226233Council File No. 226233 — By Milton'
Rosen —
Resolved, That upon the petition of
Karl F. Diessner and others, for the
vacation of Bigelow Avenue between
Griggs and Dunlap Streets, the section
of public street hereinafter described
be and the same hereby is vacated and
discontinued as a public street, viz: j
Donohue Avenue lying between
edg Street and Dunlap Street
subject expressly to the following con-1
ditions and reservations: 1
I. That the vacation be limited to
that part of Donohue Avenue lying
Street: Griggs Street and Dunlap'
2. That the vacation be subject to
all the terms and conditions of Section
1228 of the Legislative Code, as
,amended, regulating the procedure and
prescribing conditions for the vacation
of public ggr�ounds, streets alleys, and
highways in the City of Saint Paul.
3. That the petitioners pay to the
City the sum of $12,000 as compensa-
tion for the vacation and provide the
City with a bond in the amount of
Adopted by the Council December 9,
Approved December 9, 1965.
(December 11, 1965)