222979 .^ � 1 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ��2�79 ii CITY OF ST. PAUL ' couHCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM �5 . �RESENTED RY - � COMMISSIONE DATF � I I� , I WHEREAS, it has become apparent that the rising flood waters on the Nlississippi River havel�reached the flood �vall ` located on the east ba�k of the river, thereby creating an extreme danger to life a.nd property; arad } WAEBEAS it is neceasa in the ir�terests of ublic t � rY P health, safety and r�elfare �o restrict all 'una�.thorized personnel from Qoming into said area lying ;ad�acen� to the flood wall on �he east bank of the Mississippi River w3.thin � the City of Saint Paul; now, thepefore, be ;it � � RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Pan1, that � the Commissioner of Public Safety is hereby authorized and directed � to take all reasonable and necessary steps to secure said area and � to keep said area free from congestio� by all unauthorized personnel �' or citizens and to ta.ke such measures as he deems necessary to pro- ° tect against peril to life and property occasioned by the flood wat�xs . � -� I� i� �; . _ _ _ � . - - - --- -- - �. �F i� �� �' . FO APPROVED � � a-� sst. Cor , iqn Coun�el i . `,;t _ , � � , APR 14�5 '� COLTNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Y�as Nays AP� 14 �65 Dalglish ` Approved 19— , Holland iF Loss � Favor � �� • i� Meredith `r { c� � Peterson yOr # Rosen Aga�gt Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED APR 17 1965 I ions'' a�s �� � y OUrL1�T!TO rRINT[R ; CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OEHCIL N� �.����9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f�ESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATF WI�REAS, it has become apparent that the rising flood " waters on the Mississippi River have breaQhed the flood wall loQated on the e�st bank of the river, thereby areating an ex�reme danger to life a,nd propertyj and WHEREAS, it is necessary �.n �he interests of public health, safety and welfare to restriat all unauthorized peraonnel from coming into said area lying ad�aQent to the flood wall on the east bank of the Mieai�sippi River within the City of Sa,int Paul; now� theref'ore, be it RESOLVED, by the Eounc�,l of the City of Saint Paul, that the Commissioner of Fublia Safety i� hereby authorized anc� direated to take a11 reasonable and neceaeary atepe to secure said area and to keep said are�. fr�e from cange�tion by all unauthor�zed personnel or eitizen� and to take suah meaeurea as he deems necesaary to pro- teat against peril to life and property oeQasioned by the flood wa�ers . APR 141965 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays APR 141965 Dalglish � Holland Approv�l 19_ Loss Tn FAVOr , Meredith � Peterson �y�r a gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iost a�s