224690 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHWK ^ CITY � ST;; PAUL FOENCIL NO . � �ICENSE CQI�IlvICTTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUT N-GENERAL FORM � tRESENTED OY �J DA� AUgU.S'fi ,3� 1967 COMMISSIONEQ ��L�: That Application J�280�. for the. transfer of (�n Sa1e Liquor Zicense No. 6756 expiring January 31, 1966, issued to Conroy�s, Inc. at 2210 Hudson Road� be and the same is hereby transferred. to Prosper R. DeLisle and. Gerald J� Isaac�at 2210 Hudson �'oad. ' ON SALE LIO,TJOR ESTABLISHMENT TRANSFER (Corporation to Par�nership) Informally apnroved by Council July 13, 1965 A�G 31965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �c • Dalglish •nuG` 3 J A rov d � Holland PP 19— ' Loss Tn FavOx' ` Meredith p,...�Pr�.S6n C7 Mayor A$alIlSt Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis 7 1965 PUBLISHED AUG ion� e�s `�:.. .:S - - - ._ ...-------"._. . . . _..-�.-..�.�..�.�«,.. . � --'--,..i.�a,....:ra..a.s..d..�....�....�Y��e�.�-=,.u.� �� 3�S e,�_, �. z � � 9 0 � ��,�� 5=� --� � �� � C I7'lf O�,:°ST� PA U L � APPLICATI(�N FOR "C�N �SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE , ' � Application No.. ..�. ...__._._._ Ivame of Applica,nt._.PrQsper. Alchard�DeLis.le, Gerald J. Isaacs ... ......._...._..._...._..... Age.._._�.&_..��..._....__..___ Residence Address.....1.17�_E. Margaret & _1835�Mechanio Ave . . ........... ... .. ......__.....'Telephone No._.2��,.-$00�_&....�.��-777� Areyou a citizen of the United States?_.__.__..xes......_..._..._....._._.....___.__....._.___._..........._`..._..--.---_....---........._...._._..........._........_...._._ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature� ..._................x10.............._................................_.---._....._......_....---.-...._._�.._.._..__.._........._....___._...---._......-----........_...._....____.._...._..____._...�.....�...�------- �Vhen and where'?......................._..._.....__........_...._...._..._......._._......._.__.. ..................._.._........................_...._.........._...--•---.__.__..�...._._.._._.._..._._...+ If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation..........._....._..�._...._._..____........_____._.__...._...... _..__..__.._____�_.._.._._.._.._..__._.._. .._._...._..._. .__....._..._. .._..._....._.._........_.._..�._.__._�._.._—__.........._.._.....___....�:.--..---.__._..�.._.'_�__._._.__— - . r , ' "�� � When iiicorporated?..........._...._...._....__._........_..._.._._._..__...__..._..._................._..._...._...._..........._.___........_._._.:.....__...__.....__...._.._.:..._....'._:�..." If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?.._.__..__..._......._..__.....�___._.............._`._._ Howmany members?...................._._..._.......___._...._.___..._...._.__.__._ . , � Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partnership � � -° .._......._.................._ �Tames and addresses of Stockholders: _...._...._..._..._.............__._......_.. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known......W....._A. _I,��1 Irasuranee A eY1Cy .. ......:....$._...._...__._ _.__.. �.._.�......._-�----- �.T �d..�Q �i:,.e.. a���¢_ Number Street Side Between°What Cross Streets Ward � 2210 ; Hud.sot� Eoa�. South : McKnight and Howard How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?...�ope_ Neax' . ..............._...._...._..__..._ Ho�• many feet from a church (measured along streets) ?...........Ot1_e_..Mile._._ _ _ ___�_.� �_�.�.,�_y«��.., How many feet from closest public or paroohial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?..........._ _.............._........... Nameof closest school....__Ea8�er21_..H��..gh.�S...__...._....._.......... ........._..._..........._..._...._...._.........._..._._._...._...__..__..._._........_..._....-- How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?....._.COmm�Y'Ci81 _ ..................__..._...._._._..---.._....._...__._......---__.___ On_u�hat fto�r located?....._,M�.�.1�1..._._..._..........._...---.._._._...._....___.....................__.._..........._..._........__...._.........._...._..._..._........__......................_.............__ A're prem esl s owned by you or leased?...�a:s@d _ If leased give name of owner_Cla,��—Thomssen Co. ........_..........._._-�--- Ifa resta,urant give seating capacity?.........16.�.._..............._._..............._................_......_........_.........._...__.............._.........._...._...._............_.......__._._— If hotcl, seating capacity of main dining room?..........._..._.�..._............_.._...__.__.........._._._..._.._._...._._......._...._............__........ .........._........._._...._ Give trade name______.KYii�'ht_�S__SLi��AP Club -- - -----------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------------------------�-----�----------- Give below the �iame, or number, or other description of each additiona] room in which liquor sales are intended: ....... ..:::�._...........N�a�.t�_.....D�ni�?g_.and�Cocktail Lounge..-----_.._..... .. ...�.... ..................................._...._..___...._.._..._...._.._._._...___ � � � _...__.............__..._._._......_...._ (The information above mnst be given for hotels and restflurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?_..............._. _. __._.__. _. _...____._.._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (resta.urant or hotel)....._..._........__._._...._..._..........._.........._...._...._'.__....__..__._....._..._.___........ Give names and addresses of three business references:...._...._..___._____..__..........__.__.._..._..__..._..__.........._..._....._............_.........__.._._ 1......_...Mi:nneapolis-Federal_._Savings &._Loan....._..._. _._._.........._..._....._.....__......._............_. 2..-.---...Amer.ican....�Ia.ti�a.nal...B�ank....-..�Q�t.�x�_.��'nehl�.,_..Vice....President . _. __.__.__. _. ___. ... ... .. ... .........._..._.. 3..__......�'.�..x�.�.t._M��ak�,�a��_��.��a...�za�_.—_Eta�.�x��._��Q_o.m...-..H ead._Cas h�er.... THIS APPLICATION MUST B� VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE COftPORATION BE ATTACHED: �, SE� OTHER �IDE �a .,. � }