222992 , ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /"�o��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� ``d`"'�, � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY �,�= C�MMISSI�NEe_ DAT� RFSOLVED� That� the Coun.cil of the City of �aint Paul hereby approves: "A BILL FOR AN ACT RELATING TO THE CITY OF SAINT �AUL � � AND THE COUNTY OF RAMSEY; ESTABLISHING AN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DE�ARTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE �ROCUREMENT AND EXPENDITURE OF MONEYS FOR THE O�ERATION THEREOF� AND �ROVIDING FOR THE HOUSING OF �'FICERS AND EMF''LOYEES �iEREOF." and recomm.ends the same to the Ra.msey County Senate and Hous e delegations. , � FO PPRO EQ / . . ��at, Gorporation unsel wr� 151965 . COUNCILI�N " Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas NaYs APR 151965 Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson � Against „�y�� ��� Rosen RUBLISHED Mr. President, Vavoulis _ _ 1on� e-as /LICAT[TO rRINT6R �/,�Y�/ r�i��6J p.�� , CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTfON—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� �E��� �a� �h� C.t�u�.�ii oF th� ��..t�t o�' �a�nt Patt3,. h��t�b3� app�o�'e�t �� ��►, I�� �' �C� �����4 �Q � �:��'3' 4�` ���T P'� ANA '�''i� ty0tili'�'3� U�' �AM��� �T���►��'Qr � �DI����'�'T�'�'► S�'IC� �'�� �iD .AQ'�0����t� �T� ����" AI(D �P�7Y�� 0�' �Ql�$ �� �_�Q���t��t �4�` �'D ��qY���3�f� i�� � �aT�'S��G ��'.fi�� �iD 3�k��f� ��O�.p �ncl r��om�.�nd� tb,e� �a�� to the ����t ��ty ���tra and �ou�e d�l���.tintts. APR 151� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays APR 15 � Dalglish Holland . Approved 19— Loss Tn F'SVOr Meredith Peterson MSyOr �_Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion[ e-as � j � ' ' � - CITY BILL `i0 34 ' ; . • . 'F• • ,`r r � ^ , ' ' � � .`.. idARCd 26, 19������ � "" . • � � �_. A 13ILL FOR AN ACT +L� - . _ ' RELATING TO 'PHE CITY OF SAZI�'I' PAUL A�zD THE � • COUi1TY OF RAMSEY; LSTAIiLISIiIdG AN AD!�fI�IIS- . � . 'pRATIVE St�RVICES DEPARTI�i1T AivD FiUTHOKIvIi�IG ' THE PROCUl�i.t•9L'NT tildD EXPL•'NDIA��PROVIDINGS ; • POR TfiE OY�FATION THER�Or, FOR THE HOUSI:IG OF OFFI(:ERS ANU EMPLOYEES � THEIt�OF. - f . + i3E IT EIIACTED BY THE LE�I5L�1TU1tE UC 1HE STATE OF MINi1ESOTA: � r ^7 of Saint � The overning bodies of the �.ty � ESTABLISH�:NT: Section 1. � g � of Ramsey snal].� hy agreemer�t between said two units � # Paul and the �ounty t : of government, establish, �nd shall thereafter cantinually maintain an � '�'i 2 � operate a joint city-county administrai:ive services department. reement , � city council and county board are hereby authoriaed� in said ag s + � ula�tions for the operation of the administra- , ; to promulgate rules and reg ' ,� ' irom time to time, by con- ; T and thereafter, i tive services departnent, i � � �urring resolutions of said bovernino �odies, to provide for modifica- � �� tion of the aforesaid a�reement. r '� � ,� 2. Subdivision 1.�The administrative services '� DUTIES: Sec#�'- , . �� de artment shall operate an administrative planning and research div�sion, p � division internal control and anal sis divi3ion, Y s�stems and programming ' division. It may operate a microfilm division, and a data processing � � central mailing service , a central duplication servicef and may conduct � or erform such other related woi�k or programs as may be assigned by the �; P . j � city council and/or the �� of county comrr►i5�loners. , ' Subd. 2.�p, Notwithstanding �he provisions of the charter ` ' AU TH�I TY: ± � of the city of Saint Paul or any genera�. or special law affecting anY � ' department or bureau in the�city of �aint Paul or the county of RamseY, ; � board may require ar►Y + � the Saint Paul city council or the Ramsey county , � f � � ' � such unit of governmer�t � elimi.na�e from its operation any work whic � � the center is performing or could perfor.m for it. � , : _ i — „ + ----- .. s ; . , . _.__ . . . _. _ — . ,t , . . . . — . � . . . . , , . ` � .t i 3 , ` ..� �•'.f �, . . I�,,,�� �" � ; E- . • _. 7 .. � � � " PARTICIPATING UNITS; Sec. 3. ^ T'he council of the city of Saint Paul and the ' I � . � ';� Board of county commissioners of Ram;ey county may, by concurring res- .� • . �_ � olutions of said bodies , authorize govern�rsntal a�encies, subdivisionsJ ` or units of government which are not cit� or county departmants or � agencies, to participat2 in and t�ke advantage of the administrative � services dePartment services, upon such terms and conditions as said � � council and board of county commissioners may determine. � I � . CIVIL SERVICE PROTECTION: Sec. 4. Subd�N�l.�All employees of, the joint city- � i � county administrative services departm�nt, except as hereinafter provided, i ; shall be employed in the classified divisi� of the cuunty civil service � and shall be er�ployed under the provisions of Laws 1941� Chapter 513, as 1 ; ' amended� No emp].oyee transferr�d to the jw.�isdictian of the joint city- � county admi.nistrative services department shall suffer any loss of salary, , oZJ � seniority, tenurc, sick leave, vacation� a-�pensicn rights. Any employee � ��' . ; �' with less than six months of full-time service prior to transfer shall be i t . � required to serve a six months' probati�ary period. All city an county � employees siiall be eligible for transfer to tr.e 3dministrative services � � t � , department. All employees of the administrative services department s a 'i be eligible for transfar to any city or caunty departmc:nt. Such transfer r '� shall. be subject to tkie rights guarante�under the city or county merit . 1� , i: , system. Grievances of employees of the administrative service� s department . � ' �«r.�r_=� relating to benefits shall be submitted for determinatic� to the��ounty �ivil �ervice �ommissiqn.� � ;' E?{�CUTIVE DIRECTOR: Subd. 2. �An exracutive director who shall be respansible for the management and operation of the administrative services department ;� , shaLl be appointed by joint action of the city council and the board of ` _�, _county commissioners � an�when appointed, such perscn shall have such � � minimum requirements of education, training, and experience as shall be - 2 - . , � � • . . - -. . _ _.-,� - . _- . ___.. �,<-„ � � ,Y . _ ' S . , "' ' .� " " . " . ` M.• , • • . , _ N0� ' � � ' I � . determ3,ned. by the Ramsey �ounty �ivil �ervice �ommission and approved by t . r �$'`� the city council and the county board. � ,� {. • � The executive director• may be a person enployed within the classi- . � � fied service of the civil service of either ttie city of Saint Paul or � A.+�.rS�..�t.c� . � tne�oun�ty of Ramsey�►�a.,may thereafter retain such city or county civil � service classification and �+� may function as executive director and in � his civil service capacity at the same time. The authority herein con- � � • tained sha11 also permit an individual so appointed 1:o retain full civil. � service status and rights, including right to promotion with respect to � the position he held at the time of appointment as executive director of the administrative serv,�ces department. • � t • � � � CITIZE�I COMMITT£E: Sec. 5.�The city council and county board shall appoint � } a corrunittee or` �amsey �ou.-�ty ?�itizens to provide tecnnical consultation 4 � for and professional evaluation of the administrative services program. � No citizen member shall �e appointed or shall act as a member of the � � committee while holding a public office or any public employment. Each � person appointed shall havo a minimum of ten years' professional experience �t # in finance , accounting, or data processing. � 1 � � DIVISION OF EXPEIISES: Seco 6,. Sub , 1. The c��Lnci? of the city of Saint � Paul shall provide an amount sufficient to ��ay 50 per�ent of the expenses t of operating the administrative services department and tha county of # ' � Ramsey shall likewise provide an amount sufficient to pay 50 per�s.ent of { the expense of operating the said department. ► � 7 , t " kEVOLVING FUIdD: Subd. 2.n There is hereby created a revolving fund of an � t � . amount not in excess of $50,000 for use by the administrative services � department. Such fund shall be established out of funds including, but t + � .� not limited to, the city's charter fund 35, code num�er 0966, and county � - budget item fund 23-31 or such other available funds as tha council or l # � � • � � 3 - .� , H t � � • � ,_ , - .-- 11c,. ++ �, �� . � �, ., ��..�,..(... . " couiity board may tr . . Necessary funds for the opera�Cion . �� of the administrative services department for the balance of 19G5 shall �' . � � . � be made available out of the aforesaid funds. Operatiom of the admin- ' � • istrative services dapartment after January 1, 1965 shall be out of � � . funds joiii�ly appropriated therefor by the city and county. The funds t � in such revolving fund at the end of any year shall be carried over in said fund fo'r the succeeding year. � � 7 SERVIGE F�:ES: Subd. •3.n Each department or unit of government or agency shall reimburse the administrative services department revolving fund � for the cost as determined by the executive director and approved by � , the city comptroller and county auditor� of a11 services, supplies, mater- 1 • � ials, labor� and depreciation of equipment� includin� reasonable overhead � costslwhich the executive director is authorized and �directed to furnish , ; ' a department or agency. I��� L ' Vj � DEPOSIT OF FUr]DS: Subd. 4.^ Al1 such reimbursement and any moneys received ~� by the joint city-county administrative scrvices departmant shall be � • deposited in the administrative services revolving f�dJ and such fund� f • + shall bc considered jaint funds. � � � � ' # ACCOUNTING PROC;EDURx,,S: Subd. 5./�The intcrnal accounting procedurzs for the fdepartment shall be as determined by ttie city council and county board � i � . and may be performed eit� by the city comptrollc:r' or the county aud�tor. � SPACE: Subd. 6.n The joint city hall and court house committee � shall provide necessary spaco for the operation of the administrative � � services department. 1. � � EFFECTIVE DATE: Sec. 7. � This act shall becornz effecti�e upon approval � � ! � . by a rES�1u�-ie�cdbate�-a-rnajority of the governing body of the city �''� of Saint Paul and by a ma�ority of the governing body of the county of ��' i i Ramsey and upon compliance with Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 645..021.�� � ^ 4 - ' . i �} - - � . .-._ . 4 ._._ _. �. . � - - -- - _ ._. . .�