o:the'��place.of`beginning;, r :t ` . .�- . . , _ f .� k .� t ' - � ;b.ei ng�•,a,,parcel�o�.�l and6�adj,oi ni ng the Southerl.y, 1 i ne, of Lot �1 ,` Hoyt!s�Subdi v.i si on of w Morri son,!s: B�l.ock,of�� Ho,yt!� LAddi ti op�to �ai nt Paul .s� . � � " ,, T4t ' �,,.,� . , t �� � � s a parce� o an a �oi.ni ng t e - out � 1 i ne of Cot.:l;• of .Hoyt's' Subdi vi si�on of� Morri son's�_ Block�of Hoyt's� Addition=to St:. Paul _ '-•'� i =� , ;'. � '� � '"'_ , - - � � . - '" ' • � •=-Th'at- pe�rt of_ L.ot. 12 jAud i tor_.'s,.Subd_i vi si on'�No.,±24, St_:'�Paul ; Mi nnesote, 'descri bed;_ , ; ;'�,� as fo`llows:.'' Beginn.i-ng at, a ,poi;nt"°on}�the' Westerly t•ine'�o,f Lot.12, '�33•99 feet; Northerly;.;;:;� fr.om the �Southwestei-ly corn�r, th'ereof;;�the�ice .Northerl-y -along W'esterly- l.ine "of-sai�d _-� = � �Lot� :12,'.1 -.33 -�feet; tFience� Easterly 51 �feet to ;a*,point "85.19_fee't� Northerlyfrom � '` �• .,.�y��- sou.therly li_ne of "sai:d,'Lot 12; `th'ence Southerly -paral-lelr�with•yJesterly� l.ine �of• said �-- , Lot 12 a .di stance of. 1�.18 ,feet; -thence Wester.l y 51,:feet� to�`the 'plac�=of begi r�ni ng; , . bei n� a �.parcel� of, �l and .adj oi.ni.ng°tlie_ Sou'therl y 1 i,ne�'_of�L`qt��l„� �,Hoyt's ,Subdi_vi.si on of_ ;� ' _ . . _ . �Morri son''s'BTork of�Hoyt's;.Addi ti�o.n to 5t. Paul . _ �� �'� ' - ._ ' • . � , , �*- ',' ,_ - • -. . - . ._ .- . ._ - ' ' . '4 .. . 'F ' ' [: _ 1 , � J �yC� � - � �. . � �. . , �� /�/ / �.-_..- ��� - ��� ,` � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONEA OF PUBLIC bV ORKS � _ � I I BEPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ������ � � � � � � f � E March 17, 19 6 � � To t he Commi s si oner of Fi nance of t he Ci ty of St. Pa ul: � k The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- I • l,i mi nary order of the Counci 1 known a s Counci 1 Fi le No. 222384 - �--�approved--�March-l0,- -- - 19"- --�65� rel"ative to � - -- - - � - - -- - — . - „- , ,�. - ,open, wideni and extend Jackson Street to a width of 100 fent from Ninth Stre��¢to Taeth Streat bq condemning and t�king for street purposee, the' following dercaibed . • - �--par-cele-of land in -the-City of 3ti.-Paul:--T-he-Waster1y;44�-feet of .Lot-1,- in-:Ho - .is__ '_, �__^ �+ �5»hd3v��aion o Moxri.son�'s Block of Hovtt�s Addition to St. Paul; the Wes'terly k4 feet . i �of that parti of,Lot 2� � �n Ho.tt!s Subdivis ion of Norrisoii��'B lock o£. Rov��s Addition � �to St: Paul dascribed as tollowst'. beginning at tha Southwasterly 'corner of eaid Lot ' �`2; thence Northarly along Westerly line of said Lot� 1 foot -; 3-3/4 inches;- thence .,,_,,�„ �� Easterly 130 faet to Eaaterly line of said Lot 2, thence Southarly along Eastarly..� T-,�'� ,•} � � �line of said Lot�l foot --k-,7/�8 inches to_ Che Southerly line of'�said�Lot� 2; thence� , � � along Southerly line•of: said�Lot 2 Westerly,�130�feet to the, Southwesterly� corner of �� ;� said Lot 2, the�place� og� beginning, being a parcel•�of land ad joining said�bot� 1.; � ;� the Westarly 44 feet �of that part of I:ot 13', Auditor's Subdivis�on No. 24.' St.'Eaul, .} �� t43nneoota, describad as follows:` �Beginning� at a point on' the Westerly line of said � ' Lot 13, 83.93 feat Northerly, of Southwesterly corner of said Lot 13; thence Northerly � ' along Westerly lina of said Lot� 1.56• £eet; thence Eaeterly 76 feet to�a' point• 85:32. , ' feet Northerly of••Southarly line of said Lot 13; ehence Southerly'par.allel with'� ',' Westerly,line of said� Lot.-13,'•1'.33 faet; thenc� Westerly 76 feet to-place' of baginning� �� being. a parcel�of •land•..adjoining'South linc' of,.,�-�+t i ef g��t:xs�.�Suhdiviainn. of Merrtann�,� ' B10C sOf $d�►���5 Ad�.Cion�:o �C_ �aul__ , _ , .,: . yrl,°° �:;. .. '�,� ,ct;�t � j.` ��«,�a . � II . . te .'t ' � � S. �f� ���,�v� i��l. • . �.� � ' ' . � • �• �r rtt �- . ', �t�Y� � _ J � �Also condemning and^-taking•a.temporary easemenC ffor,'�tha pt�rpose,+of 'enabling.'the � �� Citq or its Agents��to �enter thereon to wreck the en'tire,build3ngtloccupying Che:premises � � f locatad at,496-50.2 ;Jackson� $treet'on the fal lowing described parcels :of', land�in .tha ' � City of St. Paul: .�•_ ~, � . � . ; � , ". , _ .�/'�i,�Ay;��� r� '� . _ r � - � '?j."�r� - : � . 1 . j �, ' 7 ;• k f F,ot 1 in fioyt�s �Subdivision of �N�rrison�s Block �of Hoyt�.s Additio�to St�.� Paul , f' � except the Westerly 44-fee.0 .thareof; that part of Lot 2 ,in Hoyt�s .'Subdivision of , , ,�� � Alorrison�s Addition to St.: �'aul described a� followa: beginning eti the�Southwestarly i ; � cornar of said Lot 2; ,thence Northerly �alang WesCer2y lina of said Lot, l foot�- '3-3/4' " ; � inches �hence Easterly 130 �feet to ,the� Easterly line of said Lot 2; . thence .5outherly, ' along said Easterlq line I ,foot - 4-7/8 inches to the Southerly line og �said�Lot 2; ' thQnce �7astarly along said Southerly line 130 feet to the Southwesterly� corner of' said. , Lot 2, the place of beginnin� axcept the Westerly 44 feet thereof� that' part of Lot;13, ' Auditor's Subdfvision;No. 24, SC. Paul, MinnesoCa, described.ss.,£ollowss- _ Eeginning• at�� a point on the,,Westerly,'line of said Lot 13, 83.93 feet Northerly of Soutihwesterly -'�- corner of said Lot 13; thence Northerly along Westerly liae o� said..Lg�„L�i 1.56 feet; thence Easterly 76 feet to a point 85.32 feet Northarly of SoutherTy- line. of seid Lot 13; thence �Southerly parallel with �Westerly line of seid.Lot 13, T.33 feet; 'thence '„�� Westerly 76 feet to plece of•beginning, except the westerly 44 feet Chereof, being a"�' �. parcel of land adjoinirig� the ,South line of Lot 1 of Hoyt�s Subdivision:of MorrisonTS • Rtnrk r►�f H 9v��s Addition to St. P8u1. . . , - . That�part of Lor- » A»diter�s Subd�.vision No. 24, St: k�aul, MinnesoCa,.describad as followss Beginnin� ae arpoint on Che Westerly lirie of Lot' 12, 83.99 feat Northerly from the Southwesterly corner� thereof; thence 1Vortherly along Westerly line of said Lot ' 12, 1.33.feet;.-thence Basterly Sl ;feet to a point 85:19 feet Northerly £rom Southerly line of said Lot 12�; .thence;pSo�therlq•parallel with pesterly line �bf said'Lot'12 a":' • distance �of �1.18 feets .jthence .Westerly,51 feat to the place, of'beginning;',being`a 'parcel of land. adjoining:�tlie;Souther`ly►:linm' oi'Lot 1 Hoyt�s Subdivision:of'Morri'son`�s.Block=q,� H�v�rc �dd'i.f�agii''�a"c.. �b,=.:; i,4,.�.4�•a,; .. . s . _ , .. ., ,. .._ ,_,. . . . � __ . � ,... . , � . ., a- ; �- - � . •_ _ _-....� . • . �+ � • � - ; � - � , , k � .. y ► �' , �, . : � . . ��� � - � . .� . � �° � ��� � � � � � ; . v �, . . - � ,.L ' . . � , � o - . . �`_ wj ��- � - �. , . � � . . 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