222968 � ! ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLHWK 22�g�� j CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY <S� P 9� �S COMMISSIONEQ �`� p/,rF A �'�' 1' � EiSSOLVID, That the Counc3.1 here 'by ttpprov�es the award o� the Contract Co�sat.ttee , there�or and hereby a�rards contract �or ftunishing all la.bor, materials, equipment and services necessary �or or reasonably incid.ental to the grading, � sodding, seeding and instal]ation o� bitum3.nous surfacing, concre-ke steps, �encing, 'backstops, se�rers and catch basi.ns; and the ereck3ng of a garage at Vaa Buren P].ayground, located at Coaw�y Street and Maple Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota • to W. J. �Z COl�ANY in accorc3,ance with City p].�ans and specifications the�e�or hereto attached and the Formal Bid �1185 0� said W. J. Sbertz Compa�y �or the caaltract price of $38,1g6.00, svah bid being the lawest aud sa3d W. J. Ebertz Campar�r being a reasonable and reliable bidder, and the Corpora,tion Counsel be aud hereby is directed to draw up the proper form o� contract there�or, and the ; praper City ofl�icials hereby are authorizec� to execute sa3d contract on behalf oY � the City o� Sa3n.t;Paul._ . , � ,. - - .- -._ . --- Forma.l Bid #1185• APR ]. � 1965 COUNCILi�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish , A 141965 Holland � A rove 19— Loss — Tn Favor Meredith Peterson " � �'�� MAYOP �nsen A g81I18t � ���..����P����isR �.�ice President (Rosen) �I�BLI�F1'ED' APR 17 19� ions e�s nurucwrs ro naNreu ���j'�I�Q � CITY OF ST. PAUL FoEHCa NO. �`-� t� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM�MISS NE■ DAT� ��1 9, 1965 1�i0L�I), That the �rnmcil he�by �pprrnres the award crP the Contract Ca�ttee �there�or end hereby awards contract �or furnish3ng a11 ].�bor, m�.-teri�ls, equ3Pment �nd �erv�cas neces�exy �or or rea,�cana,bly ina�.denta]. �o the gr�ding, sod,dia6, seedi.ng axid ins-ra.7.7.�,�� c�f bi-�u�Lnous �urfeuing, caa.crete steps, �eacing� be�.ks�opa, s�r�ers �nd catch 'b�ains; and the �zeCking of e gax�age �,t �an Hu,ren P1eyg�rourid, located �t Conway Sts�eet end Ma,p]�e �treet, S�,int PaW., Minnesota to K, J. �'L �Q�Y ia e�ecord�n,ce SrSth C3t,�r p7�ns and �pgcifica'tioas thene�or hereto �tt�Y�d and t�he �'oz�7. B�d i�1185 of sa�.d W. �. �bartz ��er�y for the ec�trac� pa�i�e o;P $3�,'Z96,00� su,ch bid be3ng fi,'� lc,�weat sad said W. J. �bertz Co�ar�► b�i�g e, a�aAn,�,b1s an.d a�e],.tabls b�.d.der, and t�}ie �o�or$.tia� Couasel be e�nd hereby ��a direc'Y,�d ta draw' � the pra�er forYa,o� .ca�ntx�at th�reYor� ��d the praper �City act�.ci�,7.e hereby � authAMzed �tio execute s�id cc�.tr�t o� 'b�h�73 oP the Eity o� Sa3nt f'att�.. Foz�,.t�Bid �'].185. . AP R 141965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Y�as xaYs 41965 Dalglish ppR 1 Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn FSVOP Meredith Pecersoa MByor �—Against D___ �143Ca� ��,"��';°��}��"'=��'�'����k�'.s°, a-e��'�€- 9 :t� L�:o. ka: �.EE�:L:e�:..:..�. M2'. �ICY, Y��3�:1�C;' �.C(l� , 10][ {-0! ' '