06-1151COUNCIL FILE #: _ d�j— ��S 1 GREEN SHEET #: 3034870 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Presented By: Referred to; Date: � - 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Parks and Recreation manages Fund 370 - Parks and Recreation Supply and Maintenance, 2 to provide intemal storeroom, properiy maintenance, properiy abatement, and refuse hauling services to both Parks and 3 Recreation sections and other departments alike; and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 WHEREAS, expenses incuned and revenues realized aze based on the quantity of service requests, specifically the abatement orders issued and the direct requests for refuse hauling or property maintenance services received; and WHEREAS, service rates aze built on staff, material, service, and equipment components, and billed at a pre-determined rate; and WHEREAS, in 2006 the revenues received for the provision of storeroom, abatement, maintenance, and refuse hauling services will exceeded that which is reflected in the adopted budget; as has, or will, the spending; and WHEREAS, the spending changes reflected below are requ'ued to keep pace with the level of requests for service received; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropriation, funds of $592,000 in excess of those estunated in the 2006 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 2006 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: SUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 370 - Parks Supply and Maintenance 13105 - Storeroom 4301 - Normal Activity Services 466,379 180,000 646,379 466,379 180,000 646,379 SPENDING PLAN: 370 - Pazks Supply and Maintenance 13105 - Storeroom Ol l l- Full Time Certi£ied 0344 - Parts for Vehicles 0349 - Other EquipmentfParts 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0449 - Workers Compensation 0533 - Materials for Resale 0856 - System Software FINANCING PLAN: 13120 - Summary Abatement 4301 - Normal Activiry Services lo�,si� �zs,000> s2,si� 0 3,000 3,000 0 2,300 2,300 33,877 (7,750) 26,127 13,500 (10,000) 3,500 286,706 208,950 495,656 0 8,500 8,500 441,900 180,000 621,900 368,226 300,000 668,226 368,226 300,000 668,226 G:IFN71Qi1WirkalResolutions, AOs, G2en SheetslResolutionslFUnd 370 Year End Resolution'O6.x15 Page. 1 of 3 COUNCIL FILE It: �� ���j, � GREEN SHEET #: 3034870 Resolution City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 41 42 43 44 45 45 46 46 46 47 48 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 SPENDING PLAN: 13120 - Summary Abatement 0132 - Non Certified - Temp/Seasonal 0141 - Overtime 0283 - Vehicle Rental 0284 - Rental - Data Processing Equipment 0291 - Refuse Disposal 0341 - Motor Fuel 0380 - Communication Equipment 0389 - Misc. Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 0449 - Workers Compensation 0828 - Tractors and Power Mowers 0894 - General Conshuction FINANCING PLAN: 13125 - Conrtacted Services 4301 - Normal Activity Services SPENDING PLAN: 13125 - Contracted Services 0111 - Full Time Certified 0132 - Non Certified - Temp/Seasonal 0283 - Vehicle Rental 0389 - Misc. Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits FINANCING PLAN: 13126 - Refuse Hauling 4301 - Normal Activity Services SPENDING PLAN: 13126 - Refuse Hauling 0132 - Non Certified - TemplSeasonal 0283 - Vehicle Rental 0291 - Refuse Disposal 0389 - Misc. Supplies 0439 - Fringe Benefits 12,202 10,000 22,202 2,000 5,000 7,000 30,000 15,000 45,000 0 20,000 20,000 36,263 18,000 54,2b3 8,323 6,000 14,323 1,466 5,000 6,466 1,553 10,000 11,553 49,213 2,000 51,213 0 9,000 9,000 0 80,000 80,000 0 120,000 120,000 141,020 300,000 441,020 64,532 67,000 131,532 64,532 67,000 131,532 40,445 15,000 55,445 0 25,000 25,000 5,483 8,000 13,483 0 12,000 12,000 12,708 7,000 19,708 58,636 67,000 125,636 7,953 45,000 52,953 7,953 45,000 52,953 � 3,00� 3,00� 0 8,000 8,000 o zo,000 zo,000 1,634 13,500 15,134 1,266 500 1,766 2,900 45,000 47,900 77 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves these changes to the 2006 budget. G:IFN11471W�rkalResoNtions, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslFund 370 YearEnd Resoluhon 'O6.x15 Page: 2 of 3 COUNCIL FILE #: �pP \�Cj' � GREEN SHEET #: 3034870 Resolufion City of Saiut Paul, Minnesota Requested by: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by M'�ayor�,.� �ate: �'� Z�� ! Division of Pazks and Recreation ///��� BY �t�'!//(�.c, � � Approval Recommended by Fin cial Services Director: By: Form Approved by City Attorney By . ��, � �� Approved by r for Submission to Council B G:IFMIQi1W�rkalResolutions, Page:3of3 Adopted by Council: Date: �Z./ �'�� Q( —r � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ab-�15� DepartmenVoffice/council: Dafe Initiated: pR — PazksmdRecreation ��� Green Sheet NO: 3034870 Contact Person & Phone: Jason WiAca 26Cr6417 on CouncilAgenda Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSACl E-DOCUment Required: Y DocumentContact: Jason Wirka Contact Phone: 266-6417 y Assign Number For Routing Order 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 arks aud Recreation nancial Servi e ifice Financial Servi ' Att me a r' 0f6ce Ma or/A isiant oncil a cil � Clerk ' Cle k ToWI#ofSignaturePages I (ClipAllLOwtionsfor Action Req�ested: Approval of attached resolution amending the 2006 spending and financing plan for Pazks and Recreation Supply and Maintenance fund 370. idations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Citil Service Commission Personal Service ConVacts MustMswer the Following Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm e�er worked under a coMract for this depadme�A? Yes No 2. Has this person/fifin eeer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any cument city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages lf Approved: Budgetary level of control maintained. DisadvantaAes lf Approved: None Disadvantaqes tf Not Approved: Budgetary level of control lost. Trensaction: Fundins7 Source: Financial Infortnation: (Explain) Service Fees � ���C'��; �m.,.; G�i.t �. , f8 r�. .. B;e.';e �� t9 60{: _ . _ , Cost/Revenue Budgeted: rJ �'E"+� i 3 2UUa nctivrtyNumber: �3105, 13120, 13125, 13126 f2@S@�fCh DEC 19 2006 November 29, 2006 8:56 AM Page 1