224667 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK ��4�� L ti� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '- .` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO 'V � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED E COMMISSIO pArF JLl_y 22j_],965 RESOLVED, That the Council hereby agproves the award of the Puxchasing Co�snittee therefor, and here'by awaxd.s contract for �"urnishing and delivering to the City o� Sa3nt Paul, De�partment of Public Works, Bureau of Municipal Equipment, 891 North Dale, Saint Paul, Minnesota, One Pettibone SPeedall PM 2�+5AD Hercules D-339H Two- ya,rd Diesel-pa�rered �Tractor Shavel with Petti�bone A5-3111 Bucket, to PETrIBONE , ,� . , , MIlVPIESOTA CORPORATION 3n accordance with City specifications there�or hereto at�ta,ched and the Formal Bid #1331 of said Pettibone Minnesota Corporation at a contract price of' $1�+,800.00, such bid being the lowest and sa3d Pettibone Minnesota, Corporation being a re�,sonable and reliable bidder and the Corporation CoLm.sel 'be and hereby is authorized to draw up the proper �orm of contract therefor and the proper City officials axe hereby d3rected to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Forma,l Bid #1331. COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Counci� JuL 3 � � I9— Yeas Nays Dalglish ���3 01965 Holland Approveci 19— Loss Favor Meredith � Pete rs on V �ByOr Rosen ASainst BLISHED AUG 7 �9� ' Mr. President, Vavoulis 1oa� e.es DUrLIWT[TO MINT[R ��'�� P� » � / � � , � CITY OF ST. PAUL couKCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO- �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �ESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATC Ju�y �2�],�65 R�BO�D, �.t the Counc�l her�eby agprcr�s the a,t��drd crP 'F�e Purch�,sing �pe�t.ttee tb,er�for, and hereby �,r�.a cary,tr�t �a� fuxn:Lahirig and deltfrnring ta the C3ty arP &�i�t Paul, I�ia,rtment cF Pub1.�.0 �Tork�� Bur�eau c�f' Mu�.cipa�. �.P�aen�, $gl Bprf,h l�,le, sain� 1'a�l, 1+�nnesota, �i.e Pe�ibt� SPeeda,].7. P�d 2k5AD Bercules D-339� �ro- ysrd Dies�l�ow�x�ec� Tx��or �hav�l �3.th Pe���b�,� A5'�3� �71.G.%�6G(I� � �. ..F71/pi �OTA t10�PORATIO� 3n. �.c�ord�acr� �.'h� C��y s�ecifYcet3ans �ts�or hereto at'tached. an�. th� �'orn�'. 8�.�. �1331 aP �3c� Pettibo�,e M,�.nnegata Carpor�.�da, e�t �, contr�ct Brfce of �1��840.fl0, �u�ch b�.d b�3ng t8.e l�at �ud s�.d Petti'bo�.� �irin.eso�, Corpor�.tiau b�ing a �.aon�b3s �nd rel�,ble bid�er aaul the Corpoz�.tian Caun�al be and hsreby �� �,u�h��iz�c� to d�r up t1�e ��oper foz�a. of contr�.ct there�or and the p�r C�.ty crP�3��1s ere h�reby direeted to cx�cu�e s�.id Gantz'�.ct t� beh� o� ti�e City o� Saint Pau.�.. � �'as^�,1. �id �1331. JUL 3 01965 COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �/�i.e� � t�7� Holland APPro�� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith ' Petersofl �ByOr �Ag8iA8t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis io�a sas