222956y, r `City Cleric ORDINANCE -� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED B ORDINANCE NO. / � 0 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: ',',n administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, uu approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6,where they appear in the indicated grades under the heading "Clerical Group ", the following titles; and by -inserting said titles in the indicated grades under the heading IGClerical Group ": Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6 where they appear in the indicated grades under the heading 1,yManual and Maintenance Group ", the following titles; and by inserting said titles in the indicated grades u1jder the i heading "Manual and Maintenance Group ": s From To Title Grade Grade Parts Storekeeper ,47 48 Storekeeper I 47 48 Storekeeper II 49 50 Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6 where they appear in the indicated grades under the heading 1,yManual and Maintenance Group ", the following titles; and by inserting said titles in the indicated grades u1jder the i heading "Manual and Maintenance Group ": s i "` lt7 clerk /f PRESENTED BY Title ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO, 22g5f3 ORDINANCE NO. / ,"' p From To Grade Grade Broom Maker 43 45 Filter Plant Laborer 43 45 *Tree Laborer 43 45 Water -Shed Laborer 43 45 Filter Plant Operator I 45 46 Filter Plant Operator II 47 48 Tree ; Trimmer 47 49 Utilityman 47 48 Water Meter Serviceman 47 48 Water Serviceman I 47 48 Parking Meter Crew Leader 49 50 Water Serviceman II (Connections) 49 50 Water Serviceman II (Mains) 49 50 Chief Meter Repairman 51 52 Filter Plant Operator III 51 52 Instrument Repairman (Filter Plant) 51 53 Maintenance Foreman (Filter Plant) 55 57 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. �f. Approved: JA31 Civil Se ice Cdmmissioner Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counc>I 11rK 7.1 -r.7y 1 Dalglish t Holland Tn Favor Loss Meredith Against Peterson 0 h, Mr.President (Vavoulis) Approv APB 2 9 19 Attest: City Clerk �aG�k %�`aJ" IM "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By 4 - - -- PUBLISHED MAY 1 1565 CI'T'Y CLERK ` t JD� f,,i?\ 9 b o oratouco ;n g O#ftauoo o, 12% 0600 '*Au ads WAU%tly* +ardir4oco "lattol to they WvA ovdo* )Bartix . of o 'c of 0e pult oppr"Ift orld ttdo s 00 A" ro . ou *0"for« 0 tpPleoved Au", st ao*- 1got ** ondod TIM COVIMM Or UM OTY OP SAINT PAUL DOES OJWAMt ouf . TW' vdihahco Wo: $Z504 4p a►vod wit 20. 1914., 40. omondeOo bt 4tAitt #aM6 14 boreby, ev wondod by oulkios at at section, inatd pro4os; Utdor ifte header flolorloal T146 OVA& OV446 .47 40 stoto"Por it to good Z. 4t saki a+ anedo as amestdod d tho somol to Uroby fi r amended by ottodAg out O 6ou" 6 Or *! tboy uppoat indtc od smit o Undo 010 Mat "swwd oud ate . orotwIlf t -f wWS titles; end �by twoottlog said. tKa la thbludiowd jotadoo urldor 60 hood ,s ual ant but o4ato Gr4wt 222956 orftm000. sb*U tako effett tdd bo ft forco 64 Wyvarst 41T of tho fitot plyto U pot-lod JOUQWb toot FaWA*Adl WR 2 9 1965 `Tom arm* Ov*Ao 49 Suter v4mt. la'b*x%r 4$ 45 ,*To. 14 Zaboror. 0 4$ Morl ol"t operaW 1 46 viltor Plimt Operator It 41, 40 T"b. ° 4;_A 47 Uto' a"4 47 43 viaol"'Motor w 41 48 witor vatkiog, Moot icrow toxd*V 0 wour savvuomn 3.1 (0=001cas) 491 mator sovildoli=JU imoths) 49 Chittme_*tor a4pu'voAn, O's fate* VIAV& Opov*wi j" 31 ft w4 do rotaman wit Plot) orftm000. sb*U tako effett tdd bo ft forco 64 Wyvarst 41T of tho fitot plyto U pot-lod JOUQWb toot FaWA*Adl WR 2 9 1965 I st 2nd Laid over to—. 3rd and app �dopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish �alglish Holland \ olland \ Loss Loss `Meredith \Meredith Peterson � \ Peterson r, President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis