223099 il � ^ !� 0111GINAL TO CITY CLH11K �' )�, y�� � ,,, >,�.. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � "�'� � t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO . �, C UN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE DATF ' GI ' r � E WHEREAS, by Resolution approved November 2�, Zg6�+, � CF No . 220791, the Council of the City of Sain� Paul did � resolve that the amount of $1,700.00 was t�e f�.ir, true and ; reasonable amount for� the services incurred in removing the ; dangerous structure at 160-168_East Congreas Street by the � City of Saint Paul pursuant to the resolutions �herein � rea3.ted; and i � � , WHEREAS, it now appears that the proper amount for the � services incurred is $1,791.62 rather than $1,700.00; �herefore, be it � � RESOLVED, �hat the Council of the City of Saint Paul ' does hereby amend that certain Resolu�ion approved November � 2�, 1g6�+, CF No . 220791 �o the extent of confirming the amount i of -$1,791.62 as the fair, �rue and reasonable amount for the ` services incurred in removing said dangerous structure 3.n place of the a.mount of $1,700.00 recited in said earlier � Resolution; and be it F FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be directed to file � in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Ramsey � a corrected statement of expense incarred by the City for �he purpose of securing a lien on the property hereinabove described, 1 pursuant to the Building Code, Section 1.07 of the Saint Paul � Legislative Code . i - � - - ". i� i � � , � �j � E� , F� ,I � I tion Counsel Asst: CorP k APR `�3 �� COLJNCILIvIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish �„_, ppR 2�� ' Holland Approved - 19— � Loss Tn Favor , f�I Meredith 1 i I \.J Mayor � P�P*.,,�,�cnn ,� Ag81II3t � � ' ��96@H i i. President, Vavoulis . � _ f � lOM E-0Z I � �/ (�f� �2 Q � � �I1BLISHED MAY 1 1965 � .. DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R ^^�(��� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa N= U °' `t" F�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATF WHEREAS, by Re�olu�ion appro�red November 2�+, 196�, CF No. 220'�91, th� �ouncil oP th� �i�y of Saint Pau7. did re$olve that �he amoun� of $1,700.00 �ras the f�.ir, true and rea�onable amount for the �ervi�ee inaurre�d in removing �he dangeroue �truature at ],60�168 Eaet �ongre�� S�reet by the City o� Saint Paul pureuant to the reeoZutione therein reai�ed; and WHERBA3, it now eppears that the proper amo�nt for the services in�urred is $1,7g1.62 rather than �1,700.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that �he Council o�' the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend that certa�.n Reeolution approved November 2�E, �96�+, CF No. 220791 to the exten� of �onfirming the amount of $1,791.62 as the fair, true and reaaonable amount for the servicea ineurred in removing saicl clengeroua structure in place of the amonnt o!' �1,700.00 reQi�ed in aaid earl�er Reaolu�ion; and be it FUR'I�iER R�SdLYF�, That the City Clerk be direated to Pile in the off3,ae of the Register of Deec�s� for the County of RamHey a eorrected atatement of expenee inourred by the C�ty for the purpose of aecusing a lien on the property hercinabove de�4r�.bed, pursuant to th� Building Code, Seation 1.07 of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code. i ' i APR `z`� 1965 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Counci�' 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish pPR �� ��b"� Holland Approl►�1 19— Loss = Favor Meredith �� /� Mayor os�� �/ AgglIlSt Mr. President, Vavoulis 1on� e�s