226377226377 Council File No....._____ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ...... . .......... Streets an ea ZCondemning and t:aking-i-onz�SIX-T-H--STREET*from-,-Wiindg-�Boul,_evard- to Arcad I .1 - a -in Ae �le-Cnd-.�n--ec--e4ssaty--for-- slop es ts ... f--il--l-i�.'�ana-..,temp*orary--.cons-tr-uction..,e s.emii�i including the right of removal of lateral support from subject land o�rlremainder thereof, 1965 on as-7h_6w_n­b-­y`_DJ ... r-a'. w­ . i--n- g__ - N-1 o. .......1896; f i-le.. in..-the-..D.epartment.,,of.,Rqb.l_iq..,yqX*p,, occasioned by_ construction work both within and . ...... ..... beyond or outside of said street boundary lines for the widening and repaving., as well as condem"n'ItheAg arid' ­acqu iring -tHe -- ri gh t-- which --shall---be,--in -.the ­ na tu re IU/an easement to establish � the grade or to alter the grade heretofore established in said ,ixt1i�Sti6e'.6�which. condemna- tion and acquisition shall include the - A &Abutting property owners in any grade heretofore established or existing in said Mxt191J9tJr6et; and providing.therefor and authorizing the establishment of grade or change of grade in accord- ance with _ Drawing No. 956, paviiFg-dii-wei-i2,—dit6-d-Di�c—enib&i-20,-'r9-65;--on i!Je i-ii-theF-DepA_Tt-- went of Public ' Works; and, futther,-vp,ror- ding .. ,therefor and authorizing, where appropriate, awards to-compensate abutting owners f6r NAl RCakinWf l. r damaging L of private property resultc- ing tq7L5u1jjgqt7, p rqptt,S�iese-anos IncoT,oIrating falD such ,comp ens ation A to which an abutting owner may be or become entitled; .ifanyi into a single award with respect to each.parcel of__ abutting property -XI-11W -vtempprrqry. -conwtrUCT -eiapei"-W3 i�ra f -iom , �,s ubli, ncludinp�,tfie iight, of 'removal, of - lateral` ndir,there6f, a6,--i;bown--,b�Y--E�r,awing.'-N' f.,diawdi"Xil: eem 5" on, -file' in,'the')De'P'ar.t:ihe`n't,- I bf - 1,94-b Li, bi6 81"td& �1>4,1 - 'doii'strtrct.,ioW,,vidr.,k",both within and "#L .... ".. g$� :bbbndaky'; lines', torn, the.`widenihg -tin -, pavin i -.-- I ­ , . Ct re as, as' c6ndimningi 4*d;tWcq4irTne AfTV�,An...' h ythe-.ii�lir which'Ift e:-'.ndture.'.'`of,�an,,,ea'sement,,.tb,. estabilth the ,grade ljgrtto,altbr' the grade hc§r4§toft)r-ai;iaat'ab,lished, in, ba*O'Sixtl�,'Sire'eit' which vdndemna;- ty A 1. ' �' I ion adquis 0 ;hall'include the taking of'all.righto claim$ or4nttrest-of abutting I L;0r*'1yA1"Ta1,-r c,,J '-',q T­ ilf,a Fi,Ocrer-, ST ­ - 3', 4stablished ok ekisting in said"Slkib Street'; d, ,property owners llfhyg gr6de lidr4taore, An cif o viaigg e ge 0- grade in accord- ance withjpriwingtNq; .3, 5.,#T aving 40 Meg, e;gT er•,20-i l9§5kCqp4 flb id.,the Depart- m. er n t o4 f .Pb lIirc .' - - oR r kWss, aIndj, fou" r;tkhd e rx * m p t dnidin' g thbt6f6r And duthoriz,ing), whe_mappropriate,, awards' to, compensate AbyMtfing owners f6r,aij taking or,,damag*ng ofprivata,­ ropqrt y teguIt ing to, s vs 6C t )properties)'an allncofp otdtihkl l iWi4108m e i 4 own e r,' may be ors obecoibeu,entitled.;',.t,.if -_n "t,­,V e' 'qAi:h. p'akd6l, of 4jaily Aqw - i,th f,t _q a -ting ,property, p but PTty .................................................. —A Uy'�_VU& 'Q --------- - ---- YEAS DEC 211965 Councilman Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mx. PRESIDENT VaVOUliS Approved .............•- ___- ........._ ----------- Mayor. 3W ' -54 55 DEC 24 1965