226526ORIGINAL TO�CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION Milton Rosen, CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 25526 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM Publiic Works ��� December, 1965 WHEREAS, Under Authorization of Chapter 700, laws of 1963, any City of the first class comprising a part of a Sanitary District authorized pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes,,1961, Chapter 445, as amended may prepare and adopt a study and plan for Sewage Service within and without its boundaries and, WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works has established a pro- ject in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Comptroller's Contract L-6631 for the compiling of expenditures in connection with the Sewer Planning Study, and WHEREAS., Under authority of C.F. No. 2174.42, approved April 8, 1964 expenditures in an estimated amount of $75,000.00 were authorized to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund' now therefore be it, RESOLVED, That an additional authorization be given for the incurring of expend- itures in an estimated amount of $40,000.00, and be it, FURTHER RESOLVED, that these additional expenditures for the Sewer Planning Study be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Comptroller's Contract L -6631 and this same fund to be reimbursed from the proceeds of the Sale of Bonds as author- ized by Chapter 700, laws of 1963. Y/5;lf P �Xlf Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Dalglish Holland' n Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen, Mr. President, Vavoulis ions "2 Tin Favor `-' Against r. DEC 3 010 Adopted by the Council 19— — - -Incc 'PUBLISHED JAN S K `� gga DUrLICAT[ TP PRINMR I 26526 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM FRESEMTED tr Wlton Rom ftblio Worts r COMMISSIONED pATFit'' WHKRWy, UAdor Authorization of Chapter 700, Iwo of 1963, azW City of the first class comprising a part of a Sazitary District, authorised p&wwot to the provisions of Minnesota Statutesp 1961$ Chapter 1+1+5, as awnded may preps and adopt a study and plan for Sevap S*mice vitbin and v:Ltlwit its bawdaries and,, WAERUS The City of Saint Paul,, Depart of Public Wo has estabUsb9d a pro- f eat in the ont Improveent Rmlving Flmd,- C omptroller t s Contract 1$631 for the compiling of expenditures in conneotion with the Sewer Plannbg Stour; and 8, Under authority of C,;F,. N64-217442- approved April So 194 expenditures in an estimated examb of S75 #000.00 authorised to be obarged to the Parmanent Improvement Revolving Fund # new therefore be i+,,* RSWO Mt, That an additional or . euthori satic as be given for the incurring of expend - itures in an estiaatod amount of $ 0 *.000..00p and be itp Rid MVEb_, that these ,addition: expeWitzvo for the Surer Planning Study be charged to the Pmt Imp weasnt Revolving Pond# CcMtrollerles Contrast 1=6631 and tbU sum fund to be reiabareed from the proaeeds of the Seale o:r Bonds as author- ized by Chapter 700$ lays of 1963& COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M ass Tn Favor 0 Against BEG 3 0 1855 Adopted by the Council 19— Lin 3 U '►35,5 Approved 19— Mayor