06-1118Suspension — 12/13/06 CITY Presented WHEREAS, on September ll, 2006, the BZA duly conducted a public hearing after having provided notice to affected property owners, and the BZA, by its Resolution No. #06- 127870 adopted September 25, 2006, decided to deny the application based on the following findings and conclusions: 2 WHEREAS, on August 21, 2006, Fred Macalus made application to the Board of Zoning 3 Appeals (hereinafter, the `BZA") in BZA File No. 06-127870 for a variance from the strict 4 applicataon of the provisions of the zoning code for the property located at 735 North Snelling 5 Avenue, and legally described as COLLEGE PLACE, WEST DIVISION EX N 23 56/100 FT 6 LOT 18 BLK9; and WHEREAS, The purpose of the application was to vary the zoning code standards for off-street parldng in order to convert existing retail space into a restaurant; and 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA //: Council File # �l Green Sheet # ,30,���0 The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. The applicant is proposing to establish a restaurant in a vacant retail space on the first floar of this building. The change in use from retail to a restaurant requires an additional 8 off-street parking spaces. There is no room on the site to provide an additional parking. The applicant is proposing to provide additional parking through a lease agreement with the hardware store down the block. The peak hours of the hardware store and the restaurant would overlap and the hardware store only has 10 spaces. Because of this, the leased parldng spaces cannot be counted toward meeting the required parking. However, the leased parking would be available after 6 PM on weekdays and after 5 PM on the weekends. The applicant states that the restaurant will be open from 4 to 11 PM and that the peak hours would be from 5 to 11 PM. Therefore, the parking behind the hardwaze store would be available most of the time the restaurant is open. In addition, the applicant states that the main target group of customers will be the college students at Hamline University, many of who will be walking to the restaurant. With the shared parldng agreement the proposed restaurant is a reasonable and pernutted use for this space. 2. Tlae plight of the Zand owner is not due to circumstances unique to this property, and the current circumstances were created by the land owner. There is little space available on this lot for off-street parking which makes it difficult to find a viable tenant for this vacant commercial space. However, the current property owner was aware of the situation when the building was built and the addition was added in 1985. Any hardship incuned at this point is self imposed. D�-/ll8 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 3. The proposed variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is not consistent with the health, safety, comfon, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Saint Paul. The proposed restaurant will have a relatively small dining room with about 1,000 square feet of seating area. It has been designed to cater to the neazby college students and will provide deliver service as well as take out. The applicant states that they will have signs directing customers where to park and will also include direction on the menus and advertisements. However, any additional burden on the street parking in the area would have an adverse impact on the existing businesses and nearby residences. The requested variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter the essential character of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The applicant is not proposing any additions to the building other than sign age. The requested variance will not impair the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Reestablishing a viable business in this vacant commercial space will help re-vitalize this azea of Snelling Avenue. The proposed restaurant is consistent with other small businesses in the area and will not change the character of the neighborhood. The variance, if granted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected Zand is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classifzcation of the property. A restaw is a pernutted use in this district. The requested variance, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. The applicanYs primary desire is to establish a viable business in thls vacant commercial space. WHEREAS, on October 6, 2006, pursuant to the provisions of L.eg. Code § 61.702(a), Mr. Macalus duly filed an appeal from the determination made by the BZA (BZA File No. 06- 241405) and requested a hearing before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken by the said Boazd; and WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to L.eg. Code § 61.702(b) and upon notice to affected parties, a public hearing was set on before the City Council on November 1, 2006; and WHEREAS, on November 1, 2006, at the request of the appellant, the public hearing, was further continued to November 15, 2006; and WHEREAS, on November 15, the public hearing was again laid over to December 6, 2006; and al� -���� 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 WHEREAS, on December 6, 2006, the public hearing was duly convened; and WFIEREAS, no one appeared on behalf of Mz. Macalus nor were any written materials submitted on behalf of Macalus that could be considered by the Council when determining whether the BZA had made any error in facts, findings, or procedures in this matter; and WHEREAS, with no appearance by Mr. Macalus or any other person on his behalf appellant and with no written evidence submitted for the record on behalf of Macalus, the City Council can only consider the variance application, the report of staff, the record, minutes and resolution of the BZA, and, accordingly, does hereby RESOLVE, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul upholds the decision of the BZA in this matter as there is no evidence of any kind that the BZA committed any enor in its consideration of the said variance application, thus City Council adopts as its own the BZA's findings in this matter as set forth in BZA resolution No. 06-127870; and, be it be it F[JR'IT�R RESOLVED, That the appeal of Fred Macalus be and is hereby denied ; and, FINAI.LY RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Fred Macalus, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the BZA. Requested by Deparhnent of: ^-� By: Adopted by Council: Date f° � Adoptlon Certified by Council Secretary BY� . / / //��/�/��/J Approved by ayo D te / � U �%'� By: Form Approv by City Attomey B � 6✓/,��-_ rz/�/o 6 Folm App Mayoi for Su� o�mcil By: � �t� -lll S � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �,�, � � �s ca -c�� „�� Confact Person 8 Phone: Peter Warr�er 266-8710 Doc.Type; E-0ocument Required: Y DocumentContack JulieKraus ConpM Phone: 26Fi8710 . .. �... y ASSign Number For Routing Orcler Total # of SignaW re Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3034710 In"rtiallDate 0 ICStvAttornev I I 1 ttorn De ent D'uector 2 ttome � Z 7�t 3 a o's ce Ma ar Assistant 4 oncil 5 ' Clerk e k Memorializing City Council's December 6, 2006 morion to affirm the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeais and deny the appeal of Fred Macalus for a variance of the off-street pazking requirements in order to conveR a retail space into a restaurant for the pxoper[y coznmonly known as 735 North Snelling Avenue. , , or � � Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contrect for this department? CIB Committee Yes No � G1Hi Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a cdy employee? Yes f�o 3. Does this persorJfirm possess a skill not nortnalty ppssessed by any cuirent city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Ini�ating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): DEC ? 2006 Advantages MApproved: The Council is required pursuant to the Ciry Charter to have its actions reduced to a writing either in the form of a tesolution or ordinance dependent upon the nature of the matter before it. The decision of the Council in this matter required a written resolurion in order to comply with the Charter. Approving the attached resolution fulfilis the Council's duty under the Charter. Disadvantapes IfApproved: None. DisadvanWSles If Not Approved: , Failure to approve the resotution violates the City's Char[er requirement. � / /�M,� [ L � �(tt {�Cfc�� Ih 6�4'E.rww�{'.4 a6/'�a/�� 4� �t U"1ry/.a..�i�y./n.� "'/.�Lic�f��r (�P' n.I t.lrA�<.� S7 �c �04+..� Sll �Z"[�(—u ��.✓ Trensaction: Fundinq Source: Financiallnformation: (ExpYain) CosHRevenue Budgeted: Act"rvity Number: Questions: �tr�aY`s€��� +�f����f�� DEC 1 % 2006 November 21, 2006 9:25 AM Paqe 7 Dl�-1/l � OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECI'[ONS AND ENVIILONMENTAL PROTECITON Bob Keralei Dbecta� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Civrstopher & Calemme, Mayor October 9, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson Council Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN. 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: COb4MERCEBUILDING SPotvthSlree[E¢rt, Srdte200 SY Povl, .lf'nuresota SSI01-7024 Telephone: 651-266-9090 Facsmeile: 651-266-9724 Web: www.7iep.w I would like to confinn that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, November 1, 2006 for the following zoning case: Appellant: Fred Macalus Zoning File #: 06-127870 Purpose: Location: Staff: District : Board: An appeal of a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals denying a pazking vaziance in order to establish a restaurant at 735 N. Snelling Ave. 735 N. Snelling Ave Recommended approval. District 11 took no position on the matter. Denied on a 5-2 vote. I have confirmed this date with the office of Council Member Benanav. My understanding is that this public heazing request will appear on the agenda ofthe City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks! Sincerely, John Hardwick, Zoning Specialist AA-ADA-EEO Employer NOTICE OF� POBLiC HEARING The Sa;nti ra,il.City�onncn w;u con- duct a pnblic hearing on Wednesday, No- vember 1, 2006 at 5:30 p.�.. iu the City Council Chambers,Tl�ird Floor, Gity Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, St_Paul, MN, to consider the appeai of F4�ed Macalus to a decision of the Board ofZuningAppeals denying a parldngvariance in order to es- tablisharestaurantaG735N�Sn 11'n�Av- enue. (Zoning File 06-127870) , Dated: October 9, 2006 . MARY ERICESSOPd. - . . , . . . Assistant City Council Secretaty - (October 121 ' . "_ _= S1: IEGAf.I:EDGER�=�=� 22384�130 � � - . , , . -. . ,.. . D(���((� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVJRONMENI'AL PROTECIION Bob Kessler, D"vutor CITY OF SAINT PAUL ChristopherB. Coleman, Mayor October 9, 2006 Ms. Mary Erickson Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN. 55102 Dear Ms. Erickson: COMMERCEBUILDING 8 Fourth Street East, Sutte 200 StPau1, Minnuota 55107-1024 Telephone: 651-Z66-9090 Facsimile: 65Y266-9124 YYeb: www.liep.us I would like to confirni that a public hearing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, November 1, 2006 for the following zoning case: Appellant: Fred Macalus Zoning File #: 06-127870 • Purpose: L,ocation: Staff: District : Board: An appeal of a decision of the Boazd of Zoning Appeals denying a parking variance in order to establish a restaurant at 735 N. Snelling Ave. 735 N. Snelling Ave Recommended approval. District 11 took no position on the matter. Denied on a 5-2 vote. I have confirmed tlus date with the office of Council Member Benanav. My understauding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your eazliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks! � cerely, , / ` • John Hazdwick, Zoning Specialist AA-ADA-EEO Employer f� � � �� a.��.%�t1����t' �,.��% il1NT- F L ;�l74', �# �!1 ���:'� �9�F Q� � 2�G�� APFLI�WTI06� ��R APPEAL Ofj`ue of Licemse, Fptspecfioras ¢red Envirorame�etal Pradec8iore ComretetC¢ Buitdiecg 8 Foeartla .�'t E, Suite 200 �� � r .��D Saint Ppu1,1VIN 55101 V 65d-266-90D8 �pp�te,arR !��P PRQPERTY LQCA3fON Name of phone (as i 2'1 ��39 q g Address `t 3� N,�5 0� f�✓e- Legaldescription:C��le$g i�(a.cc,,,_„uxs� t��v�sion �x �VL3 �� f.» Gf Lo f 1B t3l� �} TYPE OF APPEAl: Rpplic�tion is hereby made inr an appea� tathe: G Board of Zoning Appeal G Cify Councii under the provisions of Ghapter 67, Section ____, Faragraph � of the Zonir�g Code, to appeal a deci�ion made � GROUNk1s FOR APPEAL: F�cpiein why you feel there has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision or refusal made by an administraGve official, or an error in fad, procedure or finding made by tfie Board of Zoning Appeals or the Planning Commission. 8 rr.�c��n�S c� �c. c� o..r� r�of h�-�c� J�o� GGl1StC�2� �i�vti - Fkto.�' Sv�fict.�n'f' c9{� _s}rcef po-.tYt�n�� 1ti�.�e5 I ` a-�I�cv.trr and, t�s t«r�dlonS. � SYI.C.��t+1q Ac.�a,�we. tpv5�eie33 t��o- °} 171sj"tie� (.�uhc.t T 3��a't� - `�'1a- J�-1�rnf�(..G if G-f C �655fSst-lE ti �1G.�.�,�� Applic�nt'ssignature�jjQ� 0 N��C�Ui� Date 6 �� Cifyagent L� � 3 �1�.. er✓t�.,d"� ��V-� o'F re5t C� a.�t c�c b q4- '�as ��s5� � l l� g fr n -'�.� e� �'�M2 �� �..� �� �t,�.J t w 'L � "t'� � Q.t�� r�'l.S�'n �' • �u't � 1 � C.�-�^�-3 �s t �r�.ess . ���s� � i � '� _._,� �� ,;���rr, � ��. . ,�" TYPE �F �PIJICAII�I1': �PLIC�IT: HEAItII�TG DA'I�: L�CATI�IV: LEGAL I)ESCItpP'i'IOli: PLANNING DISTRICT: PRESENT ZONING: REPQRT DATE: DEADLINE I+OR ACTION IVlinor Variance Fred Macalus September 11, 2006 735 SNELLINGAVENLIENORTH ��� #06-127870 COLLEGE PLACE, WEST DIVISION BX N 23 56/100 FT LOT 18 BLK 9 11 B2 ZONIlVG COAE R�FERENCE: 63.207 Hamline-Midway sign district August 25, 2006 October 2, 2006 BY: John Hazdwick DATE RECEIVED: August 23, 20Q6 � • A. PURPOSE: A variance of tkte off-street parking requirements in order to convert a retail space to a restaurant. The restaurant requires a total of 18 spaces. The previous use as retail space required 10 spaces. The difference between the iwo uses is 8 spaces. Since there is no room to provide these spaces on the site, the applicant is requesting a variance of $ spaces. B. STTE AND Aii�A CONDITIONS: Surrounding Land Use: Various commercial uses along North Snelling Avenue and mulri- family housing to the west. C. BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to open a restaurant in the vacant commercial space on the first floor of this building. D. T+INDINGS: 1. 77ae property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the str•ict pt-ovisions of the code. The applicant is proposing to establish a restaurant in the vacant retail space on the first floor of this buildittg. � • Page 1 of 3 � • • D(�-Ill� � � � , ,� ` c' �L F ,: , � �� File #06-127870 Staff Report The change in use from retail to a restaurant requires an additional8 off=street parking spaces. There is no room on the site to provide any additional parking. The applicant is proposing to provide additionai pazking through a lease agreement with the hardware stoze down the block. The peak hours of the hazdwaze store and the restaurant would overlap and the hazdwaze store only has 10 spaces. Because of this, the leased parking spaces cannot be counted toward meeting the required parking. However, the leased parking would be available after 6 PM on weekdays and after 5 PM on the weekends. The applicant states that the xestaurant will be open from 4 to I 1 PM and that the peak hours would be from 5 to 11 PM. Therefore, the parking behind the hardware store would be available most of the time the restaurant is open. In addition, the applicant states that the main target group of customers will be the college siudents at Hamline University, many of who will be walking to the restaurant. With the shazed parking agreement the proposed restaurant is a reasonable and permitted use for this space. 2. 77xe plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this property, and these circumstances were not created by the land owner. There is liitle space auailable on this lot for ofF street parking which makes it difficult to find a viable tenant for this vacant commercial space. This is a circumstance that was not created by the current property owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the heaTth, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabftttnts of the Ciiy of St. Paul. The proposed restaurant wiil have a relatively small dining room with about 1,000 square feet of seating area. It has been designed to cater to the nearby college students and will provide delivery service as well as take out. The applicant states that they will haue signs directing customers where to park and will also include directions on the menus and advertisements. Tlus business is a reasonable fit for this area and the proposed parking variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. 4. The praposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, nor will it alter tke essential charaeter of the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish establisheci property values withzn the surrounding area. The applicant is not proposing any additions to the building other than signage. The requested variance will not impair the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Reestablishing a viable business in this vacant commercial space will help re-vitalize this azea of Snelling Avenue. � Page 2 of 3 File #06-127870 StaffReport s�� � � ��' , _ ,� The proposed restauxant is consistent with other small businesses in the area and will not change the character of the neighborhood. 5. The vaYiance, if grante� would not pernait any use that is not permitted under the provisions of the code for the property an the district where the affected land is located, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the property. A restaurant is a permitted use in ilus district. The requested variance, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of the properiy. 6. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel of land. E. F The applicant's primary desire is to establish a viable business in this vacant commercial space. DIST'KICT COLINCII. RIECOMMENbATION: As of the date of this repart, we have not received a recommendation from District 11. , CORRESPONDENCE: Staff has not received any correspondence regarding this matter. G. STAFF RECOMI��NDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recoxnmends approval of the variance subject to the follorving conditions: 1.) That a lease is maintained for eight off-street parking spaces at 755 NortEi Snelling Avenue or at another exisfing commercial parlang lot within 300 feet and; 2.) That the houts of operation for the restaurant are Iimifed to 4 PM to 11 PM. � J r1 U � Page 3 of 3 n u ,< la�� APPLICATION FOR �ONING VARIANCE OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS, AND ENVIAONMENTAL PROTECTION 8 Fourth Street East, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN SSI01 65I-266-9008 APpL(CANT Name �'�e� ((�a.cc�V � Company Address � �p 1 � �<�tvtek0.�ia ?, 1ti! City cS! �au ! State�i Zip(S'J �v Daytime Phone �� Z76 U�`�� � Propesty interesi of applicant (owner, contract purchaser, etc J LP.e-�� Name of owner (if PROPERTY Legal description W" t`'IG.-C�-. 1�'�,F 1 y `;$�, E(..g,--� ('� -�; (attach additional sheet if cessary) ^� t • Lotsize )�=�'I Present Zoning �' ��P..��\ Proposed Use FY��a�J f'GL(1�C' Variance[s] requested: �+n� ^ ��_`�Z.it�� ��«, �� -�-- ��� ��� 1'° [ J Y�U"t....S O�/2J1_. �,o-�J �b4 0 t�_ �'la c� �•� l • Supporting Information: Supply the necessary information that is applicable to your variance request, provide details regarding the pro}ect, explain why a variance is needed. Dupiexftriplex conversio�s may require a pro forma to be submitted. Attach additional sheefs if necessary. AttachmenCs as required: Site Plan Attachments ApplicanYs sipnature�Jtp t� .11 ��� C� X�.l � � Pro Forma natP .� l�( I ocP �,_ s �� �i — �� �� _ „ i ' ,� � � r� _ ,� 3 `_`` � � � � �. ��i � , �;a =, {. �_ �:=: ,� � �, - ;: �` �: '��� ,�� � >- � . j - }. 4 � t _, ;� Office of LEIP • Attention : Larry Zang From: Fred Macalus TII To Whom It May Concem: z �. „ :;34-; 1 � � r,�s "'i_ ,� - y. _ ` . ��n - �. , 1 �� , k' � � At'735 North Snelling Ave. we would like to put in a restaurant, that would serve to the community but more precisely serve to the students in the azea. Right now the students of HamHne University have very limited choices for food and entertainment within walidng distance &om campus. Even though 75% of our cliental will be delivery, we will still need some parking for our walk in customers. Since the building has never been used as a restaurant it is not �andfathered in for parking like alt the others in the area. The City of St Paul determines how many pazking sports you need based on the square feet of the premises. The building is cuttently zoned retail and is approximately 2,156 squaze feet. To move it to a restaurant establishment we would need to find the difference. For retail you need 1 spot for every 225 squaze feet For a restaurant you need 1 spot for every 125 square feet Example at 2,156 square feet for retail equals 10 spots For a restaurant equals 18 � When we spoke to tfie City of St Paul we were told that we would need to find the difFerence, meaning we need to fmd 8 aiore pazking spots for a restaurant. Finding it has not been easy with either having to buy it or lease it. W e have contacted almost every business in the area with pazking to find shazed parking. Vavoline Oil xeviewed the property to determine if they were available to lease out any additional pazking. We had asked them for 8-10 spots, due to the possibility of 7� u�6i"u� relocation sometime soon Vavoline backed out of this agreement. However Gerry Hagen of Hamline Hardwaze� agreed to lease us 8 spots from behind her building and another additional4 spots from behind 734 North Snelling Ave. W ith these additional 12 spots we would have a sufficient amount of pazking. We plan on having cleazly visible signs at each entrance and in each lot to mark pazking availability. We also believe that by putting the parking options on menus and advertisements our clientele will know where they are able to pazk. The hours of operation would be from 4-1 Ipm with the possibility of expanding these hours after husiness builds. The peak business hours for this restaurant would be from 5-llpm. Both parties feel this agreement will work out Fred Macalus Jr Fred Macalus III • � � ii J � � 1 � N � "Ti _ u � �tumen#als /Arc�itecture tnc PIZZA AND BAR 6235 FaAe Bra�m MVe /Deom e,oc�r,,, c.m�, r.w ssaaazias ,���,.�� 43/361.29t4FFX 733 N Sneting Ave Soint Pcal, MN 55104 �oscwrr��+ a.0 Ob/04/06 pEVwaas � 0 �r� I I � 01.3C ` SfIf.MR AREAS �a�line �-Iard��are '355 i\ orth �nelling Ave, St Paui 14'IN. 551Q4 Phone: (651} 646-4040 Faa: (651} 646-4049 � y s�,� ,_ . � ;y+ � _ � To: City of St Paul, 6/yg/2006 Attn Larry Zangs This letter is regardang the paxking spots leased to the tenants af 735 Narth Snelling Ave. VJe have lease'� pazking spots to the business located at the above address. The letter we received Yrom tb.e city indicated that we needed to gi.ve a brief description of our usage of the parking lot. We have 12 parking spots in the rear of 755 N Snelling Ave. Of thesa 10 spots we use approximately 5 spots on a re�olving basis during our peak hours. Our Peak hours are lYIonday through Friday from appro�mately 9•00 AM — il•90 Am and in the evening from 4•00 PM ta 6•00 PbI. We aLso have peak hours on Saturday which are from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PNt and from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. Sunday we da have business bnt on a regular basis we do aot have more than 3 customers in the store at any time. Most of our customers are on an in-�nd-out schedule of l5' Minutes�or less. Our Posted busness hours are as follows. Monday through Friday From 8:00 Am to 6:00 PM, Satnrday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. And, Sunday £rum 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. If you need any further informafion you ean confact us at the above addYess, or call Mike, at 651-324-7080. Than& you and have a great day! Gerry Hagen � --� ��-lll8 �� ��s� l� any zqzqamy� m N � d � � Q 4"� +'' CJ N O [%] � � � d a °' � `" R �°w � o '� �� I I � � � F A v r � m �.9 M d n F m � I � C � I � � � S�v � i�� ���� � �������� � a� C � m M ^ Q u h C N DO z= <= n � ti m Z.E d� � d � r � M m z P b d � � � ��. y o-' y O O a�- ,'�,,.' N cnv,d-`�Uw o �p� � .� L'�� = � `e.' �� � Y � �y� � � � �:; � �� � ti �i � � �� 2^ _<�i ^^ � �� , .� � �.._'_. ` .. °� -_ -,, =_z: . ` _ � . � • ' � / � , �.:w r � fJ v _ ry 1! ��� --� ; � At 735 Snelling Aae. we would like to put in a restaurant, that wouid serve to the commtmiiy but more precisely serve to the students in the area. Right now the students of Hamline Uvaversity Ia3ve very limated choices for food wafldng d�stance from camPus. Even though a majority of our ciieutal wi1 be delivery or walking dascance, parking is a big obstacle for us. Since tke building has never been used as a restaurant it is not grandfathered in for parking like a11 the others in the area The City of St. Paul determines how �any parking spots yon need based on the squue feet on the premises. T7ae buiiding is currently zoned retail and is approximately 2,156 square feet. To move it to a restauraut establishtnent we would need to find the diffexence. For retail you nced i spot for every 225 square feet For a Testaurant you need 1 spot foT every 125 square feet BX. At 2,i56 square feet for retail equals 10 spots For resfaurant equals 18 We need to find the difference, meaning we need to find 8 more spots for a restaurant. Finding it has not been easq with either having to buy it or lease it. We have contacted almost every busSness in the azea with partdng to find st�ared parking. �avoline � Oil reviewed the property to detennine if they were available Yo lease out any additional pazking. We had asked them for 5-10 spots, due to a possible relocation sometime soon Valvoline backed out of this agreement. However, Gerry Hagen of Hamline Hasdware has agreed to lease vs 8 spots from behind her building at 755 Snelling Ave. N and another additional 4 spots behind 739 Snelling Aee. I3 with these addiYiona112 spots we would have a sufficierrt amount of parking. The hours of opexations would be from 4pm I Ipm with the possibility of expanding the houcs after business builds. "rhe peak business houts fot this restaurant would be from 5-11 at night. IIamline Hatdware's peak hours are from 9am-1 lam and from 4pm bpm. There is a one hour ovexlap of peak hours that does draw some concern, but we feel that it shauld nat be a problem with a majority of our din'vig in cliental wiIl be walking. There is also a good amount of street pazking a�ailable on both sides of the street. We plan on having clearly visible signs at each entrance and at each parking lot entrance. We also believe that by putting the parking options on menus and advertisements our cliental will know where they are able to park. Both parties feel that this agreement will work out '17iauks Fred Macalus 3r. • Fred Macalus III 1� 5 " �1� � � . Yage 1 of 3 T.ease 1U0065 G � � , � � y �� ;� . susiness �sAOiaenTnitials TenanYs kufials f^^` ,�-- t�'b - This Addendum is between Geera;dine H�qqen?� N�aca�us.ir., LLC , DBA Fatheadi. ���n9 � Horth � Snelling Avenue, St Paui, Minnesop- YJherethisAddendum con0�cts with temis cor�a�"� ��� �"� of the lease, the terms of this Addendum shaii govem. iecuatynep 1 AsecutitYdepos�°f ��,3W.�sh2116ePaidatifte5methelesseeta[cesposseuan°fa'edemised premises. SaidsecwitydeP�stiallnotzPWYi°�elastmoMh'srefA.hutshalllheP�dfpiesseewithout itrten�sk��MY��' oF� o�allR �CheckswdlbemaledN154�� y ue�• Chects 2 Allrerrtchedcsaretlueihe 1st daY Ardea WIIs, h4vm- 55712The . S ost�qe validates the tlate. Ched�s wl� �� a�� �� e demised mises a1 reasonah�e hours and must befum�shed with � 3. Les'sorceserveslhei�qhttoi�P�th � i rovemenfs6efo2oranYtim acurtentkeyeLallUme$• es, mp ����,�� . Remade� 4. Ifthetenartwrshe;mmmode durit�qthelea�shaf�onh(hevritltUt o shall b 9rtotheLessot�attfieend �tha�ase.all p�pe4ng I'l9mfatures� mrtrors.6uilEins. d V�, S 7enant shali fumisfi pmof of its abl�iLY� PaYf°r sa�d impmvements, and sha(( ke.eP the p�i liensresultin9fmmfhefiun�shin9aflalwrar�dlormate�aistothedem�sed�obfa(ning��oi's�mmitten t � F � is authorized to do non-s6udu2l remndeiin9 ��or decora6ng'�hout s Ime � mnsentas fon9 as the iahorarsd materi? n�U���e� �a �� e h ech�ca� wb+�t9� and ga vens. a vralk-in freezer, and oriiutood P�ePa inshallaflon,atTeranPssoleeupeR�.w'�°��npertnissionfmmLessor.andsucF�items.to9, er trsursnra �� 5. Inffieeventth�ff+etenant6iisYopayamJamou�rttluetromthetenarRhereunderonth��� ��eof, tenard sha�i paY a P�h' offive perceM (5 of ti�e amoucd due and unpaid fiihe PaYm iate. 6. TenarR at i[s exPanse a92es to oMain and m�ntain thro � 9 leto tlie Lessorof fhis lease thetoliowi� � ofirtsurar�n?iheamounlsandwitl�comP� ��P�b rtepairof a PuN�cGaMlitY��� estt�he��discretinof�e� Premiss b. PE(55oRa� WoP�Y u Goves�eforall.plate,9lassN}mdowsofthedemisedP��ses «,:., sp a„n extended coverage on the builcGngfor itsfu¢ Parifin9 • Liability TecminaUOn ef Lease KeYs Sgrts 9. 10. �� 13. 14 �5. esyn¢dpiuposes. No �saxeioheE�}vn :iliGCS Tevanis aze alw aused bY fheir I.essor, ffie demised � � �I Y.��..�...• r �- �6. Where Lessots oansertt+s 2QUired in tlus I�sefor arry acts ofTenarik ��eM �'� n� �'�'� withheld. � n l_J D(�-Iil g CIT�' OF �AINT PAU]L �OA�I) OI' ZO�T�TG �PE�LS ����T7TI01� ZO�G �� 1>TiJld��la.: 06-1�7�70 DE1TE: Septea�ber 2�, 2006 � �,� � Vdi�REAS, Fred Macalus has applied for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 63.207 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertzining to the minimum required off- street parking spaces in order to convert a retail space into a restaurant in the B2 zoning distzict at 735 Snelling Avenue North; and WIIEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 11, 2006 pursuant to said application in accordance with the xequirements o£ Section 64.203 of the Legislarive Code; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The pYOperty in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the stf^ict provisions of the code. The applicant is proposing to estai�lish a restaurant in the vacant retail space on the first floor of this building. The change in use froxn retaal to a restaurant requires an additional 8 off-street parking spaces. Thexe is no room on the site to provide any addifional parking. The applicant is proposing to provide additional parking through a lease agreement with the hardware store down the block. The peak hours of the hardware store and the xestaurant would overlap and the hardwase store only has 10 spaces. Because of this, the leased parking spaces cannot be counted toward meeting the required parking.' However, the leased parking would be available after 6 PM on weekdays and after 5 PM on the weekends. The applicant states that the restaurant will be open from 4 to 11 PM and that the peak hours would be from 5 to 11 P1VI. Therefore, the parking behind the hardware store would be available most of the time the restaurant is open. In addition, the applicant states that the main target group of customers will be the college students at Hamline University, many of who will be walking to the restaurant. With the shared parking agreement the proposed restaurant is a reasonable and permitted use for this space. • 2. The plight of the Cand owner is not due to circumstances unique to this property, and the current circumstances were cYeated by the Zand owner. There is little space available on this lot for off-street parking which makes it difficult to fmd a vi able tenant for this vacant commercial space. However, the current property owner was �� Page 1 of4 I. � x�_� File #06-127870 Resolufion aware of this situation when the building was built and the addition.was added in 1985. Ariy hardskip incuned at this point is self imposed. 3. The proposed.variance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is not. consistent with the health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of.S`t. �aul. . The proposed xestaurant witl have a relatively small diuing room with about 1,000 square feet of seating area. It has been designed to cater to the nearby col2ege studeuts aud wil� provide delivery service as well as fake out: The applicant states that they wi11 have signs directing custom�s where fo pazk aud will also znclude directions oa the menus aud advertisemeats. FIowever, any additional butden on the street parking in the area would have an adverse impact on the e� sting businesses. and ttearby residences. The requested variaace is not in ; keeping wifh tlie spirit and iatent of the code. 4. The proposed variarcce widl not impair an adequate supply of dight and air to adjacent • prdpepty"nor will it adter the essential characteY of the surrounding axea or unrea�onttbly diminish established property values within the surrounding area. Tke applicant is n�t proposing any additions to the builcling othex than signage. The reqnested,variance will not isnpair the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Reestsblishing a viable business in this vacant commercial space will help re-vitalize ttus area of Srielling Avenue. The proposed restaurant is consistept with other small businesses in the area and will not change fhe charac#ex of the neighborhood. S. The variance, if gYdnted, would not permit any use that is not permitted under the provisians of the code for the propeYly in the distf-ict where the affected land is located, nor would it aZteY or- change the zarting district classification of tlie property. A restatuant is a pemutted use in this district. . T'he tequested variance, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The request for varzance is not based prirnarily on a desire to increase the value or income potentiat of the paYCel of land. The applicant's primazy desire is establish a viahle business in this vacant commexcial • space. J , Page2ofd . � �J '• � U • o�-��i� ��r � , � File #06-127870 Resolution NOVJ, TF3EREFQRE, BE TT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the request to waive the provisions of Secfion 63.207 in order to convert a retail space into a restaurant, on property located at 735 Snelling Avenue North; and legally described as College Place, West Divisian Ex N 23 56ll0o Ft L,ot 18 Blk 9; in accordance with the appficatiott for variance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Administratoz TS HEREBYDENIED. M(��.D BY: Ward SEC010I�ED k3Y Courtney II�T FAVOR: s AGAINST: a MATLED: September 27, 2006 TLMC Y.IMIT: No decision of the zoning or planning administrator, planning commission, board of zoning appeals or city council approving a site plan, permit, variance, or ofher zoning approval shall be valid for a period longer than two (2) years, unless a building permit is obtained within such period and the erection or alteration of a building is proceeding under the terms of the decision, or the use is established within such period by actual operation pursuant to the applicable conditions and requirements of fhe approval, unlessthe zoning or planning administrator grants an extension nof to exceed one (1) year. APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Appeals are final subject to appeal to the City Council wiEhin 10 days by anqone affected by the decision. Building permits shall not be issued after an appeal has been filed. If permSts have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended and construction shall cease until the City Council has made a final determination of the appeal. Page 3 of 4 �� ._ ��� ��� � � � � File #06-I27870 Resolution CERTIFICATION: I, the undersigned Secretar'y to fihe Board of Zoning ApQeals for the City of Saint 7Pan1; Minttesota, do hareby cerfify that I have eompared the foregoiug eopy with the ariginal recard in my offzee; and fmd the sama to bea h-ue and co� recE copy of said original and of the who2e thereof, as hased on ap�roved minutes of the Saipt Paut Board o� Zoning AppeaIs meeting heid ou September 11, 2006 and on xecord i�x tLe O!f'�ce of iLi�Pns� �Ln.s�nec�a�n and Environmental Yrotecfion, 8 Fourth St E, Saint Panl, MSnnesota. SATiVT PATTI. 730Ad2D OF ZONIIVG APPEALS � � � � Debbie Crippan Secretary to Ehe Board � Page 4 of 4 . 1� lllll�iffl �� Proposed Paking Layout Musiim American Society of Minnesofa Hardine Music Building � SA ' � Snd}�gAvc ---- 0 � / �,} � �}�g p � W '1'J 1 � '{-` �j �T 9` .�a� � �j�,�. 735 I � 'D 1�� 'yl3 a ' y R � 4 � � p � � � �. . { � �h M ' I \ �Y' �� " � �1P � .,� � � � -. � �� �� � a � 13 .f� . a ��� � � �: 6 � j� �'�S �- � � , . z � N i. ^_ � , r � ' �s e, . �� . ,}�"m.ri. ^c , f •6 't' � :'� ��t�"�`r i � . - 5, � �S� � �xf"� iV � e ��h� ny °'z1"� �, . z � � ;� 'a,," ar�"3�,iv. ` i ��(�J ♦. �� v\.4'..l'- � � i . \ j'�l'i�£�� � ��� �" ��:~��� , :�,.mv�.,�..�m� �`..�,,.�---.� '"� �� ry ;r :; ;, i �� �� 7�J. — �? L�L# t ��� 1� �d S a � � ��r �,,;�",,� = "K°='' r=' 11 '- �• � - -- --! ¢ � � 1 k - � d� c-�r' � �aJ � � ! 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A" .� � ���:�.��i��� � . <�:Y � �� �"' .�ssMu �"l � z n y4 � S ��� a� '"^ �;�ia:� : ��a�'.ti« u iu° � �� � ce� ��' �.�"� �;� �a.�.��, .ry �. � • =c"�� �::'�v. , ..a . , r:,: - `�(3 � �� � � a�Av�lu. V ��� i� $'*�,.�: $v �a'w _ � , ��� ���n F' �,��:�'. A,e� .�£, ���, � sr J u �,�"�Y ° �Yw'2 � 4' `5;k +tr�;�^ �x„ E��t��}r- �R �"�`��•.'�Y-y` 4?u cvx�'°���' tx'=u Ra�S-'�,�' a r+<4 ��!� `�+-�r. >:.,.c � 0 a _ �� � � : _� _� , � L � ka_ �� _2_+ � O v N 0 � � S N CQ 5 � � � � f'. N � CII� 3 W W W� � � �,�, �, , � � - � - ' of 1 JoPan �ard�vacl� - Var�i��aee 1Zecpuest for 735 I�1o��a Snell'a�xg �+'ro�a: "Michael 7on Olson - HMC" <michaeljon@hamlinemidwaycoalition.arg> �o: "7ohn Hardwick" <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> ��t�: 9/25/2006 1:09 PM Saalaject: Variance Request for 735 North Snelling CC: <mjhagen426@hotmail.com> John, In anticipation of today's BZA hearing, I want to clarify what has happened with Fred Macalus' request for a parking variance for 735 North Snelling at the Hamline Midway Coa►ition. On Monday, September 11, 2006 the HMC Land Use Committee heard testimony from the applicant (Macalusj, the building owner (The Hagen's), and from several nearby businesses and another properLy owner on the block {The Carison's). The committee voted to recommend that the NMC Board oppose the parking variance (the vote was 4 in favor, 1 opposed, with 2 abstentions). On Tuesday, September 19, 2006 the HMC Board of Directors took up the issue, hearing the • report from the Land Use Committee and some brief remarks from the Hagen's. After Q& A and discussion, the Board voted unanimously to send the issue back to fhe Land Use Committee for further review and requested that the applicanf request a layover at the BZA in order for HMC fo have more time fo address fhe issue. (t is important to note that the HMC Land Use Committee does not have an official voice separate from the Board of Directors. So, at this point, FiMC has no o�cia! position on this issue. Thanks, Michael Jon Olson Executive Director Hamline Midway Coalition - District Gouncil 11 michaeljon@hamiinemidwaycoalition.ora 651-646-19&6 ext. 2 • �� � �14SN Hotmaii-Message http:/Ibyl l2td.bayl Il.ho� �� ����� ' HStlHeme I MY� I Hohnm� I SYOpp�^9 I(AOneS I�°P�g`�� Sug�OUt.�� WebSeardi: Tnink You Pay Too Much For Ci'<k Hare Now! ) - ��""'""�i`�� �,:��. ., . `. �t � -��°� _- '``� "'~'���`-���`�`�"�'�= TadaY 4 wail � Ulendar I Co�bds Y�':•� - �= �iL�� - {'IOtTTIaI�;��,, ���__'l � — - s �uo(us�A@hohnaRmn C4�Ph 1[4�M � OFarward � j(Ceiere I C�lunk �¢ wtin Fdder� I$a'ntYrew ��SaveMde¢s - �7 �� • _;ii+.e sender af tl+�s meszag<, dyoung�l'a�haml�ne.edu, could not bcverifi�d Mk^d<r ID.leam mox zCouC SentlerID, vsaver )emC«�w� :a 6�8. NoK do yau �l'^71X1�'-31nbox �mpore?seaxoursmro {n xecendst from : Oax Ywng <e�roung0l@Famline.edu> Sent: Senda4, kPa'^� 24. 2006 8:47 PM To : john.hardwiticCdri.s�Paul.mn.us CC: mamlusniChotrmd.com SuhjeG: S+4P��r(�i&+sinas Fnd CuL ExCelle�R 750 - 850 GooG 6G0 - ]•19 Fair 62� - G59 Peor 3A - 619 I W n'i Knaw RcAo. (amiaidngm yrou ro shw' mY suPPon mdapprmav°° fm a �cvrc�ai¢m�cadide�c bnvA a� 1J5 N SveWvg Arcnua Ba � campu. wmmuvn. mdeum �he tacat�lid��aY uagh6o�600d m � Pa°4°' � ''IIa°°"" �tocatburincxcssadvmdn�+, b+u morc (mmlvag6bafiaoM1mdlocdnsuuranv.:o[ovlY�nou[couimwutl�ews Iup �o�����aucwique�liduay deti•tt;�opva¢ziw�'calmqe�haumcawmbkbrncL ofJUn camm�iry.IcLazeame�omY�<^dontluc4usvcvrcsnwm�aoWdreqvue� �S� d � � � e�raur axze.PSuuv6c�tieeoCmYwPPOrt.LOn4ai�FUi<w4WCtofm9PNS °p� �o��ama��csemer �rarmra�.iumxra�r�rw«. sumrctr, Ou Youvg Eeernd+eSoud�rtcmdc Kamlme L'R:csiry Swdm� Cwgcsz ��' ' .;;. ( •Y � JC � C�Inbox �rtWk+f:cpn � Get SFe lakest updatas flom MSN MSN Nane I My MSN I Hofmal I�� I�^PP'^9 � M°^eY � P�PIe & CM1zt � 211W MiaO�tl'ERMS OF USE AtiverLLa littiS�e MWR'� P^"`�/ Smhmmt GeiNeLYI� MdSPa^� �^�Y lofl Feetlnack I t+eb � 9/25R006 I:IS �� 1�; Ll,tal�s ��{ �- �-bt 5!ie.1t�� !�U-c- �, `�v� � �N 5�7�� �t � n - ��h � k�::�; �� � � � ��' ��° � � �a?�� pSS rl M2�'�er F>� ` ��l'�2 ( �;�cau� F�n�n1;�n� I 'f-��y� S� `��-- �'�t._ O�C��+,�r °'{' ��'S �1-� �.5�'��SS � ln o l i v.rP --Y � z. f` Ct c} U1 ��1 J ��/C'a�r� 4� � t( �p2 n��� ��''� � `7 �C�n�� ._ Cort11�n2I'c.� i f l..i„'t Ct`es'1�-�, � Svi �2,����t �a.3•'S� l ��,��' T�� �/� cI� a l aS F�,n--- • � �� Of��111 g � Khanh Nguyen 1556 Englewood Ave Apt. i# 3 St. Paut, MN. 55104 September 25, 2006 City of St. Paui To Whom It May Concern: My name is KUauh Nguyen. I am a law student at Hamline University and a resident at the above address. I think baving a pizza shop in the pxoxunate area whexe I live and go to school will be beneficial to me as well as those who attend Hamline. I usually stay up late at night to study and often crave for pizza, therefore, having a pizza place nearby would allow me to walk over and order a slice or if I am hungry, a whole pie. Also having a pizza shop would present another option for the students, professors and residents to go for lunch or a quick dinner. • For the reasons above, T support the pazking variance and request that the City would allow Mr. Fred Macalus to have his place of business. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further concems. '1'hank you very much and I am looking farwazd to tUe opening of lus pizza restautant. Sincerely yours, ���� �,�nr��y � �-� MSN Hohnaii - Pa e 1 of 1 `-.�[ y Ey�� �� ��� g� '�'° � � � � ";� �l�� mjhagen426tahotmait.com Printed: Monday, September 25, 2006 1129 A^� � ..�-�.. ..;��,.��r-__.�.�>�� .�.--��--..�,� . �,_� �.�,�-,:� �.,�.:--..��- �.., . — z::-�x.:�:�_4.t.�.,..�, ��.,._....�-.r ...� -_� ��w,...��..; From : fred mac <macalusiii@6otmail.cnm> Sent : - Monday, Septemher 25, 200b 11:04 AM To : mjhagen42fi@hotmail.mm Su6ject : FUV: in support of a parkiag variance ,���:,��..���•�� _�.�•,.-�:.�-,;,.�_����-�..�.�-�.�..�.����--�-,.��-:� � �: Fxom: "Geoxge M. Gaetano" <g9aetano@gw,hamline.edu> 20: <JOhn.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Cc: <macaiusiii@hotrnail.com> Sub7ect: in supFort oE a paxking variance bate: Sun, 29 Sep 2006 12:20:57 -0500 Get today's hot enteitainment gossip http:/(movies.msn.mm(movies/hotgossip �ear Mx. Hard:�ick: I am an Associate Pzofessor in the Depaxtment of Theatre Arts and Communication Studies at Hamline University. I have � been teaching at Hamline since the fa11 of 1994. I am sending you this e-mail to fu11y suppoxt the paxking vaxiance that is being sought so that a Pizza/SUb Restaurant could be opened on Snelling Avenue. Whi1e we do have good eating £acilities hexe at Hamline for students, many students would like the option of eating some of theit meals off campus, but within easy walking distance. During the twelve yeazs that I have been teaching at Hamline, students, as weSl as faculty and staff, have had £ew choices in tezms oF finding places to eat neasby the campus. T think the opening of a Pizza/SUb Restaurant on Snelling is a great idea and wi11 also benefit the Aamiine Midway community. I sincerely hope that you will give youx approval to the paxking vaxiance. Geoige Gaetano Associate Pxofessor of Communication Studies (651) 523-2990� ggaetano@hamline.edu CJ �� - � .,.�...., —� M , r ," s: � {' j/ > °'sj' +3..�e., 11 n �� :3na., u: (f lX -�' �S . _ � ,� k' •- . ��hi . ;'��N �s� � '�i�«'s' - 9 �� Q� d 'fl A, G C O. n o v �, z� ° m �� 3 mS,zS n�w .�mN' mv��v z°,b.. . �>�G qC� 9 (rcpm _9 ! A��< '°�G.Q+� % At O m� ma T. A$ �y j � m � ro � p. N i. i ; ... . � . n 3. 3 :,�.:- � � . �`_.. . � :,.. � ^;.. � �� � ,. �r=-� :a�-= � � ��� .� �_ � � - a w'� y�m� OI V '� m a=« ' u a�5� 'ommm '� � m z " 9 m G' C o. . �. w�c �w 3PO m � � 9c� <� T a W ..� � m a N. � u � � V �� ���1� ��� � ; . ��� �� � �. .. 0 n a'� 2v q R N �y pyNm �m� m �C �m�a me'�6 TNA � e�d. m�z� m�a a m m'm <`'ft �� m ti� z S m a � r+ f S � i �s }� :$ _ ry �� � �` � , �� ��":. � �-�a���" ! ° y a N� p O N - yV�yb � N � s � N aAn� O�gRm S e x m S m v e m 3 Y 0 0 3 3 0 3 8 � � 0 9 � ��' '`i'' n C �vp � A � p� b r 3 N � _ N 4 N i ��• � — � � � � � � �I w � � � � � �� � �.. ��� � `��� �� �� Y � \ 0 � � ��� ¢��r D(��I((g 3 O 2 � N m 3 � A R N � K 0 n a v 3 ND V wy ` o pym� �6� C N4 2 ' ' p Tc p. in�a < .� � 6 0 m m� �R.� ° m�em '� vnn � oam� °"�i ,n �z � ""�»M I$ m i w o N no � o z 5 � o .. a 0 0 mc m� �w r e . Y� . Up A O 3 3 G 0 a .-�„- � r�d � � ��� ��w C� ;� � �,1 a �,. uu� �� �y i i� �i.�iii �;� .. _�„ 0 — `� � `� � � K 0 � o. c s s ,� .q V (� 9 2.� m.�o,za �� m $ - � d q <�v p S � G aA( Aol�iv ~} h 9 m 0 b � m�� � a G z � K O m `�' _'� D � „ m � � � _ A II! 2 N � ( ./� J ,lII�C ��. y � '� _ y e . "` °� Khanh Nguyen 1556 Englewood Ave Apt # 3 St. Paul, MN. 55104 September 25, 2006 Ciry of St. Paul To Whom It May Concern: My name is Khanh Nguyen. I am a law student at Hamline University and a resident at the above address. I tUink having a pizza shop in the proximate area where I live and go to school will be beneficial to me as well as those who attend Hamline. I usually stay up late at night to study and often crave for pizza, therefore, having a pizza place neazby would allow me to walk over and order a slice or if I am hungry, a whole pie. Also having a pizza shop would present another option for the students, professors and residents to go for lunch or a quick dinner. For the reasons above, I support the parking variance and request that the City would allow Mr. Fred Macalus to haue his place of business. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you haue fiuther concerns. Thank you very much and I am looking forwazd to the opening of his pizza restaurant. Sincerely yours, Khanh Nguyen �� �_ - _ � �� �� � � � ,,,:; �� ���� �� � � Apaetmenls Dfficz: Pl.ane: 749 North Sneiling Avenuz (651} b59-9939 St.Paut,lvlinne�o[a 5516�1 L i rit13 ld i n5aT p� nas�liiie tiidwaY Coali.tiun S.:P�En�Ler l7, )G� Dear L.inda Wiitsa�'� 7hank you far provCdinc� infarcnaLion v» Ch� praPesed parkin3 variaFic�-s ai: 735 s'��allin�3 Ave N. Tl1e variance wi11 hava an �xtr^m�l� ciet'rYtxentaL e'Ffact on six of our ecm�ercial �;anan4s. Nard-workin� 'Families who run small, shops whicl aS� �GE�t�s�l on both sid�s �P the P�'op��s�d resCaur Thsv6 are. Just two reul G�Ykin3 `�,���� �-`� a� �� Tor a rqsCauranC tfiat requi,r�s 18 staacos. 71'�aY spPareptlr have the b�ns�Fit of curre�zt ti�.riance af c? space5, atid naw warit an adc4icional varianca o� s aPacas for a total variance of 26 spac,�2. 'Phis will ci a hardsl�ip Mor our tenants^ who r�l.y on • havin� r�adily �vailabla pari<ii��y t'oi' thair cUStomcrs. ,� rastaur•ant with no�.parking wculd wiFS ouC 311 o�P tPie avail�atrle Uarking on 3ne11in3 an¢ rastaurent cus�om�r•� uould sPill ov3r inia our parkiils lata- --John Harciwich's 6olief thar f.he rastaurar�*'� custontera :�oulci b� 6�Yimarily fiamlins stitdet�Cs i� .7�st wron9: and iC's unfcrCut�aCe Chat ha won't return my telePhana c�11.s_ Yhei's ara manY u5es '�or th3 7.35 Gu.ildi.ng that woulsi Ue a �reat asset eo the neighhcrnc�,�>d, uses that ara con�i�t�ne wich Che airYenL Parkit�g includirt.�� accountin3 o�fices, law oFficss, tax Pre�a��ation, bakarY, 1'lowers, hair v�lon >nd manx others• Final.ty, il'':: impart`ani: to rein�mber that the Hagsns built this Uuilding themsralve�_ Th�Y chose interior squara foota�e over parking, and thPn adc4od - an addition xnd a ezr drive-dewn r�mp znto the bcesem4nz wftich furLhe.r o-lzntinated their parki»g. ramr hardship frcm a lack af t�+�rkiny i5 salf impoasd. Ws shoul�in't suffer their Pai'Ici�ig mi�,cakes. Thank Y�u, Gary Carison 81YC�t 7BPTdCO Fl¢dY�RtBY9l.b 721, 725, 732, i33, 743, 744 SnellincJ RvEnue NorY.h � � (�-1�18 - � • From: Yo: dafe: Subject: "Jessica Flannigan" <jessicarose10@hotmail.com> <jo hn.hardwick@ci.stpaul.m n.us> 9/21/2006 9:54:17 PM Restaurant at Sneliing and Englewood Dear Mr. Hardwick: As a Hamline University 2004 graduate, it was very difficult to find entettainment and restaurants �vithin walking distance of Hamline University throughout my four years in school and a year foilowing graduation. Because of this, my friends and t often spent our time and money in Roseville, on Grand Avenue or in Highland Park. There is an enormous need for a restaurant near oampus from a student's perspective, an alum's perspective and from a community member's perspective. i support the parking variance that wouid allow a restaurant to open at 735 Snelfing Avenue in Saint Paul near FVamiine University. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss my support further. Sincerely, Jessica Flannigan 651270.0382 jess icarose10@hotmail.com • CC: <macalusiii@hotmail.com> � � �� To Whom Tt May Concem: My nasne is Brian Benson, and I am a senior at Hamline University. When I first heazd abouC a Pizza place starting a business neaz I�amliue Oniversity, I thought it was a�eat idea. The only non-campus food within walkino distance is foreign. I love all different types of food, but it would be very nice to inclnde a restaurant that has common American food close by. I have many friends that go to other ACTC schools within the cities, They all have told me about a particulaz place that is considered "St. Thomas's" baz, or "Macalister's" baz. It would be nice to fiaue a place close by to be unofficially considered "Hamline's" bar. I am writing this lettar to eacpress my approval of the Pazldng Variance. Thank you for you time, .. :-� .� u '� � VtY'�ll c� p fl�� , F .���� G�, ���� � 3ohn Ffardwic�C ��35 N. Snel�'sng A��o Resf�a�ran� ���king �sa�iance �<�_�:--�—...�.�--x_;,�,.:- _�._� � �.- � � ._�--, :�� —� �._�---._, —��.�___�� __� Pro�a; "Douglas P. Anderson" <danderson@gw.hamline.edu> T�: <john.hardwick@ci.srcpaul.mn.us> Date: 9/22/2006 12;49 PM Subje�e 735 N. SneNing Ave. Restaurant parking variance CC: <macalusiii@hotmaiLcom> Dear Mr. Hardwick I understand that there is a business proposal to start up a restraurant at 735 N. Sneiling Ave. and that they have signed a tease to secure the needed parking but yet still require a variance. We want to indicate to those concerned that we, Hamline University, are in full support of this business venture as we would be for any appropriate use of commercial space on Snefling Ave. that would enhance safe and affordable opportunities for students. Douglas P, Anderson . Douglas P. Anderson Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Hamline University MS-A1775 1536 Hewitt Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104-1Z84 Office 651-523-Z324 Fax 651-523-3073 dandersonC�hamline.edu � �� �ohn Fiardwick - 735 l� �nelling - g�r�ag Frm�: "Kathy Sundberg° <kathy@ginkgocoffee.com> '�o; "7ohnHardwick" <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> ]�ate: 9/25/2006 6:47 AM �u3�ject: 735 N Snelling - parking September 10, 2006 To Whom This May Concern: � ge 1 1 � o = �US' ��,� __. `�' � i"his note is to express opposiYion to the parking variance requested by the person intending to rent the space at 735 N Snelling Ave. We are opposed ta the variance for the following reasons: 1. From a practical viewpoint (not off street parking ordinances), fhere is already insufFcient parking on this biock. With actually only 2 or 3 spaces available for use behind the space, it wiil create great hardship for the businesses surrounding the space. We understand that there are only 8 lacking spaces from a legal perspective, butfrom a pracficaf sfandpoint, it is important to look at the day-to-day parking availability.' 2. A restaurant needs a large number of customers each day to break even. The current plans are for the pizza resfaurant to be open after 4 p.m. Since fhis variance woutd not restrict business hours (they could become any . hours as the business evoives), and opens the door for anv restaurant in the future that mioht want to tease the space if the aiva place closes we have serious concerns about approving the vana�ce. 3. Customers of the previous tenant, a consignment shop, complained of insufficient parking (a business that did not frequentiy have more than a few customers at a fime, in our experience). Certainly a restaurant would need a much targer number of customers to survive. in addition, we feel that leasing spaces behind the hardware store is not an acceptable way to meet the parWng requirements. This is because: 1. Though the pizza business predicted eariier that they will be most busy after 5 pm, it is important to acknowledge that there are �o restrictions that could keep the space from housing as muc�h as a 24-hour fuli service restaurant at some poinf ('rf the business changes ownership or the space is leased to a d"rfferent business). 2. The Mirror of Korea also has use of the parking lot behind iYs space and the hardware store (currently striped for 8? spaces). This is in direct conflict with.the use for a business whose stated peak hours will be the same as theirs. 3. At business meetings, many business owners raise the issue of insufficient parking on the block. Whife on some commerciai biocks there may be room for a significant parking variance and for leniency where _ parking requirements are concerned, this is not'the case on this block. Businesses regulady look for ways to improve marginal parki�g. The addition of a business with the traffic and use patfems of a restaurant woutd ad� s+gnificantly to the parking burden already born by the existing businesses. Kathleen Sundberg, GINKGO coffeehouse � Afi Alikila, Black Sea Restaurant OLP-lll S Page 1 of i `����; �. � ��, �� ;� ���:.: ; • �ohn �ardwiet� - �uppor� fo� I.�cai �us�ness fi -� �� .�-�________ ��_.�_�-���- _ ._����--_-� _,����;��� u� -_ �'xoffi: Da� Young <dyoung0l@hamline.edu> '�o• <jolui.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> I9ate: 9/24/2Q06 8:47 PM �ubject: Support for Local Business CC: <macalusiii@hotmail.com> �no, I am vrsiting to you to show my support and appreciarion for a new restaurant can&date located at 735 N Snelliag Aveaue. Being a cutrent u¢dergraduate siudent at Hamline University, I lmow that it wouldbe very beneficial to stndenzs who live on campus, commutexs, and even the iocal Midway neighborhood to erzpaud our options when it comes to eating at (and ordezing from) neigh6orhood and local restanrants. Not only does our communiTy like W support locat businesses and vendois, but mote delivery options have a Lazgec than measucable beneficial effect on the commuuiTy. It also further diveisifies our unique Midway community. It has come to my attentioa that tbis new restauran[ woutd require a parking vaziance; I am in full support of this vaziance. Please take natice of my support along wiih the support of my pee�s and neighbors, and understand that we aze yovr constimeuts and that I speak fot many of my peers. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Da�c Young Executive Boazd Iv[ember Hamline Univeisity Student Congiess C� i �� Froen: "George M. Gaetano" <ggaetano@gw.ham�ine.edu> T6: <John.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 9l24l20061221:47 PM Subject: in support of a parking variance Dear Mr. Nardwick; I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre Arfs and Communication Studies at hlamline University. ! have been teaching at Hamline since the fall of 1994. I am sending you this e-mail to fully support the parking variance that is being sought so that a PizzalSub Restaurant cou(d be opened on Sneiling Avenue. While we do have good eating tacilities here at Hamline for students, many students would like the option of eating some of their meais off campus, but within easy walking distance. During the twelve years that I have been teaching at Hamiine, students, as well as faculty and staff, have had few choices in ferms of ftnding piaces to eat nearby the campus. I think the opening of a PizzalSub Resfaurant on Snelling is a great idea and wiil aiso benefit the Hamline Midway community. I sincerely hope fhat you will give your approval to the parking variance. George Gaetano Associate Professor of Communication Studies (651)523-2990 ggaetano@hamline.edu CC: <macafusiii@hotmaiLcom> �u� �� � � .� u � C� �li/�f��� � Page���� �� ��'���� � Jolan �ax�dwick - 735 l�T. Snelling Parflcim� Vari��ace �_ -_ _ — ��_�_ . _�_�_� �� � � -r_ � ��. �� _ ��--==— �— �'�offi; <bebjork@comcast.net> To: yohn.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 9/22i2006 4:52 PM Saabjeet: 735 N. Snelling Parking Variance Dear Mr. Hardwick, I am writing in support of granting the parking variance for the Pizza/Sub business proposed by the Macalus family at 735 N Snelling. I have lived in Saint Pau1(primarily in tl�e Midway and Como neighborhoods) for 23 years and think that this type of business is missing from the Midway neighborhood on N Snelling commercial section. In addition to living in the area, I ha�e been a long term employee of Hamline University. Currently I work in admission and am keenly aware of the importance of a � diverse, successful', attractive and student-oriented business strip to a university. Commercial districts can provide a very strong attraction to students--not to mention generate significant tax income for the city. This would add to the vitality of the streetscape and provide neighbors, students and other university communiry members another alternative to some of the successful ethnic restraurants in the neighborhood. Having a business of this type near the campus has been a long term topic of conversation in ti�e Hamline University community for a long time. I would guess that much of the business would be foot traffic and deliveries. I know that I currently walk to the local restraurants when I dine at lunch time in the neighborhood. I am very much in support of the variance and the establishment of this business in the neighborhood. Sincerely, Steve Bjork • 1384 Almond Avenue Saint Paul Associate Vice President Admission & Career Services �` ` at Froraa: "Russeli Christensen" <Rchristensen@gw.hamline.edu> 70: <john.hardwick@ci.stpaui.mn.us> Date: 9/2?12006 3:30.20 PM Subject: Parking Variance at 735 North Sneiting To the City of St. Paut Office of LE(P: Students, staff and faculty members (I am one) of Hamline University ask that you consider favorably the request by Fred Maca[us bofh to establish a PizzalSub Resfaurant at 735 Sneliing Avenue and to obtain a parking variance for eight parking spots from Hamiine Hardware. Hamfine Universifij is committed to the update and thrivi�g maintenance of Snelling A�enue as it impacts Hamiine's campus. Mr, Macalus' proposai fo open and maintain a quality restaurant at this address seems fo us consistent with the best interests of the Avenue. Sincerely, Russ Christensen Professor of German and Linguistics 651 523 2265 \J �l � � 6�-lll� J. : �. ;': 'l 1 � f . . _� , f , .- �,. , s �. ,�� i i�; ' .l �rora�: T�: Da��: "Jon Garon" <jgaron0l@gw.hamiine.edu> <john.hardwick@ci.stpaui. mn. us> 9/22(20d6 3:12 PM ��b3ect: Zoning Variance Request for Fred Macalus CC: <macalusiii@hofmail.com> Page 1 of 2 VIA E-MAII., � � September 22, 2006 John Hardwick City of St. Paul Re: Zoning Variance Request far Fred Macalus Dear Mr. Hardwick: As Dean of Hamline University School of Law, I would like to encourage the city of 5t. Paul to support the parking variance needed to allow proposed pizza and sub restaurant to open at 735 N. Snelling Avenue. There is a compelling need to provide appropriate restaurant alternatives within waiking distance of the Hamline students. A restaurant featuring pizza and subs will be heavily utilized within the university area and many of those student will not need to drive to the restaurant. As a result, I would expect that the general parking demand for such a facility will be reduced by the population served. More importantly, the modest parking demands created by the facility are outweighed by the service such a restaurant brings to our students and faculty. Having the restaurant nearby should reduce the need to leave campus for such food, thus improving the student experience and reducing the costs associated with the students driving and parking at other nearby neighborhoods. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Although I only recently learned of this proposal by Mr. Macalus to add the restaurant to the Hamline Midway neighborhood, I look forward to its positive impact on our communiry and appreciate any support the city can provide in its success. �� Sincerely, � .._ . _�Pa e 1 John Hardwick, Su��ort of Restaurant m Midway Neighborhood , �, ,, _ _ w ,,,�„ ,___ „� , �� ., � _�...,.,�_ 9 �, Froen: "Sara C. Hemandez" <shernandez02@ham(ine.edu> To: <john.hardwick@ci.sfpaul.mn.us> Date: 9l22/2006 2:23:54 PM Subject: Support of Restaurant in Midway Neighborhood Dear Mr. Hardwick, Y,�.._;f� ""�-= ;� �`' �� €�� � ` �� As a senior Hamline student, I have become familiar wifh what the surrounding neighborhood has to offer to Hamiine sfudents: one or two restaurants, a Hardware store, and a gas station. The Hamline community and the Midway community would be�efit from the opening of Mr. Macalus' restaurant because it wou(d provide community members witfi more variefy in restaurants and create a greater sense of community belonging and character. It would also create jobs and promote growth in the area. I am also in support of the parking variance. Thanks for your time. Sara Hernandez Hamt+ne CLA'07 john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us describing the foliowing a. A PiaalSub Restaurant at this location would benefit the Hamline Midway Community. b. You are in support of the parking variance. � `� I'� � � PI�OPERTY WITHIN 100 FEET O� �ARCE�: 735 SPdEL.LltV� AV�R1l1E � � � , .: � � � : :. E 0.03 0 0.03 0.06 Niiles ��� �� ���, _�. � �� � � � 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. s. 7. 8. 9. 10. ii. 12. 13. 1=�. 15. lo. 17. SUNRAI'-BATTLECREEK-HIGHW OOD TIAZE � PARK FIADEN-PROSPERITY HILLCAEST bVEST STDE bAYTON'S BLUFF pAYNE: PHALEN NORT73 END THOMAS-DALE _ SUAriMTT-ITNI V ERSITY VJEST SEVENI�I cat+�a HAML, iNE-MID�/AY ST. ANTHONY PARK Iv1ERR;AIvt PARK-LE�NGTON H�IMLINE-SiVELLING HtlMLII�TE NIACALESTER GROVELF,ND HIGHI�ND � �� SUIvSMIT HTLL L'Otit�iTOWI`I � ������ ���� 0'���.Y.__(��(1 -- -- - - ..�� CiTIZEN PARTICIPATTON PLANI�TING DISTRICI'S / :�:�t�'�a � �:,,:�. � • � • �;;s':. t' i '��,.��; - _ ,.:. � � • ' � Q � � _ ka � . ° . (�.i f� . .� .I� - �°�� John Hardwick -�MC reqaest for continuance #06-127870 2 � �...�c-=- .�.��..�� � -.,. _"����,��..- w-�--.�-��-.�-_��=���=z.,-�--,:�-�--F-��-.�:..�� � � From: 'I'o: Date: S�abject: CC: Linda Winsor <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> , �TJendy Lane <wendy.Iane@ci.sipaul.mn.us>, John Hazdwick <john.hazdwick@ci.stpanl.mn.us> . 9!1/200611_30 AM HMC request for continuance #06-127870 Alan Ickler <aickler@mpls.kl2.mn.us>, Steve Wensman <stephen@ingraham- associates.com>, Michael Jon Olson <xnichaeljon(�hamlinemidwaycoalition.org>, Linda Winsor <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> To: Wendy Land and John Hazdwick This is an early notification of the Hamline Midway Coalition's (HMC) intent to file a request for continuance with the city to lay over the BZA hearing for 735 Snelling Ave. North, FILE NO: # 06- 127870. Tkere is sufficient evidence to merit a 2 week delay until Sept. 25th in order for the HMC Boazd of Directors to take a position on the parking variance application. A smnmary of the evidence will be submitted no later than Tuesday, Sept. Sth for your consideration. Please feel free to contact me. Linda Winsor Cotnmunity Organizer Hamline Midway Coalifion 1564 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone: 651-646-1986 Faa�: 651-641-6123 email: lindajwinsor@yahoo.com Want to be your own boss? I,earn how on Yahoo! Sma11 Business. �� r,_.r�.,.�T.________._ __a o_,_.:_�_�ir„_a__�,.:�r �,.,,i o,.++:„m,am.,...,..�n_�xnnnnm u'rr� oic��nn� To : The C3f&ce of LIEF Hi my name is �rian �land, I live at 1683 F€ubbard Ave aad fiave Tived tliere for iour aud one half yeazs naw. We are a block and a half away from the praposed site of the restaurant. I I have looked at th� variance and feel ttrat this will not disrupt the neighhorhood. I also £eel tlsat the addi#iota of this restauraat to the t�eighborhood will be a wetco�ned addition, There are no choices for �iniug irt the area. I also feeJ that due to U�is there will be a lot of walking taaff'ic fram both the cornmunity and the college. I support the parldng variance. If you have any questions ca11 rme at 651-248-03�6. f _��_��3! : � �, .----- � • �� • o� —rrr� • �� _ � . , , �o: City of �t PauI L�P ATTN: Jofin Ti�sdwiek From Frank Crowley �� ,_ ��� �� I am the awner of 1546 Engleurood Ave directly across the streeti by th� SA Sta�ion. It has been lsrought to my attention that Fred Ivlacvlus is saeking a parking variance fcar the properiy Iocated at 735 N Snelling Ave. I have read 2he staff report ancl tooked at the vasiance that has been presented. I feel that with tfie S ieased spots at Hamline fiardware this variance should be aceepted. I cio not feel that these 8 parking spots that are �Iready teased shouid be holding a business from opening it's doors. Tn addition I feeI that the Pizaa restaurant "FatHeadz" wilf bring a great dining choice to the area, not to mention create walking tr�c to the black of Snelling and R�innehaha Ave. I support this variaR�ce � i Frank Crowley C� � • vt � '�"O Whor�a it a�aay eottcet� Re: Parking Variance foe 735 SnePizng Ave F�csm: C`aeary �IagEZt 9/19/2006 I�m a husiness owuer at 755 North Sneiling Ave at Hanatiue Kazdware. I aan very awa�e of the use of our parldng lot in fhe xear of #tte Hasdware stpre aud am oonf dent tdiat the Ieased spots wiT1 not affect tha business of the stoxe, or tlie Mirror of Korea restauranY. I am also confident that a restaurant loca�ed af 735 N SmeUing Ave will be an asset to ttse community anct bring much needed sugport to neighboring business i1n fitte form of waiking traffie and from the ea�wsure that the restaurant will give. I fizlly supporf ti�e parldng variance. PS, I woutd Iike to work towards a study of bow a shared parking arrangement could make our neigtaborhood a mare customer friendty neighborhood aud bring naore use to the availabte parking spots during peak aud off peak hours. I feel that this could be a great advantage to al1 af the business on the block. � 'Fh ou for heari�g my vai , Gerry H e V � n U C� �L� �CfB .Tohn &Iardwick - �'wct: �AIZI�I1 G VL�IZIAIdCE �QIT�ST �'OIL 735 S1RT�+ I.T,dNG �xoffi: Linda Winsor <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> '�o: 7ohn Aardwick <ohn.hazdwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 9/8/2006 11:16 AM Subject: Fwd: PARKING VARTA.NCE REQUEST FOR 735 SNELLING John, Please pass on to the BZA. thank you, Linda Winsor �m Bennett <faftaxes@att net> wrote: From: "3im Bennett" <faftaxes@att.net> To: <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> Subject: PARKING VARIANCE REQITEST FOR 735 SNELLING Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 11:00:59 -0500 DEAR LiNDA WVPSSOR: Page 1 of 2 y . T i.. . � . _ �. ^` 'Ce � --- - I HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT THE PARKING VARIANCE BEING REDUCED TO 10 SPACES FROM THE ORIGINAL REQUIRMENTS OF 18, IF THAT MEANS THAT THE ADDITIONAL 8 SPACES WILL HAVE TO BE OBSORBED BY ON STREET PARKING. THIS AREA OF SNELLING HAS ALWAYS CREATED A PROBLEM FOR CUSTOMER / CLIENT PARKING. MY CLIENTS COMPLAIN TO ME ON A REGULAR BASIS ABOUT NOT FINDING PARKING ON SNELLING AVE. THE LOSS OF 8 SPACES OF SNELLING PARKING REQUESTED WOULD BE VERY DETRIMENTAL TO THE ESTABLISHED SNELLING AVE BUSINESSES AND THEIR CLIENTS. AGAIN i SAY THAT THE ADDITION OF NEW BUSINESSES ON SNELLING WOULD BE A GOOD THING FOR ALL CONCERNED BUT NOT AT THE COST OF LOST PARKING ON SNELLING AVE. WE HAVE NO PLACED TO GO. � � SINCERELY, � _� �� � f;� r}� � . 6-a�i of 2 �d JoP�n Harrdwick - HMC �eqe�est for continuamce #06-127�70 �'rom: To: I9ate: Subject: CC: Linda Winsor <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> John Hardwick <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, Wendy Lane <wendy.lane@ci.stpaul.mn.us> 4(5(2006 11:42 AM HMC request for continuance #06-127870 Alan Ickler <aickler@mpls.kl2.mn.us>, Steve Wensman <stephen@ingrabam- associates.com>, Michael 7on Olson <xnichaeljoa(�hatnlinemidwaycoalition.org>, Linda Winsor <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> To: Wendy Lane and John Hardwick The Hamline Midway Coalition (HMC) would like to receive a request for continuance with the city to lay over the BZA hearing for 735 Sttelling Ave. North, FILE NO: #Q6-127870. There is suffficient evidence to merit a 2 week delay until Sept. 25th in order for the HMC Board of Directors to take a position on the parking variance application. The HMC Land Use Committee will hold a public meeting on Monday, Sept. i l to hear public testimony regarding the pazking variance and make a recommendation to the HMC Board of Directors. The HMC Board of Dizectors will discuss the recommendation and make a decision regarding the recommendation at their board meeting on Sept 19th. Here is Alan Ickler's (HMC Land Use Committee member) siunuiary of the evidence HMC has received � to date. <I believe that a continuance on the variance request for parking for 735 N. Snelling should be requested because of community concerns. These concenvc may or may not be valid after fiuther investigation; however, the neighborhood needs time to address these issues. I haue heard from 3 business owners on the block who bave concerns regarding the insufficient pazking in this plan and the possible adverse afFect upon their businesses. These three include Gary Carlson, who owns several buildings on the block and whose family operates Iver Carlson Windows; Kathy Sundberg who owns Ginkgo Coffeehouse; and Everett from Shirkz Unlimited. ' Additionally, it appears that there may be overlap iu the use of parking spaces that the pizza restautant is planniug on leasing behind 761 N. Snelling. I had dinner at the Mirror of Korea on Saturday, September 2 A sign is posted in the restaurant stating that customers may use the parking behind the restaurant and hazdware store after Spm on weekdays, and after 2pm on Saturdays. The hostess did confirm this. Also, between 6:15 and 8pm, w1v le there was regulaz turnover of cars in the lot, there were always four cars using spaces. Another issue is whether tenants from the aparhnents above the Mirror of Korea use the spaces> Please contact me as soon as possible regarding HMC's request for continuance. thank you, U _` � �� � � � �. � � � � � � � � �) } W X W � m N N LL m N 3 LL 0 m v W m X W Q O U m m LL ro z w O O U D(��lll� ��°� a`�: ����: �� � G�o X -- � � ----� � x � N N I � � � 3 � � LL LL � � � � I � X I � � R � — U � O � � � pp b P � 6� � � � � � � � � g � � 4 �A �` �d � � � � � I �J � � k ¢ '� ��_::�� �� � C � z n N � � � �3 :� � � � .._ " ,�j.'��G�t� r ����LlS �1' �1.,�: ��' � G� g a !35 �T. Si��$�ta�g 1�V8, S$ �aiiL,1"Jfrl, 551 f}4 �^— ��a� (65i} 27Q-399S �acaEus Jr LLC []BA: Fatheadz _ �3u�iness Pian FaEh�e�dz will be a r�ighborh�od resfaurant. �a:h�adz wiii provide its cusfomers vai#h the finest mea(s made with the freshest ingredients. Fatheadz wili speciaiize in pizzas, subs and salads for ifis customers. 'ihe (ist af ingredienfs has yet fio be det�rmined. Fatheadz wiU also ofifer 4he opfion of fiake aut, dine in, and delivery. Fatheadz wit( focus on fhese markefs The University Studenf someane who attends Hamltne tlniversity, whieh is locafed onty a hatf block �way, and wiil be in walKing distance to Fatheadz. The Neighborhood Communify� someane who tives in the comrriunifiy and is in wraiking and the d�tivery area. The Daiiy Commuter- sameone traveiing toftrom work, out shopping, delivering goods or services, or jusf aut far a drive. Fafiheadz is focusing strangly on fhe de6very market with the belie€ fhat 75°k af sates wil( be from deliveries after 8 pm. � �atheadz will penetrate the University 5tudent, the Neighborhoad Community and the Daily Cammuter by its great focatipn. With the University being sa close and wiith 3$,�QO -49,Q00 vehicles driving by on Sne€ling Ave. each day; the location serves as a great toa! to the success o# Fatheadz. Fatheadz financial picture is quite promising.11V'�fih persona! funds and a toan ot�tafned from Westem Bank the remodeling artcl start up cost have already 6een financed. Fatheadz has established tuuvo firm objectives it wishes to achieve in Yhe next three years: 1_ Gross 11�argirt of 45°k ar more. 2. Net Af��r-tax Profit above 95°� of Sales, Fatheadz mission is th�ee-fald, with each being as int2gral to aur suceess as the nexk. Product Miss[on - Provide customers fhe finest quality food in the most efficient time. Community Mission - Provide cammunity support through customer involvement. Econamic Mission - Operate and graw at a profitable rate through sound �� economic decisions. Deaz City of St. Paut office of LEIP, I am writing as a graduate of Hamline University and current resident of 1616 Miunehaha Ave. While I absolutely loved my education and entire experience the four yeazs I spent at the Univeisity there were major inconveniences with the azea surrounding. My parents and I decided it would be wise and quite cost efficient to go without a car during the school year. After a yeaz I couldn't stand the food at FT.amline. I was then left with very few choices if I wanted to Eat or just go some where to hang out and socialize with my friends. The one time I ate at the Mirror of Korea I ended up throwing away an eleven dollar meal after two bites. The Black Sea isn't bad but not for everyone it becomes either that or gas station food-not appeaiing or tasry at all. As I'm sure you are aware neither one of those places aze accommodating for socializing with friends. As far as T can tell a pizza/sub style restaurant works in both of those capacities. Now as faz as the pazldng variance goes this place deserves at least 8 spots if it conh - ibutes to its future success $en Berger SS Sohn �a�devick - �'wd: � Zon�� �Iariance �+ro�: 1��_ IDate: Subject: CC: Linda Winsor <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> Jahn �Iardwick �j ohn.hardwick@ci. stpaul.mn.us> 9/l9/2006 4:56 PM :,���� 3 �� 4 w� -,- _ �� ��5� Fwd: RE Zoning Variance A1an Ickler <aickler@mpls.kl2.mn.us>, stephen wensman <swens@usfamily.net> SeadStorml@aoLcom wrote: ?rom: BeadStorml@aol.com �ate: Tue, 19 Sep 20Q6 16:39:12 EDT �ubject: RE Zoning Variance To: lindajwinsor@yahoo.com Page 1 of 2 '�inda - I own and operate Stormcloud Trading Co at 725 Snelling Avenue North. It has :ome to my aitention that a variance zoning hearing is being held on Monday for a proposed restaurant which would occupy the bottom floor of the building to my immediate north. The current zoning law states that a restaurant of the proposed size, with the proposed number of tables, must have at least eighteen (18) parking spaces reserved for its' use. At the current time there are iwo (2) reserved spaces available for that space. The landlord is proposing that on-street parking be used for all other patrons of the new restaurant. This would create a hardship for customers attempting to frequent any of the other businesses on this street: Gingko Coffeehouse, Stormcloud Trading Co, Midway Animal Hospital, Shirtz Unlimited, the Muslim center (which has had its own zoning varience request denied recently), Black Sea Restaurant, Ivar Carlson Company, Hamline Hardware and the Blue Moon Restaurant on the northem corner. We (Gingko Coffeehouse, Stormcloud Trading Co., Midway Anima! Hospital and Shiriz Unlimited) have had many problems with members of the Muslim center using our parking lot for their patrons, but believe that we have final{y managed to resolve most of those problems, We have on-going problems with patrons of 81ack Sea Restaurant parking in our parking lot. Adding another restaurant to the mix, so close to our parking lot and using the small amount of on-street parking that our own patrons reiy upon, simply wan't work. As you can teil from the list of stores above, there are many businesses operating here that already rely on on-street parking. To add one more is non-productive and will lead to angry patrons of ail of the businesses, impacting a!I of us negatively in an already dollar-tight economy. If you would like cantinued tax flow into the wffers of St Paul, you should not negatively impact the sales volume of atready existing businesses ' by making it more diif+cult for their patrons to visit their establishments. Therefore, 1 � strongly object to any variance being granted for this proposed restaurant and request I that the Council tum down the zoning variance application. � . • �� �� J �llB � �-� ''� � �� �"�''' e7of2 . �� a � � . BBR - Sandi Graves, Beading Up A Storm _ Stormcloud Trading Co ( www.beadsfiorm.com ) _ % St Paul, Minnesota � 651-645-0343 , Ginda Winsor Comxnunity Organizer Hamline Midway Coalition 1564 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone: 651-646-1986 Fax:651-641-6123 email: lindajwinsor@yahoo.com Get your email and more, right on the new Yahoo.com • �. ;. . �-.- �� . �, � �� Page 1 of 2 � � � JeP� Hardwick - F'�d: s�elliflag parldng variance Froffi: Linda Winsor Qindajwinsor@yahoo.com> 'I'o: : - 7ohn Hazdwick <joYm.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Datec' 9Ii il2006 2:39 PM Sul�ject: Fwd: snell'rng parking variance "Sugh L. Carlsom"<hlc@iver^hcarlson.co�sz> wrote: From: "Hugh L. Carlson" <hlc@ivenc�arlson.com> To: Qindajwinsor@yahoo.com> Subject: snelling parking variance Date: Mon, I 1 Sep 2006 14:49:50 -0500 � � • �� September 11, 2006 Dear Linda, My e-maii is in regards for the request for a variance on parking. The concem is that a business with high parking requirements wiil push the customers away � from current liusinesses on this block. Already located on the block surrounded by Minnehaha Avenue on the south, Englewood Avenue to the north, Snelling to the east and Fry Street on the west: 3- 30 unit apartment buildings. (each with 15 garages and 14 -16 off street parking spots) 4- Single Family residences. (each has at least 1 garage parking space) 3- Duplex rental buildings - No off street parking for them 1- Four plex renta! building - 2 off street parking piaces 1- - Dental office with approx. 6 employees - no assigned off street parking 2- currenf restaurants with a few shared off street parking spots 1- Coffee shop with about 10 to 12 off street parking spots 7- other small businesses with approximately 28 shared ofF street parking spaces 6— aparfinents above the businesses on SneIling — 4 have 1 off siseet pazking space each Hancock Elementary school is on Englawood and eliminates parking for 2/3 rds of the block on the IVorth side of Englewood, along wiffi the eacfra cars of visifors and staff of fhe schoof creafes a premium on parking places on Engiewood. On Snelting in front of these businesses are & on street parking places, not even one per business. On Minnehaha there are 4 on street parking spots starting at the Sneliing comer with one spot between the driveways. On the south side of Minnehaha is a Gas station and a bus stop eliminatirtg parking for the first 9(3 rd of the block, South of Miunehaha on Snelling there is No Pazlang on either side of the sireet. North of Englewood on � Snelling there is No Parldng on either side of the street, � Across Snelling to the east aze several of the businesses with limited off street pazking and only 5 on street parking spots to share. GL.f/�.li�__'___.."_`_ __] n_u:.___�rr__.1_"�r _"t �'...____�m"_""'��<cnnnnn� rm.�.r nr��rnnn� / ( � V U' '/! /� � t �1�_ 4 �xJs�I� � __' -�� . Before any variance is granted to a new business i beiieve it would only be fair to present the current businesses with a plan of action as to where the cars will be parking. °� Sincerely, � �_ Hugh L. Carlson " 4, .� ,� � �:�: : � Linda Winsor �� Community Organizer Hamline Midway Coalition � 1564 Laf�ond Avenue 5t. Paul, MN 55104 Phone: 651-646-1986 Fax:651-641-6123 email: lindajwinsor@yahoo.com Stay in the know. Pulse on the new Yahoo.com. Check it out. • • 5 � file://C:�Documents and Settings\F3ardwici�Loca1 Settings\Temp\G�V}QOOOI.HTM q�i ���nnF . o�t zo os e�;z�� �1� � ,� 651 6�S 61Z3 � "`w-. �� D�-�ll� ��1����� ��������� ����.�������� H2miine'arx B��i�ang s:56�L�ond.4;•e�ue, S;iniPaul,?�i'� SSIC{i +� c•5;-o'ifr-,�5 �:z:<i�5: 541-6123 '� �isticti? �ctc5er i 9, 2L'06 City �.auncilmecnbers Benanav Bostro;n, Hanis, ��rlgen, M�nrgomery, i�iitry and Thure t$1td. ]�elt.aggBI. St. Pa�rl, �ritd 55IO2 � 5c��}ece: i4e€y�es# by Fred i�Tacalus �'�a�• ParFc.i�� V�r4an�c� at ?3� Td. S�ellin; Aeenae. 1�ear IVlembers af tl�e Sai-�t Faul City Cauncz: At y��ur *nee+.ing on 2vrouembe° i, 20Gf, Z�e Cnc7.,cii wil: h�aY a� a�,p:;2� of a decision of ihe ;°�o�u i ot"�.',€uii:�g Appeais �e,ry�ing a parki:�� vari�n�;e in raF ia e;ta�lish a res4aurant at 7: 5 �N. Snet�ing.4ve;ue. P.t the tim�, ofthe BZA hea�;ng, the �3�i�tiae �idti�ay t'�eaa?Ition {DistricC Gaulcil 1 i) bad na ufScial pesitit�n Q;n this i�_;ue, �ut ��at has changed. � �5 its n o5i �ctober 17, 20fl6, ti�e Iiaml:eae lvfidv.�ay �caiitio� �I3I�C) Bc�artl of JirFC;.ors �::�ced unanimously to oapose �he re;�nrs: for z. �arkin�z vi�iance at 73.5 �d. c��e�irng Av�nae. `1'his ia[lnt�s a#lioro�zgh re�>iau� of the *natte�-.;s:d i�rer,mmencfation of Q7�.74SIiIGIl t5sj S:�:P .'t ��tl� U80 C.OriiCil7St$°. IT i� ;rn�ori�z:at tc ne,te far4l�e Bo2rd of �irectc,r,s {:vn, 'fl its g�es�tiurs ef apposs2ion sc>me�uhat reiuc:antly, r�,:cognizing that'he pro�Qt.ed us>; �t 7?� >f. Sre3ling f.:��nue (a �?€zza r�ntauratif) iits �he �eec�s of the >>c.i�hbc�r'necad, ir,c;a�iiag �c.;;ai r�idcuts aYd the st�dents, fac�Elty, and stafr c= giamline ;In�versity. tidev �rtheiess, the T�NiC Bcard fe�;ls str��n�1y �o;tt ihe ��c€�;��emat'a�� p:ackd.n� iss�ies an th� E;7$i7c �7OC�i C1f � C�Ti'1 i:"l�i�; `S� fiVCRUi ';?C4.�Cl'T1 iYs'iS1nfi QF;.a R i1Tt,�', ?.ft'�� �,4✓6C(� .�V 0R21 �S n�nsi �e a�Idcessed E� ac�re a parking v<ri:sice is issund :r._ar�r�bta:�:ngr ;�n ;hc hi�e'�. 'I� ereforv, i�ze :�2Y�<<. Boar� cef L'irecter� str��2gi y e��€�es ti�a vif.�+ `;���tri��l �;�ar� r+rit� the pC:.'3�J€7t}' 277i� �7flSi:"ic3S 4`�1rII9'.TS JII C�13'� ���.`JG�S fG Ge�P,�O� F4 c;C;P.917t'ci1:7151Ve T,5c1S�<ll>°,� S��i1fiOP. ::�a:�ic yoe `tor co�:siaer�.ia.i. • ;�;+:x �rely, � � �: ��� � �, .. {��'`----.,,.�_ `�iic;�aYi 3crn C?iso� ;::c°;n�ivn t�;rec�or �as>¢-it` =a�c >::,i� ,ce; .. �: , Uer':'c�:�letl tc� �rtc+,,fitng '.w',s 'n�rni;aze:�s,;�uay r:e=gni� ���Faa�v' ,� tie';� j; ,.o:.c z:ve �:3td �nrrk. I�?CHflEL � OLSQh p.l Z` K � t �� �,�. �a�,w;=�.�-�..t�u�:,:. ,��-/��� OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND h'NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Bob Kesslv, Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ChristapherB. Coleman, Mayor WMHIERCEBZ77LDL�iG Telephone: 651-266-9090 8 Fourth StreetEasi, Suite 200 Facsimile: 65L266-9124 StPaul,Minnesota55101-7024 Web: www.liep.us October 9, 2006 Ms. Muy Erickson Council Research Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Pau1, MN. 55102 Deaz Ms. Erickson: I would like to confirm that a public hearing before the Ciry Council is scheduled for Wednesday, November 1, 2006 far the following zoning case: Appellant: Fred Macalus Zoning File #: 06-127870 Purpose: � Locafion: Staff: District : Board: An appeal of a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals denying a parking variance in order to establish a restaurant at 735 N. Snelling Ave. 735 N. Sneiling Ave Recommended approval. District 11 took no posirion on the matter. Denied on a 5-2 vote. �� I have confumed ttris date with the office of Council Member Benanav. My understanding is that this public hearing request will appear on the agenda of the City Council at your earliest convenience and that you will publish nofice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Thanks! � cerely, ( ` 7ohn Hazdwick, Zoning Specialist r1 U AA-ADA-EEO Emplayer �.: �i.�� +s� ?�ay� �e�a..�_ t;�� � � 2fl�� APFLtCAi6�N F�� .��F�L ��ce of License, Inspectdons as�d Envisoramenfat Profectivrz Commerce $uiddi�ag s Fmr�rth sg �, suite zaa /� � 1 �/} � SaintPau�tblNS5P01 �� U� 1, 651-266-9008 � �PP!lCtdNT phons IeSi 2'1� 3q� � PROPERTY AciQress t q � tOCAT10N ��� descriptiort: �ii TYPE OF APP�AL: Rpplirxtion is hereby made for an appeat ta fha G Board of zoning Appe G Ciiy Council under the provisions of Ghapter 61, Section _____, Paragraph � of the 2oning Code, 4o appeal a decision made by 200 (.. File � GROUNC3S FOR APPEAL: Expiain why you feel there has been an error in any requiremant, permit, decision or refusal made by an admirtistrative official, ar an error in fact, procedure or findirig made by t�e Board ot Zonirig Rppeais or the Ptanning Commission. i� �.nc�.��S o � �wc�' a�r� f�o'� ha`o-ed' JPol1 GGnSlC��7 a�4�vfl - [ - i�ak 5u�rfici�cn�l �_s}reefi �attt�n�� �tayeS c-re �osses�c� �( 0.-�I�c�.n-f a.n d � �«� d, (on�. � $1t.(.« in� FF�a.�we. �v5 ia.ess t•n �c.+� a D�sts«� t� �1a��,�� Guu bU�at `�'1�- JP-1�tnf'�I.�C Applic�rrt's sigttature T�jg,� � F�1 ut't�.�,w i� Qate d �� Ci[Y a9er�t. - � � 3 �1.e_. M�- J�51..'�7 o'F fe�� C�, e�1 c-e 5 °� �rJVS 4�SS e 5 g. c1 "�Q., � Yhec�� �-� � ��.�r L w 1. ���l P�c� vt'S�^'� � • �o'l, a . `-�� � ti L�.-'� �-� �'h1S t rieSS • b lV ���� d �'� `� � � � � F • � rt"i` �� ft➢VlYAVi�Y` Lo1V$1<V t31A1Pit9L1Y�1 i4A`�S�ild TS�E �F �$.T'PLYCA`g'IOPI: �'PLICAI�t'T: HE�IZII�� I9ATE: LOCA'TION: LEGAL D�SCl2Y3'TIO1�I: PLANNING DISTRICT: PRESENT ZONIliTG: REPORT DATE: Minor Variance Fred Macalus September 11, 2006 735 SNELLING AVENUE NORTH ��.� #Q6-f27870 COLLEGE PLACE, WEST DIVISION EX N 23 56/100 FT LOT 18 BLK 9 11 B2 ZONING CODE REF'ERENCE: 63.207 Hamline-Midway sign disirict August 25, 2006 BY: 3okn Hardwick • DEADLINE FOR ACTION: October 2, 2006 DATE RECEIVED: August 23, 2006 , A. PUI2POSE: A variance of the off-street pazking requirements in order to convert a retail space to a restaurant. The restaurant requires a total of 18 spaces. The previous use as retail space required 10 spaces. Ttce difference between the tcvo uses is 8 spaces. Since there is no room to provide these spaces on the site, the applicant is requasting a variance of S spaces. B. STTE AND AREA C�NDTTIONS: Surrounding Land Use: Various commercial uses along North Snelling Avenue and multi- family housing to the west, C. BACKGROUND: The applicant is proposing to open a restaurant in the vacant coxnmercial space on the first floor of fkus building. D. FINDINGS: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. The applicant is proposing to establish a restaurant in the vacant retail space on the first floor of this building. � • Page I of 3 � � The change in use from retail io a restaurant requires an additional 8 off-street pmking spaces. Thexe is no room on the site to provide any additional pazking. The applicant is proposing to provide additionai pazking through a lease agreement with the hardware store down the block. The peak hours of the hardware store and the restaurant would overlap and the hardware store only has 10 spaces. Because of this, the leased patking spaces cannot be counted toward meeting the required parking. However, the leased pazldng would be auailable after 6 PM on weekdays and after 5 PM on the weekends. The applicant states that the restaurant will be open from 4 to 11 PM and that the peak houxs would be from 5 to 11 PM. Therefore, the parking behind the hardware store would be available most of the tnne the restaurant is open. In addition, the applicant staYes that the main target group of customers will be the college students at Hamline Univexsiiy, mas�y of who will be walking to the restaurant. With the shared parking agreement the proposed restaurant is a reasonable and permitted use for this space. 2. The plight of the land owner is due to circumstances unique to this properfy, and these circumstances were not created by the land owner. There is little space auailable on this lot for off-street pazking which makes it diff'icult to fmd a viable tenant for this vacant commexcial space. This is a circumstance that was not created by the current property owner. 3. The proposed variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code, and is consistent with the health, safery, comfort, morals and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul. The proposed restautant wili have a relatively small dining room with about 1,OOQ square feet of seating area. It has been desi�ed to cater to the nearby college students and will provide delivery service as well as take out. The applicant states that they will haue signs directing customers whexe to park and will also include direcuons on the menus and advertisements. This business is a reasonable fit for this area and the proposed parking variance is in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. 4. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of Zight and ait^ to adjacent property, nor wild it alter the essential character af the surrounding area or unreasonably diminish established property values within the surrounding area. The applicant is not proposing any additions to the building other than signage. The requested aaziance will not nnpair the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. � t�(�-fll� ��,�� � � � ,.,- � • [f t File #06-127870 Staff Report Reestablishing a viable business in tlus vacant commercial space will help re-vitalize this area of Snelling Avenue. � Paga 2 of 3 - :�. � � ;�`�: � '_ _ __., File #06-127870 StaffReport The proposed restaurant is consistent with other small businesses in the area and will not change the character of the neighborhood. 5. The variance, if granted, would not perinit arry use that is not permitted undet- the pNOVisions of the code for the property in the district where the affected Zand as Zocated, nor would it alter or change the zoning district classification of the proper-ty. A restaurant is a pemvtted use in this district. The requested variance, if granted, would not change or alter the zoning classification of the property. 6. The requestfor variance is not based primarily on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parcel oj'lancL The applicanYs primary desire is to establish a viable business in this vacant commercial space. � E. DISTRICT COUIVCIJL RECOMNIENDATION: As of the date of this report, we have not received a recommendafion from Disfrict 11. • F. CORRESPONDENCE: Staff has not received any conespondence regarding this matter. G. 5TAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 6, staff recoxnmends approval of the variance subject to the following conditions: 1.) That a lease is maintained for eight off-street parking spaces at 755 North Snelling Avenne or at another existing commercial parking lot within 300 feet aud; 2.) That the hours of operation for the restaurant are limited to 4 PM to 11 PM. �_ � Page 3 of 3 ,1< � � �� APPLtCAT10N FOR ZONING VARIANCE i �J � OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION S Fourth Street East, Suite 200 Saint Paul, MN SSZOI 65Z-266-9008 APPI.ICANT PROPERTY lative heanng date (( ��: �.? ` _ :,.:. . tion(s) ` Name �'�e� �J�,a cc.�V � Company Address � �� .�°F'tit�ka��c �v� �Ut/ City_ cS1 �o-v � State�ZipCS�J �� DaytimePhone ��� �� U� Property interest of applicant (owner, contract purchaser, etc.) G2�$ek-- Name of owner (if Legal description �=-� r" {G-('�- �%U 1 lV e ' 'a:J � ` �-u"`$' 1 �3 - � (attach additional sheet if cessary) Lotsize 1���� Present Zoning ��sentUse +�2.��-� Proposed Use ���7 E'C�(\� Variance[s]requested: �'�}mtlAC�, `���`�C�� Oz�ce�.ck�'�' ��,L 'Jea� I J I hev�S ovest_�o.-� bc. o� l�a��. Supporting Information: Supply the necessary information ihat is applicable to your variance request, provide details regarding the project, explain why a variance is needed. Ouplelcftriplex conversions may require a pro torma to be submitted. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Attachments as required: Site Plan Attachments v�-�<<g � Pro Forma AppiicanYs signature�}Lfl �_,� �.� � � _ � _ �'� I s �_ x;� � � y�_= s� 3 �: x � I ' � J � e 2 -� �� ���; � � x � �� { q � _ �;, � i z� c i i ; i 'i._� � ' � � 3� - �� � � . -,� � T -_ � ° " -�, - �' ' _ 3 '� � I � � �� ��I `� Y �V i� , � �k , 2 e �= �' i� _,1 ' t � -� . ���1 f _ _..�, i � 1�+y 4', a�i- _:- 9 �' � 4+ a � ��'. :' 2' � ti a . ., . , a �- � -. 3 a' �. - C�'= . � . 2 ��.�_ _.�� - - > � � . � � ��' [ , � ;�__ ..j � . y OfFice of LEIP :5,_�. . � ' ��cl:a �..'?' ��� i�._.__'�� , � ,�� i ��-�ftS � Attention : Larry Zang From: Fred Macalus III To Whom It May Concem: At 735 North Snelling Ave, we would like to put in a restaurant, that would serve to the community but more precisely serve to the students in the area. Right now the students of Hsmline Univeisity have very limited choices for food and entertainment within wallcing distance from campus. Even though 75% of our cliental will be delivery, we will srill need some pazking for our walk in wstomers. Since the building has never been used as a restaurant it is not gandfathered in for pazking like all the others in the area. The City of St Paul determines how many parking sports you need based on the square feet of the premises. The building is currently zoned retail and is approximately 2,156 squaze feet. To move it to a restaurant establishment we would need to find the difference. For retail you need 1 spot for every 225 squaze feet For a restaurant you need 1 spot for every 125 squaze feet Example at 2,156 square feet for retail equals 10 spots For a restaurant equals 18 When we spoke to the City of St Paul we were told that we would need to fu�d the difference, meaning we need to find 8 � more parking spots for a restaurant. Finding it has not been easy with either having to buy it or lease it. We have contacted almost every business in the area with parking to fmd shared pazking. Vavoline Oil reviewed the property to determine if they were avaIlable to Iease out any additional pazking. We had asked them for 8-10 spots, due to the possibility of �g j u S'"i relocation sometime soon Vavoline backed out of this agreement. However Gerry Hagen of Hamline Hardwaze�ys agreed to lease us 8 spots from behind her building and another additional4 spots from behind 739 North Snelling Ave. W ith these additional 12 spots we would have a sufficient amount of parking. We plan on having cleazly visible signs at each enYrance and in each lot to mark parking availability. We also believe that by putting the pazking options on menus and advertisements our clientele will know where they are able to park. The hours of operation would be from 4-1 lpm with the possibility of expanding these hours after business builds. The peak business hours for this restaurant would be from 5-I Ipm. Both parties feel this agreement will work out Fred Macalus Jr Fred Macalns III � � a ,i i � � � � N � T � bT35 tnda BrownMre )DBUn &«�n„c�.�w��a-Z,o� 7<a/sa� nnn 53/5613914FAX / Ardiitedvre PIIIAAND BAR 735 N Snell'ng Ave Sount Pau(, MN SST04 1 � 0 ..�� —...— . - 10sUMM! ba$.37 obio� %oe � � a�� �:o AREAS � J^ ; .-,,� :, ,m; _ �' �� ����� ��Y . 755 Narth �nelling Ave, 5t. Paul iN1N 55104 Phone: (651) 646-4040 Fas: (651) 646-4049 kF a � X �� � To: Ctity of St Paulr 6l28/2006 Attn Larry Zangs � r, � This letter is regarding the parking spofs leased to the tenants at 735 North Snelling Ave. We have lease & parldng spots to the business located at the above address. The letter we received from the city indicated that we needed to gi.ve a brief description of our usage o£ the parldng lot. We have 12 parking spots in the rear o£ 755 N Snelling Ave. Of tb.ese 10 spots we use apptoxinuately 5 spots on a revolving basis during our peak hours. Our Peak hours are Monday through Friday from appro�mately 9�00 AM — 11•9�Am and in the evening £rom 4•00 PM to 6•00 P1'I. We also have peak hours on Saturday which are from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM. Sunday we do have business but on a regular basis we do not 4ave more than 3 customers in the store at any time. Most of our customers are on an in-and-out schedule of 15 Minutes�or less. Our Posted busness hours are as follows. Monday through Friday From 5:00 Am to 6:00 PM, Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. And. Sunday £rom 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. If you need any futther information you ean contact us at the above address, or call Mike, at 651-324-7080. Thank you and have a great day! Gerry Hagen � � � � I� i ,�,. $ �_::.� �g�, '- Ii l� any eqec[amyl - � � -�:v�. '�{ � _ ti _ .c. " Ti = � d � w+ iy 4r O O `+K ♦"' d N O C%] � � ,� � a � � �°w a R �� � a � 1� L"� � � �' �- �4 � ; y�' � v^p•'• �.."r� � � 7�6 �l� ll lg � At 735 Snelling Ave. we would like to put in a restaurant, that would serve to the community bnt more pxecisely sezve to the students in the area. IUght now the students of Hamline University have vezy lim�ed claoices for fcod walking distance firom campas. Even though a majority of our clientat will be delivery or walking d4stance, parking is a big obstacle for us. Since tke building has never been used as a restaurant it is not grandfathered in for pazking Iike aU the others in the area. The City of St. Paul determines how many parking spots you need based on the se}uate feet on the premises. The building is curready zoned retail and is approximately 2,156 square feet. To cnove it to a restaurant establishment we would need to find the difference. For retail you need 1 spot fox every 225 square feet For a restaurant you need 1 spot for every 125 squaze feet Ex. At 2,156 square feet for retail equais 10 spots For restai�xant equaLs 18 We neect to find the difference, meaning we need to find $ more spots for a restaurant. Finding it has not been easy with either having to buy it ar lease it. We have contacted aimost every busuaess in the area with parking to find sloared parking. Vavaline Oil reviewed the property to determine if they were auailable to lease out any additional pazking. We had asked them for 8-10 spots, due to a possible relocation sometime soon Valvoline backed out of this agreement. However, Gerry Hagen of Hamline Hardware � 3sas agreed to lease us 8 spots from belnind her bui[ding at 755 Suelling Ave. N and another additional 4 spots behind 739 5nelling Ave. N with these additfona112 spots we would have a sufficient amount of parking. "I'he hours of operations would be from 4pm l lpm with the possibility of expanding the hours after business builds. The peak business hours for this restaurant woutd be from 5-11 at nigl�t. IIauiline Haedware's peak hours are from 9am l lam and from 4pm-6pm. There is a one hour overlap of peak hours that does draw some concern, but we feel that it should not be a problem with a majority of our dining in cliental wiil be walkmg. T4iere is also a good amount of street pazking available on both sides of the street. We plan on having clearly visible signs at each entxance and at each parking lot entrance. We also believe that by putting the parking options on menus and advertisements our cliental will laiow where they are able to park. Both parties feel that this agreement will work ouC T'bavks Fred Macalus 3r. Fred Macalus ITI � 4� t �a�, : � . Page 1 of 3_ ,� Leas� I�OObi G,� Q� ��^� � ' _ gnsiness Lesse Addeudum TpnanYs Inttr3L5 �� vb - I,CSSOI'S It11/12� Th�s Addend�m is betwee� Ge[a(din0 Hagen and Iflacalus Jr., LLG . OBA Fatheadz, re9�� T� No`th ShelC+ng Avemie. St Paul, Minnesoia Where thisAddendum coni�ds wilh te�ms conta�ned m Pages 1-S of the • Lease, the terms of this Addendum shall govem. iecurig'nee �. AseCUntYdeposdof $$300.O�sKa�Ibepaidatthefunelt�elesseetakesPo�siongFthedemised p�ernises. Sa�dseG�ntY�epo�tshailnotapplytoihe(asEmoNh'srenLbutshallibepaidfolesseewithmrt ��{emst, as securityfortena�s faiihfut Peh f� ce� h � Rent Ch b eds t v�ll be ma led to 1540 A�den Ptzce. checKs 2 Allretrtchecl.sareduethe 7 � �Y �� Arden HBfs, M1Ai�n. 55112 The �S-�O� - locations. 3 � � p�y riqhi to inspectthe 8emised premises at reasonabfe hou�s and must be iurttished a currentkey aL a�l hmes. qemode� 4 ' du M 9thetezses�hatlonbbeev"fh �wrtte m theLe"ssormMsuch' P�f��i �udifi9 qrpeUng t�qhtfaNr�+. mirmrs• 6uilt ms, and�` �`� Sh rovemen� a d shali�keeP ihe P d m s� ° a�� TenantshslltumishD�ofitsabilitytopaY P is on-strUdutal9temodelfi�9 �No de ratin9ewrfho frrspobdin�9 � 5��� t _ � E� mnsentas ion9 ��e lahor and mat�ti n equiP � a�� � el �� ' � n �' � 9� line a walK-in treezer, artd aiherfnod PrePa ussion Croml.essor. an8 such dpms, iv9e�er ��� installaiion,atTenanYssolee�ens with any hars insLe�ied MTenank may be removed M/ 5. trt64eeventthatfh etenarrt � fi ; vep e i a ce r d(S�of�tPie u amountdueandun h Pa+dff ihe P a Y rtentistendaYreo. tenard shall paY a P�K - Iate. 6. TemaritatiisexPenseagreestuabiainandmaifiainthroughoutthetertnsofthisleasethef�°�"^ng � ofinsuranceNtkiearnau(dsandvnthcomPaniesaa:ePbbletrithet�ssor oflheTenam) Re �. of a Publielia6�1"M1yinstuance($t.W�.� �)P� ��ar ��tl0�,00��A99re9a�) b. Personal ProA�' insura�e (Th aremis�s c Covera9efwa plate 91ass Windows ofthe demised prertuses ....a ,,,�;.,n�n srP and e�endedcovera,9e on fhe 6uild�ngfor its fulf Paridqq liability Temn�tion of Lcvse Keys Siqm+ 7. 8. 9. 10. Utiiities 13. 14. �5. ;ible for and de�ties e or No Lrssor, the dwiud • � �� � ieS �dTenantshallfumish ,n nf takina Da55C55'tan by Yfle ,6. �. Where Les'+ors conserM1 is �e9uired in tivs fease for any ads ofTenarik conserashatl rwt uc�eas°�'ty 6e withheld. � _ � . v� -�(�g CI`I`�' OF �A.�IT PALTL �t�r�RD OI' ZOI�t11�G A]PPE�LS ��OI.ITTIOl� Zt�l�il\G F�.E l�I.�l��R: 06-127P70 I)ATE: �epte�nber 25, 2006 ;��� � � � - 6s� WF�REAS, Fred Macalus has applied fox a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 63.207 of the 5aint Paul Legislztive Code pertaining to the minimum required off- street pazking spaces in order to convert a retail space into a restauranf in the B2 zoning district at 735 Snelling Avenue North; and WHERLAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 11, 2006 pursuant to said application in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203 of the Legislative Code; and WIIEREAS, the 5aint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The property in question cannot be put to a reasonable use under the strict provisions of the code. The applicant is proposing to esta'olish a restaurant in the vacant retail space on the first floar of this building. The change in use from retail to a restaurant requires an additional8 off-street parking spaces. There is no room on the site to provide any additional parking. The applicant is proposing to provide additionat parking tlarough a lease agreement with the hardwaze store down the block. The peak hours of the hardware store and the restaurant would overlap and the hardware stare only has 10 spaces. Because of this, the leased parking spaces cannot be counted toward meeting the required parking.' However, the leased parking would be available after 6 PM on weekdays and after 5 PM on the weekends. The applicant states that the restaurant will be open from 4 to 11 PM and that the peak hours would be from 5 to 11 PM. Therefore, the parking behind the hardware store would be available most of the time the restaurant is open. Tn addition, the applicant states that the main target group of customers will be the college students at Hamline University, many of who wiil be walking to the restaurant. With the shared parking agreement the proposed restauxant is a reasonable and pexmitted use far this space. i 2. The pZrght of the land owner is not due to circumstances unique to this property, and the cuYrent circumstances were created by the land owner. There is little space available on this lot for off-street parking which makes it difficult to fmd a viable tenant for this vacant commercial space. However, the current properry owner was �� Page 1 of 4 _ �:� - _ .�_ _� File #06-127870 Resolution a�vare of this situation whei� the building was built and the addiiaon was added in 1985. Any hardship incuxred at this point is self imposed. 3. Tlie proposed variance is not in keeping with the sparit and intent of the code, and is not. consistent with the healt�i, sdfety, comfort, mor-als and welfare of the inhabitants of the City of.St. Pazil. . The proposed restaurant will haue a relativeTy small dining room with about 1,000 square feet of seating area. It has been designed to cater to the nearby callege students and wi11 provide delivery sefvice as well as take out: The applicant states tliat they Will ha�e signs directing customers where to park and will also include directions on fhe menus and advertisements. Howevar, any additionat bui�den on tha sireet pazkin g in the area would.have an adverse impact on the existing businesses, and nearby residences. The reo�uested vaxiance is not in keeping with the spirit and intent of the code. � LJ 4. The pYOposed variance will not impair an adaquate supply of light and air to adjacent property� nor will it alter the easen€ial character of the surrounding area or u�treasonably dirninish established property values withzn the su�-t-ounding area. • '�he applicant is not proposing any additions to the building other than signage. The requesteci vaziance will not impair the supply of light or air to adjacent properties. Reestablishittg a viable business in this vacant co7nmercial space will help r�vitalize this area of Saelling Avenue. The pzoposed sestauraut is consisfent with other small businesses in the area and will not chaage the charac#er of the neighborhood. 5. The variance, if gt'dntecl would not pernait any use that is not permitted undeY the provisions of the code for the propeYly in the district where the kffected land is located, nor would it altet- oY ehange the zoiaing district classification of Elie pYOperty. A restaurant is a permitted use in this district. . The requested variance, if gtanted, would not change or alter the zoning classification o�the properiy. 6. The request for variance is not basec� prirnarity on a desire to increase the value or income potential of the parceT of Zand. The app&canYs primary desire is establish a viable business iu this vacant commercial space. �. - Page 2 of 4 � (/�t" f /�� :?`a',�kF.aj ¢��"�" 4' ��= � =� , File #06-127870 Resolution NOVT, THEREFORE, BE TT 12ESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that the request to waive the provisions of Section 63.207 in order to wnvert axetail space into a restaurant, on property located at 735 Snelling Avenue North; and legally described as Coilege Place, West Division Ex l�i 23 56/10o Ft Lot 18 Blk 9; in accoxdance with the application for variance and the site plan on file with the Zoning Administratar TS HEREB X DENIED. MO�ED BY: ward SECOl�DED �3Y Courtney IN FAVOR: s AGAIl�TST: z MAILED: September 27, 2006 . 'tItVIE I,INIIT: No decision of the zoning or planning admxnistrator, planning commission, board of zoning appeals or city council approving a site pian, permit, variance, or other zoning approval shall be valid for a period longer than two (2) years, unless a building permit is obtained within such period and the erecflon or alteration of a building is proceeding under the terms of the decision, or the use is estabiished within snch peziod by actual operation pursuant to the applicable conditions and requirements of the approval, unless the zoning or planning administrator grants an egtension not to exceed one (1) year. APPEAL: Decisions of the Board of Zoning Apgeais are final subject to appeai to the City Council within 10 days bp anyone affected by fhe decision. Suilding permits shall not be issued atter an appeal has been Tiled. If permits have been issued before an appeal has been filed, then the permits are suspended and conshuction shall cease until the City Council has made a final deferminafion of the appeal. n U Page 3 of 4 �� =- �� :� _ �� � , � �-� File #Ob-I27870 Resolution CERTL`+'ICATTQN: I, the nndersigned Secretar'y to Ehe Board o£ Zoning Ap�eals for the City af Saint Paul, Niinnesota, do herebp ceriafy that I have compared the foregoing copq vvith the original record in my office; and find fhe same to Ue a hne and correct copy of said original and of fhe whole thexeof, as hased on approved minutes of the Saiut Paul Board of Zoning A�peals meeting held on Sentember 11, 2006 and on record'a� tLe df�ce ef T_,.�P�sP IrspPc��n a�d Environmental Protection, 8 Fonrth St. E, Saint Panl, Minnesota. SATNT PA.UT. BOA1tD OF ZONxNG APPEALS �1 �"U""�i . 1 � - Debbie Crippen Secretary to the Board � • e Page 4 of 4 U � 1 Illil�llfl �� Hazvtine Nuisic Bvildivg SA • Proposed Paking. Layout Muslim American Sociefy of Minnesota _� � _� SneliivgAve � o � � -�5 i -� �5 -��t ��' g,�Q�l� "' .�a.�� 5��, ns �. $ ,,,.o'` � ��� � � �,,� - `yl3 a � � � �' ��� � � ,�� � i f.}4`� s � I� k� � n e _ a. // i� � 1�13.{1 . ��I3 � �� . .� ....._.�--,m...m,.,�, „,. 3 � I � � �, � � � " -R�'7 ¢ � � •c Y yy ' y � � � F^` �.��` Ys1� � . Vn . (`� ,�.. . a x.� �. y � � �n/� ' : �.f " S�A �° S. fiJ J) � S.�b'.ifrS6 a`y+4 �}.+� �N� ��Y .SR 1�" ''T? 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",'�, � +r i a � ., �.. �� ...�$s o �P >�� ��. ,T"^s�� �f Pr. s? �`�a� N «'ga: j-_`�KS�?.�k v:. *F�� ���.,�.� � F 4.` �o �a � ����� �'.�,_.° .F�� �/ O ff N ``�� � �l C �� � � � V. ll �� ' � of 1 Jo1mn I3ardwicls - Variance I2ecga�e�t for 73s l�orth �melling � �'roin; "Michael Jon Olson - HMC" <michaeljon@hamlinemidwaycoalition.org> 'To; ° John Hardwick" yohn.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> I�ate: 9/25/2006 I:49 PM 5aa�ject: Variance Request for %35 North Snelling ��; <mjhagen426@hotmaiLcom> John, In anticipation of today's BZA hearing, I want to ctarify what has happened wifih Fred Macalus' request for a parking variance for 735 North Snelling at fhe Hamline Midway Coalition. On Monday, September 11, 2006 the HMC Land Use Committee heard testimony from the applicant (Macalus), the buiiding owner (The Hagen's), and from several nearby businesses and another properfy owner on the block (The Carlson's). The committee voted to recommend that the HMC Board oppose the parking variance (the vote was 4 in favor, 1 opposed, with 2 abstentions). On Tuesday, September 19, 2006 the NMC Board of Directors took up the issue, hearing the report from the Land Use Committee and some brief remarks from the Hagen's. ARer Q& A • and discussion, the Board voted unanimously to send the issue back to the Land Use Committee for further review and requested that the applicant request a layover at the BZA in order for HMC to have more time to address the issue. !t is important to note that the HMC Land Use Committee does not have an o�cial voice separate from the Board of Directors. So, at this point, HMC has no o�cial position on this issue. Thanks, Michael Jon Olson Executive Director Hamline Midway Coalition - District Council 11 michaeljon@ham�inemidwaycoalition.orq 651-646-1986 ext. 2 �'�� �fSN Hotmail - Massage tRSriSbme S MYM52t I Hohnatl I ShoPP�^8 I H°^e'/ i P�Pte&t�aC SF�ut _: WebSearch: • `-� � + � m '�.....; -� � 4 �l r . ;"L�' �\" 1 t�l���a����,'-�'�-�- TadaY I P9ai1 I Caimdar I Canta� ! c��. �� �L `—�- �;�'��` 1 � �ualus7@hohnall.mm �aveMtlra, - '�F�� [q�vNl��Na�l o�^"""�IX��IQ�unk�,z3wcmradec_IbFrintwewlJ � • - cf Gtisms dywnqOlChamline.edu, muld r,o[ beverified try Sc+def SD.lexm mcrc xbout Sender ID. u5 avcrage credit s�� ia 6TH. HOw tla Ya'� v I� I X I�' ?ntox comaarc? see vour smrc .n uca+dsl k p�y��g<dyamg0!QhamOne.edu> 5�: SundaY, kP�^� 24.2006 9:4] PM Ta: phn.t+mdwidc@d.st�aul.mn.us CC: macaWsR `�tmadmm SUbjeG: SupparttarWmlB�stness Hc6�, lam xtitivg w Yw ro xhoa mY NPP�rt °^6apprmation foc a¢ew eamurev[ csuGdaie (o�atM a� l35 N S�Imq A�mue. Bew4 a�'°� "°d�'d'�'� srvdcnrac Hamiiveteivmirv, i kmw �ha�rz..vWdbevay be¢zfieulro swdmv nho livc ov �� ��,�� �y C,m 3eto�at�liduay veighballoodmespandauM�^tu�hm6<amu ro sa�4 ar(av6o�d+s¢q 4omJ�ti4bbo�haodm C tlnnzifi ouc�vu9 xltiduaY yepvc�y epums hs;e a lazg<c Wan mearvnblc brnefic'ul eB¢�on du<ommavM1Y� rnmmuvuy. b has <ome wmY %��an Ga� ilus ¢e�v �um�¢amw�oWd rtqu'ae aP%��9�T"'acs:I amiv Cuds�PPOrt af u+a ro�vxvmrn6`mdtWtl�spnkfame�yo44Ptm�ThavksSa�tocyoucumu w6nde�ho�RandwAcntaadfhacm<ae.our Si¢ttniY. Du Ywoa E ccvuv=BOazd �[smbcx Hamlmei�uumiry5mlcvcCOVV_rcss � Ol�-ll ht[p716ylt2td.bayl Think You Pay Too Much For Your MGrtgage? Fnd Ou@ ExcellaM 75(1- S56 Goatl 6FA-�M1 Fai� 6?�-�5 p 35(J - 619 L Don [ KnOw CCck Nerc Now' � J � r7 � 7t � G31nboX s,�z«� 1 GeFthe iatest updates from MSN MSNHOma � MyMSH � Hohnail � SearW I�^PP�^9 � M°^� � Pe°P�e& O 20�fi MiaosvitlEIN15 OF �SE Pdvertl� iRUSTe f W�� P'�^�Y Sbiemm[ GetNettY�a A�-�m �KY (ofl Feeaeadc I �P 9/25/2006 t:18 • �� ��� � � ��. N�LttoluS �.{c— �-6( Sne,1l�� �}�,- � �. `i�v� � � I� 5.s( �� Pr � — s�hn K�.��,��k �� ���� � � � ' t S ei M 2M�e� i E ' � ' t - �'�-Q, �� t� l!Vl' �'"` c` 1 C-'�"'�^lJ n``�`a i � �� ��}�P°r�-- Tv� O�C��ti t �T �s�'S� �}�} �.5�/1�SS. � (no� i t� .rt �� z . �L �� Z1 �i{ o��a�r�` �J. t( 43C' n ; � �— �1`C='i-'�"`7 t'�n��.. �. J �'. C�R'� i�' 1..3:,�� Ct��s�.� . S� �-e�e�� y�,s.s, ��� N� cl�ol as �c�-- � �`�� Ol� • Khanh Nguyen 1556 Englewood Ave Ap�. # 3 St. Paul, MN. 55104 September 25, 20�6 City of St. Paul To Whom It May Concem: IvJy name is Ktianh Nguyen. 1 am a law student at Hamline University and a resident at the above address. I ttrink having a pizza shop in the proximate azea where I live and go to school will be beneficial to me as well as those who attend Hatnline. I usually stay up late at night to study and often crave for pizza, therefore, having a pizza place nearby would allow me to walk ovar and order a slice or if I am hungry, a whole pie. Also having a pizza shop would present another option for the students, professors and residents to go for lunch or a quick dinner. For the zeasons above, I support the parking variance and request that the City would � allow Ivir. Fred Macalus to have his place of business. Please do not hesitate to cantact me if you have fiuther concerns, T'hauk you very much and I am looking forward to the opening of his pizza restaurant. Siucerety yours, ��" L/ Khanh NguY � �� Pa elofl MSN Hoimail - �� �� 'l� �� ,c�' � =� �������� mjhegen426Cahatmait.cam i'rinted: Flonday, SeQtember 25, Z006 IL29 AM � � -�.-,,.w:.�,�:.,.:, ... ... � �,..�... �.�.�, �....�,_�.� .-.�..�;�..,� �..-,������ ,.,�.�.�.�... a� „�.�.... �_-��� .�.,����.,-,�.t. �..._ - From : Sent: To : Subject : fred mac <macalusiii@hotmail.cnm> Monday, September 25, 200611:04 AM mjhagen426@hotmail.rnm FW: in support of a parking variance ..aw-.. -�:����r =�:�*.:�.,.�:-.�� �.�r��_�: . �.�.�<��-�.-�;���� -�..�;:..:�..�:,_�-���� �� � .,.�,....� __ . Fiom: "Geo=ge M. caetand� <9gaetano@gw.hamline.edu> xo: <7ohn.hardwick@ci.sipaul.mn.us> cc: <macalusiii@hotmail.mm> Subject: in suppost of a parking variance Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 12:20:57 -0500 Get today's hot entertainment gossip http://movies.msn.mm/movies(hotgossip Deax Mr. Haid;�ick: I am an Associate Rxofessox in the Aepaxtment of Theat=e Psts and Communication Studies at Hamline Onzversity. I have been teaching at Hamline since the fall of 1999. I am sending you this e-mail to fully support the paxking vaxiance that is being sought so that a Pizza/SUb Restaurant could be opened on Snelling Avenue. While we do have good eating facilities heie at Hamline for students, many students would like the option of eating some of thei= meals off campus, but within easy walking distance. During the twelve yeax's that I have been teaching at Aamline, students, as well as faculty and staff, have had few choices in terms of finding places to eat nearby the campus. I think the opening of a Pizza/SUb Restaurant on Snelling is a gieat idea and will also benefit the Hamline Midway community. I sincerely hope that you will give your approval to the parkinq variance. Geozge Gaetano Associate Professo= of Communication Studies (651) 523-2990� ggaetano@hamline.edu i �� � - - - . _ , ....n..nnnnni�.7nnnno%7 n/�G/�!1(1F • . � ,.._:�..<.v,.�.. �_____------ hJ } J:: S � . ��,� . - . c=-`yl� " b N ' C ?. O ' � v 9 � . �� o m �� m9.HS �.m N A^,�$' =y� .�. �`��' na'Or �"�S� 1° G. O n y8m�'��j� . � m � 2 m Q' i B a r ' 5 � 3 3: . „ �! .. 1 � ..»y:., v �.-�::_s. py_e � � �"� � �1 � � �� J ��� L. �—d._7�� ��. ,���. _ a �� u n ? z� yNm� y m 9 y 9 T � D � T��Im 4An O�olnm iz e 9' m � G O y� w� C Z ° y 'O �' a O = m ' �}" � � b m � T �w .. � A w m N � �� ;�; ;��- � ,� �� �� � 6.� �� � 0 0. �K t� i� .ID S3 n 6 3 3 6 � � 0 n a y 3 a �a o T�� - a' � wvyv z�v ,��i � m�� 'Da�, �?;m ��o o m m'm^ <�` �rf a$ � "yw ..� B so a t+ �� \ \ ��� � _'� y � � � � � a � 9 -� _ 22' ° m 4��' � A��'$ �'¢L N Zy% � 9� S� SV O '�.m�m = � < O Aa m � �� PM ^ 1 ° � 2 N N a N E 0 < 0 8 P � C Q O 3 � 6 �/� • Q��%�� � ,��:,, � �� ��� -- r r� �; � � . ���� • � � � �'� 7 ��� � am �� � N � � � c� � ; s s � s � �� q � � � o � ' � � Y � C � � S � � � 4 _ 3 � O L C z � � � s' � � � a N ' .�. 0 n u a 3 o m � vi '�" � � fA .� y.`^.m$. maC O Nvy9 2 '6 A TNyx ?a0 r�A� � ry .� a sb< O � 9 p 2 x � - � $ ° m ' w 3 . z 10 Y w a � �o �g � �� � a � m$ a� w � r � � 0 G c O �- S � A O 3 3 G a 9 � � �� �� �� !�E ` ���� _ �-� • ° 'a �� a N j Z u�i _ � m B. N y A A Y D < A � ➢ � � 9 F O i pom.. ° -' z m 0 i iq 4� �p .0 9 N O 9 � T� � �a� ZH� a _ `v m '�' + O n�,ri 1 °�m �_ m a N . _/ � dl� l� ��� � �� . o - ��� 7� � � � Khanh Nguyen 1556 Englewood Ave Apt. # 3 St. Paul, MN. 55104 September 25, 2006 City of St. Paui To Whom It May Concern: My name is Khanh Nguyen. I am a law student at Hamline University and a resident at the above address. I think hauing a pizza shop in the proximate azea where I live and go to school will be beneficial to me as well as tUose who attend Hamline. I usually stay up late at night to study and often craue for pizza, therefore, hauing a pizza place neazby would allow me to walk over and order a slice or if I am hungry, a whole pie. Also hauing a pizza shop would pxesent another oprion for the students, professors and residents to go for lunch or a quick dinner. Far the reasons above, I support the parking variance and request that the City would allow Mr. Fred Macalus to haue his place of business. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you haue further concems. Thank you very much and I am looking forwazd to the opening of his pizza restaurant. Sincerely yours, Khanh Nguyen � > T� � � � F� � �� �u� � � � ' � i r_' � �� e� Aparlment� CfGcx: Pliune: 749 Norch Snalling P.ven.ia t651) 659-9449 St. Paul, P+Iinnesota 551F}4 �in:ia Winsor - 2r�Go Hamkin� Piidofav Caalitiun bapten�bEr 1%, dear Liiida Winsor: Thank you to� Providin3 intorrnatiotii on the proposed parki.ng varia� nC 735 ti��E].li;i� rave N. The var'ianc� oii11 havo an axtrva��l� cEatria�cental u'Ffact an �ix o�` our cammerci.al Cenarit.s. Hard�warkisiJ ��milica who run sma11 sitoVs which aY3 locaLacl an 6oth s.ides ;�f tha orc�os�d rost�urant. Thera ara, just tlJ3 re:a1 paTkin� �'��-�� �: �� 735 �For e raaCaurane Chat requl.ras LH 5(�dCtJS. YIl2y apparantly havo tha UeYte3'Fit �f Cu1'YOS�C ��1i?.dFlCB df £3 sPaceS, and n6w wa�11'- ari au'<litional varianc� of 8 SPacas Por a Loia1 variance of �Y�, st�aaes. �ihis wikl crente � hardsi�ip Fnr our Lsnant5 �aho reiy on • haviny raadily available parkiity i'or ef cusLOr�ar=. :� rzstaurant iaith nu�.pa�'!:ii�g wculu wi�e ouL all of iF7� availabl� parking on Sn�llinj ancl rzs�aurant cuSEalnary wocil�i spi11 ov�i inta our parking lo�,s. -� 3ohn iiardwick's bstli�f' thaE. tVte r�s�aE�rurtt's custoniers t^�ould l�r� pYimari2Y Fiamline sY�uda�zts is just �n and it's unFortunzC4 Lhat ttic� won't r�turn n�y te1e�•huno �rl].s_ - Fh�re are many us�s Foi� tha 735 I�uildiny tFat w��ul�i be a �reat assat eo the neighhorhouc�> uses thsL are consi�tenc with ch� curr�nL oarkin� ii2cl.udz.n�7� accountin3 otfices, Law oFfices, taz PYEp�raCZOn, bahery, t'low�rs El3]Y �alon and Fr�any othe��s. Final.Lr> iC': impurtant Yi� Y.ain�mber that L Ha�3ns buiLt. this ouilding themsokv�s_ They cl5ose interior sauara fooca�P av�r Rarking, and then �dcfezJ an additioi5 and a car drive-down r<inp ii�to th� basement whir.h �F�artl5er .�izinin�+tad their Fa� ki.ne• :3nr har from a t�.ck of parkii�y is se1P i.mposed. b1e shoul�lia't �ufifar cheir t�arkiti� ��i.�Yak2s. Thank you, GarY Carlson girch Tarracc� ri�arGrttents %21, 725, 731, 733, 743, 744 Snellinc� FlvEr�ue North � �i , � LJ From: "Jessica Flannigan" <]essicarose10@hotmail.com> Yo: <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Dafe: 9/21/2006 9:54:17 PM Subject: Restaurant at Snefling and Engiewood Dear Mr. Hardwick: As a Hamline University 20tl4 graduate, it was very difficult to find entertainment and restaurants within waiking distance of Hamiine University throughout my four years in schooi and a year following graduation. Because of this, myfriends and I often spent our time and money in Roseville, on Grand Avenue or in Highland Park. There is an enormous need for a restaurant near campus fro5n a student's perspective, an alum's Qerspective and from a community member's perspective. i support the parking variance that wouYd atiow a restaurant to open at 735 Snelling Avenue in Saint Paul near Hamline University. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss my support further. Sincerely, Jessica Flannigan 651270.0382 jessicarose10 @hotm ail.com CC: <macalusiii@hotmail.com> • �� To Whom It May Concern: My name is Brian Benson, and I am a senior at Hamline Univexsity. When I first heard about a Pizza place starting a business tteaz Haxuliue University, I thought it was a great idea. The only non-campus food witfiin waiking distance is foreign. I love all @ifferent types of food, but it would be very nice to include a restautant that has common American food close by. I have many fiieads that go to other ACTC schools within the cifies. They all have told me about a particulaz place that is wnsidered "St. Thomas's" baz, or "Macalister's" baz. It would be nice to have a place close by to be unofficially considered `�amline's" bar. I am writing this letter to express my approval of the Pazldng Variance. Thank you £or you time, Brian Benson `� 7`� S �ohn F9�rdw�ck � 735 N. Sctellmng Aveo �est�urant ��ona a To: D�te: Subjecf: CC: D(�-ll/� p��af��� �� � � � 1, �j - �:.. E� ' r�'+�+o!a l G�,- ����_O'S �a�king �ariance "Dougias P. Anderson" <danderson@gw.hamline.edu> <john. hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> 9/22/200612:49 PM 735 IV. Sneiling Ave. Restaurant parking variance <macalusi ii@hotmail.com> Dear Mr. Hardwick I undersW�d that there is a business propasal to start up a restraurant at 735 N. Sneliing Ave. and thaC they have signed a(ease to secure the needed parking but yet still require a variance, We want to indicate to those concerned that we, Hamline University, are in futl support of this business venture as we wouid be for any appropriate use of commercial space on Snelling Ave. that would enhance safe and afFardable opportunities for students. Doug{as P. Anderson Douglas P. Anderson � Vice President for Finance and Treasurer Hamline University MS-A1775 1536 Hewitt Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55104-1284 O�ce 651-523-2329 Fax 651-523-3073 dandersonCa>hamline.edu � � I ��e �_� 1 r ����� ��� � dohn Fdardwick - 735 lii Snelling - pa��iaag �Am. �.� , �:�.��. -.. � �--,�-�:=� ,� .-�� � �� u-�. - --�- - �'p��: "Kathy Sundberg" <kathy@ginkgocoffee.com> '�o: "7ohn Haxdwick" <john.hardwick@ci.stpaui.mn.us> I2ate: 9i25i2006 6:47 AM Subject: 735 N Snelling - parking ___ September 10, 2006 To Whom This May Concern: This note is to express opposition to the parking variance requested by the person intending to rent the space at 735 N Snelling Ave. �1 v We are opposed to the variance for the following reasons: 1. From a practical viewpoint (not off street parking ordinances), there is already insufficient parking on this block. Wifh acfual(y on(y 2 or 3 spaces available for use behind the space, it will create great hardship tor the businesses surrounding the space. We understand that there are only 8 lacking spaces from a legal perspective, but from a practical standpoint, it is imporfant to look at the day-to-day parkirtg availabiliYy. 2. A restaurant needs a large number of customers each day to break even. The current plans are for the pizza restaurant to be open after 4 p.m. Since this variance would nat restrict business hours (they could become any • hours as the business evolves), and opens the door for anv restaurant in the future tha4 mipht want to tease the _ space if the pizza olace cioses, we have serious concems about approving the variance. 3. Customers of the previous tenant, a consignment shop, complained of insuffcient parking (a business that did not frequently have more than a few customers at a time, in our experience). Certainly a restaurant wouid need a much larger number of cusfomers fo survive. In addition, we feel that leasing spaces behind the hardware store is not an acceptable way fo meef the parking requirements. This is because: 1. Though the pizza business predicted eariier that they will be most busy after 5 pm, it is important to acknowledge that there are no restrictions that could keep the space from housing as much as a 24hour full service restaurant at some point (if fhe business changes ownership or the space is leased to a different business). 2. The Mirror of Korea also has use of the parking lot befiind it's space and the hardware store (currently striped 4or 8? spaces). This is in direct conflict with the use for a business whose stated peak hours will be the same as theirs. 3. At business meetings, many business owners raise the issue of insuffcient park+ng on the block. While on some commercial blocks there may be room for a significant parking variance and for feniency where parking requirements are concerned, this is not the case on this block. Businesses regularly look for ways to improve marginal parking. The addition of a business with the traffic and use pattems of a restaurant would add significantly to the parking burden already born by the existing businesses. � Kathleen Sundberg, GINKGO coffeehouse � Ali Alikila, Black Sea Restaurant � _ _. . ., .,.�.,,.,...,.,.T...=� ninci�nn� D�ll�$ Page 1 of } =_�"' i � �� ��� � �.-� _�'� • �ohn Hard�viek Sezpport for I.oc�.l �usiness _ Y J__ _.��. �_y -� _— � -�� �ropn: Dax Young <dyoung0l@hamline.edu> 'To: <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> IB��e: 9/24/2006 8:47 PM �ubjec�: Support for Local Business ��• <macalusiii@hohnaii.com> Hello, I am writing ro you to show my support and appreciation for a new xestaurant candidate located at 735 N Snelliag Avenue. Being a current undergraduate student at I�amline University, Z laiow that it woutd be very beneficial ro s[udents who live on campus, commuteis, aud even ffie local Midway neighborhood to expa¢d onr options when it comes to eating at(and ocdering from) neighbochood and Local resiaucanls. Not only does ow community like tn support local businesses and vendocs, but more delivery options have a larger tUan measurable beneficial effect on the community. It also further diveisifies our unique Midway community. k has come to my attention that this new restaurant wouid require a pazking vaziance; I am in full support of this variance. Please take notice of my support atong with the support of my peets and neighboss, andundecstand thatwe ace youe constituents and that T speak for many of my peers. Thank You £or your time. Sincetely, Da�c Young Executive Boazd Meraber I�amline University Student Congress • � �� From: "George M. Gaetano" <ggaetano@gw.hamline.edu> To: <John.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Da4e: 9(24(20061221:47 PM Subje°c: in support of a parking variance Dear Mr. Hardwick: I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre Arfs and Communication Studies at Hamline lJniversity. I have been teaching at Hamiine since the fali of 1994. I am sending you this e-mail to fully support the parking variance that is being sought so that a Piaa/Sub Restaurant could be opened on Snelling Avenue. While we do have good eating facilities here at Hamline for students, many students would like the option of eating some of their meais off campus, but within easy walking disfance. During the twelve years that l have been teaching at Hamiine, students, as well as faculty and stafE, have had few choices in terms of finding piaces to eat nearby the campus. I think the opening of a PivalSub Restaurant on Snelling is a great idea and wiii also benefit the Hamline Midway community. f sincerely hope that you will give your approval to the parking variance. Gearge Gaetano Associate Professor of Communication Studies (651)523-2990 ggaetano@hami ine.edu CC; <macalusiii@hotmaiLcom> � � �-� �4 k-r � 3v l � 4 V � . I 1 �� �{ � �J � n, u �� ���� Page �tr�P3 �-� ��`-'����,� �� ���� John ]Eiarrdwick - 735 I�. �nelling PaY�$ Vari�sce F'a�aaaae <bebjork@comcast.net> 'I'o: yohn.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 9/22/2006 4:52 PM �abject: 735 N. Snelling Parking Variance Dear Mr. Hardwick, I am writing in support of granting the parking variance for the Pizza/Sub business proposed by the Macalus family at 735 N 5nelling. I have lived in Saint Pau1(primarily in the Midway and Como neighborhoods) for 23 years and think that this type of business is missing from the Midway neighborhood on N Snelling commercial section. In addition to living in the area, I have been a long term employee of Hamline University. Currently I wark in admission and am keenly aware of the importance of a diverse, successful, attractive and student-oriented business strip to a university. Commercial districts can provide a very strong attraction to students--not to mention generate significant ta�c income for the city. This would add to the vitality of the streetscape and provide neighbors, students and other university community members another alternative to some of the successful ethnic restraurants in the neighborhood. Having a business o£this type near the campus has been a long term topic of conversation in the Hamline University community for a long time. i would guess that much of the business would be foot traffic and deliveries. I know that T currently walk to the local restraurants when I dine at lunch time in the neighborhood. I am very much in support of the variance and the establishment of this business in the neighborhood. Sincerely, Steve Bjork 1384 Almond Avenue Saint Paul Associate Vice President Admission & Career Services �� From: "Russeil Christensen" <Rchristensen@gw.hamline.edu> To: <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul_mn.us> Date: 9l22/2�06 3:30:20 PM Subject: Parking Variance at 735 North Snelling To the City of St. Paui Office of LEIP: Students, sfaff and faculty members (I am one) of Hamline University ask that you consider favorebly the request by Fred Macalus both to estabtish a Pizza/Sub Restaurant at 735 Snelling Avenue and to obtain a parking variance for eight parking spots from Hamline Hardware. Hamline University is committed to the update and thriving maintenance of Sneiling Avenue as it impacts Hamline's campus. Mr. Macalus' proposal to open and maintain a quality restaurant at this address seems to us consiStent with the best interests of the Avenue. Sincerely, Russ Christe+2sen Professor of German and Linguistics 651 523 2265 � • � �� �l� �lll8 , John Har�wic� -�onan� Vari�nce R�quest for �recl 9�acaius �roe�s: To: �ate: Subje�: CC: Page 1 of 2 VIA E-MAIL September 22, 2006 7ohn Hardwick City of St. Paul "�on Garon" <jgaron0l@gw.ham1ine.edu> <john. ha rdwick@ci. stpau I. mn. us> 9/22/2006 3:12 PM Zoning Variance Request for Fred Macalus <macalusiii@hotma i I.com> Re: Zonin�Variance Re�uest for Fred Macalus Dear Mr. Hardwick: � As Dean of Hamline University School of Law, I would like to encourage the ciry of St. Paul to support the parking variance needed to allow proposed pizza and sub restaurant to open at 735 N. Snelling Avenue. There is a compelling need to provide appropriate restaurant alternatives within walking distance of the Hamline students. A restaurant featuring pizza and subs will be heavily utilized within the university area and many of those student will not need to drive to the restaurant. As a result, I would expect that the general parking demand for such a facility will be reduced by the population served. More importantiy, the modest parking demands created by the facility are outweighed by the service such a restaurant brings to our siudents and faculty. Having the restaurant nearby should reduce the need to leave campus for such food, thus improving the student experience and reducing the costs associated with the students driving and parking at other nearby neighborhoods. � Sincerely, Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Although I only recently learned of this proposal by Mr. Macalus to add the restaurant to the Hamline Midway neighborhood, I look forward to its positive impact on our community and appzeciate any support the city can provide in its success. �� Prom: "Sara C. Hernandez" <shernandez02@hamline.edu> To: <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 9l2212006 2:23:54 PM Subject: SupporE of Restaurant in Midway Neighborhood Dear Mr. Hardwick, w�_. �:�'ni;;� ��: ?�_� �.�� : As a senior Hamline student, I have become familiar with whaf the surrounding neighborhood has to offer to Hamline students: one or two restaurants, a Hardware store, and a gas station. The Hamline community and the Midway communiry would benefit from the opening of Mr. Macalus' restaurant because it would provide community members with more variety in restaurants and create a greater sense of community belonging and character. It would aiso create jobs and promote growEh in the area. I am also in support of the parking variance. Thanks for your time. Sara Hernandez Hamline CLA'07 john.hardwick@ci.stpaui.mn.us describing the folfowing a. A Pizza/Sub Restaurant at this location would benefit the Hamline Midway Community. b. You are in support of the parking variance. � �� � � PROPERTY WITEi1N 100 FEET OF PARCEL: 735 SidEL.LItdG A\lENUE __.... -... _ ---- _ -----.......... -- ........._ ----..... - --- --- __... -------..... --__ --_._ ENGLEWOOD N W � � . � � s E 0.03 0 0.03 0.06 Miles � � � �; �� ���: �:; �- �� � �°: ��n �._ a i • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. b. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. I2. 13. 14. 2S. Io. 17. SUNRt1Y-BATTLEC REEK-HIG HVJOOD HAZB � PARK FLADEN-PROSPERtTY HILLCREST WEST SIDE DAYTON'S BLUFF PAYNfs-PT-IALEN NORT'H END THOMAS-DALE SUPrtMIT-IJIdI VERSPI`Y WEST SEVENT'FI COMQ HAML,T� tE-tiiIDlVAY ST. AR'THONY PARK t�fERR:ANZ PARK-LE�NGTON H�IMLINE-SNELLING HAAr[LII�TE MACALESTER GROVEI.AND HIGHI.AND SiIIviMIT HII.L � � � DOtiVN'I'OlV�7 `� � � �� � ���� ���� � CiTIZEN PARTICTPATION PLA1�dI�1TNG DISTRICTS � Page i of 1 . n LJ �,� �� � � '�; ��.(��� � �� � � : � .._ Jobn Hardvtack - H1VIC request for continuance #06-127870 /� �// 1 �� �_. _ -- �._.,_ v �_ �_�«�,�1_��.�,:.�>,�.—�_ ...� ,_:,._ �----� /J ( j�:�-�!����--_ - . , � � From: To: Date: �ubject: CC: Linda Winsor <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> Wendy Lane <wendy.lane@ci_stpaul.mn.us>, John Hardwick <ohn.hardwick@ci. stpaul.mn.us> 9/1/200611:30 AM • HMC request for continuance #06-127870 Alan Ickler <aickler@mpls.kl2.mn.us>, Steve Wensman <stephen@ingrahaxn- associates.com>, Michael7on Olson <�chaeljon@hamlinemidwaycoalition.org>, Linda Winsor Qindajwinsor@yahoo.com> To: Wendy Land and 7ohn Hazdwick This is an early notification of the Hamline Midway Coalifion's (HMC) intent to file a request for continuance with the city to lay over the BZA hearing for 735 Snelling Ave. North, FILE NO: # 06- 127870. There is sufficient evidence to merit a 2 week delay unril Sept. 25th in order for the HMC Board of Directors to take a position on the pazking variance application. A suminary of the evidence will be submitted no later than Tuesday, Sept. Sth for your consideration. Please feel free to contact me. Linda Winsor Community Organizer Hamline Midway Coalition 1564 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone: 651-646-1986 Fax:651-641-6123 email: lindajwinsor@yahoo.com Want to be your own boss? Learn how on Yahoo! Sma11 Susiness. v l� file://C:�Documents and Settin�s�HardwiclL,oca1 Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 9/5l2006 To : The Q€fice of LIEP Hi my name is Brian Stand, I Iive at 1683 Huboazd Ave and have Isved tisere for four and ane hal€years now. We are a black and a batf away fram the proposed site of ihe restaurant. I I I?ave looked at the variance and f�el tkat this will not disrupt the meighborhoo�l. I also feel that the addition of this restauraut to tke neigttborhood will be a welcamed addition. There are no chaices far diuing in the area. I also feel that due to this there will be a lot of walldng 4racfic from both the community and the college. I support the parking variance. If you have aup questions ca11 me at 651-248-Q386. f �., �� �: . .----- � � �f � � � � ���� � �o: City of �t Paul L�p A'TTN: 3olzn fr�ardwick �� � �,._ _ n �� -- ��.,��-.�. . � _ ,� �_ �_:��:��� � ��� ��� ��� � � Fram Frank Crowley I am the awner of 154b Englewaod Ave directty across tihe stre�Y by the 3A 3ta�ion It has been brought to my attention that Fred Macultas is seeking a parking trariance far the properiy located at ?35 N Snelling Ave. I have read the staff report and looked at the variance that has been presented. I feel that with the 8 leased spots at Hamline �Iardware this vaziance should be aceepted. I do not feel that these � parking spots that are atready leasecf should be holding a business from opening it's doors. In a.ddition I feeI that the Pizza restaurane "Fatkieadz" will bring a great dining choice ta the area, not to menrion create walking tr�c to the block of Snelling and iVlinnehaha Ave. I support this variatace <� � Frank Crowley � � � TO Whoata it may concern £3e: Faeking Elariattce £or 735 Snetli�� Ave From: Cser� Iiagen 4/17I2006 I asn a bnsiaess oumer at 'T55 North Snelling Ave at Ham23ne Iiardware. I arn eery aware of the use of our parking lot i�t the rear ofthe Iiazc3ware stare and am coa�zdent tizat Ttae leased spots will not affect the business a£tke store, or the A�[irror a£Korea restaurant. I am aLso canfid�nt that a restauraut located at 735 N Snelling Aee will be an asse� to the community and bring much needed snpport to neighboring business in t1�e form of wallcing teaffie and fr6m the e�asure that the restaurant will give. I fully support the pazking variance. PS. I would like to work towards a study af how a shared parldng axrangement could make aur neighborhood a more customer friendly neighborhood and bring more use to the a�ailabte parking spots during peak and off peak hours. I feel thax this could be a great advantage to all of the business oa the block. � ,., f � . �-. : „ . .- il ��� ai.I `a � _'; � ��� o�-���g �dohn �ardwfick - F`wd: PEIbtKII�G VAYiI�PICE REQ�ST FOR 73S 5�E%.LYIaTG � • . �'eom: Linda Winsor Qindajwinsor@yahoo.com> '�o: 7ohn Hazdwick yohn.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> IBate: 4/8l200611:16 AM SubjecY: Fwd: PARI�TNG VAR3ANCE REQIJEST FOR 735 SNELLING 3ohn, Please pass on to the BZA. thank you, Linda Winsor Tim Bennett <faftaxes�tGnet> wrote: 'rom: "Jnn Bennett" <fafta�ces@att.net> Co: <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> iubject: PAR.KING VARIANCE REQUEST FOR 735 SNELLING �ate: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 11:00:59 -0500 Page 1 of 2 �� -� :Fi� �.. - I HAVE CONCERNS ABOUT THE PARKING VARIANCE BEING REDUCED TO 10 SPACES FROM iHE ORIGINAL REQUIRMENTS OF 18, IF THAT MEANS THAT �EAR LINDA WINSOR: THE ADDITIONAL 8 SPACES WILL HAVE TO BE OBSORBED BY ON STFiEET PARKING. THIS AREA OF SNELGING HAS ALWAYS CREATEQ A PROBLEM FOR CUSTOMER / CLIENT PARKING. MY CLIENTS COMPLAIN TO ME ON A REGULAR BASIS ABOUT NOT FINDING PARKING ON SNELLING AVE. THE LOSS OF 8 SPACES OF SNELLING PARKING REQUESTED WOULD BE VERY PETRIMENTAL TO THE ESTABLISHED SNELLING AVE BUSINESSES AND THEIR CLIENTS. AGAIN I SAY THAT THE ADDITION OF NEW BUSINESSES ON SNELLING WOULD BE A GOOD THING FOR ALL CONCERNED BUT NOT AT THE COST OF LOS7 PARKING ON SNELLING AVE. WE HAVE NO PLACED TO GO. SINCERELY, �� � �� � �� �Sp�1 of 2 Jod►n Hardwick - ffiVLC request for continuance #06-127870 �'rom: To: I}ate: Subject: CC: Linda Winsor <lindajwinsar@yahoo.com> John Hardwick <ohn.hazdwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, Wendy Lane <wendy.lane@ci.stpaui.mn.us> 9/5/2006 11:42 AM HMC request for continuance #06-127870 Alan Ickler <aickler@mpls.kl2.mn.us>, Steve Wensman <stephen@ingraham- associates.com>, Michael7on Olson <michaeljon@hwilinemidwaycoalition.arg>, Linda Winsor <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> To: Wendy Lane and John Hardwick The Hamline Midway Coalition (HMC) would like to receive a request for continuance with the city to lay over the BZA hearing for 735 Snelling Ave. North, FILE NO: #06-127870. There is suffficient evidence to merit a 2 week delay until Sept. ZSth in order for the HMC Board of Directors to take a position on the parking variance application. The HMC Land Use Committee will hold a public meeting on Monday, Sept. 11 to hear public testimony regarding the parking variance and make a recommendation to the HMC Board of Directors. The HIVIC Board of Directors will discuss the recommendation and make a decision regarding the recommendation at their boazd meeting on Sept 19th Here is Alan Ickler's (HMC Land Use Committee member) snu�uiary of the evidence HMC has received • to date. <I believe that a continuance on the variance request for pazking for 735 N. 5nelling should be requested because of community concerns. These concerns may or may not be valid after further investigation; however, the neighborhood needs time to address these issues. I have heard from 3 business owners on the block who haee concexns regazding the insufficient pazldng in tUis plan and the possible adverse affect upon their businesses. These three include Gary Carlson, who owns several buildings on the block and whose fauuly operates Iver Cazlson Windows; Kathy Suudherg who owns Ginkgo Coffeehouse; and Everett $om Shirtz Unlunited. ' Additionally, it appears that there may be overlap in the use of parking spaces that the pizza restaurant is plauning on leasing behind 761 N. Snelling. I had dinner at the Mirror of Korea on Saturday, September 2nd A sign is posted in the restaurant stating that customers may use the pazking behind the restaurant and hazdware store after Spm on weekdays, and after 2pm on Saturdays. The hostess did confinn this- Also, between 6:15 and 8pm, while there was regular turnover of cars in the lot, there were always four cars using spaces. Another issue is whether tenants from the apartments above the Mirror of Korea use the spaces.> Please contact me as soon as possible regarding HMC's request for continuance. thank you, � � � � �l�-��18 � � � � � � � � � � � � d � � W x a � x � � � m N 3 LL 0 h LL ro m � � 3 LL N LL °��; M�. ��� G� �, - �� � 6.� �� �.�Ql..v? �?C> � � � K � m U R 2 � � u � � � '.. N ¢ � O U 0 � � U � % � Q O U =_---� -�--- -� � ,-- x X � � 0 d � N N � � LL � LL I W 1 X � ( � N N � m > n � � � � � � � � y. C v° � � � � 66¢ �� pp° 6H �5 d � � � � � � � t FafJ � � > ¢ �'r � � � z � � � z � `.' �. _-.,.�, �3 Kr$a'Ra�I���i� ��.=Ya �� r" ��.�m..�� ." �a,��L1S �T �,LC; E�o' �� �� � '735 N. Sn��ti�g Ave, St Paul,lVf�a, 55144 �=�� ��'' (651) 27a-3998 • A�acalus Jr LLC DBA: �ath�adz �u�iea��s �lan �ath��dz witl be a neighborh�od res4aurant. Fat�eadz wi(I pr�vide its custo€ners with the finest meals rnade with the freshest ingredients. �atheadz will speciaiize in pizzas, subs and salads for its custom�rs. "ihe list ofi ingredienfs has yet 4o be dete�ined. �atheadz �viil also offer fhe opfion of take out f�IY12 I�1, and delivery. �atheadz wiil focus can these marksfs ' The Universify Student someone wt�o afitends hiamline University, w#'�ich is located only a half block away, and will be in walking distance to Fafheadz. The {Veighborhood Communi#y- someone wha lives in the cammur�fty and is in wralking and the delivery are8. The Daily Corr�muter� sameone traveling toifrom work, �ut shopping, delivering goods or services, or just out for a drive. Fatheadz is foCUSing strong{y on the delivery market with the b2lief fhat 75% af sales will be from deliveries after 8 pm. �atheadz wili penetrate the Uniuersity Student, the Meighborhood Community � and the Daily Commuter by its great location. �th the Univers'sty being sa close and with 3$,000 -41,000 vehicles driving by on Snetling Ave. each day; the locafiion s�rves as a great tool to the success of Fatheadz. Fatheadz financial picture is quife promising. Wifh peesonal t'unds and a toan obtained from Western Bank the remodeling and start up cost have already been financed. �atheadz has established two firm objectives it wishes to achieve in fhe next three years: 1. Gross IVlargin of 45% or more. 2. Net AftOr-tax Profit above 1 b°� of Sales. Fatheac3z mission is three fold, �vith each being as int�:gral to our success as the next. Product Mission - Provide custqmers the finest quality food in the most efficient time. Community Mission - Provide cammuniry support fhrQUgh cusfomer invotvemenf. Ecanomie Mission - Operate and grow at a profitable rate through sound ��. ecanamic decisions. Dear City of St. Pau1 office of LEIP, I am wriring as a graduate of Hamline University and current resident of 1616 Minnehaha Ave. While I absolutely loved my education and entue experience the four years I spent at the University there were maj or inconveniences with the area siurounding. My parents and I decided it would be wise and quite cost efficient to go without a caz during the school year. After a year I couldn't stand the food at Hamline. I was then left with very few choices if I wanted to Eat or }ust go some whece to hang out and socialize with my friends. The one time I ate at the Mirror of Korea I ended up throwing away an eleven dollar meal atteL two bites. The Black Sea isn't bad but not for everyone it becomes either that or gas starion food-not appealing or tasty at all. As I'm sure you are awaze neither one of those places aze accommodating for socializing with friends. As far as I can teil a pizza/sub style restaurant works in both of those capacities. Now as faz as the parking variance goes this place deseroes at least 8 spots if it contributes to its future success Ben Berger � SS ���a ���� John �aralwick - �+'�vd: � �oniaag Variance ,��-� _� ���. ��.��-�--��.�-�� - ���--�. �'ro�: Linda Winsor <lindajwinsar@yahoo.com> 'To: 7ohn Harrdwick <john.hardwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> I9ate: 9/19/2006 4:56 PM Subject: Fwd: RE Zoning Variance CC: Alan Ickler <aickler@mpls.kl2.mn.us>, stephen wensman <swens@usfamily.net> BeadStorml@ao�com wrote: From: BeadStorml@aol.com Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 16:39:12 EDT Subject: RE Zoning Variance To: lindajwinsor@yahoo.com Page 1 of 2 Linda -1 own and operate Stormcloud Trading Co at 725 Snelling Avenue North. It has come to my attention that a variance zoning hearing is being held on Monday for a proposed restaurant which would occupy the bottom floor of the building to my immediate north. The current zoning law states that a restaurant of the proposed size, with the proposed number of tables, must have at least eighteen (18) parking spaces reserved for its' use. At the current time there are two (2) reserved spaces available for that space. The landlord is proposing that on-street parking be used for all other patrons of the new restaurant. This would create a harclship for customers attempting to frequent any of the other businesses on this street: Gingko Coffeehouse, Stormcloud Trading Co, Midway Animal Fiospitai, Shirtz Unlim+ted, the Muslim center (which has had its own zoning varience request denied recentiy), Black Sea Restaurant, ivar Carlson Company, Hamline Hardware and tfie Blue Moon Restaurant on the northem comer. We (Gingko Coffeehouse, Stormcloud Trading Co., Midway Animal Hospital and Shirtz Unlimited) have had many problems with members of the Muslim center using our parkir�q lot for their patrons, but believe that we have finally managed to resolve most of those problems. We have on-going problems with patrons of Biack Sea � RestauranY parking in our parking lot. Adding another restaurant to the mix, so close to our parking lot and using the small amount of on-street parking that our own patrons rely upon, simply won't work. As you can teli from the list of stores above, there are many businesses operating here that already rely on on-sfreet parking. To add one more is non-productive and witl lead to angry patrons of all of the businesses, impacting ali of us negatively in an already dollar-tight economy. If you would like continued tax flow into the coffers of St Paul, you should not negatively impact the sales volume of already exisfing businesses by making it more difficult for their patrons to visit their establishmenfs. Therefore, 1 strongly object to any variance being granted for this proposed restaurant and request that the Councii tum down the zoning variance application. � � � Ct..lflY_\T___..___L.. _�.1 CY.�44�.._.....\LT.�a.�...�..:�T.�....� e,.,+:„,.,.�mo....,.�n�x��nnnnt u�rr� ot�ni�nnF `S�s,,.��_~��'i�-°'� of2 o�-a��ss� BBR - Sandi Graves, Beading Up A Starm • Stormcioud Trading Co ( www.beadstorm.com ) St Paul, Minnesota 651-645-0343 Linda Winsor Community Organizer EIamline Midway Coalition 1564 Lafond Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55104 Phone:651-646-1986 FaY:651-641-6123 email: lindajwinsor@yahoo.com Get your email and mare, right on the new Yahoo.com � �J Ol�-lttg �� {`vlo•//(�•\Tli.nnmcnfe or�� Caltinmc�T�arrl<xriri�T !l!`A� CPH"1t16C�TP.(lltl�( uTNr 9t7n�2nn� Page 1 of 2 3o�n Hardwick - Fwd: saaelling paridng variance From: Linda Winsar <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> 'To: John Hazdwick <john.hazdwick@ci.stpaul.mn.us> Date: 9/11/2006 2:39 PM Subject: Fwd: snell'tng parldng variance "Hugh L. Carlsan" <hdc@iverkcarlson.com> wrote: �rom: "Hugh L. Catlson" <hlc@ivenc�arlson.cqm> Co: <lindajwinsor@yahoo.com> iubject: snelling parking variance �ate: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:49:50 -0500 3eptember 11, 2006 Dear Linda, My e-mail is in regards for the request for a variance on parking. The concem is that a business with high parking requirements will push the customers away from current businesses on this block. Already located on the block surrounded by Minnehaha Avenue on the south, Englewood Avenue to the north, Snelling to the east and Fry Street on thewest: 3- 30 unit apartment buildings. (each with 15 garages and 14 -16 off street parking spots) 4- Single Family residences. (each has at Ieast 1 garage parking space) 3- Duplex rental buildings - No off sfreet parking for them 1- Four plex rental building - 2 off street parking places 1- Dental office with approx. 6 employees - no assigned off street parking 2- cuRent restaurants with a few shared off street parking spots 1- Coffee shop with about 10 fo 12 off street parking spots 7- other small businesses with approximately 28 shared off street parking spaces 6— apartments above the businesses on Snelling — 4 have 1 off street pazking space each Hancock Elementary school is on Englewood and eliminates parking for 2/3 rds of the block on the North side of Englewood, along with the extra cars of visitors and staff of the school creates a premium on parking places on Englewood. On Snelling in front of these businesses are 6 on street parking places, not even one per business. On Minnehaha there are 4 on street parking spots starting at the Snelling comer with one spot between the driveways. On the south side of Minnehaha is a Gas station and a bus stop etiminating park+ng for the first 113 rd of the block. South of Minnehaha on Snelling there is No Pazking on either side of the street. North of Englewood on Snelling there is No Pazkiug on either side of the street. Across Snelling to the east aze sevecal of the businesses with limited off street pazking and only 5 on street parlong spots to share. � S � • �. file://C:�Doeuments and Settings�Iaxdwici�I.ocal Settin�s\Temv\GW�OOOOI.HTM 9/13/2006 • � � lJl�-ll�g �-�� ,:-� 3, � , i=:Page�,2 d� � . �. �.,��ia;� -��' Y� _GS`' Before any variance is granfed to a new business i believe if would only be fair to present the current businesses with a plan of action as to where the cars will be parking. Sincere4y, Hugh L. Carison Linda Winsor Community Organizer Hamline Midway Coalition 1564 Lafond Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Phone:651-646-1986 Fax:651-641-6123 email: lindajwinsor@yahoo.com Stay in the know. Pulse on the new Yahoo.com. Check it out. 5 � file://C:�Documents and 5ettings�FIardwicj�I.oca1 Settings\Temp\GW�OOOOI.HTM 9/13l2006 Oct 20 p6 G�:13p MICHREL J OLS�M 651 641 6123 p.l �� � . ��a'�� i ���������, ������?��.� �: �i"�.�.d�'���l� H^�Lniir.e?aricB�;diag etyS�L�ond4�e�ue,Sair:iPaui,?AiJ55IC�t d e5: o'fEi-':q8i 0 ra:ct•;1a41-G1�3 `-' �isC L i9 zca6 Ciry CounoiImembers Benanav Bostro.n, Hanis, Helgen, �t4�n`.�omery, I,2n�y and Thure t i }a7. K�,llogg B?•rci. . St. Pai�(, Mid 55IO2 SenL,gecc: �?equest by FYed i°oTacalus �m�• Par�Z,;rzg V�ric3ne� ae'13� �'. Snei]in; Paeenne. �ear Membets of �l?e Saint Paul City Counci: At }rnur mce;ing on �,rouember i, 2aG� ; tte Cr,cmcil c*�il� he.ar an 2��;v�l of a r3ecision of Yt;e Potu:� ��t�7,oning Appeals �eayinU a parkir�� var?4nce in orc€t.r tb establish a resYaw at 7;5 N. ;��ieiiir,g.Avenu�. At tl timti, efthe BZ�'� aeari;�,;, t?�E� tia:��line .�?dv✓ay C�z;iti�n {Disirict Cou.?ciI 17 ) nad na offieial F usiri�n s.n ±his i: ;a;:, !zut that has cl�anged. i �L its uaeetzng an OcteL�er 17, 20�16, tl�e Hami:.re tvlicl��•.zy Cvaiirin7 �'i�i�(�} $c,3�'+� of Jirectors ti�.st.ed unan�r,zcu�ly to o�pose the reyne:st for a park�ing va�iance at 7�5 id. Sneiiir�g Avenae. TI2is fadla;�s a tl�ors�.cgh revie�,� ofThe natter �:,z:i � t�:cammendation of cr_�p�ositic� hy z_fie .'d14IC Lancl Use Cor.i .i;ttee. I# iy ur.p4r�, t#� note c�at t1�e Bcrard cf',3irec�ars camd. �'sts psas�ctivn flf appc>sitiun s�m�.,=�hat re�.uc;�ntly, r�co�,;�izing th�t he prap��ed us:; at 7?5 ;�l. Sr_e3ling?,.Pnue (a �;izca restauiatit) fi?s :he needs ofthe nei„ahbcrnc�d, a:�c;u�ii.� =c;�at ��i�'ents a,id the stud�nts, fariElty, ar..d stati;�rT��amline �J;aiver>i_(y. i tl�e I�ivSC ��ard feeis sl��n�ly ?:n:�t ��?e �co�sl�snat�e s;a�ki.n� issue.s mn the e,it?re b?oek caf tie�r� S31ei?i�s,�, Acenae be�ve�n t✓l;a?nLic�:La an� '.:�tglewood Aven��s r�cus� l�e addr.essed bei'ore a parking vzriance is issued te_nnv bt_.>=ne.�_ a�n the black. 'i�eref:�r�, i3ie :II:?� �uard c�t'Directcr� strongly L:�ges �ce C;ty "ini�.�i; �,:�ari� �uith th� j3i dt3tj �t13"5Lr',5S 0'.VRtYS OIl C�12� Fy iG CE./(,'j0�:+ Sl CfiP.7j)�c:IciiSt:;r',}�S�{Illa SQIUf4Q[I. Tiia :k you :toa� cor.sidera�:,,.i. Si ,c et ely, � t � �°"c-_ � �r ,.�� °. �''� �v� ���� �!`..f,.. `°---..� ' ;�i 3t>r, t�1so � � ;�xe;u��ve �irectaY Uera�edtarr,�.hi7a s�',,.r'I�rynlrneA:i�wa s:z.: �r,a,rfi�;,� ark. g ° ' y �2{ ` � l�:er j� .�� � 'e� tive �nd �" �«».� �,�.:>,.� E.:��..xu