223092 1� � , " f OR�GINAL TO CITY CLERK �/,3��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa r� OJP�I `� i� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO i� � COUN L RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED RY A I'j.l 1.� �.nLS COMMISSIONE pA� P f yu # f , . b ' i H&SOLVSD, That the Coimcil hereby approves �the award of the Contract Committee � _ . , i thereflor and here'by asrards aontraet for �urnishing all ]a'bor, materials, i - E equipm�ent and ser�ri.ces necessary for or reasona,bly incidental to the pa3nting l � at Como Park Zoo, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to S�CHOMAHI� B1�OT��RS� INC. 3n accordRnce ; j with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Forma.l Bid �1202 0� 'I said Schumann Brothers, Inc. �or the cm tract price o� $l,569.00, such bid being , •- � • ;� the lawest and said Schwnann Brothers, Ir�e . being a reasonable and reliable bidd.er, � and the Corporation Cotmsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper i f �orm of contr�et therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to 1 � eaecute said contraet on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. ; , � � Formal Bid �1202. E _ � �; ' t ti i ' C 1 � . I - � 4 � ' . i � , . I � AP R 2 21965 i COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— f F Yeas Nays ! Dalglish APR 2 21965 � Holland roved ' 19— j Loss Tn FAVOI' � f Meredith _ � Peterson � � - �yOY � 's A gSlII3t �+Rosee - � • � ,, �� Mr. President, Vavoulis •- . . PUBLISHED ApR 24 196� �� - � �xon� aes ;� :' , '� ' � - DU;}ICAT[TO HtINTfJt ����92 CITY OF ST. PAUL FoENCa NO �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM�oONwr DA*� April 1�+� 1965 2�OLV�D� That the Council hereby a,ppraves �}ae a�ard oP th� Contract Coo�ittee therefor and here'by aWaralB contra,ct �or �urnieh3ng aLl labor, ma,terials, equipment �,nd ser�riees necesa�.y �or or reasonably incidental. �to the painting a�t Cb�o Perk Zoo, Sa3nt Pau1, �t.i.nnesota, to gCI�AlQt BRO�SR5� IRC. in accordanc� �ith City apec�ice�t3or� therefor hereto attachsd and the Fos�,l. Bid �1202 oP said Schu�aen.n Brothers, Inc. �or the cm.tract price of $1,56g.00, $uch bid being ths lowest �,nd gatd Schumann Brot�ere, Irc . be3ng a �e,sonable and raliabls bidder, and the Corporat3a�, Co�msel be e,nd h�reby ie dia�ected to clxa�t t� the proper form of coatract there:�or, end the par�per C�ty ofY'icials hereby arQ �uthor3zed to �xecute said cont�act on 'behal� of the City o� Saint Pau1. Fozse,j. Bid �1202. COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Councij APR 2 21965 ls— Yeas Nays �lglisb APR 2 21965 Holland `J ApprovPd 19— Loss , Tn FBVOr Meredith Petersaa 0 MSyOr liosen--- A g�st Mr. President, Vavoulis io�c s�