06-1112Council File # OG-1112 GreenSheet# 3035089 RESOLUTION Presented By: Referzed To: Date t WHEREAS, the Mayor has proposed budgets for the Ciry of Saint Paul for the fscal year beginning January 1, 2007, in accordance with 2 the City Charter and Chapter 56 of the Administrative Code; and 3 a WHEREAS, the City Council, after publication of the notice in the newspaper on December 5, 2006, participated in a public hearing on 5 December 12, 2006, on the Mayor s Proposed 2007 budgets, as required by the City Charter and applicable state and Federal laws; and 6 � WHEREAS, the Counal has revised the Mayors proposed budgets as herein set forth; now therefore be it s 9 RESOLVED, that in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the City Charter and other laws applicable thereto, �o the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt the 2007 budgets as proposed by the Mayor with such monetary changes, addition �t and deietions as are hereby adopted and which, along with total budgets, are set forth on the attachments to this resolution; and be it tz t3 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expenditures in dollars as may be made by the several o�ces, departments, bureaus, and agencies of �a city government during the fiscal year 2007 shall be, and are hereby approved, and adoption of these budgets shall constitute �s appropriations of the money amounts as set at the department budget total in the General Fund budget, the project total in the Capital te Improvements budget, and the fund budget total in all other cases. 17 �a FURTHER RESOLVED, that the estimated fnancing set forth in the 2007 adopted budgets is hereby approved; and be it 2o FURTHER RESOLVED, that the adoption of the 2007 budget for the Community Development Block Grant Fund (100) is a multi-year 2t budget based on estimates for a grant which has a fiscal period that differs from the City's normal budget year (January 1 through 2z December 31), the authority to implement this adopted multi-year budget commences only at the beginning of the grant period, 23 and shall e�end beyond December 31, 2007, through the end of the grant period and; during the year when the grant is accepted za by the City Council, the budget will be amended to match the actual grant amount for the entire multi-year period; and be it zs 2s FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is directed to publish the 2007 budget summary pursuant to Minnesota Statutes section 2� 471 6965 in the format prescribed by the Office of the State Auditor; and be it 2a zs FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Director of Financial Services is hereby authorized to prepare the final 2007 Budgets in accordance ao with the actions taken herein and to equalize, balance or set the final department revenue sources and department appropriations as 3t necessary. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By. ' Approved by Ma � . a� � �1 � By: o1e��uu � OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z'.S Office of the Mayor, Financial Services By: Matt Smith, Director, Financial Services Approval Recommended by Director of Financial Services c BY . Form Approved by City Attor e: By: !�`'L- / Approve y May r for ubmis � n Cou � ay: PreparetlbytheSaimPauloRCeofFinannalServices(cWharea�BUtlget@oa]\councrlViesolu4onciyBUtlget�21aO6exl ivoVos) Adopted by Council: Date �a/�—��G�� � Green Sheet Green � o�-<<<�� Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initiated: FS — FinancialServices OGDEG06 Green Sheet NO: 3035089 Contact Person & Phone: � Deoartment Sent To Person Initial/Date MaH Smith 0 � ancial Servi � ASSign 1 �nancialServices De arhnentD'uector u Must Be on Councii Agenda by (Date): Number 2 ' Attome 13-DEC-06 . For RoUting 3 or's Office a r/Assistant Order 4 uncil 5 lerk ' Clerk ToWI # of Signature Pages ` (Clip All Locations for Signature) � Action Requested: Approval of Council Resolurion adopting the 2007 annual budgets. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Foliowing Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CB Committee Yes No � Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The City Charter requires that an annual balanced budget be adopted. Timelines aze set by State Statute and City Ordinance. The City Council has completed its review of the budgets, and has made laiown its recommended changes for adoption. AdvanWqes If Approved: The City will be in compliance with City Charter and State Law. �a �a�°3d�Z . 'i"fi a,.e,�t,�s'i G.k9 DisadvanWges If Approved: � N�A �._� � �� acas � ; ;,��N�£��� Disadvantages If Not Approved: The Ciry will be without an adopted budget far 2007. In accordance with the City Charter, the service priorities, financing esrimates, and spending appropriations for 2006 would be carried forwazd into 2007 and become the 2007 budget. Total Amount of CosVRevenue Budgeted: Transaction: Funding Source: ActiviN Number: ��� ��"���� Financial Information: (Explainl re�� � e; 2Q�gg iJ t�o U(�- /// �- 2007 Budget Balancing Status Generai Fund Dollar T2cker-December 13, 2007 Budget Meeting Office of Finandal Services Reportdate/4me: 12/22/2006 2:0O:OOPM FINAL Page 7 of 3 Mayor's Proposed Budget.. Gene21 Funtl MayoYS Budge[TOqI Gap' Excess / (Shortfail) Technical Changes to the Mayor's Budget... Ciry Attomey Cost Recover for excessrve consumption Generel Govemment Accounts Retluce the Central Tort Claims butlget GenerelGovemmentACCOUMS IncreasetheTOrtLiabililybutlget General Govemment Accounts IGR budget refinements (info onry, no tlollar change) MayoYS Offce GraM to funtl a portion of hvo saianes MayofsOffce EliminaterevenuevansferROmPED Public Works Cortecl VJPA Reimbursement Non Department Financin9 Cortect Property Tax Finanang Non Department Financing Property Tax Financing (from Debt Restructuring) Non Department Finanang Revise Hotel Motel Tax FinanGng estimate Non Department financing Remse District Energy Finanang estimate Parks New Lease Agreement for Como Streetcar Station Parks Retluce Park's Tort Claims budget Parks Increase Park's Workefs Compensation budget Parks Pnvate donahons to atltl back Music in the Padcs Po6ce Retluce Pohce's Tort Claims budget Police Increase Polroe's Workets Compensa4on budget Technolo9y Cable Funtl trensfer Safery & Inspection HPC Annual Avrartls Safery & inspection ReFlect DSI Reorganization in the butlget Safety & Inspecpon Reflect DSI Reorganization in the budget Budget After Technical Changes Gap Excess / (Shortfall) Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... none Budget After Policy Changes Gap: Excess / (Shortfalq Council Changes to the Proposed Budget... Police Add public safety spentling (offcers, sergeant, summer overtime, grant matches) Non Deparimenl Revenue Increase Property Tax Financing for public safety spending General Government Accounts Establish Worker's Compensalion Contingency Non Department Revenue Distnct Ener9y Franchise Non Department Revenue Shik Lery Pinanang to the Library Generel Fund Non Department Revenue ShiR LGA Finanang to the L�brary Capital Butlgei Reflecl the STAR Capital Program (equipmemt) Fire Shift general funtl capital spending to STAR Frte Shift special fund capital spending to STAR Pol�ce Shift gene2l fund capital spending to STAR Police Shift speaal funtl capitai spending to STAR Non Department Revenue Shift other rapital spentling to STAR Rre Remove Fundin9 for Fire RecruitAcatlemy Fire and place into MayoYS Contingency Parks Funding for rec center transition (one time) Parks Weed harvesting at Como and Phalen lakes-cosmehc costs Police Add public safery spending (officers) Non Department Revenue Reduce levy increase Polwe Recognize savings from delayed hiring of offcers Technology Libary wFf IS support (staff and overhead) Technology Delay IS support neetls in 2007 Safery & Inspection Transfer from Sewer Fund to cover overheatl costs for animal control offcers City Council Eliminate pro�ec[ed transfer from the HRA Non Department Revenue RCVA - interest on ativance from CuRural STAR Non Departmenl Revenue RCVA - interest on ativance From Neighborhood STAR General Government Accounts COPP (funded thmugh NIPP antl a transfer from speaal funds) Butlget After Council Changes Spending Financing m.zio,ssa i�i.2io.ssa 771.27 0,398 171.210.398 25,000 (47,500) 47,500 Budget Neutral 55,074 (55,074) (1,700,000) 1,700,000 150,000 as,eoa 42,639 s,aoo s,aao (20,000) 20,000 21,768 21,768 (81,50�) 81,500 50,000 3,000 (3,0�0) Butlget Neutral 171,237,566 171,551,005 313,439 171,237,566 771,551,005 313,439 889,217 889.217 109,934 30,000 (206,683) (319.827) (725,000) 560,317 (40,986) 31,708 166,989 (120,000) 120,000 t53,275 75,000 5,362 641,680 (889.21� (347,458) 32,800 32,800 (72,227) (12,221) 17.794 (79,322) 16,203 81,016 90,�00 90,000 172,034,169 172,034.169 Gap Excess / (Shortfall) O(� 2007 Budget Balancing Status Special Funds and Debt Dollar Trecker-December 13, 2007 Budget Meeting Office of Finanaal Serrices Report tlate/time: Page 2 of 3 72/22Y20�6 2:00:00 PM FINAL Mayor's Proposed Budget.. SpeualFunds Debt Service Funtls Mayofs BudgetTOtai Gap' Excess /(Shortfall) Technical Changes to the Mayofs Budget... Debt Debt Fire Fire Fre Fire OFS OFS MayoYS Office Mayofs Office Parks Parks Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Safety & Inspection Safery & Inspection Safery & Inspection Technology Technology Public Works BudgetARerTechmcalChanges Gap Excess/(Shortfalp Correct WPA Reimbursement Correct Property Ta� FinanGng Roll unspent grent balances over into 2�07: 2004 UASI Grant (CAD equipment) 2005 UASI Supplemental Grant (aoo MHz ratlio) 2006 UASI Grant (800 MHz radio system) Establish new actrviry for CAS tlisparity study Revise Hotel Motel Tax Establish new activity for Earty Childhootl Initiative Shift portion of Eduqtion Director Salary to Eary Chiltlhootl Inidative Summary Abatement budget refnements Add back Music in the Parks Roll unspent 9rant balances over into 2007. Cops More 2002 Sewre Our Schools African American Immigrant & Muslim Healin9 SL Paul Police Foundahon (2006 Donahons) Minnesota MiliTary Affairs (new agreement) Ad�ust Ciothin9 Tmst Funtl {for any new officers) State E971 Fee Remove HPC Annual Awards from speciai Fund Matching Funds. Grant for HPC Comp. Plan Development Reflecl DSI Reorganization in the budget Delay PEG qpital spending projects from 2006 to 2007 Reflect PEG spending antl financing adjustments in the budget Adtlihonal transfer to wver overheatl costs of 2 animal control offcers Policy Changes Proposed by the Mayor... Debt Undetertninetl Butlget After Policy Changes Gap. Excess / (Shortfalp Debt Restructuring (interesi rete antl 25 year bonds) Advance Funding\Costs forNe Republican Nahonal Convenlion Council Changes to the Proposed Budget... Fire Poise and Public Works Other Department Pubhc Works Public Works Public Works Technology Debt Debt Technolo9y Technolo9y Butlget After Policy Changes Shift special fund capital spending to STAR Shift special fund capiql spentling M STAR Shift oNer capital spending M STAR Move portion of sidewalk spentling to CIB Atltl cost For bond payment relatetl ro sitlewalk CB spending Retluce use of funtl balance Document Mana9ement Atltl revenue related to bond payment from ROW fund for sidewalk spending in CIB Increase tlebt payment on CIB bonds to inclutle sitlewalks Place PEG grent sp¢ntling (redirect from SPNN) in MayoYS Contingen�y Use of Fund Balance to keep OCC whole (from Mayofs PEG Contingency) Spending Financing zia.tsz.sz'I zls.isz.s27 55,997,279 55,991,279 274,143,800 274,143,800 t,�oa,00a (1,700,000) 519,750 519,750 685,945 685,945 1,043,000 1,043,000 300,000 300,000 92,970 92,970 248,814 248,914 (49,500) (49,500) Budget Neutral 21,768 21,768 58,10� 58,100 244,000 244,000 115,935 715,835 6,425 6,425 11,500 11,500 Budget Neutral Butlget Neutral �a,000� �e,000� 20,000 20,000 Budget Neutrel 31,000 31,000 Butlget Neutral 17.794 17.794 277,502,801 277,502,601 0 (150,000) (750,000) Place Holder 277,352,801 277,352,801 Budget Neutrel Budget Neutrel Budget Neutrel (510,549) 68,924 (441,625) (300,000) (30U,000) 68.924 68.924 195,000 195,000 276,875,100 276,875,700 Gap. Excess / (Shortfall) Ol� 2007 Budget Balancing Status Capital Improvement Budget Dollar Trecker-December 13, 2007 Budget Meeting Office of Finanaal Sernces Report date/4me: Page 3 of 3 72/22/2006 2:OO:ODPM FINAL Mayor's Proposed Budget.. CapRal Improvement Budget Mayofs Butlget Total Gap: Excess / (Shortfall) Technical Changes to the Mayor's Budget... Sewer Ulility Funtl Capital Improvement Bonds Pubiic Safety eonds RiverCentre RrverCenVe Neighhorhood STAR Neighhorhood STAR Cultural Star Cultural Star Cultu2l Star Budget ARer Technical Changes Gap: Fxcess / (Shortfail) Sewer Tunnel Rehabilitation project Westem Distna Police Station Wes[em Distria Police Station Revised Sales Tax Revenue Estimate RiverCentre Debt Service Revised Sales Ta�c Revenue Estimate Neighborhood STAR Progrem Revised Sales Tax Revenue Estimate Loan Repayment Estimate Revisetl Cuttu21 STAR Progrem Spending 68,554,000 68,554,0�0 3,000,00� (5,275,000) io,sss,000 iao,aoa 225,000 (117,181) Financing sa,ssa,000 68,554,000 3,000,000 (5,275,000) 10,585,000 780,000 225,000 45,000 (162,181) 77,151,819 77,151,819 Council Changes to the Proposed Budget... Public Works CIB Revised for Public Safety Bonds and ROW Sidewalks Public Works Move portion of ROW sitlewalk spending to CIB Publw Works Increase CIB Bontl STAR Create the Capital Program (equipment) antl place Funding for all Fire appareNS into Mayor's Contingency STAR Eiiminate Mayor's NIIF Progrem STAft fteduce neighborhootl star program spentling antl redirect to public sa(ely cap pro9ram STAR Funtl new public safely capital pmgram wi[h previous NIIF and NH Star progrem allocap� STAR Eliminate Mayor's NIIF funtling proposal ro create the Capital Program (equipment) Butlget After Counal Changes 510,549 510,549 Budget Neutral Q00,000) (825,000j 1,525,000 77,662,368 77,662,368 Gap: Excess / (Shortali)