223043 i �I �i �23043 � Council�le No..._...._............._ �� ; PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and + � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � Theundereignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublioimprovement bythe City of Saint Paul,vis.: . , � reconstruct the sidewalk on the north side of Wy_oming„St,t,,,from_Cherokee.Ave.__to__.... .� ........-•------•----•.............----•--•----- ---•-----...__.......----•-----....----------.__..--------- '� Ottawa Ave. and by doin all other work which is necessa and incidental to com- �' _----_------------------------------•--___..--------•--�-------.....-•------..._....-----------------------------.............---..�'..----•--------......-•--•---•------.......----•----•-•- ;� , ...._p?��.��---$a?�.d--�-���s��em��-------------------------------------------------•---------.........--•--•----•-•------------•--------•--•------...---------_...._._.._... : ...........................•---------........_........-•---......----•-----•------•---------._........._..._.._...................................._._.......-•-•--•-•-------..�-•-----------•--- ��� Dated this.......21st.......day of-•.......................April..................--- . ...., 1965 .... .......... ...._. 7' '���f7r��l���'� ������"'. ..""""..... .».. �.�. al � •�i0 0/� '�� �� . � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: reconstruct •the sidewalk on the north side of Wyomin�_St...from_Cherokee._Ave.._to..__ _Ottawa Ave.-_and_by doing all _other_work which is necessar�►_and..incidental__to__com-_, ___P.lete sa3d im�rovement. ;' having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.__....................................................._.._..._....._._�.....__._ �. therefore, be it � � RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public VVorks be and is hereby ordered and direoted: �� 1. To investigate the neceesity for, or deeirability of, the mal�ng of eaid improvement. ,-;! 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and eatimated cost of said improvement, and the total ooet thereof. , 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. ' 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to1�he��Commissioner of F�nance. � Adopted by the Counail....................:. .............A.......---------------�----..._...... Y�es � � _ Councilman Dalgliah {�K�� ' Hol land Approved._..............................•-••-----......----........................ Loss � • � Meredith .� . Peterson � �toae� - ------------ •------ • ---•--- -•.................. . ..........�._..----------- , M$. Panstn�rrr Vavoulis �r � Mayor. 3000 7-b4 ��' �I pUBLISHED APR 24 1�6 ;'�, . ;� .