222916 � ZZ -� L!Q . ; Council Flle No.+222916—By Mlltoa ; . Rosen— Resolved, That upon the petition of SPH Hotel �Company that section of public street hereina�ter described be and. the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public street: � "That triangular section of Cedar Street lying in Lot 16, Block 23, . City of St. Paul, commonly known as 'St. Paul Proper', described as foll6ws: commencing at a point on the present northwesterly line of Kellogg Boulevard 10 feet south- � westerly of the northeasterly ]ine _ of said Lot 16, as platted; thence northivesterly parallel to said . northeasterly line of Lot 16 a dis- tance of SO feet; thence southerly to a point on the =present north- • westerly line of Kellogg Boulevard 30 feet southwesterly of the point of beginning; thence northeasterly along said present northwesterly line of Kellogg Boulevard to the point of beginning;" subject expressly to the following con- diUons and reservations: 1.that the vacation be�subiect to all the terms and conditions of Section ' 228 of the Legislative Code regulat- ing the procedure and prescribing conditions£or the vacation of public ' weys in�thesCity�of St paul,d high- 2.that poTtion of street to be vacated be described as: that triangular sec- tion of Cedar Street lying in Lot 16, Block 23, City of St.Paul,commonly known as St. Paul Proper", de- � scribed as follows: commencing at a point on the present northwesterly line of Kellogg Boulevard 10 feet southwesterly of the northeasterly -line of said Lot 16,as platted; thence northwesterly parallel to said north- � easterly line of Lot 16 a distance of 30 feet; thenCe southerly to a point on the present northwesterly line of Kellogg Boulevard 10 feet south- westerly of the point of beginning; therice northeasterly along said pres- ent �northwesterly line of. Kellogg Boulevard to the point of beginning; 3.that the petitioners pay the sum oE $300.00 as compensation for the vaca- tion .and provide the City with a I bond in the amount of$1,0OO.OD. ',Adopted by tlie Council April 13,1965. Approved Aprll 13, 1965. (April 17, 1985)