226262ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 226262 6262 :s CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO !!!.• -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM ;RESENTED BY ` 'OMMISSIONE! RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that beginning January 1, 1966, the•provisions of Resolution,. Council File No. 187689, adopted by the Council May 29, 1958, as set forth in paragraph numbered 1 thereof, as modified in respects and particulars set forth in Resolution,Council File No. 220640, adopted by the 'Council November 10, 1964, ato hereby further modified by substituting for the paragraph entitled "Insurance Deductions-1965" the following paragraph, captioned "Insurance Deductions 1966" :,; IN&RANCE DEDUCTIONS °..1966 r QUALIFYING INSURANCE DEDUCTIONS TO BE PAY PERIOD,- r... 'MADE ON FOLLOWING PAYDAYS PREMIUM DEDUCTION FOR MONTH 0 F -\ • Jan. 1 to Jain.. 149 inclusive .1/28/66 January Jan. 29 to' Feb:"' °ll, ihcl.hslve , 2/25/66 February Feb. 26 to Mar. 11, inclusive 3/25/66 March Apr. 9 to Apr. 229 inclusive 5/6/66. April May 7 to May 20, inclusive 6/3/66'-' May- June 4 to June 179 inclusive 7/1/66 June' July 2 to July 15, inclusive 7/29/66 July July 30 to Aug. 12, inclusive 8/26/66 August -Sept. 10 -to Sept. 23, inclusive 10/7/66 September Oct. 8 .to. Oct. 21, inclusive '�` , • 11/4/66 - . October,,. Nov. 5 -'to Nov'.�18, ' irlcrisive° " "12/2/66 November Dec.: 3 to D:c: 16, iniv've' 12/30/66 ;" December r FINALLY RESOLVED That the City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit to the organizations carrying the City group coverages copies of this Resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays IDalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Ivosen Ilc,, President, Yavu_ulis +iss Aft, Vice Presii.eUi (ke�9@gj 10M 6.69 't% DEC 141965 Adopted by the Council 19— Tn Favor Against - M1 J DEC 141965 Approve 19 —_ Mayor Aeting om PUBLISHED',,, DEC 18 1965 St, Paul Fire 8o - Mating - 385 washingtofi; i St • Paul, Minh. , - - . Ge'litle�ent - ' Attached is R tosolution t y thO Saint Paul. City ' = Council designating the .date4. for 3 6 .dcduatione for. X966, ` 'tieing, c P., X269; rdopt r 1 965. _ - Very, truly yqure! ; linodta bkttxa7:, Lift its Cv; 345 Cedar �st., - - ' _ . St. P+ewt�:; Minn: • ' - - " . _- = -- - =- - '� _ . - Attsdhed -ie a,` fe4olutio opted thn saint Paul City F �, ' CtiunA : dosiamt ii* the dater for "i it deduotiona for U66 - bef,X� C..• F,'' �2�i262�- adopter�c�e�tbex' ?. g65,... _ _ � • ` 'Very truly yours j` City Clerk ' AO/ bp Doc • 1, i �� a mS.nedota Hospital Oervlce Aeon* ` 2610 Uniiutity =` " :lLt taohed 3s a utx dept y =the Saint pau3. City r Council designating -the teo for i aric . deductions for i966,. - bejzig' C „_ -P.• 2x6262, .add od Dad 4, 465.. } - Very truly yourm, io/bp _ City clerk