223049 •�� - __ ' �, 2�U49 11 � � ;• ;� Counoil�le No...�..�................ 1, �'� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT E' _� and ,, � � PRELIMINARY ORDER. ;, i� Theunderaignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: �; ,�.,�e�o}�struct..tl�e_.�idewalk.-Q�y-•t�e---�o�tl}._�����4�..C�S244�]��.��..4�Yg�._._�]CQ]�..C����.�.A_Y.�:.--ta•---•- �� _...kius��g�n...�Y��..�o�sl_..ky_--dQ�.c}�_.���..Axh��..�aax�C..�ak�i�k�--�--m���.s��x$--amd..�,ci��.d�m��.�,...�o.------- k � . ' co lete said i rovement. , ...._._..mP...--•............._---�-------•--•-•--------...---.....---------....•--•----------..._...................-•--•--•-•---•----•------••--•--........---------------------•-----•-• t, �t ..._.__..............................•-•--•----•--..........-------...---•-•----•----•-----------------.__........................__..------..._..............--•--•----.._-•-•----......... t� Dated thie...........2l.s.t..day of.........................•--.....Ap�il......--•--..............-- ---.., 1 -65�• `' ' -..`�..�._�7.::���:?�hl...C.?� �-- ....... ...... � f �ou an. �I �I l� i f PRELIMINARY ORDER. " WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: i �' reconstruct the sidewalk on the south side of Goodrich Ave. from Cretin Ave. to .. ..............•--...._...._.....------.............-•--------...-------................-------_.....-------------------•---------.............._...........•--•-•-------••-------•--.._...__..__ ..__Woodlawn Aye. and__by.,doing..all_other_work which is necessary._and._incidental..to,._____, •----• --•------ - •-•... ...............• •---•----•--- _..complete__said improvement�_......._---._....---••-•--•-••-•-...-•............................................:. ,' having been preeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul........................................................................_..........._ _ + - �� therefore, be it , 'i RESOLVED; Tliat the Commiesioner of Publio Works be and ie hereby ordered and direoted: � i� 1. To inveatigate the neceseity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. �� 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total ooat thereof. '� 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. << '' 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. �' b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commiesioner of Finance. �� '� APR 2.11965 �. . ii Adopted by the Council-------------------------------- ------------•-•--•----------•-------.... �' Y�es ' . f, �f Councilman Dalglish APR 211965 � f,' Holland Approved.---•-----_----•-- -•-----------•--•------------------------------------ f; Los s � �; Meredith � Peterson �, R�oaea -----------__.............. ----------------•--.__.---.........:._._....----... F M$. PBEBlDIDNT Vavoulis Mayor. F� � ��� � v �' ' 2 4 T9� E�'' . pUBLtSHED APR i; � .