06-1152COUNCIL FILE #: O� �� C j � . GREEN SHEET #: 3034872 R¢SOlutiOn City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 1 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul, Pazks and Recreation manages a Park Security operation consisting of a mix of full-time 2 and part-time officers (non-swom) that cover all of the parks in the ciry; and 4 WHEREAS, Pazk Security officers patrol the parks 365 days a yeaz, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day; enforcing dog leash 5 laws, park ordinances, and common parking violations; and 6 7 WHEREAS, the CiTy of Saint Paul, Planning and Economic Development (PED) Departinent is the owner of the former 8 Stroh's Brewery site; and 10 WHEREAS, PED has requested that Park Security provide ovemight security monitoring of the Stroh's site; and 11 12 WREREAS, Park Security has agreed to provide ovemight security at the Stroh's site for the period of October 1, 2006 thru 13 December 31, 2006 for the amount of $10,953; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the Capital Ciry Partnership, the City of St Paul Parks and Recreation, and Wells Fargo aze coordinating the 16 Wells Fargo WinterSkate at downtown St. Paul's Landmazk Plaza; and 17 18 WHBREAS, this outdoor, artificially-chilled ice skating rink will be operated from November 17, 2006 through 19 January 17, 2007; and 20 21 WHEREAS, at the request of the Capital City Partnership, the Ciry of St. Paul Parks and Recreation's Pazk Security has agreed 22 to provide overnight security at the WinterSkate site; and 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 WHEREAS, in retum for providing this service Capital City Parmership has agreed to compensate Pazk Security at a rate of $170 per day, equaling $3,330 for 2006; and WHEREAS, Park Security assisted with the set-up and tear-down of the Saint Paul Bike Classiq and in return for these services received a$782 reimbursement from the Neighborhood Energy Connection; a nonprofit organization that provides energy efficiency information, services and programs to residents, businesses, and conununities across Minnesota; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of Parks and Recreation to establish a spending and financing plan for these amounts related to providing security services at both the Stroh's Brewery and Wi�terSkate sites and in conjunction with the Saint Paul Bike Classic; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation, funds oF $20,065 in excess of those estimated in the 2006 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2006 budget: G:IFN11Qi1W�rkalResolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslSecurityAdditions'O6.xls Page l ot2 COUNCIL FILE #: Q`— ���'jZ GREEN SHEET #: 3034872 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Mipnesota 44 CURREl�TT AMENDED 41 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 42 001 - General Fund 43 03131 - Park Security 44 4301 - Normal Activity Services 0 20,065 20,065 45 0 20,065 20,065 46 SPENDING PLAN: 47 oQ 1- General Fund 48 03131 - Park Security 49 0132 - Non Certified - Temp/Seasonal 0 16,000 16,000 50 0283 - Vehicle Rental 14,000 1,800 15,800 51 0368 - Office Supplies 0 315 315 52 0386 - Uniforms 1,500 350 1,850 53 0439 - Fringe Benefits 46,668 1,600 48,268 �4 62,168 20,065 82,233 55 56 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves these changes to the 2006 budget. Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � � � Approved by ayor�,.� Date: �' � ~ � Requested by: Division of Parks and Recreation BY 1��� ✓�_j//�C�,�.� Approval Recommet ed by Financial Services Director: By: � , Submission to Council G:IFMIqTWirkalReso�utions,AOs,GreenSheetslResolutionslSecuntyAdditions'O6xls Page.2of2 Adopted by CounciL Date: \'LJ 7 �� T Form Approved by City Attorney � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � O�v�'���'JZ PR — parlcsandRecreauon Conqct Person & Phone: Jason WiAca 266-G417 Must Be on Counciiqqenda by (Date): Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ iRANSACI E-DoculneMRequired: Y DocumentContact: JasonWirka ConqctPhone: 266-6417 �� m�c�a: 29-NOV-06 � Assign Number For Routing Order �,,,��-;e--= rv � 'f�� Total # ofSignature Pages J_ (Clip All Locations fot Signature) Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution amending the 2006 spending and fivancing plan for Pazks and Recreation's Pazk Security Program. Recommendations: Appro�.e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Ciul Service Commission Green Sheet NO: 3034872 Deoar6nent SentTOPerson InRiaODate 0 az aodR reatio I arksandR reatio De +'m�rntD'vector �� 2 nancial rvices ffi e Finan ial Servi 3 ' Att rn 4 a r's Otfice Ma or/Ass' tant 5 cil C ncil 6 1 rk C erk IniGating Pmblem, issues, Opportu�ity (Who, Wha4�en, Where, Whyj: AdvanWges IfApproved: Budgetary level of control maintained. DisadvanWges IfApproved: None Disadvantaqes If Not Approved: Budgetary level of control lost. 7ota1 Amount of � Z� 065 7rensaction: Fundin� Source: Reimbursements Financ ial Information: (Explain) ��OC�, �� `; . " �,�� CosVRevenue Budgeted: N Persona� Secvice Coniracts MuSt Mswer the Folbwing 1. Has this person/firtn e�er worked under a contract for this depaAment? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfimi eaer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this persoNfirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Activiry Number. 03131 � �� ��� ���� ������� �oean�a� Re���s�h ��rs�.�r p� 1 g 2006 November29, 2006 10:01 AM Page 1