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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM 226525 ' COUNCIL NO FILE RESOLVED, that the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, Maintenance Agreement No. 1132, Minn. Project ER- 54 -(1), copy of which agreement is herewith attached and marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference. F0 AP ROVED Asst, Corporation Counsel COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland �. Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions gas. Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 3 315 Approve 19— in Favor Q Mayor Against 4P isHEfl JAN 8 to DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAB 225525 RESOLVED, that the proper officers of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Highways, M&intenanee Agreement No. 1132, Minn. Project ER- 54 -(1), copy of which agreement is herewith attached and marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof by reference. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M I<fis Tn Favor G) Against DEC 301965 Adopted by the Council 19— DEG 3 01965 Approves 19— Mayor +rte Mintenance Agreeriant No. 1132 426525 P -Linn. Protect ER -54 (1) Extraordinary Maintenance Agreement Between the Stato of P- ii.nnes6ta and the City of Saint Paul Trunk Highways "in Saint Paul AGREEMENT THIS AG 7M made and entered into by and between the State of 11innesota, acting by and through its Commissioner of Higl-rvrays, hereinafter referred to as the " Stato'', and the City of St, Paul, Miinnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City" "I' WITBESSETHs t'JF { S, Pursuant to Section 161.38 ILi.nnesota Statutes annotated, 'the City and the State may enter into agreements concerning the maintenance of trunk highways within the corporate limits of the City upon such terms as may be agreed upon; and i9HI;REAS, the City and the State did enter into an agreement dated Ju],y 2, 1965 and designated as Yzintenance Agreement No. 3.102 whereby the City, in consideration of an annual payment of $3,000 per mile for the fiscal year of 1966, undertook to maintain and keep in. good repair portions of certain trunk'hi&rays within the corporate limits of the City, including a portion of Trunk Highumy No. 52 designated in the 11innesota Stato Higlnray Department records as Control Section No. 6217 beginning at the South Municipality I mats and Robert Street; thence north and nortlaxest on Robert Street to University Avenue; and Wiff AS, Section IV of the aforesaid Agreement No. 1102 provides: "It, however, shill not be the obligation of the M i.eipality minder this agreement to do any work which shall consist of extraordinary maintenance, betterments, construction or reconstruction. In the event that the Stato should desire the Eluricipality to do any such work the parties grin enter into a separate agreement therefor"; and W1 EP=- j plans and spooi.ficetions have been prepared by the City and approved by the State for the hereinafter described work, which plans and specifications, are on file in the office of the Chief Engineer of the City and 'are ,made a part hereof by referonco with the same force and effect as though fully sot forth herein; and -1- EXHIBIT "A" Maintomnee AVoomcnt No, 1132 Xittn.ProJoct ER -54 (1) VIORM, It is conaidarppd tutuAlly deoirablo that the City undortako tho porforranco of the iTork horeinafter doseribed, and that the City shall supervise the work t6 its completion on the basis of then torza and conditions hereinafter sot forth. NW, TIICREFORE, it is ag rood as f ollcrus : I The City shall advexMtise for bids and award a contract or contracts in its cr►,rn name' upon a unit price basis to the l.cmrtut responsible bidder or bidders for all or a portion of tho work involved in the rcbuilding of Shear Fonco in tho a3in channel a of the Piississippi River ardor the Robex►t Street Dridge and repairing. Pier Nos. 3,' 4 and 5 footings of the RoNwt Street Fridge with gravel fill and random riprap for which the eotimatod quantities of the major itms of trork are indicated bolow: It eM Unit �w Maintomnee AVoomcnt No, 1132 Xittn.ProJoct ER -54 (1) VIORM, It is conaidarppd tutuAlly deoirablo that the City undortako tho porforranco of the iTork horeinafter doseribed, and that the City shall supervise the work t6 its completion on the basis of then torza and conditions hereinafter sot forth. NW, TIICREFORE, it is ag rood as f ollcrus : I The City shall advexMtise for bids and award a contract or contracts in its cr►,rn name' upon a unit price basis to the l.cmrtut responsible bidder or bidders for all or a portion of tho work involved in the rcbuilding of Shear Fonco in tho a3in channel a of the Piississippi River ardor the Robex►t Street Dridge and repairing. Pier Nos. 3,' 4 and 5 footings of the RoNwt Street Fridge with gravel fill and random riprap for which the eotimatod quantities of the major itms of trork are indicated bolow: -2- hmn�tlit_y One 10 One 554,640 5,500 $4.1 5,608 3,597 5,000 1,500 It eM Unit 1) Renove Debris Lump Sun 2 Remove T3,-rj)or Piloo Per Pile 3 Rezumvo F: dot3Arg? Shbor Fences Iku p Sum (4 S-toel Piling Delivored Pound (5) Stool Piling Driven I n, Ft, 6) Tr c - tcd i r r II Maintenance A(;eem -lent r10. 11,;2 Minn. Projoct IM -54 (1) No contract shall be awarded by the City without prior approval of the State. Each party reserves the right to Vrlthdraw from and cancel this agrsemlent within fifteen (15) days from tho opening of bids eontezplated in Paragraph Number I hereof in the event either "Or both parties consider any or all the bids unsatisfactory; the withdratml, from or cancellation of the agreement to,be accomplished by either or both parties within fifteen (15) days of the opening of bids by serving a Vritten notice thoreof by mail upon the other: ~ xTI No changes in the plans or the character of the work shall be made by the City without prior written approval of the State. In ovent such change or ehangos involve items of work not referred to in Paragraph I, the City and the State shall enter into a supplemental agreement before any of the work is performed, covering the division of cost of such work between the City and the State. IV All work shall be done in accordance with the Plans and Specifications. V All work co;►temiplated horein shall be compl©ted during the calendar year of 1966. kWA The Estimtad Cost of all extraordinary maintenance work as outlined in Paragraph I hereof including Engineering Costs is $194,938.56. In the event that at arq time it appears that the total cost of the work shall emceed the estimated cost, the,City will notify the Staters Chief Engineer of the estimated additional cost. Tho State shall then determine whether to terminato this agreement, or to proceed with the work under the new Cost Estirmte. In the event that the State decides to terminate, it shall, to the extent and in the manner hereinafter provided, pay the City for all work $one up to the date of termination. Upon ternimtion or completion of the work the State will pay to the City an amount equal to the actual _3 s cost of the vrork done, plus 6% of sue allcmrance to cover Engineering Costs, Maintenance Agroemont No. 1132 Minn. Project ER-54 (1) h actual oosts, the additional 6% being an including supervision, inspection and incidental expenses. In all evento the State's liability hereunder .shall be limited to $191+,938.56, or, to the amount of any revised cost estimates which have been approved by the State. Payments shall be made by the State upon submission to it by the City of a detailed invoice in triplicate shoring unit costs and quantities of work performed on the project enumerated in Paragraph I hereof. Said invoice shall contain a certificate by the City's Chief Engineer to the effect that all items of work, labor, material and expenses therein are complete, true and correct and were actually, reasonably and necessarily expended by the City in the performance of the work shown therein. VII The parties do further agree, aMthing to the contrary herein notzrithstanding, that the Conanissionor of Hidiways of the State of liinnesota, either in his individual or official capacity, shall not be personally responsible or Uable in air, manner to the City for any claim, demand, action, or causes of action of any kind or character ai °icing out of or by reason of the execution of this agreement or the negligent perform=== and completion of the work and 3L,VrOvements provided for herein or arising out of orgy contract lot by the City for the performance of any of the work provided for heroin. The City agrees to save harmless the State, its employees, and. its Connissioner of Higlzra;,►s from any and all liability arising out of any damages resulting from or claimed to result from the n9gligenee of the City or its employees, contractors or subcontractors, in the porforma.nce of this contract and the work provided for herein. VIII Any and all employees of the City while engaged in the perfo u,ance of any work or smvices required or provided for herein shall be conaidered employees of the City only and not of the State, and any and an claims that ray or might arise tuider the 14ai.nta`tance .Agrcemont Ito. 1132 ;f Mm-i. Project ER-54 (1) Worlanon's Compensation_ Aot of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said apiployees whilo so engaged and ar7 and all c]aai= made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or Omission on the part Of adid City employees while so angaged on any of the vrork or services provided to be rendorod herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. IX All :contracts and agrevmonts made by the City with third parties for the performaneo of arty work to be done tender this agreement shall be subject to the terms of this agreement and shall oomply with all State lawn and roTairements relating to construction and maintenance contracts, including the payment of labor rates that are not less than those which are part of the Labor Provisiona normlly included in the proposals for such Contracts, a copy of zA2ich is attached to this agreement, and a olaause to that effect shall be inserted in all such contracts. or - 5 - e i ♦ ' 4 Maintenance Agrocment 140. 3.132 1'2UM- PrOJect EIS -54 (l) 331 TEST3giOD 1-9=, ithm partiOs Iava diilY executed this Agreement by their duly authorized offieors and Wtusod their rOspective seals to be hereunto affixed. Countersi,gnod: CITY Or ST. PAUL City- Co7k-curoller Mayor Attost: City Clerk Approved as to Form . q. '.s :.� Assistant City Attorn APPROVED: Chief Engineer Dopar�ment of Hightrays Recomaended for Approval: District Engineer Laintenance Engineer Approved as to Form and Execution: Special Assistant Attorney General y I Cowdsoloner of Public Works Date . STATE OF MINNESOTA Commdssioner of Highways Date f NON- INTERSTATE April 1, 1965 SPECIAL PROVISIONS DIVISION A A -1 GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS The 9tate of Minnesota, Department of Highways "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction ", dated January 1, 1964, and the "Required Contract Provisions - Federal -Aid Contracts - Primary Highways ", dated February 12, 1965, as Included herein shall apply on this Contract, except as modified or altered in the following Special Provisions. A -2 LABOR PROVISIONS In addition to the equired Contract Provisions - Federal -Aid Contracts - Primary Highways" the following provisions shall apply to all laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on the work embraced by the Contract. The Contractor shall have copies of these Labor Provisions on file at his local Job headquarters ana shall post a notice, approved by the Engineer, In a conspicuous place at the site 6f the work, Informing his employees that these provisions are available for their inspection. Copies of these provisions can be secured from the State without charge. A -2.1 EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFICATIONS givens All employees on the project shall be classified as being in one of the following four categories, In accordance with the definitions (1) Executive or Administrative: Employees In this category shall be classified in accordance with the definitions for Executive and Administrative employees as adopted by the Secretary of Labor, and In effect at the time of Invitation for bids. (2) Skilled: Skilled labor shall Include the operators of complex, heavy power equipment and skilled craftsmen at the Journeymen grade. (3) Intermediate grade: Intermediate grade labor shall include (a) operators of power equipment except: complex, heavy power equipment, trucks of 1i tons or less (manufacturers rated capacity), tractors of less than 20 horsepower (manufacturer's rated capacity) and passenger cars; and (b) persons performing any other labor which requires considerable training and experience. (4) Unskilled: Unskilled labor shall include (a) operators of trucks of 1J tons or less (manufacturer's rated capacity), operators of tractors of less than 20 horsepower (manufacturer's rated capacity) and operators of passenger cars; and (b) helpers to Journeyman craftsmen and all other labor which requires no special skill or experience or the exercise of discretion and independent Judgement. A -2.2 LABOR INFORMATION In the sl lectton of�abor, the contractor may avail himself of the services of the Minnesota State Employment Service. A -2.3 MINIMUM WAGE RATES The minimum hour y rates of wages required to be paid the various laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on the work embraced by the contract shall be in accordance with the following schedule. However, in the event that at any time during the life of the contract, any agreement between any labor union and any branch of the Associated General Contractors of Minnesota provides for a minimum wage greater than that shown in the schedule, the minimum wage to be paid by the Contractor shall be the rate provided In that agreement Copies of such wage agreements will be on file at the office of the Department of Highways In St. Paul. During the period from the time an hourly employee is required to report for duty at the site of the work until such time that he Is released or permitted to leave the site of the work, no deduction shall be made from his time for any delays of less than 30 consecutive minutes. In the event the Contractor employs apprentice workmen under the occupational training program of the State of Minnesota, Department of Education, or under the Division of Voluntary Apprenticeship of the State of Minnesota, Department of Labor and Industry, or under the Veterans Training Program of the U.S. Veterans Administration, he may pay wages to such apprentice workmen at hourly rates approved by the appropriate governmental agency regardless of the minimum hourly rates specified In the Schedule of Wage Rates to be paid to any classification of labor. The wage rates contained in the following schedule are straight hourly wage rates. In some areas contractors and labor organizations In the construction industry have collectively bargained for health and welfare fund contributions. Such contributions are not included In the wage rates contained in the schedule. While the wage rates shown are the minimum rates required by the contract to be•paid during its life, this is not a representation that labor can be obtained at these rates. It Is the responsibility of bidders to inform themselves as to local labor conditions and prospective changes or adjustments of wage rates. No increase In the contract price shall be allowed or authorized on account of the payment of wage rates in excess of those listed herein. All mechanics and laborers employed or working upon the site of the work shall be paid unconditionally and not less often than once a week, and without subsequent deduction or rebate on any account, the full amounts due at time of payment computed at wage rates not less than those contained in the schedule, regardless of anycontractural relationship which may be alleged to exist between the contractor or subcontractor and such laborers and mechanics. The schedule of wage rates shall be kept posted by the contractor at the site of the work In a conspicuous place where it can be easily seen by the workers. The State Highway Department may withold or cause to be withheld from the contractor so much of the amounts due the contractor as may be considered necessary to insure payment to laborers and mechanics employed by the contractor or any subcontractor on the work the full amount of wages required by the contract. A -1 t • Area 1 and 2 - W December 1, 1964 • Revised April 1, 1965 SCHEDULE OF WAGE RATES Except as otherwise provided in Division A of the Special Provisions the minimum hourly rates of wages required to be paid the various laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on the construction work embraced by the contract shall be In accordance with the following schedule: HIGHWAY LABORERS CLASSIFICATIONS CLASS -U LABOR POSITION TITLE R ATE U Unskilled Laborers Laborer, Wrecking and Demolition $ 3ATE 1 Bituminous raker, floater and utility man 3.60 4.05 U Bituminous tamper 3.9 0 3.90 U Bituminous batchennan (Stationary Plant) U Blacksmith helper 3.70 U Bottom man (sewer, water or gas trench) 3.65 U W Bottom man (sewer, water or gas trench) (More than 8' ft. below starting level of manual work) 3.85 1 Brick or block paving setter 4.025 U Bricklayer tender 3.70 1 Cement gun operator (1% Inch and over) 3.95 U Cement handler (bulk or bag) 3,70 U Cement coverman (batch trucks) 3.70 I Chain saw man 3.70 I Concrete mixer operator (1 bag capacity) 3.70 U Concrete shoveler, tamper and puddler (paving) 3.70 1 Concrete vibrator operator 3.70 U Concrete batchennan (Proportioning Plant) 3.70 U Concrete longitudinal fioatman (Manual Builfloat on paving) 3.70 1 Conduit layers (without wiring) 3.70 I Chipping hammer operator 3.70 I Curb setter (stone or precast concrete) 3.70 I! Dumper (wagon, truck, etc.) 3.70 U Dump man 3.70 U Dump man (paverXdumping batch trucks at mixer) 3.70 I Drill runner (heavy, Including chum drill) 3.70 U Flagman 3.60 U Formsetter (municipal type curb and sidewalk) 3.70 U Fonnsetter (pavement) 3.70 U Hydrant and valve setter 3.70 1 Jackhammer man and paving buster 3.75 1 Joint filler (concrete pavement) 3.70 1 Kettleman (bituminous or lead) 3.70 U Mortar mixers 3.73 U Pipe Handler (water, gas cast Iron) 3.75 i Pipe layer (sewer, water or gas) 3.90 U Pipe Derrickman (tripod, manual) 3.75 S Powderman 4.275 U Powder Monkey 3.60. U Reinforced Steel laborer 3.60 U Reinforced steel setter (pavement) 3.60 1 Sand cushion and bed maker 3.90 U Service connection maker (water or gas) 3.70 1 Power Buggy Operator 3.60 S Nozzleman (Gunite) 4.00 1 Joint Sawer 3.70 U Carpenter Tender 3.60 U Squeegeeman (bituminous, brick or block pavement) 3.70 U Stabilizing batehennan (stationary plant) 3.70 U Stone mason tender 3.70 U Tunnel man (air pressure) 4.275 1 Tunnel Miner 4.275 U Tunnel Laborer (atmospheric pressure) 3.85 U Watchman 3.30 U Winch Handler (manual) 3.60 U Underground Laborers 3.85 1 Cofferdam Work 3.85 U Tunnel work 3.85 U Underpinning work 3.85 1 Caisson Work 3.85 U Other work more than 8 feet below starting level, of manual work 3.85 U Open Ditch work 3.85 All Highway Laborers not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in accordance with definitions given In Section A -2.1 of these Special Provisions, and the minimum rates of wages for such laborers shall be as follows: SKILLED LABOR 4.275 INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR 3.90 UNSKILLED LABOR 3.60 A -2 Area 1 and '2 EQUIPMENT OPERATORS CLASSIFICATIONS CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE -1-- Air Compressor Operator S Asphalt, bituminous Stabilizer Plant Operator S Backfiller Operator I Batch Plant Operator (Concrete) S Bituminous Spreader and Finishing Operator (Power) I Bituminous Spreader and Bituminous Finishing Machine Operator (helper) (power) S Boom Truck Operator (Power operated Boom) I Brakeman or Switchman S Cableway Operator S Concrete Mixer Operator, on Job site over 14S S Concrete Mixer, Stationary Plant Operator, over 34E I Concrete Mixer Operator, on Job site 14S & under I Conveyor Operator I S S S S S I S S S S S S S S S S S I I S S S S I December 1, 1964 Revised April 1, 1965 Concrete Distributor and Spreader Operator,, Finishing Machine, Longitudinal Float Operator, Joint Machine Operator and Spray Operator Concrete Saw Operator (Multiple Blade) (Power Operated) Crushing Plant Operator (Gravel and Stone) or Gravel Washing, Crushing and Screening Plant Operator Curb Machine Operator Derrick (Guy and Stiffleg) (Power) (Skids or Stationary) Dope Machine Operator (Pipeline) Dredge Deck Hand Dredge Operator or Engineer, Dredge Operator (Power) and Engineer Drill Rigs, Heavy Duty Rotary or Chum or Cable Drill Euclid Loader Operator Engineer in charge of plant requiring first class license Fireman or Tank Car Heater operator Fine Grade Operator Fork Lift or Lumber Stacker (for construction Job site) Fork Lift or Straddle Carrier Operator Form Trench Digger (Power) Front End Loader Operator (under 30 h.p. rubber tired) Front End Loader Operator, all types, 30 h.p. and over Grader or Motor Patrol, Finishing, Earth Work and Bituminous Grader Operator (Motor Patrol) Gravel Screening Plant Operator (Portable not Crushing or Washing) Gunite Operator Gunall Elevating Grader Operator Lead Greaser on Grease Truck (where no mechanic is employed) Greaser (Truck and Tractor) Hoist Engineer (Power) Launchman (Tankerman or Pilot License) Leverman Loader Operator (Barber Green or similar type) Locomotive, All Types Locomotive Crane Operator Master Mechanic: The inclusion of the classification of master mechanic in this agreement does not mean that a Master Mechanic must be employed, but If employed, that he shall preform manual work Mechanical Space Heater (Temporary Heat) Mixer (Paving) Concrete Paving Operator Road Oilers (Power Shovel, Crane, Dragline) Paving Breaker or Tamping Machine Operator (Power Driven) (Mighty -Mite or similar type) Mole Operator, including Power Supply Mucking Machine (Including Mucking Operations (Conway or similar type) Power Actuated Augers & Boring Machines Operator Power Actuated Jacks Operator Power Actuated Horizontal Boring Machines over 6" Operator Pick -up Sweeper, not including Tennant or similar types Pipeline Wrapping Cleaning or Bending Machine Operator Power Shovels and /or other equipment with shovel type controls, 3 cu.yds. Mfg. Power Shovels and /or other equipment with shovel type controls, up to 3 cq.yds. Power Plant Engineer, 100 K.W.H. and over: When an operating Engineer• is In plants and generating plants are used In conjunction with the operation of these pl shall be required Pugmlll Operator Pump Operator Pumperete Operator Refrigeration Plant Engineer Tandem Scraper Scraper Operator Struck Capacity 32 cu.yds. & over Roller Operator, Self- Propelled roller for compaction including stabilized base Roller Operator, Self- Propelled, rubber tired, for compaction, Including stabilized Roller Operator, up to and Including 6 tons for bituminous finishing and /or wearing Roller Operator, over 6 tons for bituminous finishing and /or wearing courses Rubber Tired Farm Tractor, Back Hoe Attachment Sheep Foot Roller (Self- Propelled) (3 drum and over) Shouldering Machine Operator (Power) (Apsco or similar type) A =3 rated Capacity and over Mfg. rated capacity charge of crushing or blacktop ants, no power plant engineer base courses RATE ;T.W 4.28 4.25 3.70 4.28 3.70 4.25 3.70 4.50 4.25 4.50 3.98 3.70 3.87 3.87 4.28 3.87 4.50 4.28 3.60 4.50 4.25 4.50 4.25 3.70 3.87 4.25 4.25 3.87 3.98 4.28 4.38 4.05 3.60 3.98 4.38 3.85 3.60 4.28 4.25 3.60 3.98 4.25 4.50 4.50 3.60 4.50 3.60 4.25 4.50 4., 50 3.8 3.87 4.25 4.25 4.28 4.76 4.50 4.25 4.28 3.87 4.38 4.50 4.50 4.35 3.82 3.70 3.98 4.28 4.28 4.28 3.87 Y = h � •Vi 1 t .. Area 1 and '2 January 25, 1965 EQUIPMENT OPERATORS CLASSIFICATIONS (Continued) Revised April 1, 1965 CLASS -� LABOR POSITION TITLE - RATE Slip Form Operat or (Power Driven) (Paving) S Stump Chipper Operator 3.87 S Tie Tamper and Ballast Machine Operator 4.25 S Tractor Operator -- Boom Type 4.50 1 Tractor Operator, D2, T06 or similar h.p. with power takeoff 3.98 1 Self- Propelled Chip Spreader Operator (Flaherty or similar) 3.87 S Self- Propelled Traveling Soil Stabilizer 4.35 1 Self- Propelled Vibrating Packer Operator (Pad Type) (35 h.p. and over) 3.70 S Tractor Operator, over D2, TD6 or similar h.p. with power takeoff 4.28 S Tractor Operator, 50 h.p. or less without power take -off 3.63 1 Tractor Operator, over 50 h.p. without power take -off 4.28 S Trenching Machine Operator (Sewer, Water, Gas) 4.28 S Truck Crane Operator 4.50 1 Truck Crane Oiler 3.70 S Tugboat Operator - -100 h.p. and over 4.50 S Tumapuli Operator (or similar type) 4.28 S Mechanic or Welder, 4.28 S Well Point Installation, Dismantling or Repair Mechanic 4,28 S Two or more Pumps, Compressors or Welding Machines 4.28 All Equipment Operators not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in accordance with definitions given in Section A -2.1 of these Special Provisions, and the minimum rates of wages for such operators shall be as follows: SKILLED LABOR 3.98 INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR 4.28 TRUCK DRIVER CLASSIFICATIONS CLASS LABOR POSITION TITLE RATE I Bituminous Distributor Driver $370 U Bituminous Distributor Spray Operator (Rear End Oiler) 3.65 1 Bituminous Distributor Driver (one man operation) 3.85 1 Boom and "A" Frame Driver 3.70 1 Dumpman 3.55 1 Dumpster Operator (no H. P. Limit) 3.80 1 Greaser and truck serviceman 3.55 1 Mechanical Broom Driver 3.70 1 Pilot Car Driver 3.55 1 Ready -Mix Driver (Mixer capacity up to and Incl. 4 Cu. Yds.) 3.55 1 Ready -Mix Driver (Mixer capacity over 4 Cu.Yd. up to.and Including 6 Cu.Yds. 3.70 1 Ready -Mix Driver (Mixer capacity over 6 Cu.Yds.) 3.80 1 Self - Propelled Packer Operator 3.70 U Tank Truck Helper (Gas, Oil, Road 011 and Water) 3.45 It Teamster or Stableman 3.45 1 Tractor Operator (Wheel type used for any purpose) 3.55 1 Truck Driver (up to and including 6 Cu.Yds. box water level) 3.55 1 Truck Driver (over 6 cu.yds. up to and including 8 Cu.Yds. box water level) 3.70 1 Truck Driver (over 8 Cu.Yds, up to and including 12 Cu.Yds. box water level) 3.80 1 Truck Driver (over 12 Cu.Yds. up to and including 16 Cu.Yds. box water level) 3.90 1 Truck Driver (over 16 Cu.Yds. box water level) 4.00 1 Truck Driver (hauling machinery for contractor's own use including operation of hand or power operated winches) 3.70 1 Truck Mechanic (in cases where an operating engineer mechanic is not employed) 3.70 1 Truck Weider 3.70 All drivers not covered by the above classifications (Including equipment with hand or power operated winches) shall be paid at least the following rates, depending on the number of axles on the unit: Single axle or 2 axle unit 3.55 Tandem axle or 3 axle unit 3.70 Four axle unit 3.80 Five axle unit 3.90 For each additional axle, 10� per hour All Truck Drivers not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in accordance with definitions given in Section A -2.1 of these Special Provisions, and the minimum rates of wages for such truck drivers shall be as follows: INTERMEDIATE GRADE LABOR $ 3.55 UNSKILLED LABOR 3.45 A -4 l.r ' J Area 1 and 2 January 25, 1965 SPECIAL CRAFTS CLASSIFICATIONS Revised April 1, 1965 Basic Fringe Benefits Payments Hourly Heavy - Highway Construction: Rates H & W Pensions Vacation App. Rt. Others Carpenters 4.18 .15 Plledrivennen 4.18 .15 .10 .10 Cement masons 4.30 .15 Electricians (Anoka, Carver, Hennepin & Scott) 4.25 4'/. 3 14-a 7 1/2'/. Electricians (Dakota, Ramsey, & Wash.) 4.24 6.119'/.b 17. -b 6.6817.b 1.2' /.-b Ironworkers: Ironworkers, Structural & Reinforcing 4.25 .15 Painters: Painters, brush 3,.95 -c .15 Painters, structural steel 4.20 .15 (Anoka, Hennepin, Carver & Scott) Anoka, brush Anoka, structural steel 3.80 4.05 .15 .15 .01 (Ramsey, Dakota, & Washington) .15 .15 .01 FOOTNOTES a. Include 1%. to N.E.B.F. b. Based on 4.10 par hour. c. Includes x.12 employees contribution to Vacation Fund. d. Includes ;.15 employee contribution to Vacation Fund. All Special Crafts not listed in the above schedule shall be classified in accordance with definitions given In Section A -2.1 of these Special Provisions, and the minimum rates of wages for such special crafts shall be as follows: SKILLED (.ABOP $3.85 A -5 1 t