223053 i
: 223U53
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. Theundereignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement bythe City of 8aint Paul,viz.:
: _...���Qt7�S�xu�G..�k1�...�is��t��.k..oA..th�.W���...&:LSl�..4�..��F��4�...��,�hts..��St1R..�kA��'les_,A.Yg,.,.to.
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" Winter St. and on the east side of Ca itol Hei hts from the S/L of Lot 11 Blk 20
�.to the N/L of Lot 7,__Blk._13,�__Ashton._and Sherburne's Addition and bry_.doin�..all other
• •---- ---•- ---------- •--.. .._---------------••----...........�.._..----....._..-----------..
!' work which is hecessar and incidental to co lete safd i rovement.
Dated thie.---•--21st.:......da of-------------------•-••--April---•-----... ..6�5
Y •--...... -•---.., 19 .
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WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
! _„_reconstruct__the.__sidewalk._on the:weat side of Capitol__Heights._from_Charles._Aye,___to
� .... ..........._.----•--•-•-------•----
____Winter St. and on the_east„side of_.Capitol__Heights__from the S�L_of.Lot_.11,..Blk__20,
-----•-•---•---•-------------•--•.. .....__-- -•--•--....------
__._work.which.,is..necessary,,,aad__incidental..to comglete_.said_,improyement.__________________....._......
having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul,_...._.__..___.....................................................................
' therefore, be it • ,
�' RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordeied and direoted: �
" 1. To investigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of ea,id improvement, and the total ooet thereof.
3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement.
� 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commiesioner of F�nance.
' APR � 11965
` Adopted by the Council...................................._.
+ ...........................•---------
� Y�es
, ��� � 1965
' Councilman Dalglish
� Holland Approved_..................•- -•-----•--•--•-----...--------••-•..._...�.._.._
' Loss
� Meredith •
; Peterson
�ose� �, ---------..___. ._.__-------------------------------_ '.._...._.�y..._...____
� MB. P$E81D�NT Vavoulis -'� Ma or.
' 3000 7-b4
�� PUBLTSHEU APR 24 196�