224681 , , . .t�;���R-�. 1 , . : ,� _ ;�f�,., , i i 1 r, { `` . 6,�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK \ �r,,,.i^'� � _ '' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa 2 _� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY .`�"FRANK L. LOSS Q •�t�.� COMMISSIONEQ DA� . Resolved,, that an extra in theFamount of $11�.98 be al- �I.owed under �ontract G No. G 3937 between the City of Saint Paul , r• - and United States Steel Corporation, said contract for Cleani.n� . - And Painting Fosts and Rails and Installation of Ivew Fencing' � at Dunning Tennis Courts, Saint Paul and aid extra to cover removal of top rail on existing framework�; cutting posts to . proper height, and replacing top rail. This work was rec�uest- ed by the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Build- ings, and agreement made with the contractor, and a memorandum of said agreement filed with the Comptroller and countersigned by him. c���/�—Z Z y � Approved r� " • V ty Comp'troller - � � . AUG 3 1965 COLTNCILI►�N ' � Adopted by the Council 19— , �� �. Yeas Nays , •� Dalglish AUG 31965 Holland � � Approv d 19— Loss • Tn Favor ' • • Meredith .l?eFerscm— !� . Mayor Rosen v ASainst ' Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED AU[� 7 �9�i , •� ioa� e�s . � ,r - � �' / ����"d , �: ' '; ; . �� 224���. -. . , �_ � , . , ; ... . � July 16. 196� � �� . � ,_� Hon. Frank L. Lo�s � .'�,'; - Cam�nission�r of Park• And R��r�atio�i . � � And Pub�ic Buildi�q• ���� � �, . ,:.=,.L Sub�ectt Job No. 6�•33 . ', � � �` ; . � � • . , . Dfar Sir� ' � . � � .��.,� � Contract No. (3�937 w�s award�d to Un�t�d Stat�• �t*�� Cos- poration fo,r th� Cl�anin9 and Paintihq ef ,�'��tR and �R,�ils �`•, and the In�tallation of New F�ncinq ,at Dunninq 1'�nn�,�� �oarts. � S�int Paul.. • . , .}�,- ' � � . � ' . . � - . During thi course of �hf work it was iound �o b� d�sii�abl� � � to do additional wark� and n�qotiations h�va b��n conduct�d , with th• Contractor who will do th� fo'�lowinqR ' .. , � _ Remov� ald top rail on exibting fram�work � t�t th� post• to proper h�ight� and ' � , • , RQplact tAp rail prior to inst�ll�tion of f�ncQ fabrie , ' for � total extra of 5114.98. This ia � r�a�onabl• amount� . .' . for the labor 'and mat�rial invalv�d� and it is r�qu�st�d tha� � , a resolu�ion be subaitt�d to tht Council �uthorizinq this •x• , tra. . . - � � . , � Yours truly. . , � . � � � . - ; � . � � � � � � . .� . . - � R�b�rt L. /1�s � � . . . � �'� City Ar�hit�ct � � .. � .. � . , _ a � . . CC t . � ' � � . � . I�Is. �dmut�ds , . . � : � � �lr. B�11Y� .� ~ � . . Mr. Blu�� ' � � . , �. . __.. �� tLICATC TO MINT[R �� � �'i CITY OF ST. PAUL courtca � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . "`�"�D"' FRAAgC L. LOSS COMMISSIONE� DA� Resolved, th�t an extr� 3n the �mount of �r11�.98 be �1- lowed under Contr�ct C3 No. G 39�7 betw�en the City o£ Sain-� Pa�l and United St�tes Stee]. �orpor�tion, ��id contrac� fo� �le�ning And Painting PostS �nd Ra31s a�nd Installation of New Fencing �t Dunning Tenni� Coyr�s, Saint aul �nd :�id axtrs� to cQves removal of �op rail on existing framework, cutting posts, to proper height, �nd repl�c3ng top rail. 7his work w�s r�queat- ed by the eomm�ssioner of Pa�k� And Reereation And Publi.c Build- ings, �nd agreement m�de with the contractor, �nd a memor�ndum of ��id agr�ement filed with the Comptroller and c;ounter��.gned by h�.m. � Approved City omptro].ler AU G 3 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ' 19— Yeas Nays n�lglish . AUG 31� Holland Approv� 19— Loss _ Tn Favor Meredith .� Mayor A►g'81I18t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e.es