06-1123Council File #� //� 3 Green Sheet # 3C35300 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 't Presente d by � C� �_ 3 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CARRYFORWAIZD OF 4 UNLJSED PRIVATE ACTNITY BOND VOLUME CAP 7 WHEREAS, the Cily of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") is an"entitlement issuer" within the 8 meaning of Mimiesota Stazutes, Section 474A.02, subd. 7; and 10 WHEREAS, the City's enfitlement allocation for 2006 under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474A.03, 11 subd. 2a(3) is $27,707,000; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the City has already issued bonds attributable to such allocation in the aggregate principal 14 amount of $22,598,680 and expects to issue an additional $5,051,030 for a multifamily residential rental 15 project (the "CommonBond ProjecY') by the end of the yeaz in the amount; and 16 17 WIIEREAS, the City may, under § 146(fl of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and 18 under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474A, "canyforward" all or a portion of the CiTy's unused entitlement 19 allocation for the year 2006; and 20 21 WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the public health, safety and welfare that the City canyforward 22 for qualified casryforward purposes any 2006 enritlement allocation remaining unused on December 31, 2006. 23 24 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Mimiesota, 25 as follows: 26 2 7 1. Assuming bonds aze issued this yeaz for the CommonBond Project as anficipated, the City will 2 8 have an unused balance of 2006 entiflement allocation of $57,290.00, which amount the City hereby elects to 2 9 carryforward for the purpose of qualified mortgage revenue bonds. 30 31 2. If, for any reason, bonds are not issued by the end of this yeaz for the CommonBond Project, 32 the City will have an addirional unused balance of $5,051,030.00, and in such event, the City elects to 3 3 cairyforward such amount for qualified residenUal rental bonds. 34 3 5 3. The City's D'uector of Planning and Economic Development is hereby authorized and directed 3 6 to file with the Internal Revenue Service a Form 8328 specifying the amount of entiflement allocation to be 3 7 carried forward as described above. The Form 8328 shall be filed with the Internal Revenue Service on or 3 8 before Febniary 15, 2007. The City directs the Director to notify the Minnesota Deparlment of Finance of the 3 9 specific amount of such carryforward at such time and as required by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 474A. 40 41 4. Any amount carried forwazd may be urilized by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of 42 the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"). The Authority may, at its oprion, delegate its authority to �6 //,� 3 43 issue bonds pursuant to the curyforwazd elecfion to the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Housing Finance Board. The 44 proceeds of bonds issued by the Mimieapolis/Saint Paul Housing Finance Boazd may be applied without 4 5 regazd to jurisdicrional boundaries as provided in Mimiesota Statutes, Section 462C.12, subd. 3. 46 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � i i Approved b � Date �Z y7��fo Mayor: By: Planning and Economic Develogment � By: ` Q� � Form Approv�d by sy: Attorney Form Ap ve by Mayo`r for Submission to Co cil Ey: Adopted by Date Council : �° d�d � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green &heet Green Sheet � D6 //,j3 PE — P���g � �onomic Development � . 'I1-DEC-06 Contact Person 8 Phone: Stephanie Hawkinson 6-6585 Must Be on Coundl Agend�� 20-DEC-06 Doc.Type: RESOLU710N E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: ConWct Phdne: Total # of Slgnature Pages �. � Assign Number For Routing Order (Clip Ail Loeations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3035300 0 Iannm & Economic Develo m Peltiu � 1 Iannin &EconomicDevelo m De artmentDirecFOr 2 ' Attorn P. McCaNJ. Kell ��'(� 3 or's Office Ma or/Assistant 4 onncil 5 ' Clerk Cl' Clerk �acnon rcequestea: �+' � Approval to "cazryfonvard" the City's unused 2006 entitlement alloca6on (bonding authority) for the purpose of year 2007 qualified residential rental projects. � newumronuauon5: HPPfOVC �A) Of Fi � Planning Commission 016 Committee � Civil Service Commissi0n 1. Has this person�rm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any currentcityemployee? ' Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): At the end of each year, the State of Minnesota and the IRS require that the City "cazryforwazd" any portion of ffie City's unused bonding enfiflement allocation which can then be used in the followin gyeaz. This year's deadline is December 31, 2006. AdvanWges If Approved; � Qualified Residential Rental Bonds can be issued during 2007 for the benefit of low or moderate income individuals. Disadvantages If Approved: None. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Up to $5,051,030 of bonding authority will be lost. � � Transaction: Punding Souree: Financial information: , (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: - ActivityNumber: �u �'�� �`r--���� F�s �� � �� p �t�� V , � � ��"�fi•v w3'ia'3 �."m`� � ��i December 11, 2006 3:55 PM Page 1