226328iF orlrinal to City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 11709, approved April 12, 1960, entitled: "An ordinance granting permission and authority to the Village of Roseville to connect the public sewer system of said Village of Roseville to the public sewer system of the City of Saint Paul and thereafter maintain and operate the same as an outlet for said public sewer system-of said Village for public sewage conveyance and disposal purposes, and providing applicable terms and conditions. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the ' reservation of the public peace, health and safety. as amended. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary fdr the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 1 of Ordinance No. 11709, approved April 12, 1960, as amended, shall be and hereby is further amended so that the same shall read as follows: "That said Village of Roseville shall neither suffer nor permit the installation, maintenance or operation of any sewer service connection between its said public sewer system and any parcel of real property situate outside its corporate limits, except that said Village may permit the installation, maintenance and operation of a aewer service connection between its said public sewer system and the following described real property, lying beyond its corporate limits and situate in the Village of Shoreview, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, to -wit: The South of Section 11; that part of Section 13 within the Village of Shoreview; all of Sections 14, 23, 24 and that part of Section 25 lying northerly of Interstate Highway 694 and westerly of the Minneapolis -St. Paul and dau7t St. Marie Railroad-right-of-way; also that part f- of Section 26 located northerly of Interstate Highway 694 - IJ subject to the terms and conditions as shall be established by the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. That Section 2 of Ordinance No. 11709, approved April 12, 1960, as amended, is hereby further amended so that the same is read as follows: "That the operative effect of this amendment to Ordinance I%T^ 117na na nnnrnupd nn April 12. 1A60. shall be _cont-Invent Original to My Clerk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE Page 2. COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO. 226328 upon the acceptance of the same by said Village of Roseville not later than sixty (60) days next after the passage and approval of this amendment to said ordinance, such acceptance by said Village to be represented by its enactment of an ordinance formally accepting this amendment to said ordinance and agreeing to abide by all of the provisions, terms and conditions of the same, and the filing of a certified copy of such Village ordinance with the City Clerk and *ith City Comptroller of said City of Saint Paul." Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Approved Attest: r, t Favor JAN 4 1363 .c City Clerk U ayor I zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By —�_- u JAN 81966 , ;MRGE M. SHEPARD - EUGENE V. AVERY C.I• T Y OF SAINT PAUL •� •TA[YT AND HIGHWAY , ' CHIV [HOIN[[R [NG114CMING COORDINATOR Capital of Wnno:ota : ', . C. J. VOKOUN, JR. r DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS wr[RR.TwowT a SANITATION 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 MILTON ROSEN Commissioner WILLIAM P. BEHRENB October 26, 1965 K Mr. Stephen L. Maxwell - Corporation Counsel ; Room 316, Building' r Re: Request for Amending Ordinance - Additional Area in Shoreview to City of St. Paul System - Modification of Roseville Ordinance No. 11709 Approved April 12, 1960 Dear Mr. Maxwell: Please amend subject ordinance to permit the f0 lowing additional area in the Village of Shoreview to be sewered through the Roseville sewer, " system which then connects to the'City of St. Paul'. The legal description of this additL9na"rea oreview is as follows: t The South of Section 11; that part of Section 13 within the Village of Shoreview; all of Section 14 ;. 23, 24 and that part of Section 25 lying northerly of Interstate Highway 694 and westerly of the ; Minneapolis -St. Paul and Saute St. Marie Railroad right -of -way; also that part of Section 26 located northerly of Interstate Highway 694. The ordinance should further specify that the permission hereby , granted to the Village of Shoreview to drain the above designated portion of the Village through the Village of Roseville is granted on a temporary basis only. The Village of Shoreview shall reconnect said area from the Roseville system and connect to the joint- sanitary sewer Interceptors as designated in the Metropolitan-St. Paul Sanitary - Sewerage Report, Engineering,. dated May, 1964. The ordinance should require said reconnection to be _ accomplished within one year after completion of the facilities herein described. A further provision of the ordinance would be to the effect that insofar as scheduling and costs apportionment of the comprehensive plan facilities described and defined in the Metropolitan St. Paul Sanitary Sewerage Report that the Village of Shoreview area herein described as now being given temporary permission to connect to the Village of Roseville shall be considered as unsewered and the•Village of Shoreview shall not therefore Mr. Stephen Maxwell -2- October 26, 1965 t • delay or evade cost apportionment for comprehensive plan facilities on the basis of said temporary connection. Further the Village of Shoreview shall design permanent gravity trunk sewers to include districts WBT -1, NO-1, and VH -1. Said gravity trunk sewers to be designed for year 2000 flow conditions as described in said Engineering report. i If you have any questions regarding this matter I may be reached. on extension 54210 " u very truly, hn A. Des Lauriers'•f Sewer Engineer ; JAD: jd APPROVED: EUGENE V. AVERY Chief Engineer } • "� �. a .r' :• . 1, , MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of'Public Works _. �,Ip : "j, MV f r .4owirp C. -11 JPI ,Mr. Peter V. Bromme 'Vi I lage Cler�-A6inlstrator Village of Shoreview 881 West -Highway 96- -Saint Paul;-Minnesota. 55112 F�tsc -or- Mendir;a Ot-d;i t i ona I Avea i r-. r t-ev 14, v C ; ty Dear Mr0:Bromm6: of In.response to your letter of October 21i.665,1 have chocked with our Sewer Department and find that the matter was Inadvertently delayqd.,because of some Initial problems with a description of the land to be'served and the relationship of the sewerage plan proposed ­•ln the near future with the comprehensive long-range, program for thell East-Metropolitan Area..; These matters have been resolved through,,..-- ,,,t,-conference.-with,the-Shoreview engineers and,we are ' -jorwarding.-Imiedit of,ii,at:ely.alri4u'ost.to-our,Corporat�ion Counsel-to.prepare the necessary amendment to'the'Rosevllle contract ordinance.- I attach a copy of this requ si�_ a for '%your,..) nformat Ion, and: fl les#: 113 231; ar,d f hat j.y of inters tzi - -�t! N 1'q.6%Yzoj 694 Y�-rjci t•� I -j '!v" Minncap'10111te'S*t. Paul and Sr, EugeneiVi•:;Avery• locateri (.,C . .- ther I y of' I V1 W, 1i I Chief Ingi near EVA/Jv Attachij: ordlriai`ice 'shoiol� fjjj-the• that- the- per:,11"sHV'ron' hereby V'r an fed to t' 1) Y 1.) 1,1 ci C! '0 f S 11--a j-,6v i e w 'tr.' 'j (I a itove do s i r;.rwa k c d p 0 r 1; i"-')! OF the V i I lh-:I 0 thl'ough, th'pl Vi 11�lqo of gran'ted or, a timi•Oral'y basir, on I I y.' Tint, 'V 1.1 ;l go'of' $•orc-N 'sh'all I •s connect 'saint Z"ev '17 rv­n the R 1.* � e Y! t cm zd conn(tet 'to the sow*r yOir,ign31-ed' in il-ho' ton: st. Paul- Repoi-t, EnO naerinG, orrdlna6ce should requir(< said reconnection 'Q wltidr. 011;F� Y"'ar aftet, cowpl.edon of the° facilities herein A for prrw; s fort of thti or d le,anc,,n' v.,vu I d , bc to 0e rff,t1_ t that 1,1-,of c,; as sch(-,du I ii-ig an�4 co-,LS p'o., t I-) A,, of the colr­!r -I, tv-f P-1 an f a C j I it jas dvicy- lbed zind defined in the 11.0tr0110 I I tiln St. Paul. 5— Repnrt tha%t the Vi I lAq,.. q clescr I bod as nlm!o bitling given teinfvOrilry PcWmissiori to dontlect to, tt(c� V1 1 lage of Rosev I I ic silo I I be considered as un5awcred and the V111,190 of nihall not ther'efOrA N T ir. fn ?13-4 C'Ify sioll & c•,)r) 1-to;si5l $5101 Wft,UAM P_ tiY1,_2YN,1) Vopily Comfr.,%,11.,;MAr Octobar.97& )9651n65 �,Ip : "j, MV f r .4owirp C. -11 JPI ,Mr. Peter V. Bromme 'Vi I lage Cler�-A6inlstrator Village of Shoreview 881 West -Highway 96- -Saint Paul;-Minnesota. 55112 F�tsc -or- Mendir;a Ot-d;i t i ona I Avea i r-. r t-ev 14, v C ; ty Dear Mr0:Bromm6: of In.response to your letter of October 21i.665,1 have chocked with our Sewer Department and find that the matter was Inadvertently delayqd.,because of some Initial problems with a description of the land to be'served and the relationship of the sewerage plan proposed ­•ln the near future with the comprehensive long-range, program for thell East-Metropolitan Area..; These matters have been resolved through,,..-- ,,,t,-conference.-with,the-Shoreview engineers and,we are ' -jorwarding.-Imiedit of,ii,at:ely.alri4u'ost.to-our,Corporat�ion Counsel-to.prepare the necessary amendment to'the'Rosevllle contract ordinance.- I attach a copy of this requ si�_ a for '%your,..) nformat Ion, and: fl les#: 113 231; ar,d f hat j.y of inters tzi - -�t! N 1'q.6%Yzoj 694 Y�-rjci t•� I -j '!v" Minncap'10111te'S*t. Paul and Sr, EugeneiVi•:;Avery• locateri (.,C . .- ther I y of' I V1 W, 1i I Chief Ingi near EVA/Jv Attachij: ordlriai`ice 'shoiol� fjjj-the• that- the- per:,11"sHV'ron' hereby V'r an fed to t' 1) Y 1.) 1,1 ci C! '0 f S 11--a j-,6v i e w 'tr.' 'j (I a itove do s i r;.rwa k c d p 0 r 1; i"-')! OF the V i I lh-:I 0 thl'ough, th'pl Vi 11�lqo of gran'ted or, a timi•Oral'y basir, on I I y.' Tint, 'V 1.1 ;l go'of' $•orc-N 'sh'all I •s connect 'saint Z"ev '17 rv­n the R 1.* � e Y! t cm zd conn(tet 'to the sow*r yOir,ign31-ed' in il-ho' ton: st. Paul- Repoi-t, EnO naerinG, orrdlna6ce should requir(< said reconnection 'Q wltidr. 011;F� Y"'ar aftet, cowpl.edon of the° facilities herein A for prrw; s fort of thti or d le,anc,,n' v.,vu I d , bc to 0e rff,t1_ t that 1,1-,of c,; as sch(-,du I ii-ig an�4 co-,LS p'o., t I-) A,, of the colr­!r -I, tv-f P-1 an f a C j I it jas dvicy- lbed zind defined in the 11.0tr0110 I I tiln St. Paul. 5— Repnrt tha%t the Vi I lAq,.. q clescr I bod as nlm!o bitling given teinfvOrilry PcWmissiori to dontlect to, tt(c� V1 1 lage of Rosev I I ic silo I I be considered as un5awcred and the V111,190 of nihall not ther'efOrA ..' ,' � ' _ - _ - _'' Y . � - 'v�k+�.71t3rE _4$ ��iCiSEVZ _ . .a.r. • ti' , q` _' •a �• .. ..,• , 'j _ ORD AN 0RDIK9NCjR ACC$"UG : THE TERMS OF ,'SAIIRT PAUL.' - -. •- _ - � :Ohli2�i�biCE'�1,313:8I'' � - ., ` • • . - � �.:. ', ' •- -. -�� - ` .; = � -�_._`' ;• t� _ s Th* -VLII* w.- Cou>n0#;1 0# .taio - Villago of -RON"Vifle idi in A- CO The. Village 0 RoXeVille. _do*$ base.,, . . -- t�•j•hy- racceV �.! aand- - '._tQ a bide + �•• � ._ . •. r.' - _ +Agree, : by '_ailsb4" paeavi6i9fni, berme and'cohditiong sat- forth ini okottlance so.' 13JL38, - .... `, Cit, Of gI • •Paid , : Raivaey Qu ty; - Hinnesc apoctivoly azy -14, • _ . �'. , ' :.. Thia �Otdina ee y � n - hal 1r take afeet:t and b . 3;n' i4ree :i>�c� And ,•- t•• , � . ^e rind -_ .T * • - , ;: � �,` - .t, - • _.'- .' � , ' - . a tsr ita .pacts � publics in>ri.. PAOSED by he.. Vi .1494. COUnCil of ttje V_ ille9e• 49 Roaivill*; Minnesota � th is � day - ,12ath ` y of 4aQUnr�, . v' - .., -r - , v pry • I •, • l^ `. �_� (j .,R- - ����T•a •t '�.:1a� .1.�1_`as - •• y _ ATMT i f VILLAGE OF RO January 26, 1966 Mr. Robert Gerber City Clerk Ramsey County Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Gerber: D—. -)3 ,)- 'c?, LE MINNESOTA Enclosed is a copy of theVillage of Roseville Ordinance No. 480 approving Ordinance No. 13138 of the City of St. Paul extending the sewer service area in the Village of Shoreview. Yours truly, --� Richard W. Turnlund Village Manager RWT /mp Encl. 2701 NORTH LEXINGTON ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA, 55113 484 -3371 i I ti STATE OF MINNESOTA ) VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) I. the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the Village Council of said Village held on the 24th day of January 19 66 , with the original on.fi a in my off ice„ and the same is a u , true and complete trans- cript therefrom. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the Village this 28th day of January , 19 66 SEAL ./ 0011 / 1 � " Jain. 11, 1966. V llage Cierkp Villap of Roseville,, 27t)1 _N. Lexington Ave. , - St. Paid) Minn. _Enclosed is a cop _ Or nee 90- 13138. YOU will -note Secti c for the Fidoption of ant Or nonce by your Vi" Council cepti.ng the terms -an4 prb» vixlori of the enclosed dinawe wi n a ,period of sixty days. �, -City Clerk bO _ [ 4 a • Dec. 17, 1965--_- Mr.. Peter V. 'EtIbuse, - Clerk :-Administrator, village or Shoreview, 881 W. HiB4waY 96, r Shoreview; Minn. 551124; - Dear Mr:: Bross t - , - .Attached hereto is a c -pr ed Saint Paul.ordinance C. F.'226328 which will have the e! authorizing a certain additional area in Shorevi co ed to the sewer system or r` Saint Paul through the s Sys of R vi13.6. This. ordinance; which will have the @!! of am the oseville sewer ordinance- s. �_ ,•. }contract, had Sts First ending Dec r l6, 1965. Under the pro- visions of the City C er the or nee will receive Second Reading December 23rd. and Thir eading'De r -24th. with Final Adoption gchecinled !or D r 3 1 n the event the Council does not met on Dec and he procedure would' be as lollows s -Third Readi on December 28th. with Final Adoption* on. JanuaryAth. 1966. _. Very truly yours, City Clerk I st 2nd Laid over to I - 3rd and app dopted_ r Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith —, Meredith Peterson Peterson �\ Rosen ` Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis Mr. President Vavoulis