222910 � ���o ORIGINAL TO CITY GLBRK 22 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' ►RESENTED dY ` COMMISSIONE DA� Resolved, That the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to pay to the Hurley Construction Company on Partial Estimate No. 2, Contract No. L-6722, also known as the TROUT BROOK SEWER EXTENSION REPAIR N0. 2, said Estimate being �for the period of February 12., 1965 to April 8, 1965, and such other partial estimates on said contract that may be-presented subsequently by said Contractor and approved by the City Engineer, it being the understanding of this Council that such partial payment or payments on partial estimate or estimates on said contract in no way is to be construed as an act by the City or any of its agents, servants or employees, extending the time specified for completion or in any waq changing the terms of said contract, plans or specifications thereof, nor in any way or by any means shall this Resolution or payment� or paqanents made under euthority of this Resolution be construed as a waiver of any of the rights of said City under said contract; and provided that prior to payments of any of the aforesaid partial estimate or estimates, said Contractor, by its duly authorized agents or corporate officers, shall file with the City Comptroller, in a form approved by the Corporation Counsel, an acceptance of the conditions of payment as hereinbefore set forth; and be it Resolved Further, that in the absence of said acceptance being filed with the Comptroller, no payment or paqments, as aforesaid, shall be made. , --- _ _ . - - - -- -. . . _ - . - -_�_ _ _ . . � APR �.31965 �� COLJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish pPR 13 �� Holland roved 19— Los s � Tn Favor Meredith ' Pete rs on � MAyOr A gainst ��vs2a— Mr. President, vaoo��s _ pUBLISHED APR _� � 1965 iont e�a x DUrLICAT[TO rllINT6R �f���0 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa ` `��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED �Y N�1�OA �O�tII COMMISSIONE� DATF Rasalvad, Thwt th� prop�r offl.ctra of th� City o! Saint Psul are l�rab� auathoris�d to psy to the �urlay Qon�truction Coapany o� ��rC�l , �stiaat� llo. 2, �ontra�et �o� b-6722, al�o known a� tha T�tOUT B�041C . , S�R �CTffiq8Ia14 �tBPA� lp. 2, sai.d ��ti�ta t»3ng for �he pariod oL� . . �abruary i2, 1965 to epril 8, 196�, e�ud �uch othar partiai �stiaata� on ��tid «�ntra�ct �hra� �ay be presented s�bsequmn�ly by s�id Contractor and �ppro�ad b�r thfl Gityr 1�igin�ar, 9.0 baing� ths und�rRtia�din� of tlaii Gouncil thaC �a¢h partia�l paq�p�t or p��et�ts on partial sstia�te oz estiaat�s� on s�id aontxacC in no �sy is to ba constru�d as an act by tha� Ci'tq or eny o� i�a �ag�nts, �s�rvant� or �ployees, ax�ending th� • ti�e specified �or compl�tion or in �mny �ay ¢he�ngin� tha terwa o£� s�id � eontr�ct, gl�ns or �epecifica�l�bs the�off nor ir� �ny �ay or by �atiy a�t�s �tcall thi�t Resolution ar paqunts or pay�esn�t �d� und�r authori.tq of th�.s lteaolution be cons�ruad as � Waivar af any af th� rigt►ts �f said �i�y under said contract� and provid�d thaC prior co pa�yaaMta o� �y of � Ch� e�£or�sa�d pr�r�i�l asti�Cs or e�ti�a�m�� �sid Contxactor, by its � duly autlwri:ad� agents or corporat�a of�ic�rs� sbell �ile With th� City Coa�ptroll�r, in a for� approv�d b� tha Corpora�tion Gou�s�l, an aecaptaACs of tb� candit3ong o� payw�nC a� hersini�ort �et farth; and b� it ' ' • �solwed Further� that fn the ab�tnce of snid �c�eptt�nc�e being tiled with th* Goaptroll�r, no �aya�nt or p��nts� as �orasaid, ahall ba �ade. • , , ��n � �. 19�5 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas IVays ���e� 1� ��<'�� Dalglish ' Holland ApprovP� 19— Loss �G' Tn FAVOx' Meredith Peterson a MAyOr Rc�ss,a_ '4 g81nBt Mr. President, Vavoulis � � ion� e-es