06-115a/� Council File # �' �' � �i?if./iD�ll ��� Resolution # Green Sheet # 3029471 22 PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 2 noise in the City of Saint Paul; and Committee: Date Saint Paul Legislative Code was enacted to regulate the subject of 4 WHEREAS, §293.11 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations 5 contained in §293.09, upon a finding by the City Council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would ( constitute an unreasonable hardship on the applicant, other persons or on the community; and 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 WHEREAS, LG Constructors, represented by Roy Snover, Proj ect Director, who has been designated as the responsible person on the application, has applied for a variance to operate cranes and diesel hammers for driving steel piling; and �.'Dd WHEREAS, applicant is seeking a variance for the hours of�� am. to 6:00 pm. y starting Februaty 1, 2006 until Apri130, 2006; and Nionday through Friday WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will not be able to construct the new Xcel Highbridge Plant; and WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has reviewed the application and has made recommendations regazding conditions for the variance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants a variance to LG Constructors, subject to the following conditions: �`0l1 1) The variance shall be for the hours of-�9�a.m. to 6:00 p.m.ytarting February 1, 2006 until April 30, 2006. Monday 'through Friday 2) LG Constructors shall take all practical steps available to minimize the noise levels during this.period which do not otherwise unduly hinder the project or unreasonably increase the costs of the project. FURTAER RESOLVED, that any violations of the conditions set forth above on the February 1, 2006 through Apri130, 2006 dates may result in denial of future requests for the grant of a noise variance, in addition to any criminal citation which might issue. 01�-115 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Adopted by Council: Date ��_ Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� ����r�,l,�SiJ.-L Approved or: Date 3 BY� tiv�L'��i,G�Yr�.-�� Requested by Department o£ Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection By: ��/�.� Bob Kessler, Director Form Approved by City Atto �e By: � .,��s � l � Virginia Palmer Approve ayo , far Submission to Council By: � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� � � �I DepartmenUoffice/couneil: Date In"itiated: �p - License�ta�pecuou��oormt � Green Sheet NO: 3029471 Contact Person & Phone: -' MaAc Kaisersatt 266-9147 Assign Must Be on Counul /�enda 6y (Date): Number 01-FEB-06 For Routing Order ContractType: RE-RESOLUTION DeoaAment p t• seli �+.�ti /Fn ' Pr I t 1 i n n ti n a n 2 " Attoro 3 a r' a r a o0 5 erk er IniliaUDafe Total # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of a resolution ganting LG Conshuctors, represented by Roy Snover, an exemption from the sound level limitarions in Ch. 293.09, in order to construct the new Xcel Energy Highbridge Plant, with I'vnitarions, during Febrnary i, 2006, unril April 3Q 2006, between the hours of �88 a.m. and 6:00 p.m Monday through Friday. 8:00 Recommendations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts MustAnswerthe Following Quesfions: Planning Commission 7, Has this person/firtn e�er v.nrked under a coMract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No CiHI Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn e�er been a city empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this persorJfirtn possess a skill rwt normally possessed by any cu�rent city empioyce? Yes No � ExpWin all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiafing Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Whak When, Where, Why): Chapter 29311 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level l'vnita6ons contained in Chapter 293.09. Advanpges IfApproved: Disadvantages IfApproved: DisadvantaAes If NotApproved: Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) Activ'dv Number. � '! ?° � January 20, 2006 3:02 PM Page 1 CostlRevenue Budgeted: � s� Jan 10 06 02:OOp Software Manager 770 8296600 p.2 OF`rFCE QF LICENSE. I:ISPEC � f0\5 AND ,��{ �l � E*fVIKONbiEM.AL?ROTE�.TIO� 1��w�/ 1 lnrseen E. Rosnr, Direcior � V V C:TY OF S�A�F' PAUL Rm�dp C. Kdfy.�Mt�' r �� � 1E�' JAt� � 4 2a0� ��L���� � �qO6 �P�� � ' LOWRYPROFfSSIOA:{� gUfL9l.a°G 750 Sc Peaer S�reet, Su@e 300 ! Smu ?au{ Alinneso�a 5510?-��570 I Application for Sound Level Varia Ci?y of Saint Paul Noise Ordinance Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Legislative Co I. Or�an:zacior. or person seeking variance: L G 2. Address: S�l �-u,��l 2j Sr. �� 3. Responsible person e ��o� 4. Tidz or position: �¢oa�T� �� �EZ-r 5. Telephane: ( 7�01 8 29 -CcCnS Cfl 6. Beiefly describe the noisz source and zquipment inva _ �'c�SZ_ 02�v�.�1G S'!'�EZ `Pc�..sC 7d atr.Ua�oc..K... 7_ Address or le�al des�ription oEnoise � S. \oise source tirzte of operation: �n,�..t � (p�� ;� 9. Briefiy describe d�e steps that �vill be taken to minimize the noise lec _ M U��-C_`� '1a Ti.l� M?cx . n,e c5 � r�r .r�. ,. I0, Briefly state reason for seeking varianc PaJ�JpP.–�'�6�tS �pYZ h161.�/ 1 t. Dat�s durin� which tlle variance is req � �v! i.V .�✓!/.� E �"+-�"piu..�GS p �!�-+ AG � � c.S E >� - TrfepNorr: 55l-266-907G Fucsimi:c� b:id66-9!?a iYtb: nww.r.'.�:prri[.mn.u:/Lep ��� q , 2D�5 s�-. �c�cc., kl r.l xo � �'YtZ 2t�010 I I et�M�'at�f' �..lcu. 8E CA- f!-,�lV Nt UC�Tii - u cL a,,� ru� 7> an./. U� iZ.�"� TD 5 JPt�3 'J R-- 2cOCa ` 1C ����'� � Signature of responsibte person Date �o Return completed Application and �,150.QU fee to: ' CITY OF S_AINT PAUL 4FFICE OF LIEP (�ffice Use On3y � 350 ST. PETER STREET, SUITE 300 � i SAI1�tT PAUL, lb�i\ SSi02-1�I0 DareRec' (651) 266-9090 Revie«ed � Date Pubtic t�otice Sen: Refeaed co Counci! i, noi>e•.�r.apP ��"iSedZ�30U3 � � -ADA-EEO Emptoyer �� • �.s'� - l �lC' I (>G�'r �"� OFFICE OF LICENSE, AISPECITONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROTECITON O� � 1, S Bob Kusler, Dirutor � $A[NT PAUL � AAAA CTTI' OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Colem¢n, Mayor January 20, 2006 TO: FROM: SUB7ECT: COMMEXCEBUILDING Telephone: 651d66-9090 SFourthSveetEast,Suite200 Aacsunile: 651-2b6-9124 Saint Paul, M'+nnuota 55 7 0 7-102 4 Web: rvww.lieo.ur Mary Erickson, Council Invesrigation & Reseazch Room 310, City Hall Michael Douglas Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protecrion Sound Level Variance Highbridge Plant Construction, LG Constructors Enclosed is a sound leve] variance application from Roy Snover, representing LG Constructors, to allow the operation of cranes and diesel hammers to construct the new Highbridge Plant at 501 Shepard Road. A variance is requested from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. starting February 1, 2006 until Apri130, 2006. Enclosed also is the copy of the resolution and the Public Hearing Notice sent to property owners that may be affected by the noise. Please have this item placed on the Council agenda for February l, 2006. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 266-9131. Ve truly y urs, ich el I7oug Enclosures v:: P���H"rh ��r�,� �; .. AA-ADA-EEO Employer J@n 10 06 02:OOp Software Manager /10 8'l�titiUU p.L OEFECE OF LfCEMSS, I: E ENl'IRONWEN'CAL ?RC Jarseer E. Rvsas. Direvar CITY OF SAIl1'T PAUL LOWRYPRQFESSlOA;{L 9U. Rand}' G Keffy. M 150 St Peter Str�1. S�iie 300 �., � ���i++� Snint PauL Alinnera�a 35IU?-, ��V �eao JA� � A 2ati6 ��3�� APplgc�fi�n �m� ��eand Z.����� �Ia�n� � °�0�� City of Saint Paul Noise Ordinance ��� �' {;haptet 293 ofthe Saint Paul Legis(ative Cc 1_ Or;anization or persan seekin� 2. Address: S'�9 `"a-r.uc°�ev 3. Responsibleper<_ �. Tieie or position: 5. 6. Sriefly describe the noise source and equipnie�it _ �'c�, ��'t.deseo`1G 57'�'Z.'Pc`.a..S� 7_ Address or le,�,al descripEaon of a�oise d S. \oise source time of operation: �nsa�rs 7 a (B� �g ° y 9. BriefYy describe the steps that wiU be taken to minitttize the noise lev av8 U ��e..�.� '�C� �aS� a�✓�rsr . ,, a � a ,�e am ,�-a, a .— IQ. Sriefly s8ate reason for seeking ! 1. Dat�s durin� which the variaeace is d AND � �t a� �L/ 5'sgnafureo@'responsiblegaerson �IC�a/s, p��g� �o°�.��scz�-✓��� Reeaaa co��leted �pga�'ca�ioa� a�� �15m,0� £e� �oe � CY'T�' OF' SATt�ii' �'t�UE. OFFIC� Q� �:I�� ��'�ce �7se �aly 35� ST. �ET'El$ ST'�EE`g', SYJY'I'E 300 ��Yi�`I� gT.A�33.,1�r�I� SS10�-1910 DaceRec°cC. Ret�esved i �6,1} 266-9090 � � Date Pubisc 1\o2iee Sent ReFesce� to Counc! � naixs�r.apP Re��aed Z�3903 ca�G 5 TrPephane: n.il-?66-409a Faaira:7n 65!-266-9f?�t {Yeb: nww.C':pa.rLqrrys/L"yp s r._ � V �d0� ��� ����o �.� -: :. � .,�.�-am�-2eo er�toyPr ��� 1s^� - 1 fic�ln�,"�:—'� LIEP RECEIPT Date: Ot/� 0/2006 Received From: L G CONSTRUGTORS 501 SHEPARD ROAD ST PAUL MN 55102 Deswiption: Invoice Details 456797 Noise Variance TOTAL AMOUNT PAID: Paid By: Page 1 of 1 Invoice Amount $150.00 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Officeof License, inspections antl Environmental Profection 0 FceM Stree� �sl S�Ra?W Sam! Peui. Mmnesala 55101-t024 (65t)26690JOFa i�t)2665124 www. [i.sYpauLmn.usriiep d�.-1� Amount Paid $150.00 $150.00