06-1109Council File # (� — O Green Sheet #�_����y` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 RESOLUTION Presented by OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I� WAEREAS, the Departrnent of Public Works has awarded contracts for conshuction of residential sffeet paving and lighting as part of the 2005 Residenrial Street Vitality Rogcam, and WHEREAS, the work was originally adopted by City Council Resolurion 04-1174, lmown as Log #SU-6600816, and WHEREAS, hvo alley storm seweis and upgaded stoccn sewer piping thruugh the Como Golf Course were added to the Arlington(Pascal RSVP project, and WHEREAS, Public Works recommends major revisions to the stonn sewer system at Dodd, Shyker and Baker to alleviate severe flooding problems, which is being done under the BakerBellows RSVP projec[, and WHEREAS, hansfer of funding from the 2006 Major Sewer Repair project is needed to fund these additions to the rivo contracts, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV ED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommenda6on of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capihal Improvemen[ Budget Committee, [hat $426,000 is available for appropdation in the 2005 Capital Tmprovement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby further amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the Fo]lowing particulazs: currene Budget FINANCING PLAN 2005 Residential Street Vitaliry COS-2T559 Assessment Bond Sueet Impv. Bonds MSA Falcon Heights CRWS District SPRWS West Saint Paul Sewer Service Fund CIB 2005 2,Q65,000.00 3,991,032.46 1,276,OOOAO 463,285.95 352,147.23 798,709.89 98,000.00 2,606,844.68 7,525,000.00 19,176,020.21 Change 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 426,000.00 0.00 426,000.00 Amended Budge[ 2,065,�Q0.00 3,991,032.46 1,276,000.00 463,285.95 352,147.23 798,709.89 98,000.00 3,032,844.68 7,525.000.00 19,602,020.21 SPENDING PLAN 2005 Residential Street Vitality C�5-2T559 Construction 19.176,020.21 19,176,020.21 426 000.00 426,000.00 19,602,020.21 19,602,020.21 FINANCING PLAN 2006 Major Sewer Repairs C06-2T930 Sewer Service Fund Mn/DOT 2,680,083.95 125,400.00 2,805,483.95 -426,000.00 0.00 -426,000.00 2,254,083.95 125.400.00 2,379,483.95 o(� II o� 54 55 56 57 58 59 SPENDING PLAN 2006 Major Sewer Repairs C06-2T930 Constxuction 2.805.483.95 2,805,483.95 -426 000.00 2,379.483.95 -426,000.00 2,379,483_95 Fhe St. Paul I,ong - $ange Capttal Improveme�a gudgg{ Cpmttcittee received this zeqnesfi on �itate) � t` �� .,.�and:scommenes �gnod; ��d� ��r-+t� � Requested by: Department of Public Works PTK/ja� IOJll/06 s �' j �� Form Approved by City Attomey ` BY- �/.sa �''< ?�.�.� Adopted by Council: Date /��/,3�j�� r Adop6on CeLtified by Council Seccetary BY� ////�i� �i��c.�5 J� Approved y : Date /Z —/� O(o s �� Form A ov v M 2 S 'ssion to Council By: ! ����s. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � //�q PW - Public Wodcs Contact Person & Phone: Paui Kurtz 266�6203 Must Be on Couneil qqenda Dx. Type: RESOLUiION W/$ 7RANSACI EaocumeMRequired: N DocumentContact PaulKurtz Contact Phone: 266�6203 Date Initiated: �5�0(."GO6 � Assign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI LoeaEOns for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3033369 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 E 03n � FS aei ' A rn r' O�ce Ma or t iCountil Citv C�unc,7 G1tv Clerk (Stv Clerk Approval of attached Resolution amending the spending and financing plans of the 2005 Residential Street Vitality Progam and the 2006 Major Sewer Repair project. ttlations: Appro�e (A) or Reject (R): Pianning Commission CIB Committee Ctil Senice Commission Personal fhe 1. Has this persoNfi�m e�er waked urider a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/Bmi e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not nortnaity possessed by any current city empoyee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheetand attach M green sheet Initiafing Problem, lssues, Opportunily (INho, Whaf, When, Where, Why): Two alley storm sewers and upgraded storm sewer piping through Como Golf Course were added to the Arlington/Pascai RSVP contract and major revisions to the storm sewer system at Dodd, Stryker and Baker to alleviate severe flooding problems were added to the BaketBellows RSVP contract. Funding for these addi6ons will be transfetred from tFte 2006 Major Sewer Repair projec[. AdvantageslFApproved: There will be sufficient budget in [he 2005 RSVP pmgtam to pay for these contract addi6ons. Disadvanha5les NApproved: None. �J�� � � Z��6 Disadvanqpes M NotApproved: There will not be sufficient budget to pay the contractors for Uris additional sewer work. �om�wmountot � 426�00 Transaction: Fund�n� source: Sewer Senrice Fund Financial Infortnation: (Explain) CosHRevenue BudgeMd: y AcWityNumh¢r: Cp$_2T559, CA6-2T930 �;�5 �1;-�, D�C � h' ?"P� October 5, 2006 7:49 AM Page 1