06-113Council File # �J �p ` �) 3 GreenSheet# �pa�jK�1� Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA z� Committee:Date: 2 WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul is eligible to receive a 2006 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) from the 3 U.S. Department of Jusrice; and 4 5 WHEREAS, this grant is a joint award for the City of Saint Paul, Maplewood, Roseville, and the Counry 6 of Ramsey, Minnesota; and 7 8 WHEREAS, it is a requirement of the gant that an opportunity to comment on the grant is provided to citizens 9 and neighborhood or community organizations; and 10 11 WHEREAS, a public hearing will be held on February 1, 2006, for the attached 2006 Proposal for Collaborative 12 Use of the JAG; and 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Ciry Council authorizes the Ciry of St. Paul, Police Depariment to enter into a 2006 Justice Assistance Crrant from the U.S. Depariment of Justice. 33 34 Thune Adopted by Council: Date� Adoption Certified by Council BY� /J'/�iil/y /f�.��Siz Approved by 1V� or: D j ( � BY� `(��i / ��� Q.\Fiscal�AO&CR�2006\JAG Pubhc Heanng .cr 2006x1s Requested by Department of: � Green Sheet Green Sheet PD — PoGceDepa�tivent Contad Person & Phone: Chief John Hartington 26Fr5588 Must Be on Council qgeo '. � ��_ 1 �i Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Date Initia 24JAN-06 � 04���� Green Sheet NO: 3029492 � DeoartmeM Sent To Person InitiaVDate 0 ice D rtm n P ti D artm n A55ign 1 0"ce De ar[ment De arhnent Director Number 2 � ancial rvices Financial 'ces Fo� � Routing 3 i Attoroe Ci Attome Order 4 or's r 5 ouncil Coancil 6 ' e De arhn P lice De rhnent Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Depariment, to enter into a 2006 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) and setting a public hearing for the attached 2006 Proposal for Collaborauve Use of the JAG. itlaGons: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Must Mswer the 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity(Who, WhayWhen, Where, Why): The City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has received a 2006 JAG. The 2006 JAG requires that an opportuniry to comment on the grant is provided to ciuzens and neighborhood or communiry organizations. A public hearing will be held on Februrary 15, 2006, for the attached 2006 Proposal for Collaborarive Use of the JAG. For more information regazding trris council resolution please give Amy Brown a call at 651-266-5541. AdvantageslfApproved: The 2006 7AG is a joint awazd the City of Saint Paul, Maplewood, Roseville, and the County of Ramsey, Minnesota which provides addirional funding for law enforcement. DisadvantaqeslfApproved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Tnability to use 2006 JAG funds available. �otal Amount of _G,�„ n /_� ¢ _ � Trensaction: ��-�- �L�� ����. Fundin� source: State of Minnesota CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Fi nancial I nformation: (Explain) � � v "� 2006 PROPOSAL FOR COLLABORATIVE USE OF JAG Program Narrariv�Attachment 1 Amount awarded: Distribution of Funds City of Maplewood City of Roseville Ramsey County Sheriff Ramsey County Attorney Ramsey County Correcfions Saint Paul Police Department Total expenditures Smnmary of proposed spending: Citv of Ma lewood $290,350 Grant Award $ 11,091 $ 6,718 $ 30,985 $ 19,568 $ 30,985 $ 191,003 $ 290,350 The Maplewood Police Department intends to use iYs share of the JAG money awarded to St. Paul and Ramsey County to enhance its Crime-Free Multi Housing Program. This program has partially eacisted for some time , but with little formality. Work on the program was traditionally done by on-duty officers when they could work it between other dufies. The addifional funding will allow us to expand the program to include a11 multiple dwelling complexes within the City. We will now be able to pay staff overtime dollars to organize and attend meetings and various groups within housing areas. This funding will also allow the Department to provide literature and material to encourage participation city-wide. This money will provide the funding to help reduce crime and calls for service, thus allow for more time for officers to spend on patrol. Proposed expenditure of funds - Overtime $ 11,091 City of Roseville This grant money will allow the department to pay staff overtime incurred in probietn oriented policy and crime impact teams. The police department has implemented four 04�113 crime impact teams: auto theftltheft from auto, motel surveillance, traffic detail, and alcohoUtobacco compliance. Officers detennine crime target azeas based on street expenence. Proposed expenditure of funds - Overtime $ 6,718 Ramsev County Sheriff The Ramsey County SherifF's office proposes utilizing its JAG alloca6on to fund overtime. The initiatives undertaken with these funds will include gang identification efforts, warrant sweeps that target the most violent offenders, and concentrated enforcement and surveillance activities aimed at repeat offenders. The Ramsey County Sheriff and Saint Paul operate a joint nazcofics effort urilizing Byrne Grant funds in Ramsey County. These funds will augment these efforts. Proposed expenditure of funds - Overtime $30,985. Ramse,�ountv Corrections The JAG funds will be used to support a community corrections aide. The aide supports the overall work of the intake unit by performing criminal record checks on offenders referred by the courts of Ramsey County. Ramsey County Corrections handles corrections for all of Ramsey County including the cifies of Maplewood, Roseville, and Saint Paul. The position determines the custodial status and length of stay in the local jail for referred offenders. The position is responsible for entering new case information into the automated data base and conducting data integrity operations. In addition, the individual gathers and collates such information as is appropriate relative to cases placed under correctional supervision for dissemination to the probation officer assigned to the case. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries $ 30,985 Ramsey Countv Attomev's Office The Ramsey County Attomey's Office in cooperation the Ramsey County Courts has initiated ongoing meetings with criminal justice representafives to deal with the issues surrounding cases involving guns, gangs and violent crimes. The Ramsey Council Attorney's office is the chief prosecuting agency for all of Ramsey County including the cifies of Maplewood, Roseville and the City of Saint Paul. One of the key issues idenrified was the need for the court to have more complete informarion on defendants priar to decisions on bail and sentencing. Law enforcement officers, and particularly those who work with the Minnesota Gang Strike Force, aze in possession of necessary 2 o�,-��� and useful information but are not usually present at court hearings. An investigator has been hired to work closely with Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies to insure full access to essentiai information from those agencies to special gang prosecutors and all other adult and juvenile prosecutors. Proposed expenditure of funds - Salaries $19,56$ Saint Paul Police The Saint Paul Police Department will use a portion of the JAG to support the followiug activities as needed on an overtime basis: Special Events Operarions and Community/Volunteer Services Unit: Large-scale special events such as the Grand Old Day Celebration, Cinco de Mayo, Winter Camival Grand Day and Torchlight Pazades, Taste of Minnesota, and the Twin Cities Mazathon contribute to the overall vitality of the city. Previous year's experience demonstrates a need for trouble shooting and problem resolution strategies on event days. There is a need for the Saint Paul Police Depariment to plan and prepare for the task of managing and coordinating personnel, traffic, and crowds. At events of these size, situations often arise which both frustrates residents and jeopardizes the success of the events themselves including the increased amount of foot traffic, auto traffic, window peepers and thefts. Having an officer available to respond on scene rather than "next year" assures residents that the police department cares and is willing to insure the level of "quality of life" they expect in their neighborhoods. Anticzpated Goals/Outcome: To police events without draining citywide police resources. Solicit input from promoters as to the needs and requirements for the special event or detail. Assignment of officers to police the detail azea for issues surrounding the safe and efficient movement of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and creating a feeling of safety and comfort for those in attendance. Focusing Our Resources On Community Empowerment (F.O.R.C.E.) Unit: The Saint Pau1 Police Department recognizes the negative and pervasive influence that drugs and narcotics have on the quality of life in our community. The department also recognizes that drug use and related activifies are a social phenomenon that requires a coordinated response between police officers, residents, and the combined resources of the City of Saint PauL The FORCE Unit is designed to combine resources in an effort to attack the scourge of drug use through a variety of strategies. F.O.R.C.E. Unit has found through unit investigarions that suspects in street level nazcotics investigations are very mobile, involved in other criminal activity and often create problem properties where they conduct their illegal activities. There is a strong need to address problem properties and 0�-��3 behavior through the use of "jump-ouY' details, agent buy operations, knock and talk details and search warrants. Additional emphasis needs to be directed toward block club meetings, administrative follow-up, cooperating agency meetings and educationat presentations. Aigh crime azeas will be defined by F.O.R.C.E. based on numbers of resident complaints, concenirarion of problem properiy cases, computerized mapping and intelligence information generated by patrol officers and informants. Anticipated Goals/Outcome: Address crime "hot spots" citywide, to reduce street level narcotics activity, associated crimes, and problem properties in the target azeas. Overtune funding will strengthen the F.O.R.C.E. UniYs specialized approach to intervening "hot spots" by pernutting more time for coordinafion with neighborhood service area supervisors, dish wuncil neighborhood crime prevenrion coordinator and relevant ciry services such as code enforcement, fire inspections, and licensing. Canine Unit: The primaty purpose of the canine unit is to serve as a backup for the patrol officer and as a support unit to the patrol funcrion. Also, the unit is vital in stemming the flow of illegal nazcotics via use of the canine uniYs detector dog program. Officers and their canine partners trained in narcotics interdiction tactics would avail themselves on an overtime basis to those locations where illegal narcotics enter Saint Paul. Potentiallocations include the train, bus depots, and airports, Federal Express offices, UPS distribution centers, and the U.S. Postal Service branches. Anticipated Goals/Outcome: Canine unit detector dogs and their handlers will seize drugs and proceeds from drug sales. Not only will the presence of a canine team increase drug interventions but also will increase officer safety. Gun Issues - Possession and Discharge of FYrearms: Trained officers retrieve illegal guns as well as document guns that have been confiscated by ufilizing gun suppression techniques. Anticipated Goals/Outcome: Reduce the level of intentional dischazge of fireanns by intervening with violent offenders with a documented history of gun violence. Gathering and sharing of intelligence data, training on gun interdicfion techniques and use of technology to improve communications between depamnent resources, and law enforcement agencies to accomplish outcome. Liquor Compliance/Liquor Violations/Disorderly Houses: 01,-113 A great deal of public attention has recenfly been directed at the ease with which minors aze able to acquire alcoholic beverages. Ttris attenfion has lead the legislature to enhance penalties associated with providing alcohol to minors. In addition, one residence being used as a disorderly house can effecrively destroy the peace and lranquility of a neighborhood and bring in other related crune. Frequently, party houses, after hour's residences, or homes being used to "booUeg" alcoholic beverages aze idenrified. Anticinated Goals/Outcome: Use of police officer overtiine to assist in an increased number of investigations of licensed beverage establishments to determine compliance with state statutes, and other invesfigations which involve the use of alcohol by minors or disorderly houses. Narcotics/Special Investigation Unit (S.I.Ln: Saint Paul and its adjoining suburban communities contained within Ramsey and Dakota Counties has experienced a large impact from the burgeoning methamphetamine problem. Prior to 1998, St. Paul drug seizures were comprised largely of cocaine and marijuana with a representation of other illegal drugs including methamphetamine. Beginning in 1998, methamphetamine seizures quickly outpaced other drug seizures by a margin of almost 2 to 1. Saint Paul's west side community is becoming known as "source city" for methamphetamine. Highly financed criminal organizafions importing from Mexico, using mostly methamphetamine distributors locally, blend into the illegal activities and avoid prosecution. The majority of the methamphetanune coming into Saint Paul and the Saint Paul suburban community originates from labs in California and Mexico. Anticipated Goals/Outcome: Overtime auailability will a11ow officers to more thoroughiy pursue invesfigations related to the west side methamphetamine market resulfing in an increase in drug seizures and arrest. Neighborhood Service Area (NSA): Neighborhood policing identifies with geographic areas within each district, which are referred to as Neighborhood Service Areas (NSA). NSA's incorporate well-defined neighborhoods within Saint Paui into police service areas. Neighborhood policing brings residents, business owners, and the police officers closer together to work on common issues that affect the quality of life and the public safety in that neighborhood. Officers idenfify problems and take proactive measures to solve public safety related issues with community support and assistance. Anticipated Goals/Outcome: The program will focus ovettime hours on a proactive approach to solving problems identified by officers working in collabaration with district councils, and both the business and community groups. Issues to address include drug 5 ob-1�3 dealing, disorderly people, drunks, pickpockets and problem properties that impact quality of life issues. In addition, those problems idenrified will be assigned to an officer who will be responsible for the action and outcome. Further attention will be focused on multi-housing areas. Park and Recreafion Center Details: Saint Paul recreation centers provide residents with a place in their neighborhood to learn and ha�e fun, and also serve as the community's gathering spot - the focus of 5aint Paul's famously strong neighborhoods. The over 1.5 million visits made annually attest to their effectiveness in meeting those needs. Both Saint Paul police officers and police security rangers are involved in maintaining a safe environment for the parks. Anticf.pated Goals/Outcome: To provide a safe environment in the City of Saint Paul's pazks to a11ow children to play and leam. Police officers can work in the pazks as mentars and youth workers allowing children to have the opportunity to enjoy activities and to see police officers in roles outside that of the traditional "police officer". Officers will also develop longer standing relafionships with youth and park staff prevenfing problems from occurring or reoccurring at the recreation centers. Police Presence in Retail and Commercial Areas: One of the hallmazks of the retail attraction in Minnesota is the overall safety of the area. Unforiunately, commercial azeas are often the most dense areas of crime in a neighborhood. Commercial strips currently identified include Hillcrest Shopping Center, Sunray Center, and Midway Center. Anticipated Goals/Outcome: Officers will engage in patrol of area retail centers addressing, but not limiring themselves to the issues of loitering, purse snatching, robberies, burglaries, frauds, panhandling, and public drunkenness. Prostitution Suppression: Key factors in the perceived quality of a neighborhood, from a resident view as well as from the outside, is the amount of street level criminal activity that is observed. One crime that can drastically affect this view is street prosritution. The presence of street prosfitutes in a given neighborhood can send the message that this type of crime is tolerated or minimized in the view of the neighborhood and law enforcement. This ahnosphere can encourage other street level crimes to gravitate to the area. Once this type of reputation is established patrons of the prostitutes make this neighborhood their area of choice when looking to establish contact with a prostitute. It is estimated that 40% of patrons do not live within the city limits of Saint Paul. The patron may approach 0 01��1�3 female residents of the area believing them to be prosritutes, and children may be exposed to street level sex acts between the patron and prostitute. The times when acts of prostitution occur have no identifiable pattem. This element inhibits even the most effective police agency from being able to plan suppression techniques or to increase activity without the benefit of funding over and above what currently is present. An effective suppression program also has to allow for the use of a variety of undercover officers. These undercover officers, in the role of patron and/or prostitute, haue to be drawn from other organizarional units within the police department. This can hamper the other units from fulfilling their mandates in crime suppression or assigned goals and objectives. Antici�ted Goals/Outcome: The Vice Unit will strategically schedule police officers from within the deparhnent to participate in enhanced prostitution suppression acriviries without deleting their ability to contribute to meering the goals of their own organizational units as well as keeping the neighborhoods of Saint Paul free from street level criminal acrivity. TrafFc Enforcement Details: One of the largest sources af complaints the police department receives is traffic related quality of life issues. Pedestrian safety, traffic speed, and general safety concerns are all a part of a Saint Paul residenYs perception of a safe city. Anticipated Goals/Outcome: Overtnne funding will be used to deploy special traffic enforcement details to "hot spots" identified by residents' input and computerized mapping. Truancy/Curfew: To find solurions for increased truancy and curfew violations in Saint Paul and its surrounding suburbs, the Ramsey County Truancy and Curfew Center(RCTCC) was established in 1994. A representafive from the Saint Paul Police Department is on the execurive committee that oversees and coordinates the collaborative work of the RCTCC. Anticipated Goals/Outcome: Truancy officers will be assigned during peak school hours. Curfew sweeps will be performed several times per month. Curfew/Truancy violators will be stopped and tagged so there is a decrease in school age youth present during school times and times after curfew. 7 Ob-1V 3 Proposed use of funds - Overtime $191,003 The above programs would not be available with the assistance of the JAG funds. Administrafive Funds - also included in Budget Narrarive Section Attachment 2 The Saint Paul Police Department will use 10% of the 2006 JAG for costs associated with administering JAG funds: T'he City of Saint Paul Police Department will utilize the adtninistrative portion of the JAG funds to assist in distribufing the funds; monitoring the awazd; submitting reports including performance measure and program assessment data; and providing ongoing assistance for any subrecipients of the funds. Snecificall� The Saint Paul Police Department is a full-service police department with the infrastructure, experience, technical expertise and commihnent to implement this collaborafive project. This infrastructure includes financial management and reporting by the accounting unit which provides plamiing and budget support to the divisions as well as fiscal management of department functions. This unit is also responsible for the coordination of the annual operating budget, grant accounting, supervision of internal expenditures and internal controls including fund audits. Salaties and fringe benefits for submitting financial reports and providing on-going financial assistance during the grant period is 3.29% of the Accountant III ($84,011 x 3.29% x 4 years =$11,065). Salaries and fringe benefits for providing on-going assistance during the grant period is 3.29% of the Clerk Typist IV ($54,398 x 3.29% x 4 years =$7,164). The payroll unit is responsible for paying approximately 800 employees and records, The unit also records and updates vacafion rime, sick fime, holiday pay, overtime, and maintains medical record files. Salaries and fringe benefits for providing on-going payroll assistaxice during the grant period is 3.29% of the Payroil Supervisor ($66,549 x 3.29% x 4 years= $8,765). Salaries and fringe benefits for distributing funds, monitoring the award, and providing on-going assistance during the grant period is 3.29% of the Research and Grants Manager ($118,387 x 3.29% x 4 years =$15,590). The remainder of the administrative funds ($931) wiil be used to offset these costs. The department is committed to serving the community and is organized in such a manner as to be more responsive to the coxnmunity we serve. Proposed use of funds - Total Adininistration Salaries and fringe benefits $27,925