06-1133CITY Presented Council File # Q(o—//� Green Sheet # 3Q,��f73 � RESOLUTION 'Q SAINT PAUL, MIPIPIESOTA �K3 3 Wf�REAS, adverse action was taken against the TaYicab Driver (Provlsional) license application 4 submiYced by Darrell W. Aenton (License ID#0058492) for the City of Saint Paul by a Notice of Intent to 5 Deny TaYicab Driver (Provisional) License Application dated November 22, 2006, alleging licensee had 6 not been discharged $om probation far a misdemeanor domestic assault conviction for three years 7 immediately preceding application in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16 (e) (4) (a); aud 9 WHEREAS, The Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection recommended 10 denial of the license applicafion; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the licensee did respond to the Notice of Intent to Deny Taxicab Driver (Pxovisional) 13 License Application to request a public hearing; and 14 15 RESOLVED that the Taxicab Driver (Provisionai) license appiication submitted by Darrell W. 16 Henton is hereby denied ; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 This Resolution, and action taken above, is based upon facts contained in the November 22, 2006, Notice of Intent to Deny T�icab Driver (Provisional) License Application sent to the licensee and the arguments made at the Public Hearing on December 20, 2oQ6. Requested by Department of: i111111� • � .- Adoption Certified by Council Secre4ry By: _ �!'j�� �/ � Approved r. Date By: Fo ove by City A orney By: - Form A ved by ayo�r u ssion tn Council By: .�� Adopted by Council: Date �����/� r � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �� �/33 I� -�����s�tio�n�r� � 2,-NOV-0s Contact Person & Phone: Rachel Gimdeison 266-8710 I�st Be oR CouReil A9en� Doc.Type: RESOLUTiON E-0ocumentRequired: Y DocumentContact JWieKraus � Assign Number For Roufing Order Contact Phone: 266-8776 Tofai 11 of SignaWre Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3034737 Departrnent SentToPerson 0 'censdln ' n/Environ Pro 1 iunse/In "odEnviron Pro ent Director 2 ' Attoru 3 a or' ifice Ma oNAssis�nt 4 oauc� 5 i CI rk (5 Clerk Approval of the attached resolution to take adverse acrion against the Taxicab Driver (Provisionat) license application submitted by Danel W. Henton (License ID#0058492) for the Ciry of Saint Paul. .� itlations: Appro�e (A) or Reject Planning Commission CIB Committee Ciul Service Commission Service Conffacts Must Mswerthe Following Questions: t. Has this persoNfirm e�er woffced under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfittn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not rrortnally possessed by arry current city employee? Yes No Erzplain all yes answers on separete sheet and atfach to green shee! Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Licensee applied for a Ta:cicab Driver (Provisional) license within three yeazs after dischazge from probaHon on November 5, Licensee is not eligible to re-apply until November 6, 2007. Advanqges If Approved: License denial as recommended by the Office of LIEP. Disadvanta5les If Approved: None. Disadvantaqes If Not Approved: Trensaciion: PUnding Soufce: Financial Information: (Explain) Activiiy Num6er. � �k '�Ci �RL£l� �'' i I 1 �. CosURevenue Budgeted: November 21, 2006 2:53 PM Page 1 OFFICE OF Tf� CITY ATTORNEY John J. Choi, Ciry Anorney � �/ �� ! CITY OF SAINT PAUL Christopher B. Colemmi, Mayor Civil Division 400 City Hall I S West Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, M"mnesota 55702 Telephone: 65I 266-87I0 Facsimile: 651298-5619 November 22, 2006 NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY TAXICAB DRIVER (PROVISIONAL) LICENSE APPLICATION and NOTICE OF COUNCIL HEARING Darrel W. Henton 2033 E. Orange Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 RE: Application for a Taxicab Driver (Provisional) License License ID #0058492 Deaz Mr. Henton: The Office of License, Inspection and Environmental Protecfion has recommended denial of the TaYicab Driver (Provisional) license applicarion you submitted. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On November 6, 2003 you pled guilty and was sentence for a misdemeanor Domestic Assault. You were discharged from probation as of November 5, 2004. According to Saint Paul Legislative Code 376.16 (e) (4) (a) you would not be eligible to apply for a ta%icab license until November 6, 2007. Based on our conversation in my office yesterday, you requested a public hearing before City Council. I have scheduled that public hearing for Wednesday, December 20, 2006, at 5:30 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. AA-ADA-EEO Employer Darrel W. Henton November 22, 2006 rage a 0�-(/33 Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their considerafion. This is an uncontested matter concerning your conviction for misdemeanor pomestic Assault and dischazge from probation within three years of application. This matter has been placed on the public hearing agenda portion of the City Council meeting during which public discussion is allowed. The recommendation of the licensing o�ce is denial of your license application. If there is any informafion vou would like Citv Council to review prior to the public hearing, I will need to receive it no later than Monday December 11 2006 Sincerely, ���`�..0 Rachel Gunderso Assistant City Attorney ca Christine Rozek, Deputy Director of LIEP Mary Erickson, Assistant Council Secretary, 310 City Hall David Nelmark, LIEP AA-ADA-EEO Employer UNCONTESTED LICENSE MATTER Licensee Name: Address: Council Date: Darrel W. Henton � //33 2033 East Orange Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55119 Wednesday, December 20, 2006 @ 5:30 p.m. Violation: Licensee applied for a Taxicab Driver (Provisional) license within three years after discharge from probation on November 5, 2004, in violation of Saint Paul I.egislative Code §376.16 (e) (4) (a). Date of Violation: October 25, 2006 Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf of client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: Denial of license Attachments: 1. Proposed resolution 2. ECLIPS screens from LIEP 3. Copy of license application dated October 25, 2006 4. Printout from Ramsey County Adult Corrections dated 11/21/06 5. Copy of Notice of Intent to Deny Provisional Taxicab Driver License Application and Notice of Council Hearing with Affidavit of Service dated 11/22/06 5. Copy of Saint Paul Legislative Code §376.16 (e) (4) (a) 6. Copy of Ramsey County Criminal Records Database for case #62-TO-03-028900 (Darrel W. Henton) dated 11/22/06 License Group Comments Text Licensee: DARREL W HENTON �BA� DARREL W HENTON License #: 0058492 � //33 11N6/2006 1'I/16/2006 To CAO for review of criminal record. CAR 02/QZ2006 Senf Denial letter. LAB 01/18/2006 Coundl Resolution CF 06-70 denied the license application of Darrel Henton 6ecause of his misdemeanor criminal record; date of conviction: 9/8/03. RS RS 0'l/04/2006 CAO sent Notice of Council Hearing; public hearing set for Wed., Jan. 18, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. RS 72/20l2005 CAO sent Notice of Intent to Deny License Applicatlon for a misdemeanor conviction in the Iast 3 years; deadline to respond is '12/30/2005. RS �2/13/2005 To CAO for review of criminal record. RSlCAR 03/31l2005 Sent Denial letter. LAB 03l23/2005 C.F. #OS250 Resolved that the taxicab driver license is hereby denied for a felony convicfion. 1'I/0'1/2004 CAO's notice retumed by post office: undeliverable; CAO will publisfi notice in Legal Ledger. RS '10/'12/2004 CAO sent nofice of intent to deny for felony drug conviction in Nov. 2003; deadline to respond is Oct. 22. RS OS/20/2004 To CAO for license denial. Criminal record, nof currenlly licensed to drive. CAR 0'I/2�/2004 Sent Notice of Cancellatlon. RS 0�/06/2004 License delinquent; sent Notice of Intent to Cancel. RS Yellow 02/21/1995 Renewal Background Check Recieved-Tg o� ii33 a �,��� �t��� � �,1_„�._�� li �_ �. .. , �_ � R� � , �n� n�wr�rzow ._, � r� ar�.vrr�arm � E SmesSa�� �'""",__..°:� �......_._._._____.__,__ ( �-_•� � O[��I(�� _ �. Lk4Me ��...m .T% Lt'.TYA�%� _!MteMSe_..0.........�.. t'^' PmR�Y 2'J lkms� .?�7 tNOffidW � P� Faa SYreeYk 3..�� Rfiv¢cxAC ' j Sbee[T}pa .. AYE OIItlN01% .... .... ...-�. j lbd6r2 � --_ . ......_........ .. . ._.__ ..__._.._ tkdf k�� rP�. � �� ��« ( =stare ._ ztz �, --;s ans�mcaomrrev�,m�wrewra.c.a v�asseiaoeN�kner. �ne b � �� ,rarmoscbwxaaesdusoncfasm�ama , o�tc�sea mo�ne�an�esaausea�us ' ..�*?�a4LSant!��_gA:? E 3leansex wt�VttsN Lkuuee A7t�40trresiarvdrow� i naa- ncw� .w.�..r...� __ _"_ " " Coimrnrts ob //33 � ,a. �«�TO«�, ��� [lreckReqi§ed ,�'"j Dl��f«� 0 � � Rof tM4S sosa � � o�-ir�-� p �i� -' ,� v -•i'.., .. �`.. . . , .... . . _ . . - .., . _ ��rowca u�nae �,aca�mrns � E 3 ; J 3ara �i Ule'((�� RECEIPT FOR LICEI�SE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' Office of License, Inspections antl Environmental Protection Date Receipt Printed: Od 25, 2006 s Fourth stree[ easC surte 200 Saint Paul, Minnesofa 55 7 01-10 24 Phone: (657)266-9090 ��, LicenselD: 0058492 Fax:(65I)266-9124 ww�.v.liep.us 't �4,\ v..r � ` � Received From: DARREL W HENTON 2033 ORANGE AVE E ST PAl1L MN 55119 In aoolication for: Taxicab Driver (Provisional) (1) Conditions: Date p Date Oct 25, 2006 Jan 25, 2007 Total Due on this application Other Fees Owed Account Total Amount Due Amount Paid Outstanding Account Balance Due Fee $40.00 Paid $40.00 Proiect Facilitator: CORINNE A. (651) 266-9106 Insaector(s): There are no conditions placed on this license at this time. Balance on This License $0.00 REID S. (651) 266-9120 DAVID (DAVE) N. (651) 266-9113 RICHARD (RICH) J. License Inspector (651) 266-9116 Unmet Requirements: Record Check - Cnminal History Q� RewrdChe4c-Driving�� r�}f ti v i�/ d./. L V $40.00 50.00 $40.00 $40.00 50.00 This is not a License to operate NOTICE - The /icense(sJ you have applied for may require you to pay an additional Enviionmental Health Change of Ownership fee or Environmental Healfh Plan Review/Remodeling fee. If any of these fees are required, a separate invoice for the amounf due wi!l be sent fo you. i' . � � �2 : ,....r €P1[i. �� `lIAAA TAXICAB DRIVER ��� LICENSE APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK Applicant Information Name and Home /��QL w7��Gw Middle 3 Mail To Addiess (if different than home (Maiden) i �, �t Sheet (#, Name, Type Direction) Ciry �me SS State State Zip+4 Home Phone: (�� )�3 S�27� Date of Birth:l 1/ / G Place of Birth: �% �'4 c�. / Driver's License #: �� `lG z��' %� � C/3 E�cpiration Date: l U — 2�GY Name and Address of cab company you will be driving for: X-t//� w c 4� /��' ��✓'S� P/ � Do you own or lease the cab you drive? /� i S E� What is the lease rate you pay to operate the cab?� � Previous residence (past 5 years) Date Street address City County State Zip Code 33or ch � ac 2 ✓h+^ S/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of License, Inspecrio¢s and Environmenta] Protection Q� � l aFOUMSc$Sdmz00 S e..;..rPvil,bL�da 55101-t024 � (65t)26b9090Fa (65l)2669124 WeD: wwwLeP.us ANY FALSIFICATTON OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBNIITTED WII,L RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION ����� �� I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the information contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby authorize the Saint Paul Police Department to use the information I have provided to check crim;nal histories, arrest records, and warrant information; and for the Police Departinent to provide these records to the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection to determiue my eligibiliry for a tazicab driver license. I understand that the information contained in the criminal background investigation is confidential, except that it may be conveyed to other law enforcement or licensing agencies. I also hereby state that I have read and understand the rules and regulations set forth in Chapter 376.16 (Taacicab Driver's License of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code) and Chapter 376.17 (Taxicab Driver Training Course of the Saint Paul egislative Code). /U r2 �— .�a..�.. ���..� Signature (REQUIRED for all applicafions) Date Revised I]2&2001 All applicants must present the following documents at time of application: -Valid State of Minnesota Driver's License For drivers who have been licensed out of s[ate in the last five (5) yeazs: you must provide an o�cial copy of your driving record for the last 5 years from the Department(s) of Transportarion in the state(s) in which you were licensed. Preferred methods of communication from this office (please rank in order of preference -"1" is most preFerred): Phone Number with area code: (Cvclethetypeofphonenumberyouhave(isredabove�: BUSine55 Home Cell FaX Pagei Phone Number with azea code: ( 1 Extension (Cirde the type oF phone number youhave lis[ed abave): Mail: Street (#, Name, Type, Direction) Intemet: E-Mail Address Business Home Cell City Fas Pager State Zip+4 Cost, payable at the fime of application: $40.00 for the license fee for a period of one yeac There will be an additional cost for the required training classes, payable directly to Hennepin Technical College, which provides the instruction. Note: A copy of the Hudson's Twin Citv Street AUas is required for the taxicab driver training course. We will accept payment by cash, check (made payable to City of Saint Paul) or approved credit card. IFPAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWINGINFOI�[YIATIOM: Card EXPIRATION DATE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: ❑/❑ for all charges) Date of . . . . . . . . . .I.'.,.I.I.�.I bG //33 � A t� > .. NOU 14�85 RRMSEY CTY RDULT DIVISION Ramsey County Adult Corrections Supervision Sheets 6512662383 P.04 printed by Kathleen Kern �v2v2oos o�:sa aM ��' 1��� +x?. , gk�������im��e—�py vr� ��.:(�;�{„MR ma, ry na ��r b�°"e.(:n�i � �z . , »���;�;��?4�:��i��`��'�t�..:�1a������"���t'�,�£�1���a��F�.�:�� � � ;„,,h; , :-�.,�.;;. , �.0 u wn d..�•� 9 mixl'Im�=7',�`wxa.r, . b��a w. r� Code: A5550 Descrlptlon: Domes6cAssauitFiBhDegree- Domestic: no ExpiraGon: 11/05/2004 Mlsdemeanor .(�{ f P 4^` 'n'r p� � AI.� R 4^ mh�Xe A Y TV" } g� R v" P y y� ,,,.s !y� {� Cl�n� t�� �_r't�. '� � �r�"'�"G;,a��3�'�°4?2:�z � 4�"t?s,'+ �a r,g z ?ti:l"�t`� , r ) r��,3��,' f � ' tn , •rc�,� , «"• ����;�e'�`<,T �'^ �'"H"'q '�i!�asi� �V ,�a IHin. _ �.�.�k.$�Ht;tl'Wi'� m6.h-n;�,'.a.»"{'we ! ��'d.`M;:r< Sfart Date: 11 /1 02 0 04 End �ata: Status: Closed Type: Probation Service: Supervision Reason: Discharged at Expl2tlon $fa bate:. . .Erid,Data: ; 11/09P2004 `'' ' _ !� ,..,.. , . °St�kwa: . Qpen ... .. . 7ype" ProbeUo� ,;.`� Sffrylce: Supervision : Rei'son: ' Start Date: 09/24l2004 End Date: 09/29/2004 Stafus: Open rype: Probation Service: Warrant During Reeson: , Supervision � . . , , ; (.� .�. ... . , . �pd Date: 09/24/20Q4 ' � ' � , `�:: ,St8tU8 . . . Sfaitpa'te:'�°1�'062003 . , , : Qpe�.., .. � . Type: p�obafion � , � Ser'vtce: Supervision " , ' ' 'Reeson; � Shrt Date: 09/09/2003 End Date: 11J06l2003 SfEtus: OpOn Type: Psi Service: Investigation Reason: �7�, �tr�.��; + ww d��1!y v"' �� '; ry { ':�*'sT. %R u a . m ..... .,.� hm ro1 t } .rrcF,nf...R ran�l �"! y� v�' � s �.� �;' i, " u'�•,, ppp 1",''�'." µy �, Y, s�" rory:,.: � ��.�.'�'m•`�'I�i1.PM1i���h:��'1`�+��i�,�ELnA!�r�A.:Ya4..1� �. • Jy ����,i;� FW�:�dGm�l�e�$xsh�urqh�A�F,� .+�. � � GF�'.4�7��� r :�nA.(�!"�alA�f t%d'1 R��Jrs'b�dH��...wn �A(•�rve i{i�.•n Issued: 09l24/2004 Cancalled: 09/29�2004 Levei: Primary Type: Pv Wartant Comment: 09/24tQ4: regula� pV warrant per kaj-cls 09129/04; in custody on above pv warrar�t-cis Court Services Tracking System Page 1 o � TOTR� P.04 NOV-21-2006 14�25 6512662353 95i P.04 Offense Type: Misdemeanor Convicted: 09/08/2003 Judge: Steven D. Wheeler Offense oata: O6l10t2�03 Sentenced: 11/06l2003 ICR Num: Stsy 7)rpe: Review: 05/61I2004 SJIS Num: Juv, Dlspo: Expiration: '11/052004 Source: Sf. Paul IACT - Inquire AcYivity Summary 62-TO-03-028900, MN �ARREL WILLIAM HENTON, [RTC/061003] Date Printed:l1/22I200615:02 Case Number: 62-TO-03-028900 Case Type: Domestic Assault- Date Filed: 06/11/2003 Defendant Name:DARREL WILLIAM HENTON, [RTC/067003] Date Activity Start/Ead Judge CrtRm Intrp Chgs Cont SrvcDate 06/11/03 Case Filed 02:08 02:08 06/12/03 Arraigmm�t 08:30 K Gearin ADC CDS TODAY ONLY - FC PLEA/ATTY: 07-10-03 AT 1PM 131A NCO SIGNED: BSA CR/PR OR $1000 06/12/03 Order 11:42 NO C013TACT ORDER FILED. VICTIM: THERESA MARIE GALATOVICH DOB: 06-27-63 OR THE LOCATION: 716 HAGUE AVENUE 06/16/03 Bond 09:02 Administrative $1000 GOLDBERG BOND, PWR #PGG-15839 POSTED 6/12 BY JANET RADLOFF. CRT DTE ON BOND 7J10. 06/23/03 Order 10:18 K Gearin ORDER OF CONDITIONAL RELEASE FILED 07/10/03 Hearing 01:00 M Dorn 131A PNG FC SC "7-29-03 1:30PM JUDGE LINDMAN 07(10/03 Cert Rep 02:28 CERTIFICATE OF REPRESENTATION FILED BY: RICHARD COLEMAN ID# 136141 07/10/03 Order 02:29 ORDER SETTING S/C AND ORDER TO REPORT FILED 07(10/03 Waiver 02:29 WAIVER OF APPEARANCE SY DEFT FILED 07/10/03 Doc. Filed 02:35 REQUEST FOR DISCLOSURE 7.01 & 7.03 FILED 07/16/03 Doc. Filed 09:14 RULE 7.01 DISCL & MTN TO C�MPEL DISCOVERX FILED 07/29/03 Hearing 01:30 D Lindman CH FTA S/C 7-29-03 JUDGE LINDMAN ISS BW BSA $4000 08/O1/03 Warrant 11:22 D Lindman WT SENT TO SHERIFFS OFFICE THIS DATE OS/12/03 Order 11:13 Administrative ORDER FOR BAIL/BOND FORFEITURE FILED 08/12/03 Bai1 Forft 11:14 Administrative FORF $1000 GOLDBERG BOND, PWR #PGG-15839, NA 7/29. FC 11/7 TO REC FORF MONEY. BONDING CO, SURETY AND AGENT NOTIFIED. 08/21/03 War Retd 07:00 Administrative DFD ARRESTED ON WNT SET FOR CRT KC 08/21/03 Hearing 08:30 M Dorn ADC PD CONT NG PLEA FC S/C 9/8/03 130 WHEELER NCO REMAINS IN EFFECT PVT ATTNY DISCHGD BSA $1000 KC O8/21/03 Order 11:32 ORDER SETTING SETTLEMENT/TMC & OTR DOMESTIC KC 08/25/03 Bond 12:46 Administrative $1000 GOLDBERG SOND, PWR #AGG 11108 POSTED 8/24 BY SCOTT GALVIN. CRT DTE ON BOND 9/8. SDL SDL MSL MJC SMB SMB SNB SMB SMB MJC SMB SMB MSL MSL MSL 0�->/33 IACT - Inquire AcYivity Summary 62-TO-03-028900, MN DARREL WILLIAM HENTON, [RTC/061003] Date Prinfed: 11/22/200615:02 Case Number: 62-TO-03-028900 Case Type: Domestic Assault- Date Filed: 06/11/2003 Defendant Name:D WILLIAM HENTON, [RTC/061003] 08/27/03 Clerical 10:43 Adminiscrative BOND REINSTATEMENT ORDER TO JD LINDMAN. 09f08/�3 Order 09:28 Administrative SIGNED ORDER FOR REINSTATEMENT OF BOND FILED. IT IS ORDERED THAT $900 OF THE $1000 GOLDBERG BOND REINSTATED AND DISCHARGED. BOND CO NOTIFIED. 09/08J03 Pre-sntORD 11:14 09/08/03 Doc. Filed 11:14 MSL MSL PLEA PETITION FILED - MISD CASE gpg 09/08/03 Plea Hrng 01:30 S Wheeler CH PG AS CHARGED - MISD DOM ASLT FC: PSI/SENT 11-6-03 9AM WHEELER - REINSTATE BOND #PGG-15839 AND DISCHARGE gpg 09/09/03 Clerical 1�:13 Administrative PER MOD REQ KEVIN LC WHEELER: THE EXTRA $100 ON THIS SOND SHOULD BE REINSTATED AND BOND DISCHARGED gMg 09J09/03 Bond Rvw 10:18 Administrative PER MOD REQUEST, $100 THE REMAINING $100 FORFEITED GOLDBERG BOND IS REINSTATED AND DISCHARGED. BOND CO NOTIFIED. MSL 11/06/03 Sentencing 09:00 S Wheeler CH $1000 BOND; 90DYS &$1000 SS PB lYR CND;1)SV 8D/CR 8D;2) $50/F5;3)UTC PB/LA; 4)CE/CMP; 5)ABSTN; 6)UA/BT; 7)DACNSG; 8)ANGER MGT,9jGAMBLING ASSMT;10)ET JOB/SCHL;11)1dC W/VICTM;PM 11/06/03 Bond Rvw 11:15 $1000 GOLDBERG GOLDSERG BOND-DISCHARGE BOND-DEFT SNTPM il/06/03 Unp Fne Hg 11:17 J Owczynsky TO PAY $115.00 IN FULL ON OR BEFORE 12j12J03 JO 11/06/03 Doc. Filed 11:23 FILED PAYMENT AGREEMENT, ORDER FOR FINE AND APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS JO ll/a6J03 Closed 05:30 11/20/03 Doc. Fi1ea 1z:19 PROBATION AGREEMENT FILED 12/02/03 Clerical 08:15 CHANGED SAR DATE MJC SIN 12/l0/03 Unp Fne Hg 12:37 S owczynsky IN FOR EXT. GRIINTED NST GOT OliT OF WORKFIOUSE 12/5/04T0 PAY $115.00 1/9/04 AI3D BAL 2f13f04 SO 12/10/03 Doc. Filed 12:40 FILED NEW PAYMENT AGREEMENT, JO 12/10/03 Closed 05:00 02/02j04 Clerical 10:30 CHANGED SAR DATE 03/12/04 Re£ to MCE 08:44 REFER TO MCE FOR NONPAYMENT 09/24/04 Warrant 04:25 J Mott SIN SIN b��ll�� ?ACT - Inquire Acfivity Summary 62-TO-03-028900, MN DARREL WILLIAM HENTON, [RTC/061003] Dafe Printed: 17/22l200615:02 Case Number: 62-TO-03-028900 Case Type: Domestic Assault- Date Filed: 06/11/2003 Defendant Name:DARREL WILLIAM HENTON, [RTC/061003] 09/29/Oa War Retd PV FILED; pO KEVIN JOHNSON; DEFT FT MAINT CONT W/PO ;FT MEET W/P0; FT APPEAR FOR DRUG TEST; FT PROVIDE SAMnLE FOR DRUG TEST; FT MAINT FT EMPLOY; FT COMPLT DA CNSL MFU 09:15 Administrative DEF ARD ON WAR, SET PV HRG 9/30/04 9:00 S. WHEELER BSA CUS 09/29/04 Clerical 09:30 Administrative CORRECT CLR, ADV PV TO 9-29-04 145 LEC, NO CHG CUS 09/29/04 ProbVioHrg 01:45 S Wheeler LEC FC PV HRG 9-30-04 9:07 WHEELER NO CHANGE IN CUS STATUS 09/30/04 ProbVioHrg p9:07 S Wheeler CA ADMIT PV - 1)SRV 45DY5/CR 3 TSI: 10/11/04 @ 8AM RCCF ELIG ALL PRGMS - DISCHRGE FROM PO WHEN TIME SERVED ****DEF OR'D*** 09/30/04 Doc. Filed 11:15 PROBATION REFERRALjWT OF COMMIT FILED 09/30/04 Closed 05:30 OS/06/O5 Archive 02:16 07/21/OS Doc. Filed 09:54 AMENDE➢ WARRANT OF CONIMITMENT - JUDGE WHEELER GRANTRED FURLOUGH 7-27-OS 7AM TO 2PM TO ATTNED SISTER'S SURGERY - MUST PROVTDE VERIFICATION 02/14/06 Clerical 02:30 CHANGED SAR DATE COLLECTION PROCEDURES 10/03/06 Co11 Refer 10:26 -°°__°______ ________________Pending Activities =___---_--- 11/06/09 Collreview KBW GNU TMS TH TH MFU LAS o� -/�3� Chapter 376. Taxicabs�` Sec. 376.26. Taxicab driver's license. Page 1 of 3 o �- �� �� (a) license required. Effective March 15, 1991, no person shall drive a taxicab, nor sfiall any owner or Iessee of a taxicab allow any other person to drive a taxicab, within the City of Saint Paul unless that person has first obtained and displayed a taxicab driver's license under the provisions of this Code. (b) Drivers from other cities. Any driver licensed to operate a taxicab in another city may carry passengers from that city to any place within the City of Saint Paul and may freely enter and travel upon the streets for that purpose. In that case, it shali not be deemed necessary for the taxicab driver to obtain a Saint Paul license, but the driver shall not be permitted to accept or offer any passenger for hire in the City of Saint Paul, or otherwise operate a taxicab within the city without flrst obtaining a license under the provisions of this Code. While within the city, the taxicab driver shall be required to observe ali of the applicable regulations and conditions of this section and shall have in possession and display to any person upon demand the license certificate for the taxicab. (c) License application. Every applicant for a taxicab driver's license shall file an application with the license division. The application shail be made on a form provided by said division, containing such information as the license inspector may require, including, but not limited to, a complete employment history, to verify that the terms and conditions of this chapter have been met. The application shali be signed and sworn to by the applicant. Prior to the issuance of the license, every licensee shall be photographed. The chief of police or his representative shall investigate each applicant and shall forward the resuits of the application to the license inspector. Any false statement on the application shall be grounds for deniai, refusal to renew or revocation of a license. (d) License fee. The fee required for a license shall be established by ordinance as specified in section 310.09 (b) of the Legislative Code. (e) P�e�equisites to license. Eligibility to be licensed to operate a taxicab shall be as follows: (1) Possess a vaiid Minneso4a or LVisconsin driver's iicense; (2) Be at least eighteen (18) years old; (3) Be a citizen of the United States, or an alien admitted for permanent residence, or who has othenvise obtained work authorization from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service; (4) Shall not be under sentence or have been discharged from sentence for a felony conviction within the ten (SO) years immediately preceding application for a license for the following offenses: Murder (Minn. Stat. §§609.185 to 609.195), manslaughter (§§ 609.20 to 609.205), criminal vehicular homicide and injury (§ 609.21), assault I--III (§§ 609.221 to 609.223), criminal sexual conduct (§§ 609.342 to 609.3451), indecent tonduct (§ 617.23, subd. 2 or 3); or any violation of the controlled substance law (§ 152 et al) which is � unishable by a maximum sentence of fifteen (15) years or more; as allowed under Minn. Stat. § 364.09. a. The licensee shall not be under sentence or have been discharged from sentence for any felony conviction within the five (5) years immediately preceding application for a Iicense, and shall not be under sentence or have been discharged from sentence for any non-traffic gross misdemeanor or non-trafFlc misdemeanor conviction within the three (3) years immediately preceding application for a license. b. The license inspector may grant, pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 364.03, an exception to paragraph a. upon evidence that either the offense is not related to the occupation of taxicab driver, or upon evidence of rehabilitation. c. A person holding a license on the effective date of this section (July 14, 2006) will be disqualified from license renewal only for convictions that occur after the effective date of this section. However, no Iicensee will be eligible for renewal if the licensee has any felony convictions in the five (S) years preceding renewal; or any nontra�c gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor convictions in the three (3) years preceding renewal involving the use or threat of use of force, possession or sale of a controlled substance, prostitution or indecent conduct. (5) Shall have a driving record meeting the following standards: a. No convictions in the last ten (10) years for any of the following offenses involving injury or death; no conviction in the last three (3) years for any of the following offenses not involving injury or death: 1. Leaving the scene of an accident under Minn. Stat. 609.21, or 169.09, or similar law of another state or Minnesota law as amended; 2. Driving while impaired under Minn. Stat. § 169A.20, subd.l, or similar law of another state or Minnesota law as amended. 3. Misdemeanor Reckless Driving under Minn. Stat. § 169.13, subd. 1, or similar law of another state or Minnesota Iaw as amended; 4. Refusal to submit to a chemical test under Minn, Stat. § 169A.20, subd. 2. S. A person holding a license on the effective date of this section (]uly 14, 2006) will be disqualified from Iicense renewal only for convictions that occur after the effective date of this section. However, no licensee will be eligible for renewal if the licensee has any convictions for the above-listed offenses in the five (5) http://www.stpaul.gov/code/1c376.htm1 11/21/2006 STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) G� //3�3 AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE SY U.S. MAIL NLTE KRAUS, being first duly swom, deposes and says that on November 22, 2006, she served the attached NOTICE OF INTENT TO DENY TAXICAB DRIVER (PROVISIONAL) LICENSE APPLICATION and NOTICE OF COUNCII, HEARING by placing a fxue and conect copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Darrel W. Henton 2033 E. Orange Avenue St. Paul, MN 55119 (which is the last known address of said person) depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mail at St. Paul, Minnesota. , �l/�! Julie Kraus Subscribed and sworn to before me JOA€�&tE C,. CLEMENTS N07AftY PUBL IC - A4mlI�SO7A MYCOMNNSSI4N � EXPIRES JAN.31, 201 0 NOV 14�04 RRMSEY CTY RDULT DIVISION Comiaunitp Corrections Department ADULT SERVICL�'S DIVISION 60 Wesi Kellogg Boulevzrd, Suiie 640-D St. Pzul, MN n5102 • Tel: (861) 266-2300 • Fax: (651) 266-2290 Andrew M, r,rickson, Deputy Director Geor&e Courchzne,AssistantDirecior FAX TI2ANSil-II7'IAI, CO'S�EZ2 SHEET ATTENTION; 6512662383 P.01 Ol�' 11��j NEIGHBOE.HOOD OFFICES Arcade Office Areade/Domestie Abuse Unit Paik 3treet Office Spruce Tree East Spruce Tree North Spruce Tree South Spruce Tree West The infornzation contained in this facsimile message may be,privileged and confidential. It is intended for the sole use of the individual or entiiy to whom it is addressed. If the recipienr of rhis transmittal is not the addressee or responsible agent or employee thereof, any dissemination, dtistribution or copying ofthis conzmunication is strietly psohibited. In the event you Izave recetved this transmittal in error, please not� us immediately by telephone and return rhe original to us at the above address by U.S. Mail TO: �{ OFFTCE: �'AX NO.: rROM: " 1, FAX N0: PFTONE 1V0: DAT�: �' Ic� S V ll STJBJECT: PAGES SENT: �^ Comments: (1NCLL7DING COVER STiEET) Minnesota's Fizst Home Rule Counf�v pnnL•Uan mGV.•iro f+P�� ��eu� n�Nnlinuai ut IP8 Ma4ttnmrrt ronten4 NOV-21-2006 14�24 6512662383 97i - P-B1