223021 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK ���o�� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO � FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � CO IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � � � 1RESENTED EY � COMMISSIONE DA� ; WHEREAS, Council File No. 222035, approved by the Couneil on F'ebruary 23, 1965, was intended to correct an erroneous description of property to be dedicated by Marrel G. ', Hathaway and Mar�orie Hathaway, to the City of Saint Paul, for � right-of-way and easement purposes, as described therein; and � WHEREAS, inadvertently, the resolution repeats the erroneous description instead of eorrecting it; now, therefore, � be it � RESOL-VED, tha� the resolution contained in the above � council file is herewith rescinded, commeneing wi�h that portion conta�.r�ing a paragraph beginning with a "Further Resolved" clause; � and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, b� the Counail of the City of Saint Pau1, ' tha� tY�e prope� City officers aecept from Marrel G. Yia�haway and . Mar�orie Hathaway, his wife, t�ie following described and dedicated real estate, viz: � The East 40 feet a�id the North 30 feet of part of the " . Southeast 1/�+ of tY�e Southwest 1/�+ of the Southeast � � 1/�+ west of the East 295.16 feet of said 1/�+,1/�+, 1/� ; seation, sub�ect to Maryland Avenue, and the northeasterly triangular art of said tract south and west of said strips , - measuring 3� feet on�the east line ar�d 6 feet on the north ! line, all in Section 22, Township 29, Range 2�; ; � A pe�manent easement on, under a.nd across a strip of land 20 feet in width for the purpose of construeting and � maintaining a public sewer, tY�e eenter lir�e of said � permanent easement being described as follows: Beginrling 335.16 feet west of the east line and 3�3.0 feet north from the south line of the Southeast 1/�+ of the Southwes� 1/�4 ,of the Southeast 1/�4, Section 22, Township 29, Ran e 22, ' _ thence west parallel with the south sec�ion line 321.3� feet. FORM PPROVEp f � ' �' APR 2 01965 `; s�f �r" r iqn CaunSe �• - Adopted by the Council 19_ C NCILI�N � Yeas Nays APR 2 0 ���� Dalglish " 1 Holland p oved _ 19_ � Loss � Tn FaVOY � ,° Meredith ; Peterson �/ �y�r ' A gainst � Rosen ; Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED ApR 24 196� iont e-ea t