226309I ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSION Milton Rosen COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis tons 442 226309 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM Commissioner of Public Works nwT- December 15, 1965 " 7 - WHEREAS, Metcalf Lane from Upper Afton Road to Battle Creek Place is a continuation of Battle Creek Place as now constructed and, WHEREAS, it is considered most fitting and desirable that the above street as described, be named BATTLE CREEK PLACE, and now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the City Council of the City of 'St. Paul that Metcalf Lane from Upper Afton Road to Battle Creek Place be and is hereby given the name of BATTLE CREEK PLACE, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That BATTLE CREEK PLACE from the East line of Metcalf Lane to the East line of the plat known as Bacchus St. Paul Hills, be given the name of NORTH PARK DRIVE. PETITION TO REZONE A petition having been filed request- ing that Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, St. i Paul Le lative Code, Zoning Code, be i amended so as to rezone property de- scribed as Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Linse's Subdivision of Lots 9, 10 and 11, and parts of Lots 7 and 8 of Block 34, of Linse and Zimmerman's Rearrange- ment of Blocks 33 and 34 of Brown and Jackson's Addition'to West Saint Paul, on the south side of Concord St. and on the west side of Brown Ave., to Commercial District, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has fixed the 2nd day of December, 1965, at ten o'clock 1$ the forenoon in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of said City, and at said time and place, the Council will hear all persons and all objections and recommendations relative to said proposed amendment. Dated November 18, 1965. — ROBERT B. GERBER, Ill City Clerk. (November 20, 1965) DEC 151655 Adopted by the Council 19- 11 DEC 151965 Approved 19— Tn Favor 0 % Mayor Against PUBLISHED DEC 18 1965